List of usage examples for Multimap putAll
boolean putAll(Multimap<? extends K, ? extends V> multimap);
From source
public MRExecutor plan(Class<?> jarClass, Configuration conf) throws IOException { DotfileUtil dotfileUtil = new DotfileUtil(jarClass, conf); // Generate the debug lineage dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildLineageDotfile(outputs); Map<PCollectionImpl<?>, Set<Target>> targetDeps = Maps.newTreeMap(DEPTH_COMPARATOR); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : outputs.keySet()) { targetDeps.put(pcollect, pcollect.getTargetDependencies()); }//from w w w . j a va 2s . c o m Multimap<Target, JobPrototype> assignments = HashMultimap.create(); while (!targetDeps.isEmpty()) { Set<Target> allTargets = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect : targetDeps.keySet()) { allTargets.addAll(outputs.get(pcollect)); } GraphBuilder graphBuilder = new GraphBuilder(); // Walk the current plan tree and build a graph in which the vertices are // sources, targets, and GBK operations. Set<PCollectionImpl<?>> currentStage = Sets.newHashSet(); for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : targetDeps.keySet()) { Set<Target> deps = Sets.intersection(allTargets, targetDeps.get(output)); if (deps.isEmpty()) { graphBuilder.visitOutput(output); currentStage.add(output); } } Graph baseGraph = graphBuilder.getGraph(); boolean hasInputs = false; for (Vertex v : baseGraph) { if (v.isInput()) { hasInputs = true; break; } } if (!hasInputs) { LOG.warn("No input sources for pipeline, nothing to do..."); return new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets, pipelineCallables); } // Create a new graph that splits up up dependent GBK nodes. Graph graph = prepareFinalGraph(baseGraph); // Break the graph up into connected components. List<List<Vertex>> components = graph.connectedComponents(); // Generate the debug graph dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildBaseGraphDotfile(outputs, graph); dotfileUtil.buildSplitGraphDotfile(outputs, graph, components); // For each component, we will create one or more job prototypes, // depending on its profile. // For dependency handling, we only need to care about which // job prototype a particular GBK is assigned to. Multimap<Vertex, JobPrototype> newAssignments = HashMultimap.create(); for (List<Vertex> component : components) { newAssignments.putAll(constructJobPrototypes(component)); } // Add in the job dependency information here. for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) { JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); for (Vertex parent : graph.getParents(e.getKey())) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : newAssignments.get(parent)) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } } ImmutableMultimap<Target, JobPrototype> previousStages = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(assignments); for (Map.Entry<Vertex, JobPrototype> e : newAssignments.entries()) { if (e.getKey().isOutput()) { PCollectionImpl<?> pcollect = e.getKey().getPCollection(); JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); // Add in implicit dependencies via SourceTargets that are read into memory for (Target pt : pcollect.getTargetDependencies()) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : assignments.get(pt)) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } // Add this to the set of output assignments for (Target t : outputs.get(pcollect)) { assignments.put(t, e.getValue()); } } else { Source source = e.getKey().getSource(); if (source != null && source instanceof Target) { JobPrototype current = e.getValue(); Collection<JobPrototype> parentJobPrototypes = previousStages.get((Target) source); if (parentJobPrototypes != null) { for (JobPrototype parentJobProto : parentJobPrototypes) { current.addDependency(parentJobProto); } } } } } // Remove completed outputs and mark materialized output locations // for subsequent job processing. for (PCollectionImpl<?> output : currentStage) { if (toMaterialize.containsKey(output)) { MaterializableIterable mi = toMaterialize.get(output); if (mi.isSourceTarget()) { output.materializeAt((SourceTarget) mi.getSource()); } } targetDeps.remove(output); } } // Finally, construct the jobs from the prototypes and return. MRExecutor exec = new MRExecutor(conf, jarClass, outputs, toMaterialize, appendedTargets, pipelineCallables); // Generate the debug Plan dotfiles dotfileUtil.buildPlanDotfile(exec, assignments, pipeline, lastJobID); for (JobPrototype proto : Sets.newHashSet(assignments.values())) { exec.addJob(proto.getCrunchJob(jarClass, conf, pipeline, lastJobID)); } // Generate the debug RTNode dotfiles (if configuration is enabled) dotfileUtil.buildRTNodesDotfile(exec); // Attach the dotfiles to the MRExcutor context dotfileUtil.addDotfilesToContext(exec); return exec; }
From source
