Example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap values

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Multimap values


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Multimap values.


Collection<V> values();

Source Link


Returns a view collection containing the value from each key-value pair contained in this multimap, without collapsing duplicates (so values().size() == size() ).


From source file:org.killbill.billing.plugin.analytics.dao.factory.BusinessInvoiceFactory.java

 * Create current business invoices and invoice items.
 * @return all business invoice and invoice items to create
 * @throws org.killbill.billing.plugin.analytics.AnalyticsRefreshException
 *///from  ww  w . j a va  2  s  . c o m
public Map<BusinessInvoiceModelDao, Collection<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>> createBusinessInvoicesAndInvoiceItems(
        final BusinessContextFactory businessContextFactory) throws AnalyticsRefreshException {
    // Pre-fetch these, to avoid contention on BusinessContextFactory
    final Account account = businessContextFactory.getAccount();
    final Long accountRecordId = businessContextFactory.getAccountRecordId();
    final Long tenantRecordId = businessContextFactory.getTenantRecordId();
    final ReportGroup reportGroup = businessContextFactory.getReportGroup();
    final CurrencyConverter currencyConverter = businessContextFactory.getCurrencyConverter();

    // Lookup the invoices for that account
    final Iterable<Invoice> invoices = businessContextFactory.getAccountInvoices();

    // All invoice items across all invoices for that account (we need to be able to reference items across multiple invoices)
    final Multimap<UUID, InvoiceItem> allInvoiceItems = ArrayListMultimap.<UUID, InvoiceItem>create();
    // Convenient mapping invoiceId -> invoice
    final Map<UUID, Invoice> invoiceIdToInvoiceMappings = new LinkedHashMap<UUID, Invoice>();
    for (final Invoice invoice : invoices) {
        invoiceIdToInvoiceMappings.put(invoice.getId(), invoice);

    // Lookup once all SubscriptionBundle for that account (this avoids expensive lookups for each item)
    final Iterable<SubscriptionBundle> bundlesForAccount = businessContextFactory.getAccountBundles();
    final Map<UUID, SubscriptionBundle> bundles = new LinkedHashMap<UUID, SubscriptionBundle>();
    for (final SubscriptionBundle bundle : bundlesForAccount) {
        bundles.put(bundle.getId(), bundle);

    // Create the business invoice items
    // We build them in parallel as invoice items are directly proportional to subscriptions (@see BusinessSubscriptionTransitionFactory)
    final CompletionService<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao> completionService = new ExecutorCompletionService<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>(
    final Multimap<UUID, BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao> businessInvoiceItemsForInvoiceId = ArrayListMultimap
            .<UUID, BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>create();
    for (final InvoiceItem invoiceItem : allInvoiceItems.values()) {
        // Fetch audit logs in the main thread as AccountAuditLogs is not thread safe
        final AuditLog creationAuditLog = invoiceItem.getId() != null
                ? businessContextFactory.getInvoiceItemCreationAuditLog(invoiceItem.getId())
                : null;

        completionService.submit(new Callable<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>() {
            public BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao call() throws Exception {
                return createBusinessInvoiceItem(businessContextFactory, invoiceItem, allInvoiceItems,
                        invoiceIdToInvoiceMappings, account, bundles, currencyConverter, creationAuditLog,
                        accountRecordId, tenantRecordId, reportGroup);
    for (int i = 0; i < allInvoiceItems.values().size(); ++i) {
        try {
            final BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao businessInvoiceItemModelDao = completionService.take().get();
            if (businessInvoiceItemModelDao != null) {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new AnalyticsRefreshException(e);
        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
            throw new AnalyticsRefreshException(e);

    // Now, create the business invoices
    final Map<BusinessInvoiceModelDao, Collection<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>> businessRecords = new HashMap<BusinessInvoiceModelDao, Collection<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao>>();
    for (final Invoice invoice : invoices) {
        final Collection<BusinessInvoiceItemBaseModelDao> businessInvoiceItems = businessInvoiceItemsForInvoiceId
        if (businessInvoiceItems == null) {

        final Long invoiceRecordId = businessContextFactory.getInvoiceRecordId(invoice.getId());
        final AuditLog creationAuditLog = businessContextFactory.getInvoiceCreationAuditLog(invoice.getId());

        final BusinessInvoiceModelDao businessInvoice = new BusinessInvoiceModelDao(account, accountRecordId,
                invoice, invoiceRecordId, currencyConverter, creationAuditLog, tenantRecordId, reportGroup);

        businessRecords.put(businessInvoice, businessInvoiceItems);

    return businessRecords;

