List of usage examples for Multimap values
Collection<V> values();
From source
private boolean isBrokerAvailableForRebalancing(String bundleName, long maxLoadLevel) { NamespaceName namespaceName = new NamespaceName( LoadManagerShared.getNamespaceNameFromBundleName(bundleName)); Map<Long, Set<ResourceUnit>> availableBrokers = sortedRankings.get(); // this does not have "http://" in front, hacky but no time to pretty up Multimap<Long, ResourceUnit> brokers = getFinalCandidates(namespaceName, availableBrokers); for (Object broker : brokers.values()) { ResourceUnit underloadedRU = (ResourceUnit) broker; LoadReport currentLoadReport = currentLoadReports.get(underloadedRU); if (isBelowLoadLevel(currentLoadReport.getSystemResourceUsage(), maxLoadLevel)) { return true; }/* w w w . j a va2 s .c o m*/ } return false; }
From source
public List<Table> extract() { List<Table> retVal = new ArrayList<>(); Multimap<Integer, Range<Integer>> pageIdNLineRangesMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); Multimap<Integer, TextPosition> pageIdNTextsMap = LinkedListMultimap.create(); try {//from w ww.j av a 2s. c o m this.document = this.password != null ? PDDocument.load(inputStream, this.password) : PDDocument.load(inputStream); for (int pageId = 0; pageId < document.getNumberOfPages(); pageId++) { boolean b = !exceptedPages.contains(pageId) && (extractedPages.isEmpty() || extractedPages.contains(pageId)); if (b) { List<TextPosition> texts = extractTextPositions(pageId);//sorted by .getY() ASC //extract line ranges List<Range<Integer>> lineRanges = getLineRanges(pageId, texts); //extract column ranges List<TextPosition> textsByLineRanges = getTextsByLineRanges(lineRanges, texts); pageIdNLineRangesMap.putAll(pageId, lineRanges); pageIdNTextsMap.putAll(pageId, textsByLineRanges); } } //Calculate columnRanges List<Range<Integer>> columnRanges = getColumnRanges(pageIdNTextsMap.values()); for (int pageId : pageIdNTextsMap.keySet()) { Table table = buildTable(pageId, (List) pageIdNTextsMap.get(pageId), (List) pageIdNLineRangesMap.get(pageId), columnRanges); retVal.add(table); //debug logger.debug("Found " + table.getRows().size() + " row(s) and " + columnRanges.size() + " column(s) of a table in page " + pageId); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Parse pdf file fail", ex); } finally { if (this.document != null) { try { this.document.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error(null, ex); } } } //return return retVal; }
From source
void scrubImmediately(final TransactionManager txManager, final Multimap<String, Cell> tableNameToCell, final long scrubTimestamp, final long commitTimestamp) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Scrubbing a total of " + tableNameToCell.size() + " cells immediately."); }//ww w. j a v a 2s . c o m // Note that if the background scrub thread is also running at the same time, it will try to scrub // the same cells as the current thread (since these cells were queued for scrubbing right before // the hard delete transaction committed; while this is unfortunate (because it means we will be // doing more work than necessary), the behavior is still correct long nextImmutableTimestamp; while ((nextImmutableTimestamp = immutableTimestampSupplier.get()) < commitTimestamp) { try { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { "Sleeping because immutable timestamp %d has not advanced to at least commit timestamp %d", nextImmutableTimestamp, commitTimestamp)); } Thread.sleep(AtlasDbConstants.SCRUBBER_RETRY_DELAY_MILLIS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("Interrupted while waiting for immutableTimestamp to advance past commitTimestamp", e); } } List<Future<Void>> scrubFutures = Lists.newArrayList(); for (List<Entry<String, Cell>> batch : Iterables.partition(tableNameToCell.entries(), batchSizeSupplier.get())) { final Multimap<String, Cell> batchMultimap = HashMultimap.create(); for (Entry<String, Cell> e : batch) { batchMultimap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } final Callable<Void> c = new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Scrubbing " + batchMultimap.size() + " cells immediately."); } // Here we don't need to check scrub timestamps because we guarantee that scrubImmediately is called // AFTER the transaction commits scrubCells(txManager, batchMultimap, scrubTimestamp, TransactionType.AGGRESSIVE_HARD_DELETE); Multimap<Cell, Long> cellToScrubTimestamp = HashMultimap.create(); cellToScrubTimestamp = Multimaps.invertFrom( Multimaps.index(batchMultimap.values(), Functions.constant(scrubTimestamp)), cellToScrubTimestamp); scrubberStore.markCellsAsScrubbed(cellToScrubTimestamp, batchSizeSupplier.get()); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Completed scrub immediately."); } return null; } }; if (!inScrubThread.get()) { scrubFutures.add(exec.submit(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { inScrubThread.set(true);; return null; } })); } else { try {; } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.throwUncheckedException(e); } } } for (Future<Void> future : scrubFutures) { try { future.get(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw Throwables.throwUncheckedException(e); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw Throwables.rewrapAndThrowUncheckedException(e); } } }
From source
private void expandDescendants(List<SnomedConcept> results, final Set<String> conceptIds, String descendantKey, boolean stated) { if (!expand().containsKey(descendantKey)) { return;/* ww w. jav a2 s .c o m*/ } final Options expandOptions = expand().get(descendantKey, Options.class); final boolean direct = checkDirect(expandOptions); try { final ExpressionBuilder expression = Expressions.builder(); expression.filter(active()); final ExpressionBuilder descendantFilter = Expressions.builder(); if (stated) { descendantFilter.should(statedParents(conceptIds)); if (!direct) { descendantFilter.should(statedAncestors(conceptIds)); } } else { descendantFilter.should(parents(conceptIds)); if (!direct) { descendantFilter.should(ancestors(conceptIds)); } } expression.filter(; final Query<SnomedConceptDocument> query = .where(; final RevisionSearcher searcher = context().service(RevisionSearcher.class); final Hits<SnomedConceptDocument> hits =; if (hits.getTotal() < 1) { final SnomedConcepts descendants = new SnomedConcepts(0, 0); for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { if (stated) { concept.setStatedDescendants(descendants); } else { concept.setDescendants(descendants); } } return; } // in case of only one match and limit zero, use shortcut instead of loading all IDs and components // XXX won't work if number of results is greater than one, either use custom ConceptSearch or figure out how to expand descendants effectively final int limit = getLimit(expandOptions); if (conceptIds.size() == 1 && limit == 0) { for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final SnomedConcepts descendants = new SnomedConcepts(0, hits.getTotal()); if (stated) { concept.setStatedDescendants(descendants); } else { concept.setDescendants(descendants); } } return; } final Multimap<String, String> descendantsByAncestor = TreeMultimap.create(); for (SnomedConceptDocument hit : hits) { final Set<String> parentsAndAncestors = newHashSet(); if (stated) { parentsAndAncestors.addAll(LongSets.toStringSet(hit.getStatedParents())); if (!direct) { parentsAndAncestors.addAll(LongSets.toStringSet(hit.getStatedAncestors())); } } else { parentsAndAncestors.addAll(LongSets.toStringSet(hit.getParents())); if (!direct) { parentsAndAncestors.addAll(LongSets.toStringSet(hit.getAncestors())); } } parentsAndAncestors.retainAll(conceptIds); for (String ancestor : parentsAndAncestors) { descendantsByAncestor.put(ancestor, hit.getId()); } } final Collection<String> componentIds = newHashSet(descendantsByAncestor.values()); if (limit > 0 && !componentIds.isEmpty()) { // query descendants again final SnomedConcepts descendants = SnomedRequests.prepareSearchConcept().all().filterByActive(true) .filterByIds(componentIds).setLocales(locales()) .setExpand(expandOptions.get("expand", Options.class)).build().execute(context()); final