Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel;

import org.apache.commons.collections.BidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.collections.bidimap.DualHashBidiMap;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringInterner;
import org.apache.tez.client.CallerContext;
import org.apache.tez.dag.api.event.VertexState;
import org.apache.tez.dag.history.HistoryEventType;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException;
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import static org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability.Evolving;

public class DagInfo extends BaseInfo {

    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DagInfo.class);

    //Fields populated via JSON
    private final String name;
    private final long startTime;
    private final long endTime;
    private final long submitTime;
    private final int failedTasks;
    private final String dagId;
    private final int numVertices;
    private final String status;
    private final String diagnostics;
    private String userName;
    private VersionInfo versionInfo;
    private CallerContext callerContext;

    //VertexID --> VertexName & vice versa
    private final BidiMap vertexNameIDMapping;

    //edgeId to EdgeInfo mapping
    private final Map<Integer, EdgeInfo> edgeInfoMap;

    //Only for internal parsing (vertexname mapping)
    private Map<String, BasicVertexInfo> basicVertexInfoMap;

    //VertexName --> VertexInfo
    private Map<String, VertexInfo> vertexNameMap;

    private Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> containerMapping;
    private Map<String, String> config;

    DagInfo(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {

        vertexNameMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        vertexNameIDMapping = new DualHashBidiMap();
        edgeInfoMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        basicVertexInfoMap = Maps.newHashMap();
        containerMapping = LinkedHashMultimap.create();


        dagId = StringInterner.weakIntern(jsonObject.getString(Constants.ENTITY));

        //Parse additional Info
        JSONObject otherInfoNode = jsonObject.getJSONObject(Constants.OTHER_INFO);

        long sTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.START_TIME);
        long eTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.FINISH_TIME);
        userName = otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.USER);
        if (eTime < sTime) {
            LOG.warn("DAG has got wrong start/end values. " + "startTime=" + sTime + ", endTime=" + eTime
                    + ". Will check " + "timestamps in DAG started/finished events");

            // Check if events DAG_STARTED, DAG_FINISHED can be made use of
            for (Event event : eventList) {
                switch (HistoryEventType.valueOf(event.getType())) {
                case DAG_STARTED:
                    sTime = event.getAbsoluteTime();
                case DAG_FINISHED:
                    eTime = event.getAbsoluteTime();

            if (eTime < sTime) {
                LOG.warn("DAG has got wrong start/end values in events as well. " + "startTime=" + sTime
                        + ", endTime=" + eTime);
        startTime = sTime;
        endTime = eTime;

        //TODO: Not getting populated correctly for lots of jobs.  Verify
        submitTime = otherInfoNode.optLong(Constants.START_REQUESTED_TIME);
        diagnostics = otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.DIAGNOSTICS);
        failedTasks = otherInfoNode.optInt(Constants.NUM_FAILED_TASKS);
        JSONObject dagPlan = otherInfoNode.optJSONObject(Constants.DAG_PLAN);
        name = StringInterner.weakIntern((dagPlan != null) ? (dagPlan.optString(Constants.DAG_NAME)) : null);
        if (dagPlan != null) {
            JSONArray vertices = dagPlan.optJSONArray(Constants.VERTICES);
            if (vertices != null) {
                numVertices = vertices.length();
            } else {
                numVertices = 0;
        } else {
            numVertices = 0;
        status = StringInterner.weakIntern(otherInfoNode.optString(Constants.STATUS));

        //parse name id mapping
        JSONObject vertexIDMappingJson = otherInfoNode.optJSONObject(Constants.VERTEX_NAME_ID_MAPPING);
        if (vertexIDMappingJson != null) {
            //get vertex name
            for (Map.Entry<String, BasicVertexInfo> entry : basicVertexInfoMap.entrySet()) {
                String vertexId = vertexIDMappingJson.optString(entry.getKey());
                //vertexName --> vertexId
                vertexNameIDMapping.put(entry.getKey(), vertexId);

    public static DagInfo create(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
        DagInfo dagInfo = new DagInfo(jsonObject);
        return dagInfo;

    private void parseDAGPlan(JSONObject dagPlan) throws JSONException {
        int version = dagPlan.optInt(Constants.VERSION, 1);

