Java tutorial
/************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009-2013 Eucalyptus Systems, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see * * Please contact Eucalyptus Systems, Inc., 6755 Hollister Ave., Goleta * CA 93117, USA or visit if you need * additional information or have any questions. ************************************************************************/ package com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.domain.listmetrics; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.persistence.EntityTransaction; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.backend.CloudWatchException; import com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.domain.DimensionEntity; import com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.domain.NextTokenUtils; import com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.domain.metricdata.MetricEntity.MetricType; import com.eucalyptus.cloudwatch.domain.metricdata.SimpleMetricEntity; import com.eucalyptus.entities.Entities; import com.eucalyptus.records.Logs; import; import; import; import; public class ListMetricManager { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ListMetricManager.class); public static void addMetric(String accountId, String metricName, String namespace, Map<String, String> dimensionMap, MetricType metricType) { EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(ListMetric.class); try { addMetric(db, accountId, metricName, namespace, dimensionMap, metricType); db.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } private static List<ListMetric> foldMetric(String accountId, String metricName, String namespace, Map<String, String> dimensionMap, MetricType metricType) { List<ListMetric> metrics = Lists.newArrayList(); if (dimensionMap == null) { dimensionMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); } else if (dimensionMap.size() > ListMetric.MAX_DIM_NUM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many dimensions for metric, " + dimensionMap.size()); } TreeSet<DimensionEntity> dimensions = new TreeSet<DimensionEntity>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : dimensionMap.entrySet()) { DimensionEntity d = new DimensionEntity(); d.setName(entry.getKey()); d.setValue(entry.getValue()); dimensions.add(d); } Set<Set<DimensionEntity>> permutations = null; if (metricType == MetricType.System) { // do dimension folding (i.e. insert 2^n metrics. // All with the same metric name and namespace, but one for each subset of the dimension set passed in, including all, and none) if (!namespace.equals("AWS/EC2")) { permutations = Sets.powerSet(dimensions); } else { // Hack: no values in AWS/EC2 have more than one dimension, so fold, but only choose dimension subsets of size at most 1. // See EUCA-do dimension folding (i.e. insert 2^n metrics. // All with the same metric name and namespace, but one for each subset of the dimension set passed in, including all, and none) permutations = Sets.filter(Sets.powerSet(dimensions), new Predicate<Set<DimensionEntity>>() { public boolean apply(@Nullable Set<DimensionEntity> candidate) { return (candidate != null && candidate.size() < 2); } }); } } else { // no folding on custom metrics permutations = Sets.newHashSet(); permutations.add(dimensions); } for (Set<DimensionEntity> dimensionsPermutation : permutations) { ListMetric metric = new ListMetric(); metric.setAccountId(accountId); metric.setMetricName(metricName); metric.setNamespace(namespace); metric.setDimensions(dimensionsPermutation); metric.setMetricType(metricType); metrics.add(metric); } return metrics; } private static void addMetric(EntityTransaction db, String accountId, String metricName, String namespace, Map<String, String> dimensionMap, MetricType metricType) { List<ListMetric> foldedMetrics = foldMetric(accountId, metricName, namespace, dimensionMap, metricType); for (ListMetric metric : foldedMetrics) { Criteria criteria = Entities.createCriteria(ListMetric.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("accountId", metric.getAccountId())) .add(Restrictions.eq("metricName", metric.getMetricName())) .add(Restrictions.eq("namespace", metric.getNamespace())); // add dimension restrictions int dimIndex = 1; for (DimensionEntity d : metric.getDimensions()) { criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("dim" + dimIndex + "Name", d.getName())); criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("dim" + dimIndex + "Value", d.getValue())); dimIndex++; } while (dimIndex <= ListMetric.MAX_DIM_NUM) { criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull("dim" + dimIndex + "Name")); criteria.add(Restrictions.isNull("dim" + dimIndex + "Value")); dimIndex++; } ListMetric inDbMetric = (ListMetric) criteria.uniqueResult(); if (inDbMetric != null) { inDbMetric.setVersion(1 + inDbMetric.getVersion()); } else { Entities.persist(metric); } } } public static void deleteAllMetrics() { EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(ListMetric.class); try { Entities.deleteAll(ListMetric.class); db.