From source file:org.artifactory.build.BuildServiceImpl.java

public Map<Dependency, FileInfo> getBuildDependenciesFileInfos(Build build) {
    AqlBase.AndClause<AqlApiBuild> and = AqlApiBuild.and(AqlApiBuild.name().equal(build.getName()),
    log.debug("Executing dependencies search for build {}:{}", build.getName(), build.getNumber());

    AqlBase buildDependenciesQuery = AqlApiBuild.create().filter(and);
            AqlApiBuild.module().dependecy().item().updated(), AqlApiBuild.module().dependecy().item().repo(),
            AqlApiBuild.module().dependecy().item().path(), AqlApiBuild.module().dependecy().item().name(),
    //Ordering by the last updated field, in case of duplicates with the same checksum.

    AqlEagerResult<AqlBaseFullRowImpl> results = aqlService.executeQueryEager(buildDependenciesQuery);
    log.debug("Search returned {} dependencies", results.getSize());
    Multimap<String, Dependency> buildDependencies = BuildServiceUtils.getBuildDependencies(build);
    log.debug("This build contains {} dependencies (taken from build info)", buildDependencies.size());
    Map<Dependency, FileInfo> matchedDependencies = matchDependenciesToFileInfos(results.getResults(),
            buildDependencies);//from  w  w  w.j  a  va2  s.c  o m
    log.debug("Matched {} build dependencies to actual paths returned by search", matchedDependencies.size());

    //Lastly, populate matchedDependencies with all remaining unmatched dependencies with null values to help users
    //of this function know if all build artifacts were found.
    log.debug("{} dependencies were not matched to actual paths", buildDependencies.size());
    for (Dependency dependency : buildDependencies.values()) {
        if (!matchedDependencies.containsKey(dependency)) {
            matchedDependencies.put(dependency, null);
    return matchedDependencies;

From source file:com.cloudant.sync.datastore.BasicDatastore.java

 * Removes revisions present in the datastore from the input map.
 * @param revisions an multimap from document id to set of revisions. The
 *                  map is modified in place for performance consideration.
 *//*from  ww  w  .  jav  a  2  s .co  m*/
void revsDiffBatch(Multimap<String, String> revisions) {

    final String sql = String.format(
            "SELECT docs.docid, revs.revid FROM docs, revs "
                    + "WHERE docs.doc_id = revs.doc_id AND docs.docid IN (%s) AND revs.revid IN (%s) "
                    + "ORDER BY docs.docid",

    String[] args = new String[revisions.keySet().size() + revisions.size()];
    String[] keys = revisions.keySet().toArray(new String[revisions.keySet().size()]);
    String[] values = revisions.values().toArray(new String[revisions.size()]);
    System.arraycopy(keys, 0, args, 0, revisions.keySet().size());
    System.arraycopy(values, 0, args, revisions.keySet().size(), revisions.size());

    Cursor cursor = null;
    try {
        cursor = this.sqlDb.rawQuery(sql, args);
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
            String docId = cursor.getString(0);
            String revId = cursor.getString(1);
            revisions.remove(docId, revId);
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    } finally {

From source file:com.kurtraschke.nyctrtproxy.services.TripUpdateProcessor.java

public List<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate> processFeed(Integer feedId, GtfsRealtime.FeedMessage fm,
        MatchMetrics totalMetrics) {// w  w w .j  a v a 2 s  .  c o  m

    long timestamp = fm.getHeader().getTimestamp();

    MatchMetrics feedMetrics = new MatchMetrics();

    if (_latencyLimit > 0 && feedMetrics.getLatency() > _latencyLimit) {
        _log.info("Feed {} ignored, too high latency = {}", feedId, feedMetrics.getLatency());
        if (_listener != null)
            _listener.reportMatchesForSubwayFeed(feedId.toString(), feedMetrics, _cloudwatchNamespace);
        return Collections.emptyList();

    final Map<String, String> realtimeToStaticRouteMap = _realtimeToStaticRouteMapByFeed.getOrDefault(feedId,

    int nExpiredTus = 0, nTotalRecords = 0;