Map<String, SnomedConcept> descendantsById = newHashMap(); descendantsById.putAll(Maps.uniqueIndex(descendants, ID_FUNCTION)); for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final Collection<String> descendantIds = descendantsByAncestor.get(concept.getId()); final List<SnomedConcept> currentDescendants = FluentIterable.from(descendantIds).limit(limit) .transform(Functions.forMap(descendantsById)).toList(); final SnomedConcepts descendantConcepts = new SnomedConcepts(currentDescendants, null, null, limit, descendantIds.size()); if (stated) { concept.setStatedDescendants(descendantConcepts); } else { concept.setDescendants(descendantConcepts); } } } else { for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final Collection<String> descendantIds = descendantsByAncestor.get(concept.getId()); final SnomedConcepts descendants = new SnomedConcepts(limit, descendantIds.size()); if (stated) { concept.setStatedDescendants(descendants); } else { concept.setDescendants(descendants); } } } } catch (IOException e) { throw SnowowlRuntimeException.wrap(e); } }
From source
private void extendConceptIssueLabels(BranchContext context, Collection<ValidationIssue> issues) { final RevisionSearcher searcher = context.service(RevisionSearcher.class); final List<ValidationIssue> conceptIssues = .filter(issue -> SnomedTerminologyComponentConstants.CONCEPT_NUMBER == issue.getAffectedComponent() .getTerminologyComponentId()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (conceptIssues.isEmpty()) { return;//from w w w .j a va2 s . co m } final Multimap<String, ValidationIssue> issuesByConceptId = Multimaps.index(conceptIssues, issue -> issue.getAffectedComponent().getComponentId()); final Set<String> synonymIds = SnomedRequests.prepareGetSynonyms().build().execute(context).stream() .map(SnomedConcept::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); final Multimap<String, String> affectedComponentLabelsByConcept = HashMultimap.create(); searcher.scroll([].class).from(SnomedDescriptionIndexEntry.class) .fields(SnomedDescriptionIndexEntry.Fields.CONCEPT_ID, SnomedDescriptionIndexEntry.Fields.TERM) .where(Expressions.builder().filter( .filter(SnomedDescriptionIndexEntry.Expressions.concepts(issuesByConceptId.keySet())) .filter(SnomedDescriptionIndexEntry.Expressions.types(ImmutableSet.<String>builder() .add(Concepts.FULLY_SPECIFIED_NAME).addAll(synonymIds).build())) .build()) .limit(SCROLL_SIZE).build()).forEach(hits -> { for (String[] hit : hits) { affectedComponentLabelsByConcept.put(hit[0], hit[1]); } }); if (!affectedComponentLabelsByConcept.isEmpty()) { issuesByConceptId.values().forEach(issue -> { final Collection<String> labels = affectedComponentLabelsByConcept .get(issue.getAffectedComponent().getComponentId()); issue.setAffectedComponentLabels(ImmutableList.copyOf(labels)); }); } }
From source
private void expandAncestors(List<SnomedConcept> results, Set<String> conceptIds, String key, boolean stated) { if (!expand().containsKey(key)) { return;//from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c o m } final Options expandOptions = expand().get(key, Options.class); final boolean direct = checkDirect(expandOptions); final Multimap<String, String> ancestorsByDescendant = TreeMultimap.create(); final LongToStringFunction toString = new LongToStringFunction(); for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final long[] parentIds = stated ? concept.getStatedParentIds() : concept.getParentIds(); if (parentIds != null) { for (long parent : parentIds) { if (IComponent.ROOT_IDL != parent) { ancestorsByDescendant.put(concept.getId(), toString.apply(parent)); } } } if (!direct) { final long[] ancestorIds = stated ? concept.getStatedAncestorIds() : concept.getAncestorIds(); if (ancestorIds != null) { for (long ancestor : ancestorIds) { if (IComponent.ROOT_IDL != ancestor) { ancestorsByDescendant.put(concept.getId(), toString.apply(ancestor)); } } } } } final int limit = getLimit(expandOptions); final Collection<String> componentIds = newHashSet(ancestorsByDescendant.values()); if (limit > 0 && !componentIds.isEmpty()) { final SnomedConcepts ancestors = SnomedRequests.prepareSearchConcept().all().filterByActive(true) .filterByIds(componentIds).setLocales(locales()) .setExpand(expandOptions.get("expand", Options.class)).build().execute(context()); final Map<String, SnomedConcept> ancestorsById = newHashMap(); ancestorsById.putAll(Maps.uniqueIndex(ancestors, ID_FUNCTION)); for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final Collection<String> ancestorIds = ancestorsByDescendant.get(concept.getId()); final List<SnomedConcept> conceptAncestors = FluentIterable.from(ancestorIds).limit(limit) .transform(Functions.forMap(ancestorsById)).toList(); final SnomedConcepts ancestorConcepts = new SnomedConcepts(conceptAncestors, null, null, limit, ancestorIds.size()); if (stated) { concept.setStatedAncestors(ancestorConcepts); } else { concept.setAncestors(ancestorConcepts); } } } else { for (SnomedConcept concept : results) { final Collection<String> ancestorIds = ancestorsByDescendant.get(concept.getId()); final SnomedConcepts ancestors = new SnomedConcepts(limit, ancestorIds.size()); if (stated) { concept.setStatedAncestors(ancestors); } else { concept.setAncestors(ancestors); } } } }
From source
/** * Builds an 'AND' condition.//from w w w. j a v a 2s. c o m * * @param sb the StringBuilder to use * @param br the brace * @throws FxSqlSearchException if the build failed */ private void buildAnd(StringBuilder sb, Brace br) throws FxSqlSearchException { // Start AND if (br.size() > 1) { final Multimap<String, ConditionTableInfo> tables = getUsedContentTables(br, true); // for "AND" we can only optimize when ALL flatstorage conditions are not multi-lang and on the same level, // i.e. that table must have exactly one flat-storage entry, and we cannot optimize if an IS NULL is present if (tables.size() == 1 && tables.values().iterator().next().isFlatStorage() && !tables.values().iterator().next().isMultiLang() && !containsIsNullCondition(br)) { sb.append(getOptimizedFlatStorageSubquery(br, tables.keySet().iterator().next(), true)); return; } if (tables.size() == 1 && tables.keys().iterator().next().equals(DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT)) { // combine main table selects into a single one sb.append("(SELECT id,ver," + getEmptyLanguage() + " as lang FROM " + DatabaseConst.TBL_CONTENT + " cd" + " WHERE " + getOptimizedMainTableConditions(br, "cd") + ")"); return; } // check if there are two or more flat storage queries in the same level that can be grouped try { final Brace grouped = br.groupConditions(new Brace.GroupFunction() { @Override public Object apply(Condition cond) { try { return getPropertyInfo(cond); } catch (FxSqlSearchException e) { throw e.asRuntimeException(); } } }); if (grouped != br) { // reorg happened - process new version if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("AND statement reorganized, new statement: " + grouped); } buildAnd(sb, grouped); return; } } catch (SqlParserException e) { throw new FxSqlSearchException(e); } } int pos = 0; final StringBuilder combinedConditions = new StringBuilder(); int firstId = -1; for (BraceElement be : br.getElements()) { if (pos == 0) { firstId = be.getId(); // TODO: do we need .lang here? sb.append(("(SELECT tbl" + firstId + ".id,tbl" + firstId + ".ver,tbl" + firstId + ".lang FROM\n")); } else { sb.append(","); combinedConditions.append((pos > 1) ? " AND " : " ").append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".id=tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".id AND ").append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".ver=tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".ver AND ").append("(tbl").append(firstId) .append(".lang=0 or tbl").append(firstId).append(".lang IS NULL OR ").append("tbl") .append(be.getId()).append(".lang=0 OR tbl").append(be.getId()).append(".lang IS NULL OR ") .append("tbl").append(firstId).append(".lang=tbl").append(be.getId()).append(".lang)"); } if (be instanceof Condition) { sb.append(getConditionSubQuery(br.getStatement(), (Condition) be)); } else if (be instanceof Brace) { build(sb, (Brace) be); } else { throw new FxSqlSearchException(LOG, "ex.sqlSearch.filter.invalidBrace", be); } sb.append(" tbl").append(be.getId()).append("\n"); pos++; } // Where links the tables together sb.append(" WHERE "); sb.append(combinedConditions); // Close AND sb.append(")"); }