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * Delete all metrics before a certain date * @param before the date to delete before (inclusive) */ public static void deleteMetrics(Date before) { EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(ListMetric.class); try { Map<String, Date> criteria = new HashMap<String, Date>(); criteria.put("before", before); Entities.deleteAllMatching(ListMetric.class, "WHERE lastUpdateTimestamp < :before", criteria); db.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } /** * Returns the metrics that are associated with the applied parameters * @param accountId the account Id. If null, this filter will not be used. * @param metricName the metric name. If null, this filter will not be used. * @param namespace the namespace. If null, this filter will not be used. * @param dimensionMap the dimensions (name/value) to filter against. Only metrics containing all these dimensions will be returned (it is only a subset match, not exact). If null, this filter will not be used. * @param after the time after which all metrics must have been updated (last seen). If null, this filter will not be used. * @param before the time before which all metrics must have been updated (last seen). If null, this filter will not be used. * @param maxRecords TODO * @param nextToken TODO * @return the collection of metrics, filtered by the input */ public static List<ListMetric> listMetrics(String accountId, String metricName, String namespace, Map<String, String> dimensionMap, Date after, Date before, Integer maxRecords, String nextToken) throws CloudWatchException { if (dimensionMap != null && dimensionMap.size() > ListMetric.MAX_DIM_NUM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Too many dimensions " + dimensionMap.size()); } EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(ListMetric.class); try { Date nextTokenCreatedTime = NextTokenUtils.getNextTokenCreatedTime(nextToken, ListMetric.class, false); Map<String, String> sortedDimensionMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); Criteria criteria = Entities.createCriteria(ListMetric.class); if (accountId != null) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("accountId", accountId)); } if (metricName != null) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("metricName", metricName)); } if (namespace != null) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("namespace", namespace)); } if (before != null) { criteria = criteria.add(Restrictions.le("lastUpdateTimestamp", before)); } if (after != null) { criteria = criteria.add("lastUpdateTimestamp", after)); } if (dimensionMap != null && !dimensionMap.isEmpty()) { // sort the map sortedDimensionMap.putAll(dimensionMap); // now we are going to add a bunch of restrictions to the criteria... // note though there are certain dimensions we don't need to check. // For example if we have two dimensions, we don't need to check dimension 10 for // the first item or dimension 1 for the last item. int numDimensions = sortedDimensionMap.size(); int lowDimNum = 1; int highDimNum = ListMetric.MAX_DIM_NUM + 1 - numDimensions; for (Map.Entry<String, String> dimEntry : sortedDimensionMap.entrySet()) { Disjunction or = Restrictions.disjunction(); for (int i = lowDimNum; i <= highDimNum; i++) { or.add(Restrictions.conjunction() .add(Restrictions.eq("dim" + i + "Name", dimEntry.getKey())) .add(Restrictions.eq("dim" + i + "Value", dimEntry.getValue()))); } lowDimNum++; highDimNum++; criteria = criteria.add(or); } } criteria = NextTokenUtils.addNextTokenConstraints(maxRecords, nextToken, nextTokenCreatedTime, criteria); List<ListMetric> dbResult = (List<ListMetric>) criteria.list(); db.commit(); return dbResult; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } public static void addMetricBatch(List<SimpleMetricEntity> dataBatch) { EntityTransaction db = Entities.get(ListMetric.class); try { HashSet<ListMetricCacheLoadKey> loadedKeys = Sets.newHashSet(); HashMap<ListMetricCacheKey, ListMetric> cache = Maps.newHashMap(); Collection<ListMetricCacheKey> cacheKeys = prune(dataBatch); List<ListMetric> foldedMetrics = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ListMetricCacheKey cacheKey : cacheKeys) { foldedMetrics.addAll(foldMetric(cacheKey.getLoadKey().getAccountId(), cacheKey.getMetricName(), cacheKey.getLoadKey().getNamespace(), cacheKey.getDimensionMap(), cacheKey.getMetricType())); } for (ListMetric metric : foldedMetrics) { ListMetricCacheLoadKey loadKey = new ListMetricCacheLoadKey(); loadKey.setAccountId(metric.getAccountId()); loadKey.setNamespace(metric.getNamespace()); if (!loadedKeys.contains(loadKey)) { Criteria criteria = Entities.createCriteria(ListMetric.