        JSONArray verticesInfo = dagPlan.optJSONArray(Constants.VERTICES);

        if (version > 1) {

    private void parseDAGContext(JSONObject callerContextInfo) {
        if (callerContextInfo == null) {
  "No DAG Caller Context available");
        String context = callerContextInfo.optString(Constants.CONTEXT);
        String callerId = callerContextInfo.optString(Constants.CALLER_ID);
        String callerType = callerContextInfo.optString(Constants.CALLER_TYPE);
        String description = callerContextInfo.optString(Constants.DESCRIPTION);

        this.callerContext = CallerContext.create(context, description);
        if (callerId != null && !callerId.isEmpty() && callerType != null && !callerType.isEmpty()) {
            this.callerContext.setCallerIdAndType(callerId, callerType);
        } else {
  "No DAG Caller Context Id and Type available");


    private void parseBasicVertexInfo(JSONArray verticesInfo) throws JSONException {
        if (verticesInfo == null) {
  "No vertices available.");

        //Parse basic information available in DAG for vertex and edges
        for (int i = 0; i < verticesInfo.length(); i++) {
            BasicVertexInfo basicVertexInfo = new BasicVertexInfo();

            JSONObject vJson = verticesInfo.getJSONObject(i);
            basicVertexInfo.vertexName = vJson.optString(Constants.VERTEX_NAME);
            JSONArray inEdges = vJson.optJSONArray(Constants.IN_EDGE_IDS);
            if (inEdges != null) {
                String[] inEdgeIds = new String[inEdges.length()];
                for (int j = 0; j < inEdges.length(); j++) {
                    inEdgeIds[j] = inEdges.get(j).toString();
                basicVertexInfo.inEdgeIds = inEdgeIds;

            JSONArray outEdges = vJson.optJSONArray(Constants.OUT_EDGE_IDS);
            if (outEdges != null) {
                String[] outEdgeIds = new String[outEdges.length()];
                for (int j = 0; j < outEdges.length(); j++) {
                    outEdgeIds[j] = outEdges.get(j).toString();
                basicVertexInfo.outEdgeIds = outEdgeIds;

            JSONArray addInputsJson = vJson.optJSONArray(Constants.ADDITIONAL_INPUTS);
            basicVertexInfo.additionalInputs = parseAdditionalDetailsForVertex(addInputsJson);

            JSONArray addOutputsJson = vJson.optJSONArray(Constants.ADDITIONAL_OUTPUTS);
            basicVertexInfo.additionalOutputs = parseAdditionalDetailsForVertex(addOutputsJson);

            basicVertexInfoMap.put(basicVertexInfo.vertexName, basicVertexInfo);

     * get additional details available for every vertex in the dag
     * @param jsonArray
     * @return AdditionalInputOutputDetails[]
     * @throws JSONException
    private AdditionalInputOutputDetails[] parseAdditionalDetailsForVertex(JSONArray jsonArray)
            throws JSONException {
        if (jsonArray != null) {
            AdditionalInputOutputDetails[] additionalInputOutputDetails = new AdditionalInputOutputDetails[jsonArray
            for (int j = 0; j < jsonArray.length(); j++) {
                String name = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j).optString(Constants.NAME);
                String clazz = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j).optString(Constants.CLASS);
                String initializer = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j).optString(Constants.INITIALIZER);
                String userPayloadText = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j).optString(Constants.USER_PAYLOAD_TEXT);

                additionalInputOutputDetails[j] = new AdditionalInputOutputDetails(name, clazz, initializer,

            return additionalInputOutputDetails;
        return null;

     * Parse edge details in the DAG
     * @param edgesArray
     * @throws JSONException
    private void parseEdges(JSONArray edgesArray) throws JSONException {
        if (edgesArray == null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < edgesArray.length(); i++) {
            JSONObject edge = edgesArray.getJSONObject(i);
            Integer edgeId = edge.optInt(Constants.EDGE_ID);
            String inputVertexName = edge.optString(Constants.INPUT_VERTEX_NAME);
            String outputVertexName = edge.optString(Constants.OUTPUT_VERTEX_NAME);
            String dataMovementType = edge.optString(Constants.DATA_MOVEMENT_TYPE);
            String edgeSourceClass = edge.optString(Constants.EDGE_SOURCE_CLASS);
            String edgeDestinationClass = edge.optString(Constants.EDGE_DESTINATION_CLASS);
            String inputUserPayloadAsText = edge.optString(Constants.INPUT_PAYLOAD_TEXT);
            String outputUserPayloadAsText = edge.optString(Constants.OUTPUT_PAYLOAD_TEXT);
            EdgeInfo edgeInfo = new EdgeInfo(inputVertexName, outputVertexName, dataMovementType, edgeSourceClass,
                    edgeDestinationClass, inputUserPayloadAsText, outputUserPayloadAsText);
            edgeInfoMap.put(edgeId, edgeInfo);