    // Read in trip updates per route. Skip trip updates that have too stale of data.
    Multimap<String, GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate> tripUpdatesByRoute = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    for (GtfsRealtime.FeedEntity entity : fm.getEntityList()) {
        if (entity.hasTripUpdate()) {
            GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate tu = entity.getTripUpdate();
            if (expiredTripUpdate(tu, fm.getHeader().getTimestamp())) {
            } else {
                String routeId = tu.getTrip().getRouteId();
                routeId = realtimeToStaticRouteMap.getOrDefault(routeId, routeId);
                tripUpdatesByRoute.put(routeId, tu);
    reportRecordsIn(nTotalRecords, nExpiredTus, totalMetrics, feedMetrics);

    List<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate> ret = Lists.newArrayList();

    for (GtfsRealtimeNYCT.TripReplacementPeriod trp : fm.getHeader()
            .getExtension(GtfsRealtimeNYCT.nyctFeedHeader).getTripReplacementPeriodList()) {
        if (_routeBlacklistByFeed.getOrDefault(feedId, Collections.emptySet()).contains(trp.getRouteId()))
        GtfsRealtime.TimeRange range = trp.getReplacementPeriod();

        Date start = range.hasStart() ? new Date(range.getStart() * 1000)
                : earliestTripStart(tripUpdatesByRoute.values());
        Date end = range.hasEnd() ? new Date(range.getEnd() * 1000)
                : new Date(fm.getHeader().getTimestamp() * 1000);

        // All route IDs in this trip replacement period
        Set<String> routeIds = Arrays.stream(trp.getRouteId().split(", ?"))
                .map(routeId -> realtimeToStaticRouteMap.getOrDefault(routeId, routeId))

        for (String routeId : routeIds) {
            String newRouteId = _addToTripReplacementPeriodByRoute.get(routeId);
            if (newRouteId != null)

        // Kurt's trip matching algorithm (ActivatedTripMatcher) requires calculating currently-active static trips at this point.
        _tripMatcher.initForFeed(start, end, routeIds);

        for (String routeId : routeIds) {

            MatchMetrics routeMetrics = new MatchMetrics();

            Multimap<String, TripMatchResult> matchesByTrip = ArrayListMultimap.create();
            Collection<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate> tripUpdates = tripUpdatesByRoute.get(routeId);
            for (GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate tu : tripUpdates) {
                GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.Builder tub = GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.newBuilder(tu);
                GtfsRealtime.TripDescriptor.Builder tb = tub.getTripBuilder();

                // rewrite route ID for some routes
                tb.setRouteId(realtimeToStaticRouteMap.getOrDefault(tb.getRouteId(), tb.getRouteId()));

                // remove timepoints not in GTFS... in some cases this means there may be no STUs left (ex. H shuttle at H19S.)

                // get ID which consists of route, direction, origin-departure time, possibly a path identifier (for feed 1.)
                NyctTripId rtid = NyctTripId.buildFromTripDescriptor(tb, _routesWithReverseRTDirections);

                // If we were able to parse the trip ID, there are various fixes
                // we may need to apply.
                if (rtid != null) {

                    // Fix stop IDs which don't include direction
                    tub.getStopTimeUpdateBuilderList().forEach(stub -> {
                        if (!(stub.getStopId().endsWith("N") || stub.getStopId().endsWith("S"))) {
                            stub.setStopId(stub.getStopId() + rtid.getDirection());
                        } else if (_routesWithReverseRTDirections.contains(tb.getRouteId())) {
                            String stopId = stub.getStopId();
                            stub.setStopId(stopId.substring(0, stopId.length() - 1) + rtid.getDirection());
                        if (_stopIdTransformStrategy != null) {
                            String stopId = stub.getStopId();
                            stopId = _stopIdTransformStrategy.transform(rtid.getRouteId(), rtid.getDirection(),

                    // Re-set the trip ID to the parsed trip ID; coerces IDs to a uniform format.
                    // If the trip is matched, the ID will be rewritten again to the corresponding static trip ID below.
                } else {
                    _log.error("invalid trip_id={} train_id={}", tb.getTripId(),

                // Some routes have start date set incorrectly
                if (tb.getStartDate().length() > 8) {

                TripMatchResult result = _tripMatcher.match(tub, rtid, fm.getHeader().getTimestamp());
                matchesByTrip.put(result.getTripId(), result);