From source
@Override public void run(CommandLine line) throws Exception { ComponentDefaultConfig config = new ComponentDefaultConfig(); String caseFormat = line.getOptionValue("case-format"); Path caseDir = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("case-dir")); String caseBaseName = null;//from w ww .ja v a2s . co m if (line.hasOption("case-basename")) { caseBaseName = line.getOptionValue("case-basename"); } final Set<String> contingencyIds = line.hasOption("contingencies") ? Sets.newHashSet(line.getOptionValue("contingencies").split(",")) : null; Path outputCsvFile = null; if (line.hasOption("output-csv-file")) { outputCsvFile = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("output-csv-file")); } try (ComputationManager computationManager = new LocalComputationManager()) { ContingenciesProvider contingenciesProvider = config .findFactoryImplClass(ContingenciesProviderFactory.class).newInstance().create(); SimulatorFactory simulatorFactory = config.findFactoryImplClass(SimulatorFactory.class).newInstance(); Importer importer = Importers.getImporter(caseFormat, computationManager); if (importer == null) { throw new ITeslaException("Format " + caseFormat + " not supported"); } if (caseBaseName != null) { Multimap<String, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerContingency = runImpactAnalysis(caseDir, caseBaseName, contingencyIds, importer, computationManager, simulatorFactory, contingenciesProvider); if (securityIndexesPerContingency != null) { if (outputCsvFile == null) { prettyPrint(securityIndexesPerContingency); } else { writeCsv(securityIndexesPerContingency, outputCsvFile); } } } else { if (outputCsvFile == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "In case of multiple impact analyses, only ouput to csv file is supported"); } Map<String, Map<SecurityIndexId, SecurityIndex>> securityIndexesPerCase = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Importers.importAll(caseDir, importer, false, network -> { try { Multimap<String, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerContingency = runImpactAnalysis(network, contingencyIds, computationManager, simulatorFactory, contingenciesProvider); if (securityIndexesPerContingency == null) { securityIndexesPerCase.put(network.getId(), null); } else { Map<SecurityIndexId, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerId = securityIndexesPerContingency .values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(SecurityIndex::getId, e -> e)); securityIndexesPerCase.put(network.getId(), securityIndexesPerId); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e); } }, dataSource -> System.out.println("loading case " + dataSource.getBaseName() + "...")); writeCsv(securityIndexesPerCase, outputCsvFile); } } }
From source
@Override public void run(CommandLine line) throws Exception { OfflineConfig config = OfflineConfig.load(); String caseFormat = line.getOptionValue("case-format"); Path caseDir = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("case-dir")); String caseBaseName = null;// w w w. j a v a 2s . co m if (line.hasOption("case-basename")) { caseBaseName = line.getOptionValue("case-basename"); } final Set<String> contingencyIds = line.hasOption("contingencies") ? Sets.newHashSet(line.getOptionValue("contingencies").split(",")) : null; Path outputCsvFile = null; if (line.hasOption("output-csv-file")) { outputCsvFile = Paths.get(line.getOptionValue("output-csv-file")); } try (ComputationManager computationManager = new LocalComputationManager()) { DynamicDatabaseClientFactory ddbFactory = config.getDynamicDbClientFactoryClass().newInstance(); ContingenciesAndActionsDatabaseClient contingencyDb = config.getContingencyDbClientFactoryClass() .newInstance().create(); SimulatorFactory simulatorFactory = config.getSimulatorFactoryClass().newInstance(); Importer importer = Importers.getImporter(caseFormat, computationManager); if (importer == null) { throw new ITeslaException("Format " + caseFormat + " not supported"); } if (caseBaseName != null) { Multimap<String, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerContingency = runImpactAnalysis(caseDir, caseBaseName, contingencyIds, importer, computationManager, simulatorFactory, ddbFactory, contingencyDb); if (securityIndexesPerContingency != null) { if (outputCsvFile == null) { prettyPrint(securityIndexesPerContingency); } else { writeCsv(securityIndexesPerContingency, outputCsvFile); } } } else { if (outputCsvFile == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "In case of multiple impact analyses, only ouput to csv file is supported"); } Map<String, Map<SecurityIndexId, SecurityIndex>> securityIndexesPerCase = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Importers.importAll(caseDir, importer, false, network -> { try { Multimap<String, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerContingency = runImpactAnalysis(network, contingencyIds, computationManager, simulatorFactory, ddbFactory, contingencyDb); if (securityIndexesPerContingency == null) { securityIndexesPerCase.put(network.getId(), null); } else { Map<SecurityIndexId, SecurityIndex> securityIndexesPerId = securityIndexesPerContingency .values().stream().collect(Collectors.toMap(SecurityIndex::getId, e -> e)); securityIndexesPerCase.put(network.getId(), securityIndexesPerId); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.toString(), e); } }, dataSource -> System.out.println("loading case " + dataSource.getBaseName() + "...")); writeCsv(securityIndexesPerCase, outputCsvFile); } } }
From source
/** * Evaluates partial results coming from a binary operator's left and right side within attribute group based refinements. * @param groupCardinality - the cardinality to check * @param groupOperator - the operator to use (AND or OR, aka {@link Sets#intersection(Set, Set)} or {@link Sets#union(Set, Set)}) * @return a function that will can be chained via {@link Promise#then(Function)} to evaluate partial results when they are available *//*from ww w . ja va2 s.c o m*/ private Function<List<Object>, Collection<Property>> evalParts(final Range<Long> groupCardinality, BinaryOperator<Set<Integer>> groupOperator) { return input -> { final Collection<Property> left = (Collection<Property>) input.get(0); final Collection<Property> right = (Collection<Property>) input.get(1); final Collection<Property> matchingAttributes = newHashSet(); // group left and right side by source ID final Multimap<String, Property> leftRelationshipsBySource = Multimaps.index(left, Property::getObjectId); final Multimap<String, Property> rightRelationshipsBySource = Multimaps.index(right, Property::getObjectId); // check that each ID has the required number of groups with left and right relationships for (String sourceConcept : Iterables.concat(leftRelationshipsBySource.keySet(), rightRelationshipsBySource.keySet())) { final Multimap<Integer, Property> validGroups = ArrayListMultimap.create(); final Collection<Property> leftSourceRelationships = leftRelationshipsBySource.get(sourceConcept); final Collection<Property> rightSourceRelationships = rightRelationshipsBySource.get(sourceConcept); final Multimap<Integer, Property> leftRelationshipsByGroup = Multimaps .index(leftSourceRelationships, Property::getGroup); final Multimap<Integer, Property> rightRelationshipsByGroup = Multimaps .index(rightSourceRelationships, Property::getGroup); for (Integer group : groupOperator.apply(leftRelationshipsByGroup.keySet(), rightRelationshipsByGroup.keySet())) { validGroups.get(group).addAll(leftRelationshipsByGroup.get(group)); validGroups.get(group).addAll(rightRelationshipsByGroup.get(group)); } if (groupCardinality.contains((long) validGroups.keySet().size())) { matchingAttributes.addAll(validGroups.values()); } } return matchingAttributes; }; }