List of usage examples for Multimap get
Collection<V> get(@Nullable K key);
From source
@Override public void execute(Arguments arguments, PrintStream output) throws Exception { Multimap<String, Command> categorizedCommands = categorizeCommands(commands.get(), CommandCategory.GENERAL, Predicates.<Command>alwaysTrue()); for (CommandCategory category : CommandCategory.values()) { output.printf(" **%s**\n", simpleTitleCase(category.getName())); List<Command> commandList = Lists.newArrayList(categorizedCommands.get(category.getName())); Collections.sort(commandList, new Comparator<Command>() { @Override//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .co m public int compare(Command command, Command command2) { return command.getPattern().compareTo(command2.getPattern()); } }); for (Command command : commandList) { output.printf(" ``%s``,\"%s\"\n", command.getPattern(), command.getDescription().replace("\"", "\"\"")); } } }
From source
private Configuration(Collection<Item> configs) { this.requiredConfigs =; Multimap<String, Item> groupToItem = LinkedListMultimap.create(); for (Item item : configs) { groupToItem.put(, item); }/* w w w. ja v a2 s . co m*/ List<Group> groups = new ArrayList<>(); for (String group : groupToItem.keySet()) { Collection<Item> items = groupToItem.get(group); groups.add(new Group(group, new ArrayList<>(items))); } Collections.sort(groups); this.groups = ImmutableList.copyOf(groups); }
From source
@Override public void dispatch(Notification notification, Context context) { // "null" is passed as a 2nd argument because this dispatcher is not a per-project dispatcher Multimap<String, NotificationChannel> subscribedRecipients = notificationManager .findSubscribedRecipientsForDispatcher(this, null); List<String> userLogins = propertiesDao .findUserIdsForFavouriteResource(Long.parseLong(notification.getFieldValue("projectId"))); for (String userLogin : userLogins) { Collection<NotificationChannel> channels = subscribedRecipients.get(userLogin); for (NotificationChannel channel : channels) { context.addUser(userLogin, channel); }// w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m } }
From source
private void layoutDoubleEdges(List<State> states) { for (State state : states) { Multimap<State, Transition> map = HashMultimap.create(); for (Edge edge : state.getOutgoing()) { map.put((State) edge.getTarget(), (Transition) edge); }/* w ww .j a va2 s . c o m*/ for (State target : map.keySet()) { Collection<Transition> transitions = map.get(target); if (transitions.size() >= 2) { Point l1 = state.get("location"); Point l2 = target.get("location"); int inc = BREADTH / (transitions.size() - 1); int x = (l1.x + l2.x) / 2 - BREADTH / 2 + 15; final int y = (l1.y + l2.y + 20) / 2; for (Transition transition : transitions) { List<Bendpoint> bendpoints = new ArrayList<>(); AbsoluteBendpoint bp; bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(x, y - 5); bendpoints.add(bp); bp = new AbsoluteBendpoint(x, y + 5); bendpoints.add(bp); setBendpoints(transition, bendpoints); x += inc; } } } } }
From source
public void consumeForChangedFieldName(final String changedFieldName, final IDependencyConsumer consumer) { for (final DependencyType dependencyType : DependencyType.values()) { final Multimap<String, String> name2dependencies = type2name2dependencies.get(dependencyType); if (name2dependencies == null || name2dependencies.isEmpty()) { continue; }//from www. j a va 2 s .c o m for (final String dependentFieldName : name2dependencies.get(changedFieldName)) { consumer.consume(dependentFieldName, dependencyType); } } }
From source
public Iterable<AbstractState> get0(CFANode pLocation) { if (reachedSet instanceof LocationMappedReachedSet) { return AbstractStates.filterLocation(reachedSet, pLocation); }// ww w . java2s. co m if (statesByLocationRef.get() == null) { Multimap<CFANode, AbstractState> statesByLocation = HashMultimap.create(); for (AbstractState state : reachedSet) { for (CFANode location : AbstractStates.extractLocations(state)) { statesByLocation.put(location, state); } } this.statesByLocationRef.set(statesByLocation); return statesByLocation.get(pLocation); } return statesByLocationRef.get().get(pLocation); }
From source
private boolean constraintWithSameMeaningExists(final CFANode pLoc, final Constraint pConstraint, final Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> pTrackedConstraints) { if (pTrackedConstraints.containsKey(pLoc)) { final Collection<Constraint> constraintsOnLocation = pTrackedConstraints.get(pLoc); for (Constraint c : constraintsOnLocation) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; }//w w w. ja va 2 s .c o m } } return false; }
From source
private int displayErrors(Set<String> suppress, Multimap<String, String> errors) { int exitCode = 0; for (String category : errors.keySet()) { boolean ignored = suppress.contains(category) || suppress.contains(SUPPRESS_EVERYTHING); String prefix = ignored ? WARNING_PREFIX : ERROR_PREFIX; for (String error : errors.get(category)) { output.println(prefix + error); }/*from w ww .j a va 2 s .com*/ if (!ignored) { exitCode = 1; output.printf("%sUse suppress=[\"%s\"] to make the errors above warnings%n", NOTE_PREFIX, category); } } return exitCode; }
From source
void showChanges(Multimap<FileStatus, String> fileStatusMap) { AnsiConsole.systemInstall();//ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m Set<String> changedFiles = new HashSet<>(fileStatusMap.get(FileStatus.changed)); Set<String> deletedFiles = new HashSet<>(fileStatusMap.get(FileStatus.deleted)); if (!(changedFiles.isEmpty() && deletedFiles.isEmpty())) { System.out.printf("Uncommitted changes:%n" + " (use \"alexandria commit <file>...\" to commit the selected changes)%n" + " (use \"alexandria commit -a\" to commit all changes)%n" + " (use \"alexandria revert <file>...\" to discard changes)%n%n"); Set<String> changedOrDeletedFiles = new TreeSet<>(); changedOrDeletedFiles.addAll(changedFiles); changedOrDeletedFiles.addAll(deletedFiles); changedOrDeletedFiles.forEach(file -> { String status = changedFiles.contains(file) ? " modified: " : " deleted: "; System.out.println(ansi().fg(RED).a(status).a(file).reset()); }); } Collection<String> createdFiles = fileStatusMap.get(FileStatus.created); if (!createdFiles.isEmpty()) { System.out.printf( "Untracked files:%n" + " (use \"alexandria add <file>...\" to start tracking this file.)%n%n"); .forEach(f -> System.out.println(ansi().fg(RED).a(" ").a(f).reset())); } AnsiConsole.systemUninstall(); }
From source
@Override public String writeString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Multimap<Symbol, Integer> referencesBySymbol = ((DefaultSymbolTable) symbolTable).getReferencesBySymbol(); for (Symbol symbol : ((DefaultSymbolTable) symbolTable).getReferencesBySymbol().keySet()) { sb.append(symbol.getDeclarationStartOffset()).append(FIELD_SEPARATOR) .append(symbol.getDeclarationEndOffset()); Collection<Integer> symbolReferences = referencesBySymbol.get(symbol); for (Integer symbolReference : symbolReferences) { sb.append(FIELD_SEPARATOR).append(symbolReference); }/* w ww . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ sb.append(SYMBOL_SEPARATOR); } return sb.toString(); }