            // For TUs that match to same trip - possible they should be merged (route D has mid-line relief points where trip ID changes)
            // If they are NOT merged, then drop the matches for the worse ones
            for (Collection<TripMatchResult> matches : matchesByTrip.asMap().values()) {
                if (!tryMergeResult(matches) && matches.size() > 1 && !_allowDuplicates) {
                    List<TripMatchResult> dups = new ArrayList<>(matches);
                    TripMatchResult best = dups.get(0);
                    for (int i = 1; i < dups.size(); i++) {
                        TripMatchResult result = dups.get(i);
                                "dropping duplicate in static trip={}, RT trip={} ({}). Better trip is {} ({})",
                                best.getTripId(), result.getRtTripId(), result.getStatus(), best.getRtTripId(),

            Set<String> matchedTripIds = new HashSet<>();
            // Read out results of matching. If there is a match, rewrite TU's trip ID. Add TU to return list.
            for (TripMatchResult result : matchesByTrip.values()) {
                if (!result.getStatus().equals(Status.MERGED)) {
                    GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate.Builder tub = result.getTripUpdateBuilder();
                    GtfsRealtime.TripDescriptor.Builder tb = tub.getTripBuilder();
                    if (result.hasResult() && (result.getTripUpdate().getStopTimeUpdateCount() == 0
                            || !result.stopsMatchToEnd())) {
                        _log.info("no stop match rt={} static={} {}",
                                (result.getResult().getStopTimes().get(0).getDepartureTime() / 60) * 100);
                    if (result.hasResult()) {
                        ActivatedTrip at = result.getResult();
                        String staticTripId = at.getTrip().getId().getId();
                        _log.debug("matched {} -> {}", tb.getTripId(), staticTripId);
                        removeTimepoints(at, tub);
                    } else {
                        _log.debug("unmatched: {} due to {}", tub.getTrip().getTripId(), result.getStatus());
                        // ignore ADDED trips without stops
                        if (tub.getStopTimeUpdateCount() == 0)
                        // Trip Headsign and direction
                        String stopId = result.getRtLastStop();
                        String tripHeadsign = _tripActivator.getStopNameForId(stopId);
                        String nsDirection = NyctTripId
                                .buildFromTripDescriptor(tub.getTrip(), _routesWithReverseRTDirections)
                        String tripDirection = "S".equals(nsDirection) ? "1" : "0";
                        GtfsRealtimeOneBusAway.OneBusAwayTripUpdate.Builder obaTripUpdate = GtfsRealtimeOneBusAway.OneBusAwayTripUpdate
                        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tripHeadsign)) {
                            //Stop Headsign
                            if (_directionsService != null)
                        tub.setExtension(GtfsRealtimeOneBusAway.obaTripUpdate, obaTripUpdate.build());
                    TripUpdate tripUpdate = tub.build();


            if (_cancelUnmatchedTrips) {
                Iterator<ActivatedTrip> staticTrips = _tripActivator
                        .getTripsForRangeAndRoute(start, end, routeId).iterator();
                while (staticTrips.hasNext()) {
                    ActivatedTrip at = staticTrips.next();
                    if (!matchedTripIds.contains(at.getTrip().getId().getId())) {
                        long time = fm.getHeader().getTimestamp();
                        if (at.activeFor(trp, time)) {
                            TripUpdate.Builder tub = TripUpdate.newBuilder();
                            TripDescriptor.Builder tdb = tub.getTripBuilder();


            if (_listener != null)
                _listener.reportMatchesForRoute(routeId, routeMetrics, _cloudwatchNamespace);

    if (_listener != null)
        _listener.reportMatchesForSubwayFeed(feedId.toString(), feedMetrics, _cloudwatchNamespace);

    _log.info("feed={}, expired TUs={}", feedId, nExpiredTus);
    return ret;

