List of usage examples for Sets powerSet
@GwtCompatible(serializable = false) public static <E> Set<Set<E>> powerSet(Set<E> set)
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public List<UnionUnit> toUnionSets() { val setSize = lists.size(); val subsets = Sets.powerSet(this.lists); /*//from w w w. j a v a2 s. co m * Used to remove the empty set and itself from the subsets. */ val predicate = new Predicate<Collection<?>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Collection<?> s) { val size = s.size(); return (size > 0) && (size < setSize); } }; val filteredSubsets = Sets.filter(subsets, predicate); val resultSize = filteredSubsets.size(); val result = new ArrayList<UnionUnit>(resultSize + 1); for (val subset : filteredSubsets) { val unionUnit = new UnionUnit(Sets.difference(this.lists, subset), subset); result.add(unionUnit); } result.add(UnionUnit.noExclusionInstance(this.lists)); return result; }
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private static List<ListMetric> foldMetric(String accountId, String metricName, String namespace, Map<String, String> dimensionMap, MetricType metricType) { List<ListMetric> metrics = Lists.newArrayList(); if (dimensionMap == null) { dimensionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } else if (dimensionMap.size() > ListMetric.MAX_DIM_NUM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many dimensions for metric, " + dimensionMap.size()); }/*from w w w . j a v a2*/ TreeSet<DimensionEntity> dimensions = new TreeSet<DimensionEntity>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dimensionMap.entrySet()) { DimensionEntity d = new DimensionEntity(); d.setName(entry.getKey()); d.setValue(entry.getValue()); dimensions.add(d); } Set<Set<DimensionEntity>> permutations = null; if (metricType == MetricType.System) { // do dimension folding (i.e. insert 2^n metrics. // All with the same metric name and namespace, but one for each subset of the dimension set passed in, including all, and none) if (!namespace.equals("AWS/EC2")) { permutations = Sets.powerSet(dimensions); } else { // Hack: no values in AWS/EC2 have more than one dimension, so fold, but only choose dimension subsets of size at most 1. // See EUCA-do dimension folding (i.e. insert 2^n metrics. // All with the same metric name and namespace, but one for each subset of the dimension set passed in, including all, and none) permutations = Sets.filter(Sets.powerSet(dimensions), new Predicate<Set<DimensionEntity>>() { public boolean apply(@Nullable Set<DimensionEntity> candidate) { return (candidate != null && candidate.size() < 2); } }); } } else { // no folding on custom metrics permutations = Sets.newHashSet(); permutations.add(dimensions); } for (Set<DimensionEntity> dimensionsPermutation : permutations) { ListMetric metric = new ListMetric(); metric.setAccountId(accountId); metric.setMetricName(metricName); metric.setNamespace(namespace); metric.setDimensions(dimensionsPermutation); metric.setMetricType(metricType); metrics.add(metric); } return metrics; }
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private static List<MetricEntity> foldAndHash(SimpleMetricEntity simpleMetricEntity) { if (simpleMetricEntity == null) return new ArrayList<MetricEntity>(); TreeSet<DimensionEntity> dimensions = new TreeSet<DimensionEntity>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : simpleMetricEntity.getDimensionMap().entrySet()) { DimensionEntity d = new DimensionEntity(); d.setName(entry.getKey());//from w w w .ja va 2 m d.setValue(entry.getValue()); dimensions.add(d); } Set<Set<DimensionEntity>> permutations = null; if (simpleMetricEntity.getMetricType() == MetricType.System) { permutations = Sets.powerSet(dimensions); } else { permutations = Sets.newHashSet(); permutations.add(dimensions); } ArrayList<MetricEntity> returnValue = new ArrayList<MetricEntity>(); for (Set<DimensionEntity> dimensionsPermutation : permutations) { String dimensionHash = hash(dimensionsPermutation); MetricEntity metric = MetricEntityFactory.getNewMetricEntity(simpleMetricEntity.getMetricType(), dimensionHash); metric.setAccountId(simpleMetricEntity.getAccountId()); metric.setMetricName(simpleMetricEntity.getMetricName()); metric.setNamespace(simpleMetricEntity.getNamespace()); metric.setDimensions(dimensions);// arguable, but has complete list metric.setDimensionHash(dimensionHash); metric.setMetricType(simpleMetricEntity.getMetricType()); metric.setUnits(simpleMetricEntity.getUnits()); metric.setTimestamp(simpleMetricEntity.getTimestamp()); metric.setSampleMax(simpleMetricEntity.getSampleMax()); metric.setSampleMin(simpleMetricEntity.getSampleMin()); metric.setSampleSum(simpleMetricEntity.getSampleSum()); metric.setSampleSize(simpleMetricEntity.getSampleSize()); returnValue.add(metric); } return returnValue; }
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/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void run() { int n = inputFiles.size(); List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(n); List<Set<String>> sets = new ArrayList<Set<String>>(n); for (File inputFile : inputFiles) { labels.add(inputFile.getName()); sets.add(read(inputFile));//from w w w .ja v a 2 s .c o m } VennModel<String> model = VennModels.createVennModel(sets); ImmutableMap.Builder<ImmutableBitSet, Set<String>> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet = Sets.powerSet(range(n)); for (Set<Integer> set : powerSet) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { ImmutableBitSet key = toImmutableBitSet(set); builder.put(key, model.exclusiveTo(first(key), additional(key))); } } Map<ImmutableBitSet, Set<String>> views =; PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out))); if (header()) { for (Map.Entry<ImmutableBitSet, Set<String>> entry : views.entrySet()) { write(true, buildLabel(labels, entry.getKey()), writer); } // todo trim extra \t writer.print("\n"); } if (count()) { for (Map.Entry<ImmutableBitSet, Set<String>> entry : views.entrySet()) { write(true, entry.getValue().size(), writer); } // todo trim extra \t writer.print("\n"); } else { List<Iterator<String>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<String>>(); for (Map.Entry<ImmutableBitSet, Set<String>> entry : views.entrySet()) { iterators.add(entry.getValue().iterator()); } boolean done = false; while (!done) { boolean left = false; for (Iterator<String> iterator : iterators) { if (iterator.hasNext()) { writer.write(; left = true; } writer.write("\t"); } // todo trim extra \t writer.print("\n"); done = !left; } } try { writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } }
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protected void setupTeams(Predicate<Prefix> allowedPrefixes) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Team> teamBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); // separate colours + formatting codes Set<ChatColor> colours = Sets.newHashSet(); Set<ChatColor> formatting = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ChatColor colour : ChatColor.values()) { if (colour.isColor()) { colours.add(colour);// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m } else { formatting.add(colour); } } Set<Set<ChatColor>> formattingCombinations = Sets.powerSet(formatting); int teamId = 1; int totalId = formattingCombinations.size() * colours.size(); Joiner joiner = Joiner.on(""); String reset = ChatColor.RESET.toString(); for (Set<ChatColor> combination : formattingCombinations) { for (ChatColor color : colours) { if (!allowedPrefixes.apply(new Prefix(color, combination))) continue; String prefix = color + joiner.join(combination); String teamName = "UHC-" + teamId; Team team = scoreboard.getTeam(teamName); if (team == null) { team = scoreboard.registerNewTeam(teamName); } team.setDisplayName("UHC Team " + teamId); team.setPrefix(prefix); team.setSuffix(reset); teamBuilder.put(teamName, team); teamId++; } } // unregister extra ids for (int i = teamId; i <= totalId; i++) { Team team = scoreboard.getTeam("UHC-" + i); if (team != null) { team.unregister(); } } teams =; }
