Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import static org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.util.statistics.StatisticsUtils.toPercent; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.sosy_lab.common.Pair; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.FileOption; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.CPAcheckerResult.Result; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Statistics; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.ReachedSet; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.reachedset.UnmodifiableReachedSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Prints some BAM related statistics */ @Options(prefix = "cpa.bam") class BAMCPAStatistics implements Statistics { @Option(secure = true, description = "export blocked ARG as .dot file") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path argFile = Paths.get(""); @Option(secure = true, description = "export single blocked ARG as .dot files, should contain '%d'") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private PathTemplate indexedArgFile = PathTemplate.ofFormatString("ARGs/"); @Option(secure = true, description = "export used parts of blocked ARG as .dot file") @FileOption(FileOption.Type.OUTPUT_FILE) private Path simplifiedArgFile = Paths.get(""); private final Predicate<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>> highlightSummaryEdge = new Predicate<Pair<ARGState, ARGState>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Pair<ARGState, ARGState> input) { final CFAEdge edge = input.getFirst().getEdgeToChild(input.getSecond()); return edge instanceof FunctionSummaryEdge; } }; private final BAMCPA cpa; private final BAMCache cache; private AbstractBAMBasedRefiner refiner = null; private final LogManager logger; public BAMCPAStatistics(BAMCPA cpa, BAMCache cache, Configuration config, LogManager logger) throws InvalidConfigurationException { config.inject(this); = cpa; this.cache = cache; this.logger = logger; } @Override public String getName() { return "BAMCPA"; } public void addRefiner(AbstractBAMBasedRefiner pRefiner) { checkState(refiner == null); refiner = pRefiner; } @Override public void printStatistics(PrintStream out, Result result, ReachedSet reached) { BAMTransferRelation transferRelation = cpa.getTransferRelation(); TimedReducer reducer = cpa.getReducer(); int sumCalls = cache.cacheMisses + cache.partialCacheHits + cache.fullCacheHits; int sumARTElemets = 0; for (ReachedSet subreached : BAMARGUtils.gatherReachedSets(cpa, reached).values()) { sumARTElemets += subreached.size(); } out.println("Total size of all ARGs: " + sumARTElemets); out.println("Maximum block depth: " + transferRelation.maxRecursiveDepth); out.println("Total number of recursive CPA calls: " + sumCalls); out.println(" Number of cache misses: " + cache.cacheMisses + " (" + toPercent(cache.cacheMisses, sumCalls) + " of all calls)"); out.println(" Number of partial cache hits: " + cache.partialCacheHits + " (" + toPercent(cache.partialCacheHits, sumCalls) + " of all calls)"); out.println(" Number of full cache hits: " + cache.fullCacheHits + " (" + toPercent(cache.fullCacheHits, sumCalls) + " of all calls)"); if (cache.gatherCacheMissStatistics) { out.println("Cause for cache misses: "); out.println(" Number of abstraction caused misses: " + cache.abstractionCausedMisses + " (" + toPercent(cache.abstractionCausedMisses, cache.cacheMisses) + " of all misses)"); out.println( " Number of precision caused misses: " + cache.precisionCausedMisses + " (" + toPercent(cache.precisionCausedMisses, cache.cacheMisses) + " of all misses)"); out.println( " Number of misses with no similar elements: " + cache.noSimilarCausedMisses + " (" + toPercent(cache.noSimilarCausedMisses, cache.cacheMisses) + " of all misses)"); } out.println("Time for reducing abstract states: " + reducer.reduceTime + " (Calls: " + reducer.reduceTime.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for expanding abstract states: " + reducer.expandTime + " (Calls: " + reducer.expandTime.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for checking equality of abstract states: " + cache.equalsTimer + " (Calls: " + cache.equalsTimer.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for computing the hashCode of abstract states: " + cache.hashingTimer + " (Calls: " + cache.hashingTimer.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for searching for similar cache entries: " + cache.searchingTimer + " (Calls: " + cache.searchingTimer.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for reducing precisions: " + reducer.reducePrecisionTime + " (Calls: " + reducer.reducePrecisionTime.