/** * Queries the NCBI EUtils web service to retrieve through elink.cgi all the associations existing in a database * (dbto) for the identifiers provided for an initial different database (dbfrom). The one to one associations are * stored in the Multimap returned. Not more than 5,000 ids should be submitted at once. * * @param dbFromIds the list of string identifiers to search for * @param dbFrom the database in Entrez corresponding to those identifiers * @param dbTo the database where we want to find hits. * @return multimap with all the one-to-many associations fromDB identifiers (keys) -to- toDB identifiers (values). * @throws javax.jws.WebService exception if more than the allowed number of entries were submitted. *//*w ww. ja v a 2 s. co m*/ public Multimap<String, String> getDBToIDsFromDBFromIDs(List<String> dbFromIds, EntrezDB dbFrom, EntrezDB dbTo, String addTerm, String addTermValue) throws WebServiceException { checkNumberOfSubmittedEntries(dbFromIds); WebResource webRes = client.resource(baseURL + "elink.fcgi"); MultivaluedMap queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); queryParams.add("dbfrom", dbFrom.toString()); queryParams.add("db", dbTo.toString()); if (addTerm != null && addTermValue != null) queryParams.add(addTerm, addTermValue); for (String id : dbFromIds) { queryParams.add("id", id); } ClientResponse resp = submitPost(webRes, queryParams); if (resp.getStatus() != 200) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed : HTTP error code : " + resp.getStatus()); } Multimap<String, String> res = HashMultimap.create(); // mapping should be one to many but there shouldn't be any replicated ELinkXMLResponseParser elinkXMLResponseParser = new ELinkXMLResponseParser(); try { res.putAll(elinkXMLResponseParser.parseLinkSetBlock(resp.getEntityInputStream())); } catch (XMLStreamException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Could not parse output XML adequately...", ex); } return res; }
From source
private void exportAllReachedSets(final Path superArgFile, final PathTemplate indexedFile, final UnmodifiableReachedSet mainReachedSet) { if (superArgFile != null) { final Set<UnmodifiableReachedSet> allReachedSets = new HashSet<>(); allReachedSets.addAll(cache.getAllCachedReachedStates()); allReachedSets.add(mainReachedSet); final Set<ARGState> rootStates = new HashSet<>(); final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections = HashMultimap.create(); for (final UnmodifiableReachedSet reachedSet : allReachedSets) { ARGState rootState = (ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState(); rootStates.add(rootState);//from w w w .j a v a Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> localConnections = HashMultimap.create(); getConnections(rootState, localConnections); connections.putAll(localConnections); // dump small graph writeArg(indexedFile.getPath(((ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState()).getStateId()), localConnections, Collections.singleton((ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState())); } // dump super-graph writeArg(superArgFile, connections, rootStates); } }
From source
@Override public Multimap<MessageGroup, ? extends Restful> getInstructionsMessages(final PluginContext context) { final Instructions myInstructions = getInstructions(); if (myInstructions == null) { return ArrayListMultimap.create(); }/* w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ final Set<InstructionSet> instructionSets = instructions.getInstructionSets(); final InstructionExecutor executor = new PluginInstructionExecutor(); final Set<String> myGroupNames = groupNames(); final Multimap<MessageGroup, Restful> instructionsMessages = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (InstructionSet instructionSet : instructionSets) { final Set<String> groups = instructionSet.getGroups(); for (String group : groups) { // execute only or group(s) if (myGroupNames.contains(group)) { final Multimap<MessageGroup, Restful> instr = executor.getInstructionsMessages(instructionSet, context); instructionsMessages.putAll(instr); } else { log.debug("Skipping instruction group for name: [{}]", group); } } } return instructionsMessages; }
From source
/** * Get containers used for this DAG//w w w.ja v a2 s. co m * * @return Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> task attempt details at every container */ public final Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> getContainersToTaskAttemptMapping() { List<VertexInfo> VertexInfoList = getVertices(); Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> containerMapping = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (VertexInfo vertexInfo : VertexInfoList) { containerMapping.putAll(vertexInfo.getContainersMapping()); } return Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(containerMapping); }
From source
@Override public Multimap<Cell, Long> getAllTimestamps(final String tableName, final Set<Cell> cells, final long timestamp) { if (isNotTiered(tableName)) { return primary.getAllTimestamps(tableName, cells, timestamp); }//from ww w . j a v a 2s .co m Multimap<Cell, Long> primaryResults = primary.getAllTimestamps(tableName, cells, timestamp); Multimap<Cell, Long> results = HashMultimap.create(secondary.getAllTimestamps(tableName, cells, timestamp)); results.putAll(primaryResults); return results; }
From source