From source file:org.eclipse.papyrus.uml.diagram.activity.activitygroup.GroupRequestAdvisor.java

protected Multimap<EReference, IGroupNotifier> fillReqestWithReferendedElement(IGroupRequest request,
        boolean lookingForParent, boolean onlyContainment) {
    final Rectangle newBounds = getInitalTargetRequestNewBounds(request);
    final Multimap<EReference, IGroupNotifier> result = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    if (request.getNodeDescpitor() == null) {
        return result;
    }//from ww w  .  j  a  v  a2 s  . com
    List<EReference> references = null;
    if (lookingForParent) {
        references = request.getNodeDescpitor().getParentReferences();
    } else {
        references = request.getNodeDescpitor().getChildrenReferences();
    final Multimap<EReference, IGroupNotifier> auxResult = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    final Multimap<EReference, Element> eReferenceLookedForMap = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    getReferenceElements(request, newBounds, references, eReferenceLookedForMap, auxResult, lookingForParent,
            lookingForParent ? request.getNodeDescpitor().getParentEOppositeReferences() : null);
     * Filter ancestors
    for (EReference ref : eReferenceLookedForMap.keySet()) {
         * Filter descendant
         * Example :
         * 1 - ActPart1 include in Act1 then Act1 disappear
         * 2 - ActPart1 include in ActPart2 then ActPart1 disappear
        Object adapter = request.getTargetElement().getAdapter(EObject.class);
        if (adapter instanceof Element) {
            Element element = (Element) adapter;
            Predicate<Element> composedPredicate = Predicates.and(new SameContainerFilter(element),
                    lookingForParent ? new DescendantsFilter(eReferenceLookedForMap.values())
                            : new AncestorFilter(eReferenceLookedForMap.values()));
            Collection<Element> filteredCollection = Collections2.filter(eReferenceLookedForMap.get(ref),
            if (lookingForParent) {
                request.getParentEReferenceMap().putAll(ref, filteredCollection);
            } else {
                request.getChildrenEReferenceMap().putAll(ref, filteredCollection);
    for (EReference ref : auxResult.keySet()) {
         * Filter descendant
         * Example :
         * 1 - ActPart1 include in Act1 then Act1 disappear
         * 2 - ActPart1 include in ActPart2 then ActPart1 disappear
        Iterable<IGroupNotifier> resultCollection = Iterables.filter(auxResult.get(ref),
                new DescendantsFilterIGroupNotifier(auxResult.values()));
        result.putAll(ref, resultCollection);
    return result;

From source file:ca.sqlpower.object.annotation.SPAnnotationProcessor.java

 * Generates and returns source code for importing packages that are
 * required by the persister helper this class is generating.
 * //from w  w  w .j av a  2s  .co m
 * @param visitedClass
 *            The {@link SPObject} class that is being visited by the
 *            annotation processor.
 * @param constructorImports
 *            The {@link Set} of packages that visitedClass uses in its
 *            {@link Constructor} annotated constructor and need to be
 *            imported.
 * @param mutatorImports
 *            The {@link Multimap} of setter methods to packages that
 *            visitedClass uses in its {@link Mutator} annotated methods and
 *            needs to be imported.
 * @return The source code for the generated imports.
private String generateImports(Class<? extends SPObject> visitedClass, Set<String> constructorImports,
        Multimap<String, String> mutatorImports) {
    final String helperPackage = visitedClass.getPackage().getName() + "."
            + PersisterHelperFinder.GENERATED_PACKAGE_NAME;

    // Using a TreeSet here to sort imports alphabetically.
    Set<String> allImports = new TreeSet<String>();
    if (!Modifier.isAbstract(visitedClass.getModifiers())) {

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    // XXX Need to import any additional classes this generated persister helper
    // class requires, aside from those needed in visitedClass.

    for (String pkg : allImports) {
        // No need to import java.lang as it is automatically imported.
        // No need to import package if the persister helper is already
        // in the package.
        // Also want to keep array classes out
        if (!pkg.startsWith("java.lang") && !pkg.startsWith("[L")) {
            // Nested classes, enums, etc. will be separated by the "$"
            // character but we need to change them to "." so it can be
            // imported correctly.
            String pkgName = pkg.replaceAll("\\$", ".");

            // Only import the package if it is not the same one
            // that the persister helper exists in.
            int index = pkgName.lastIndexOf(".");
            if (index == -1) {
                index = pkgName.length();
            if (!pkgName.substring(0, index).equals(helperPackage)) {
                niprintln(sb, "import " + pkgName + ";");

    return sb.toString();