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for expanding precisions: " + reducer.expandPrecisionTime + " (Calls: " + reducer.expandPrecisionTime.getNumberOfIntervals() + ")"); out.println("Time for removing cached subtrees for refinement: " + transferRelation.removeCachedSubtreeTimer); out.println("Time for recomputing ARGs during counterexample analysis: " + transferRelation.recomputeARTTimer); if (refiner != null) { out.println( "Compute path for refinement: " + refiner.computePathTimer); out.println(" Constructing flat ARG: " + refiner.computeSubtreeTimer); out.println(" Searching path to error location: " + refiner.computeCounterexampleTimer); } //Add to reached set all states from BAM cache Collection<ReachedSet> cachedStates = cache.getAllCachedReachedStates(); for (ReachedSet set : cachedStates) { for (AbstractState state : set.asCollection()) { /* Method 'add' add state not only in list of reached states, but also in waitlist, * so we should delete it. */ reached.add(state, set.getPrecision(state)); reached.removeOnlyFromWaitlist(state); } } exportAllReachedSets(argFile, indexedArgFile, reached); exportUsedReachedSets(simplifiedArgFile, reached); } private void exportAllReachedSets(final Path superArgFile, final PathTemplate indexedFile, final UnmodifiableReachedSet mainReachedSet) { if (superArgFile != null) { final Set<UnmodifiableReachedSet> allReachedSets = new HashSet<>(); allReachedSets.addAll(cache.getAllCachedReachedStates()); allReachedSets.add(mainReachedSet); final Set<ARGState> rootStates = new HashSet<>(); final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections = HashMultimap.create(); for (final UnmodifiableReachedSet reachedSet : allReachedSets) { ARGState rootState = (ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState(); rootStates.add(rootState); Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> localConnections = HashMultimap.create(); getConnections(rootState, localConnections); connections.putAll(localConnections); // dump small graph writeArg(indexedFile.getPath(((ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState()).getStateId()), localConnections, Collections.singleton((ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState())); } // dump super-graph writeArg(superArgFile, connections, rootStates); } } /** dump only those ReachedSets, that are reachable from mainReachedSet. */ private void exportUsedReachedSets(final Path superArgFile, final UnmodifiableReachedSet mainReachedSet) { if (superArgFile != null) { final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections = HashMultimap.create(); final Set<ARGState> rootStates = getUsedRootStates(mainReachedSet, connections); writeArg(superArgFile, connections, rootStates); } } private void writeArg(final Path file, final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections, final Set<ARGState> rootStates) { try (Writer w = Files.openOutputFile(file)) { ARGToDotWriter.write(w, rootStates, connections, ARGUtils.CHILDREN_OF_STATE, Predicates.alwaysTrue(), highlightSummaryEdge); } catch (IOException e) { logger.logUserException(Level.WARNING, e, String.format("Could not write ARG to file: %s", file)); } } private Set<ARGState> getUsedRootStates(final UnmodifiableReachedSet mainReachedSet, final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections) { final Set<UnmodifiableReachedSet> finished = new HashSet<>(); final Deque<UnmodifiableReachedSet> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitlist.add(mainReachedSet); while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) { final UnmodifiableReachedSet reachedSet = waitlist.pop(); if (!finished.add(reachedSet)) { continue; } final ARGState rootState = (ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState(); final Set<ReachedSet> referencedReachedSets = getConnections(rootState, connections); waitlist.addAll(referencedReachedSets); } final Set<ARGState> rootStates = new HashSet<>(); for (UnmodifiableReachedSet reachedSet : finished) { rootStates.add((ARGState) reachedSet.getFirstState()); } return rootStates; } /** * This method iterates over all reachable states from rootState * and searches for connections to other reachedSets (a set of all those other reachedSets is returned). * As side-effect we collect a Multimap of all connections: * - from a state (in current reachedSet) to its reduced state (in other rechedSet) and * - from a foreign state (in other reachedSet) to its expanded state(s) (in current reachedSet). */ private Set<ReachedSet> getConnections(final ARGState rootState, final Multimap<ARGState, ARGState> connections) { final Set<ReachedSet> referencedReachedSets = new HashSet<>(); final Set<ARGState> finished = new HashSet<>(); final Deque<ARGState> waitlist = new ArrayDeque<>(); waitlist.add(rootState); while (!waitlist.isEmpty()) { ARGState state = waitlist.pop(); if (!finished.add(state)) { continue; } if (cpa.getTransferRelation().abstractStateToReachedSet.containsKey(state)) { ReachedSet target = cpa.getTransferRelation().abstractStateToReachedSet.get(state); referencedReachedSets.add(target); ARGState targetState = (ARGState) target.getFirstState(); connections.put(state, targetState); } if (cpa.getTransferRelation().expandedToReducedCache.containsKey(state)) { AbstractState sourceState = cpa.getTransferRelation().expandedToReducedCache.get(state); connections.put((ARGState) sourceState, state); } waitlist.addAll(state.getChildren()); } return referencedReachedSets; } }