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("accountId", metric.getAccountId())) .add(Restrictions.eq("namespace", metric.getNamespace())); List<ListMetric> results = (List<ListMetric>) criteria.list(); for (ListMetric result : results) { ListMetricCacheKey key = new ListMetricCacheKey(); key.setLoadKey(loadKey); key.setDimensionMap(result.getDimensionMap()); key.setMetricName(result.getMetricName()); key.setMetricType(result.getMetricType()); cache.put(key, result); } loadedKeys.add(loadKey); } ListMetricCacheKey key = new ListMetricCacheKey(); key.setDimensionMap(metric.getDimensionMap()); key.setLoadKey(loadKey); key.setMetricName(metric.getMetricName()); key.setMetricType(metric.getMetricType()); ListMetric inDbMetric = cache.get(key); if (inDbMetric != null) { inDbMetric.setVersion(1 + inDbMetric.getVersion()); } else { cache.put(key, metric); Entities.persist(metric); } } db.commit(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { Logs.extreme().error(ex, ex); throw ex; } finally { if (db.isActive()) db.rollback(); } } private static Collection<ListMetricCacheKey> prune(List<SimpleMetricEntity> dataBatch) { Collection<ListMetricCacheKey> returnValue = new LinkedHashSet<ListMetricCacheKey>(); for (SimpleMetricEntity item : dataBatch) { ListMetricCacheLoadKey loadKey = new ListMetricCacheLoadKey(); loadKey.setAccountId(item.getAccountId()); loadKey.setNamespace(item.getNamespace()); ListMetricCacheKey key = new ListMetricCacheKey(); key.setDimensionMap(item.getDimensionMap()); key.setLoadKey(loadKey); key.setMetricName(item.getMetricName()); key.setMetricType(item.getMetricType()); returnValue.add(key); } return returnValue; } private static class ListMetricCacheLoadKey { String accountId; String namespace; public String getAccountId() { return accountId; } public void setAccountId(String accountId) { this.accountId = accountId; } public String getNamespace() { return namespace; } public void setNamespace(String namespace) { this.namespace = namespace; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((accountId == null) ? 0 : accountId.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((namespace == null) ? 0 : namespace.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ListMetricCacheLoadKey other = (ListMetricCacheLoadKey) obj; if (accountId == null) { if (other.accountId != null) return false; } else if (!accountId.equals(other.accountId)) return false; if (namespace == null) { if (other.namespace != null) return false; } else if (!namespace.equals(other.namespace)) return false; return true; } } private static class ListMetricCacheKey { String metricName; MetricType metricType; ListMetricCacheLoadKey loadKey; Map<String, String> dimensionMap; public ListMetricCacheLoadKey getLoadKey() { return loadKey; } public void setLoadKey(ListMetricCacheLoadKey loadKey) { this.loadKey = loadKey; } public Map<String, String> getDimensionMap() { return dimensionMap; } public void setDimensionMap(Map<String, String> dimensionMap) { this.dimensionMap = dimensionMap; } public String getMetricName() { return metricName; } public void setMetricName(String metricName) { this.metricName = metricName; } public MetricType getMetricType() { return metricType; } public void setMetricType(MetricType metricType) { this.metricType = metricType; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((dimensionMap == null) ? 0 : dimensionMap.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((loadKey == null) ? 0 : loadKey.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((metricName == null) ? 0 : metricName.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((metricType == null) ? 0 : metricType.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; ListMetricCacheKey other = (ListMetricCacheKey) obj; if (dimensionMap == null) { if (other.dimensionMap != null) return false; } else if (!dimensionMap.equals(other.dimensionMap)) return false; if (loadKey == null) { if (other.loadKey != null) return false; } else if (!loadKey.equals(other.loadKey)) return false; if (metricName == null) { if (other.metricName != null) return false; } else if (!metricName.equals(other.metricName)) return false; if (metricType != other.metricType) return false; return true; } } }