    static class BasicVertexInfo {
        String vertexName;
        String[] inEdgeIds;
        String[] outEdgeIds;
        AdditionalInputOutputDetails[] additionalInputs;
        AdditionalInputOutputDetails[] additionalOutputs;

    void addVertexInfo(VertexInfo vertexInfo) {
        BasicVertexInfo basicVertexInfo = basicVertexInfoMap.get(vertexInfo.getVertexName());

        Preconditions.checkArgument(basicVertexInfo != null, "VerteName " + vertexInfo.getVertexName()
                + " not present in DAG's vertices " + basicVertexInfoMap.entrySet());

        //populate additional information in VertexInfo
        if (basicVertexInfo.additionalInputs != null) {
        if (basicVertexInfo.additionalOutputs != null) {

        //Populate edge information in vertex
        if (basicVertexInfo.inEdgeIds != null) {
            for (String edge : basicVertexInfo.inEdgeIds) {
                EdgeInfo edgeInfo = edgeInfoMap.get(Integer.parseInt(edge));
                Preconditions.checkState(edgeInfo != null, "EdgeId " + edge + " not present in DAG");

        if (basicVertexInfo.outEdgeIds != null) {
            for (String edge : basicVertexInfo.outEdgeIds) {
                EdgeInfo edgeInfo = edgeInfoMap.get(Integer.parseInt(edge));
                Preconditions.checkState(edgeInfo != null, "EdgeId " + edge + " not present in DAG");

        vertexNameMap.put(vertexInfo.getVertexName(), vertexInfo);

    void setAppConfig(Map<String, String> config) {
        this.config = config;

    public Map<String, String> getAppConfig() {
        return (config != null) ? Collections.unmodifiableMap(config) : null;

    void setVersionInfo(VersionInfo versionInfo) {
        this.versionInfo = versionInfo;

    void addContainerMapping(Container container, TaskAttemptInfo taskAttemptInfo) {
        this.containerMapping.put(container, taskAttemptInfo);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("dagID=").append(getDagId()).append(", ");
        sb.append("dagName=").append(getName()).append(", ");
        sb.append("status=").append(getStatus()).append(", ");
        sb.append("startTime=").append(getStartTimeInterval()).append(", ");
        sb.append("submitTime=").append(getSubmitTime()).append(", ");
        sb.append("endTime=").append(getFinishTimeInterval()).append(", ");
        sb.append("timeTaken=").append(getTimeTaken()).append(", ");
        sb.append("diagnostics=").append(getDiagnostics()).append(", ");
        sb.append("vertexNameIDMapping=").append(getVertexNameIDMapping()).append(", ");
        sb.append("failedTasks=").append(getFailedTaskCount()).append(", ");
        sb.append("events=").append(getEvents()).append(", ");
        return sb.toString();

    public Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> getContainerMapping() {
        return Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(containerMapping);

    public final VersionInfo getVersionInfo() {
        return versionInfo;

    public final CallerContext getCallerContext() {
        return callerContext;

    public final String getName() {
        return name;

    public final Collection<EdgeInfo> getEdges() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(edgeInfoMap.values());

    public final long getSubmitTime() {
        return submitTime;

    public final long getStartTime() {
        return startTime;

    public final long getFinishTime() {
        return endTime;

     * Reference start time for the DAG. Vertex, Task, TaskAttempt would map on to this.
     * If absolute start time is needed, call getAbsStartTime().
     * @return starting time w.r.t to dag
    public final long getStartTimeInterval() {
        return 0;

    public final long getFinishTimeInterval() {
        long dagEndTime = (endTime - startTime);
        if (dagEndTime < 0) {
            //probably dag is not complete or failed in middle. get the last task attempt time
            for (VertexInfo vertexInfo : getVertices()) {
                dagEndTime = (vertexInfo.getFinishTimeInterval() > dagEndTime) ? vertexInfo.getFinishTimeInterval()
                        : dagEndTime;
        return dagEndTime;

    public final long getTimeTaken() {
        return getFinishTimeInterval();

    public final String getStatus() {
        return status;