From source file:org.jboss.errai.ioc.rebind.ioc.graph.impl.DependencyGraphBuilderImpl.java

private Injectable resolveDependency(final BaseDependency dep, final Injectable concrete,
        final Collection<String> problems, final Map<String, Injectable> customProvidedInjectables) {
    if (dep.injectable.resolution != null) {
        return dep.injectable.resolution;
    }/*from w  w  w .  j  a  v a 2s .  c  om*/

    final Multimap<ResolutionPriority, ConcreteInjectable> resolvedByPriority = HashMultimap.create();
    final Queue<AbstractInjectable> resolutionQueue = new LinkedList<AbstractInjectable>();

    processResolutionQueue(resolutionQueue, resolvedByPriority);

    // Iterates through priorities from highest to lowest.
    for (final ResolutionPriority priority : ResolutionPriority.values()) {
        if (resolvedByPriority.containsKey(priority)) {
            final Collection<ConcreteInjectable> resolved = resolvedByPriority.get(priority);
            if (resolved.size() > 1) {
                        ambiguousDependencyMessage(dep, concrete, new ArrayList<ConcreteInjectable>(resolved)));
                return null;
            } else {
                Injectable injectable = resolved.iterator().next();
                if (injectable.isExtension()) {
                    final ExtensionInjectable providedInjectable = (ExtensionInjectable) injectable;
                    final Collection<Injectable> otherResolvedInjectables = new ArrayList<Injectable>(

                    final InjectionSite site = new InjectionSite(concrete.getInjectedType(), getAnnotated(dep),
                    injectable = providedInjectable.provider.getInjectable(site, nameGenerator);
                    customProvidedInjectables.put(injectable.getFactoryName(), injectable);
                    dep.injectable = copyAbstractInjectable(dep.injectable);
                return (dep.injectable.resolution = injectable);

    problems.add(unsatisfiedDependencyMessage(dep, concrete));
    return null;

From source file:org.apache.beam.runners.core.construction.graph.GreedyPipelineFuser.java

 * Produce the set of sets of {@link CollectionConsumer consumers} that can be fused into a single
 * {@link ExecutableStage}. This identifies available siblings for sibling fusion.
 * <p>For each set in the returned collection, each of {@link CollectionConsumer consumers}
 * present consumes from the same {@link PCollection} and is compatible, as determined by {@link
 * GreedyPCollectionFusers#isCompatible(PTransformNode, PTransformNode, QueryablePipeline)}.
 * <p>Each input {@link CollectionConsumer} must have an associated {@link Environment}.
 *///from w w w . ja v a  2 s.c  o m
private NavigableSet<NavigableSet<CollectionConsumer>> groupSiblings(
        NavigableSet<CollectionConsumer> newConsumers /* Use a navigable set for consistent iteration order */) {
    Multimap<SiblingKey, NavigableSet<CollectionConsumer>> compatibleConsumers = HashMultimap.create();
    // This is O(N**2) with the number of siblings we consider, which is generally the number of
    // parallel consumers of a PCollection. This usually is unlikely to be high,
    // but has potential to be a pretty significant slowdown.
    for (CollectionConsumer newConsumer : newConsumers) {
        SiblingKey key = new AutoValue_GreedyPipelineFuser_SiblingKey(newConsumer.consumedCollection(),
        boolean foundSiblings = false;
        for (Set<CollectionConsumer> existingConsumers : compatibleConsumers.get(key)) {
            if (existingConsumers.stream().allMatch(
                    // The two consume the same PCollection and can exist in the same stage.
                    collectionConsumer -> GreedyPCollectionFusers.isCompatible(
                            collectionConsumer.consumingTransform(), newConsumer.consumingTransform(),
                            pipeline))) {
                foundSiblings = true;
        if (!foundSiblings) {
            NavigableSet<CollectionConsumer> newConsumerSet = new TreeSet<>();
            compatibleConsumers.put(key, newConsumerSet);
    // Order sibling sets by their least siblings. This is stable across the order siblings are
    // generated, given stable IDs.
    NavigableSet<NavigableSet<CollectionConsumer>> orderedSiblings = new TreeSet<>(
    return orderedSiblings;