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/** * Create and return the map of exclusive set views keyed by bit set. * * @return the map of exclusive set views keyed by bit set *///from w w w . j a v a2 s .com private Map<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>> createExclusives() { Map<ImmutableBitSet, Set<E>> map = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize((int) Math.pow(2, this.sets.size()) - 1); // construct a set containing 0...n integers Set<Integer> input = Sets.newHashSet(); for (int i = 0, size = size(); i < size; i++) { input.add(Integer.valueOf(i)); } // calculate the power set (note n > 30 will overflow int) Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet = Sets.powerSet(ImmutableSet.copyOf(input)); for (Set<Integer> set : powerSet) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { // intersect all in set Iterator<Integer> indices = set.iterator(); Set<E> view = sets.get(; while (indices.hasNext()) { view = Sets.intersection(view, sets.get(; } // subtract all in input not in set for (Integer index : input) { if (!set.contains(index)) { view = Sets.difference(view, sets.get(index)); } } // add to exclusives map map.put(toImmutableBitSet(set), view); } } // make an immutable copy? return map; }
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@Override public void recompile() { TIntIntIterator it = shaderPrograms.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { it.advance();//from w ww . j a va2 s . c o m GL20.glDeleteProgram(it.value()); } shaderPrograms.clear(); uniformLocationMap.clear(); shaderPrograms.put(0, shader.linkShaderProgram(0)); for (Set<ShaderProgramFeature> permutation : Sets.powerSet(shader.getAvailableFeatures())) { int featureMask = ShaderProgramFeature.getBitset(permutation); shaderPrograms.put(featureMask, shader.linkShaderProgram(featureMask)); } if (shaderParameters != null) { shaderParameters.initialParameters(this); } }
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public boolean merge() { // new NetlistGraph(netlist, null, true); Queue<MergeSimulationStep> steps = new LinkedList<>(); for (NetlistTerm t : netlist.getTerms()) { if (t.mergingAllowed()) { steps.add(new MergeSimulationStep(null, new HashSet<NetlistTerm>(), t.getLoopVar(), t.getDrivee(), null, t, t.buildingLoopbackAllowed())); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2s .c om*/ } Map<NetlistTerm, Set<Mapping>> matches = new HashMap<>(); MergeSimulationStep step = null; while (!steps.isEmpty()) { step = steps.poll(); evaluateStep(step, steps, matches); } // for(Entry<NetlistTerm, Set<GateMapping>> entry : matches.entrySet()) { // System.out.println(entry.getKey().getDrivee()); // for(GateMapping g : entry.getValue()) { // System.out.println("\t" + g.toString()); // } // } Map<Integer, Set<NetlistTerm>> cluster = new HashMap<>(); Map<NetlistTerm, Integer> idmap = new HashMap<>(); int id = 0; for (NetlistTerm t : netlist.getTerms()) { Set<NetlistTerm> tmp = new HashSet<>(); tmp.add(t); cluster.put(id, tmp); idmap.put(t, id); id++; } // for(Entry<NetlistTerm, Integer> entry : idmap.entrySet()) { // System.out.println(entry.getKey().getDrivee() + " -> " + entry.getValue()); // } // System.out.println("---"); for (Entry<NetlistTerm, Set<Mapping>> entry : matches.entrySet()) { int entryid = idmap.get(entry.getKey()); for (Mapping m : entry.getValue()) { for (NetlistTerm t : m.getTerms()) { int termid = idmap.get(t); if (termid != entryid) { for (NetlistTerm t2 : cluster.get(termid)) { idmap.put(t2, entryid); } cluster.get(entryid).addAll(cluster.get(termid)); cluster.remove(termid); } } } } // for(Entry<Integer, Set<NetlistTerm>> entry : cluster.entrySet()) { // System.out.print(entry.getKey() + ": "); // for(NetlistTerm t : entry.getValue()) { // System.out.print(t.getDrivee() + ", "); // } // System.out.println(); // } for (Set<NetlistTerm> terms : cluster.values()) { if (terms.size() == 1) { continue; } Set<Mapping> gms = new HashSet<>(); for (NetlistTerm t : terms) { gms.addAll(matches.get(t)); } SortedMap<Float, List<Set<Mapping>>> possibleResults = new TreeMap<>(); for (Set<Mapping> x : Sets.powerSet(gms)) { Set<NetlistTerm> tmpterms = new HashSet<>(terms); float size = 0; boolean validSol = true; for (Mapping g : x) { for (NetlistTerm t : g.getTerms()) { if (tmpterms.contains(t)) { tmpterms.remove(t); } else { validSol = false; break; } } if (!validSol) { break; } if (g instanceof GateMapping) { size += ((GateMapping) g).getGate().getSize(); } else if (g instanceof WireMapping) { size += 0; } else { validSol = false; break; } } if (validSol && tmpterms.isEmpty()) { if (!possibleResults.containsKey(size)) { possibleResults.put(size, new ArrayList<Set<Mapping>>()); } possibleResults.get(size).add(x); } } // System.out.println(terms); // System.out.println(possibleResults); // System.out.println("---"); Set<Mapping> result = possibleResults.get(possibleResults.firstKey()).get(0); for (Mapping m : result) { if (m instanceof GateMapping) { GateMapping g = (GateMapping) m; if (BDDHelper.isBuffer(g.getGate().getExpression())) { if (g.getMapping().values().size() != 1) { logger.error("Buffer vars != 1"); return false; } NetlistVariable driver = g.getMapping().values().iterator().next(); if (driver == null) { logger.error("Buffer driver null"); return false; } WireMapping nm = new WireMapping(driver, g.getDrivee(), netlist, g.getTerms()); netlist.replaceMapping(nm); continue; } netlist.replaceMapping(g); } } } return true; }
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/** * Create nodes.// w ww.jav a2 s. c om */ private void createNodes() { for (int i = 0, size = size(); i < size; i++) { PPath pathNode = new PPath.Double(); pathNode.setPaint(PAINTS[i]); pathNode.setStroke(STROKE); pathNode.setStrokePaint(STROKE_PAINT); pathNodes.add(pathNode); labelTexts.add(DEFAULT_LABEL_TEXT[i]); PText label = new PText(); labels.add(label); } // calculate the power set (note n > 30 will overflow int) Set<Set<Integer>> powerSet = Sets.powerSet(range(size())); for (Set<Integer> set : powerSet) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { ImmutableBitSet key = toImmutableBitSet(set); PArea areaNode = new PArea(); areaNode.setPaint(AREA_PAINT); areaNode.setStroke(AREA_STROKE); areaNode.setStrokePaint(AREA_STROKE_PAINT); areaNodes.put(key, areaNode); PText sizeLabel = new PText(); sizeLabels.put(key, sizeLabel); } } for (PText label : labels) { addChild(label); } for (PPath pathNode : pathNodes) { addChild(pathNode); } for (PText sizeLabel : sizeLabels.values()) { addChild(sizeLabel); } for (PArea areaNode : areaNodes.values()) { addChild(areaNode); } }
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/** * * @param singlePrefixPath, ordered single prefix path from a FP Tree * @return pairs of (frequent pattern, its support); returns empty map if * input is null or empty/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ */ public static Map<Set<Integer>, Integer> getFrequentPatternFromSinglePrefixPath(List<Item> singlePrefixPath) { if (singlePrefixPath == null || singlePrefixPath.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.warn("Nonsence to give null or empty input. Do you agree?"); return Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } Set<Item> itemSetFromPath = new HashSet<>(singlePrefixPath); Set<Set<Item>> powerSet = Sets.powerSet(itemSetFromPath); Map<Set<Integer>, Integer> r = new HashMap<>(); Util.removeEmptySet(powerSet).forEach(itemSet -> { int localMinSupport = FPTreeUtil.getMinSupport(itemSet); r.put( -> item.getId()).collect(Collectors.toSet()), localMinSupport); }); return r; }