     * Get vertexInfo for a given vertexid
     * @param vertexId
     * @return VertexInfo
    public VertexInfo getVertexFromId(String vertexId) {
        return vertexNameMap.get(vertexNameIDMapping.getKey(vertexId));

     * Get vertexInfo for a given vertex name
     * @param vertexName
     * @return VertexInfo
    public final VertexInfo getVertex(String vertexName) {
        return vertexNameMap.get(vertexName);

    public final String getDiagnostics() {
        return diagnostics;

     * Get all vertices
     * @return List<VertexInfo>
    public final List<VertexInfo> getVertices() {
        List<VertexInfo> vertices = Lists.newLinkedList(vertexNameMap.values());
        Collections.sort(vertices, new Comparator<VertexInfo>() {

            public int compare(VertexInfo o1, VertexInfo o2) {
                return (o1.getStartTimeInterval() < o2.getStartTimeInterval()) ? -1
                        : ((o1.getStartTimeInterval() == o2.getStartTimeInterval()) ? 0 : 1);
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(vertices);

     * Get list of failed vertices
     * @return List<VertexInfo>
    public final List<VertexInfo> getFailedVertices() {
        return getVertices(VertexState.FAILED);

     * Get list of killed vertices
     * @return List<VertexInfo>
    public final List<VertexInfo> getKilledVertices() {
        return getVertices(VertexState.KILLED);

     * Get list of failed vertices
     * @return List<VertexInfo>
    public final List<VertexInfo> getSuccessfullVertices() {
        return getVertices(VertexState.SUCCEEDED);

     * Get list of vertices belonging to a specific state
     * @param state
     * @return Collection<VertexInfo>
    public final List<VertexInfo> getVertices(final VertexState state) {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(Lists.newLinkedList(
                Iterables.filter(Lists.newLinkedList(vertexNameMap.values()), new Predicate<VertexInfo>() {
                    public boolean apply(VertexInfo input) {
                        return input.getStatus() != null && input.getStatus().equals(state.toString());

    public final Map<String, VertexInfo> getVertexMapping() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(vertexNameMap);

    private Ordering<VertexInfo> getVertexOrdering() {
        return Ordering.from(new Comparator<VertexInfo>() {
            public int compare(VertexInfo o1, VertexInfo o2) {
                return (o1.getTimeTaken() < o2.getTimeTaken()) ? -1
                        : ((o1.getTimeTaken() == o2.getTimeTaken()) ? 0 : 1);

     * Get the slowest vertex in the DAG
     * @return VertexInfo
    public final VertexInfo getSlowestVertex() {
        List<VertexInfo> vertexInfoList = getVertices();
        if (vertexInfoList.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        return getVertexOrdering().max(vertexInfoList);

     * Get the slowest vertex in the DAG
     * @return VertexInfo
    public final VertexInfo getFastestVertex() {
        List<VertexInfo> vertexInfoList = getVertices();
        if (vertexInfoList.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        return getVertexOrdering().min(vertexInfoList);

     * Get node details for this DAG. Would be useful for analyzing node to tasks.
     * @return Multimap<String, TaskAttemptInfo> taskAttempt details at every node
    public final Multimap<String, TaskAttemptInfo> getNodeDetails() {
        Multimap<String, TaskAttemptInfo> nodeDetails = LinkedListMultimap.create();
        for (VertexInfo vertexInfo : getVertices()) {
            Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> containerMapping = vertexInfo.getContainersMapping();
            for (Map.Entry<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> entry : containerMapping.entries()) {
                nodeDetails.put(entry.getKey().getHost(), entry.getValue());
        return nodeDetails;

     * Get containers used for this DAG
     * @return Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> task attempt details at every container
    public final Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> getContainersToTaskAttemptMapping() {
        List<VertexInfo> VertexInfoList = getVertices();
        Multimap<Container, TaskAttemptInfo> containerMapping = LinkedHashMultimap.create();

        for (VertexInfo vertexInfo : VertexInfoList) {
        return Multimaps.unmodifiableMultimap(containerMapping);

    public final Map getVertexNameIDMapping() {
        return vertexNameIDMapping;

    public final int getNumVertices() {
        return numVertices;

    public final String getDagId() {
        return dagId;

    public final int getFailedTaskCount() {
        return failedTasks;

    public final String getUserName() {
        return userName;

    final void setUserName(String userName) {
        this.userName = userName;