protected Multimap<String, Entity> calculateDatacenterUsage() { Multimap<String, Entity> result = LinkedHashMultimap.<String, Entity>create(); for (CassandraDatacenter member : Iterables.filter(getMembers(), CassandraDatacenter.class)) { Multimap<String, Entity> memberUsage = member.getAttribute(CassandraDatacenter.DATACENTER_USAGE); if (memberUsage != null) result.putAll(memberUsage); }/*from ww w.ja v a 2 s . com*/ return result; }
From source
@Override public Boolean caseAlternatives(Alternatives object) { Multimap<String, AbstractElement> prevAssignedFeatures = assignedFeatures; Multimap<String, AbstractElement> mergedAssignedFeatures = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); Set<AbstractRule> prevPermanentlyVisited = permanentlyVisited; Set<AbstractRule> mergedPermanentlyVisited = Sets.newHashSet(); boolean allAborted = true; for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { assignedFeatures = newMultimap(prevAssignedFeatures); permanentlyVisited = Sets.newHashSet(prevPermanentlyVisited); if (!doSwitch(element)) { allAborted = false;// www. j a va 2 s . c om } mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(assignedFeatures); mergedPermanentlyVisited.addAll(prevPermanentlyVisited); } if (GrammarUtil.isOptionalCardinality(object)) { mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(prevAssignedFeatures); } assignedFeatures = mergedAssignedFeatures; if (!allAborted && GrammarUtil.isMultipleCardinality(object)) { prevAssignedFeatures = assignedFeatures; for (AbstractElement element : object.getElements()) { assignedFeatures = newMultimap(prevAssignedFeatures); permanentlyVisited = Sets.newHashSet(prevPermanentlyVisited); doSwitch(element); mergedAssignedFeatures.putAll(assignedFeatures); } assignedFeatures = mergedAssignedFeatures; } permanentlyVisited = mergedPermanentlyVisited; return Boolean.FALSE; }
From source
/** * Construct an HttpResponse from a builder (called by HttpResponseBuilder.create). */// w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m HttpResponse(HttpResponseBuilder builder) { httpStatusCode = builder.getHttpStatusCode(); Multimap<String, String> headerCopy = HttpResponse.newHeaderMultimap(); // Always safe, HttpResponseBuilder won't modify the body. responseBytes = builder.getResponse(); // Copy headers after builder.getResponse(), since that can modify Content-Type. headerCopy.putAll(builder.getHeaders()); Map<String, String> metadataCopy = Maps.newHashMap(builder.getMetadata()); metadata = Collections.unmodifiableMap(metadataCopy); // We want to modify the headers to ensure that the proper Content-Type and Date headers // have been set. This allows us to avoid these expensive calculations from the cache. date = getAndUpdateDate(headerCopy); encoding = getAndUpdateEncoding(headerCopy, responseBytes); headers = Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(headerCopy); }
From source
private Precision buildInitialPrecision(Collection<Precision> precisions, Precision initialPrecision) throws InterruptedException, RefinementFailedException { if (precisions.size() == 0) { return initialPrecision; }//from w w w. j a v a 2s .co m Multimap<Pair<CFANode, Integer>, AbstractionPredicate> locationInstancPreds = HashMultimap.create(); Multimap<CFANode, AbstractionPredicate> localPreds = HashMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, AbstractionPredicate> functionPreds = HashMultimap.create(); Collection<AbstractionPredicate> globalPreds = new HashSet<>(); Collection<PredicatePrecision> seenPrecisions = new HashSet<>(); // add initial precision PredicatePrecision predPrec = Precisions.extractPrecisionByType(initialPrecision, PredicatePrecision.class); locationInstancPreds.putAll(predPrec.getLocationInstancePredicates()); localPreds.putAll(predPrec.getLocalPredicates()); functionPreds.putAll(predPrec.getFunctionPredicates()); globalPreds.addAll(predPrec.getGlobalPredicates()); seenPrecisions.add(predPrec); // add further precision information obtained during refinement for (Precision nextPrec : precisions) { predPrec = Precisions.extractPrecisionByType(nextPrec, PredicatePrecision.class); shutdownNotifier.shutdownIfNecessary(); if (!seenPrecisions.contains(predPrec)) { seenPrecisions.add(predPrec); locationInstancPreds.putAll(predPrec.getLocationInstancePredicates()); localPreds.putAll(predPrec.getLocalPredicates()); functionPreds.putAll(predPrec.getFunctionPredicates()); globalPreds.addAll(predPrec.getGlobalPredicates()); } } // construct new predicate precision PredicatePrecision newPredPrec = new PredicatePrecision(locationInstancPreds, localPreds, functionPreds, globalPreds); try { // assure that refinement fails if same path is encountered twice and precision not refined on that path if (repeatedFailure && noNewPredicates(oldPrecision, newPredPrec)) { throw new RefinementFailedException(Reason.RepeatedCounterexample, pathToFailure); } } catch (SolverException e) { throw new RefinementFailedException(Reason.InterpolationFailed, pathToFailure, e); } return Precisions.replaceByType(initialPrecision, newPredPrec, PredicatePrecision.class); }