Example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject getAsJsonPrimitive

List of usage examples for com.google.gson JsonObject getAsJsonPrimitive


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.gson JsonObject getAsJsonPrimitive.


public JsonPrimitive getAsJsonPrimitive(String memberName) 

Source Link


Convenience method to get the specified member as a JsonPrimitive element.


From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.ImgTileAssemblyLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Img crop key.//from w  w w  . ja  v  a 2s . c o m
 * @param json the json
protected ImgTileAssemblyLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json) {
    columns = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("columns").getAsInt();
    rows = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("rows").getAsInt();

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.ImgTileSelectLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Img crop key.// w  w  w  .ja  va2  s  .co m
 * @param json the json
protected ImgTileSelectLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json) {
    sizeX = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("sizeX").getAsInt();
    sizeY = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("sizeY").getAsInt();
    positionX = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("positionX").getAsInt();
    positionY = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("positionY").getAsInt();
    toroidal = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("toroidal").getAsBoolean();

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.ImgTileSubnetLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Rescaled subnet key.
 * @param json the json//from  www  .  j a  va  2s .  co  m
 * @param rs   the rs
protected ImgTileSubnetLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    super(json, rs);
    height = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("height").getAsInt();
    width = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("width").getAsInt();
    strideX = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("strideX").getAsInt();
    strideY = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("strideY").getAsInt();
    JsonObject subnetwork = json.getAsJsonObject("subnetwork");

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.ImgZeroPaddingLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Img crop key./*from w ww.j  a v  a2 s . c o m*/
 * @param json the json
protected ImgZeroPaddingLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json) {
    sizeX = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("sizeX").getAsInt();
    sizeY = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("sizeY").getAsInt();

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.RescaledSubnetLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Rescaled subnet key.
 * @param json the json/*from w w  w  . ja va 2  s  .c  o m*/
 * @param rs   the rs
protected RescaledSubnetLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    scale = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("scale").getAsInt();
    JsonObject subnetwork = json.getAsJsonObject("subnetwork");
    this.subnetwork = subnetwork == null ? null : Layer.fromJson(subnetwork, rs);

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.SignReducerLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Sign reducer key.//  w  w  w.  j a v a2 s .c  om
 * @param json the json
 * @param rs   the rs
protected SignReducerLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    super(json, rs);
    head = getNodeById(UUID.fromString(json.getAsJsonPrimitive("head").getAsString()));

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.StochasticSamplingSubnetLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Rescaled subnet key.
 * @param json the json//w w  w  .  j  a v  a  2  s.  co m
 * @param rs   the rs
protected StochasticSamplingSubnetLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    samples = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("samples").getAsInt();
    seed = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("seed").getAsInt();
    layerSeed = json.getAsJsonPrimitive("layerSeed").getAsInt();
    JsonObject subnetwork = json.getAsJsonObject("subnetwork");
    this.subnetwork = subnetwork == null ? null : Layer.fromJson(subnetwork, rs);

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.layers.java.TargetValueLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Target value key.//from   w w  w .j a v a2  s.c om
 * @param json the json
 * @param rs   the rs
protected TargetValueLayer(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    super(json, rs);
    head = getNodeById(UUID.fromString(json.getAsJsonPrimitive("head").getAsString()));
    target = getNodeById(UUID.fromString(json.getAsJsonPrimitive("target").getAsString()));

From source file:com.simiacryptus.mindseye.network.DAGNetwork.java

License:Apache License

 * Instantiates a new Dag network./*  w  w  w .  j  a  va 2  s . c om*/
 * @param json the json
 * @param rs   the rs
protected DAGNetwork(@Nonnull final JsonObject json, Map<CharSequence, byte[]> rs) {
    for (@Nonnull
    final JsonElement item : json.getAsJsonArray("inputs")) {
        final UUID key = UUID.fromString(item.getAsString());
        InputNode replaced = inputNodes.put(key, new InputNode(this, key));
        if (null != replaced)
    final JsonObject jsonNodes = json.getAsJsonObject("nodes");
    final JsonObject jsonLayers = json.getAsJsonObject("layers");
    final JsonObject jsonLinks = json.getAsJsonObject("links");
    final JsonObject jsonLabels = json.getAsJsonObject("labels");
    final Map<UUID, Layer> source_layersByNodeId = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<UUID, Layer> source_layersByLayerId = new HashMap<>();
    for (@Nonnull
    final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonLayers.entrySet()) {
        Layer value = Layer.fromJson(e.getValue().getAsJsonObject(), rs);
        source_layersByLayerId.put(UUID.fromString(e.getKey()), value);
    for (@Nonnull
    final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonNodes.entrySet()) {
        final UUID nodeId = UUID.fromString(e.getKey());
        final UUID layerId = UUID.fromString(e.getValue().getAsString());
        final Layer layer = source_layersByLayerId.get(layerId);
        assert null != layer;
        source_layersByNodeId.put(nodeId, layer);
    final LinkedHashMap<CharSequence, UUID> labels = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (@Nonnull
    final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonLabels.entrySet()) {
        labels.put(e.getKey(), UUID.fromString(e.getValue().getAsString()));
    final Map<UUID, List<UUID>> deserializedLinks = new HashMap<>();
    for (@Nonnull
    final Entry<String, JsonElement> e : jsonLinks.entrySet()) {
        final ArrayList<UUID> linkList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (@Nonnull
        final JsonElement linkItem : e.getValue().getAsJsonArray()) {
        deserializedLinks.put(UUID.fromString(e.getKey()), linkList);
    for (final UUID key : labels.values()) {
        initLinks(deserializedLinks, source_layersByNodeId, key);
    for (final UUID key : source_layersByNodeId.keySet()) {
        initLinks(deserializedLinks, source_layersByNodeId, key);
    final UUID head = UUID.fromString(json.getAsJsonPrimitive("head").getAsString());
    initLinks(deserializedLinks, source_layersByNodeId, head);
    source_layersByLayerId.values().forEach(x -> x.freeRef());

From source file:com.smartling.cms.gateway.client.internal.CommandTypeAdapter.java

License:Apache License

public BaseCommand deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
        throws JsonParseException {
    JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject();
    JsonPrimitive prim = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("cmd");
    String commandName = prim.getAsString();

    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("getResource")) {
        String requestId = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("rid").getAsString();
        String fileUri = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("uri").getAsString();
        return new GetResourceCommand(requestId, fileUri);
    }/*  w  w  w.j  a v  a  2s.c o m*/

    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("getHtml")) {
        String requestId = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("rid").getAsString();
        String fileUri = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("uri").getAsString();
        return new GetHtmlCommand(requestId, fileUri);

    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("authenticationSuccess")) {
        return new AuthenticationSuccessCommand();

    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("authenticationError")) {
        return new AuthenticationErrorCommand();

    if (commandName.equalsIgnoreCase("disconnect")) {
        JsonPrimitive reason = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("message");
        String message = reason == null ? null : reason.getAsString();
        return new DisconnectCommand(message);

    throw new JsonParseException("Unknown command " + commandName);