From source file:org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.java

 * Remove a node that has died, attempting to restore the replica count.
 * If the node is alive, decommission should be attempted.  If decommission
 * fails, then removeToken should be called.  If we fail while trying to
 * restore the replica count, finally forceRemoveCompleteion should be
 * called to forcibly remove the node without regard to replica count.
 * @param tokenString token for the node
 *//*from  w  ww  .  java2s. c o m*/
public void removeToken(String tokenString) {
    InetAddress myAddress = FBUtilities.getLocalAddress();
    Token localToken = tokenMetadata_.getToken(myAddress);
    Token token = partitioner.getTokenFactory().fromString(tokenString);
    InetAddress endpoint = tokenMetadata_.getEndpoint(token);

    if (endpoint == null)
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Token not found.");

    if (endpoint.equals(myAddress))
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot remove node's own token");

    if (Gossiper.instance.getLiveMembers().contains(endpoint))
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Node " + endpoint
                + " is alive and owns this token. Use decommission command to remove it from the ring");

    // A leaving endpoint that is dead is already being removed.
    if (tokenMetadata_.isLeaving(endpoint))
        logger_.warn("Node " + endpoint + " is already being removed, continuing removal anyway");

    if (!replicatingNodes.isEmpty())
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "This node is already processing a removal. Wait for it to complete, or use 'removetoken force' if this has failed.");

    // Find the endpoints that are going to become responsible for data
    for (String table : DatabaseDescriptor.getNonSystemTables()) {
        // if the replication factor is 1 the data is lost so we shouldn't wait for confirmation
        if (Table.open(table).getReplicationStrategy().getReplicationFactor() == 1)

        // get all ranges that change ownership (that is, a node needs
        // to take responsibility for new range)
        Multimap<Range, InetAddress> changedRanges = getChangedRangesForLeaving(table, endpoint);
        IFailureDetector failureDetector = FailureDetector.instance;
        for (InetAddress ep : changedRanges.values()) {
            if (failureDetector.isAlive(ep))
                logger_.warn("Endpoint " + ep + " is down and will not receive data for re-replication of "
                        + endpoint);
    removingNode = endpoint;

    // bundle two states together. include this nodes state to keep the status quo, 
    // but indicate the leaving token so that it can be dealt with.
            valueFactory.removingNonlocal(localToken, token));

    // kick off streaming commands
    restoreReplicaCount(endpoint, myAddress);

    // wait for ReplicationFinishedVerbHandler to signal we're done
    while (!replicatingNodes.isEmpty()) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);

    excise(token, endpoint);

    // indicate the token has left
            valueFactory.removedNonlocal(localToken, token));

    removingNode = null;

From source file:com.github.pms1.tppt.p2.FeatureXmlComparator.java

private void comparePlugins2(Map<String, Multimap<String, Element>> baseline,
        Map<String, Multimap<String, Element>> current, ElementDeltaReporter elementDeltaReporter,
        DeltaReporter deltaReporter) {//from  w w  w. j av  a2  s.c o m

    for (String id : Sets.union(baseline.keySet(), current.keySet())) {
        Multimap<String, Element> b = baseline.get(id);
        if (b == null)
            b = HashMultimap.create();
            b = HashMultimap.create(b);

        Multimap<String, Element> c = current.get(id);
        if (c == null)
            c = HashMultimap.create();
            c = HashMultimap.create(c);

        AttributesDeltaReporter r = new AttributesDeltaReporter() {

            public void removed(String key) {
                deltaReporter.fileDelta("Plugin {0} attribute {1} removed", id, key);

            public void changed(String key, String left, String right) {
                if (key.equals("version")) {
                    deltaReporter.pluginVersionDelta(id, left, right);
                } else {
                    deltaReporter.fileDelta("Plugin {0} attribute {1} changed {2} -> {3}", id, key, left,

            public void added(String key, String value) {
                deltaReporter.fileDelta("Plugin {0} attribute {1} / {2} added", id, key, value);

        Set<String> intersection = new HashSet<>(b.keys());

        for (String v : intersection) {
            Collection<Element> be = b.get(v);
            Collection<Element> ce = c.get(v);
            if (be.size() == 1 && ce.size() == 1) {
                compareAttributes(Iterables.getOnlyElement(be), Iterables.getOnlyElement(ce), r);

        if (b.size() == 1 && c.size() == 1) {
            compareAttributes(Iterables.getOnlyElement(b.values()), Iterables.getOnlyElement(c.values()), r);
        } else {
            for (Element e : b.values())
                deltaReporter.fileDelta("Plugin removed: {0}", domRenderer.render(e));
            for (Element e : c.values())
                deltaReporter.fileDelta("Plugin added: {0}", domRenderer.render(e));
