Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; /** * ConstraintsPrecision that uses the code constraints represent. * * <p>Example: * A ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision contains for location <code>N12</code> the precision * <code>'a > 5'</code>. The ConstraintsState to adjust at this location is * <code>'s1(a) > 5, s3(b) > 5'</code>. * After precision adjustment, the ConstraintsState only consists of <code>'s1(a) > 5'</code>. * </p> */ class ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision implements ConstraintsPrecision { private final static ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision EMPTY = new ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision(); private Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> trackedLocally; private Multimap<String, Constraint> trackedInFunction; private Set<Constraint> trackedGlobally; public static ConstraintsPrecision getEmptyPrecision() { return EMPTY; } /** * Creates a new <code>ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision</code> with the given constraints as precision. */ private ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision(final ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision pPrecision) { checkNotNull(pPrecision); trackedLocally = pPrecision.trackedLocally; trackedInFunction = pPrecision.trackedInFunction; trackedGlobally = pPrecision.trackedGlobally; } private ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision(final Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> pTrackedLocally, final Multimap<String, Constraint> pTrackedInFunction, final Set<Constraint> pTrackedGlobally) { trackedLocally = pTrackedLocally; trackedInFunction = pTrackedInFunction; trackedGlobally = pTrackedGlobally; } private ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision() { trackedLocally = HashMultimap.create(); trackedInFunction = HashMultimap.create(); trackedGlobally = new HashSet<>(); } /** * Returns whether the given <code>Constraint</code> is tracked by this precision. */ @Override public boolean isTracked(final Constraint pConstraint, final CFANode pLocation) { for (Constraint c : trackedLocally.get(pLocation)) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } for (Constraint c : trackedInFunction.get(pLocation.getFunctionName())) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } for (Constraint c : trackedGlobally) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Joins this precision with the given one. * The join of two precisions is their union. * * @param pOther the precision to join with this precision * @return the join of both precisions */ @Override public ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision join(final ConstraintsPrecision pOther) { assert pOther instanceof ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision; ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision other = (ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision) pOther; Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> joinedLocal = HashMultimap.create(trackedLocally); Multimap<String, Constraint> joinedFunctionwise = HashMultimap.create(trackedInFunction); Set<Constraint> joinedGlobal = new HashSet<>(trackedGlobally); addNewLocalConstraints(joinedLocal, other.trackedLocally); addNewFunctionConstraints(joinedFunctionwise, other.trackedInFunction); addNewGlobalConstraints(joinedGlobal, other.trackedGlobally); return new ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision(joinedLocal, joinedFunctionwise, joinedGlobal); } private void addNewLocalConstraints(Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> pMapToAddTo, Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> pNewConstraints) { for (Entry<CFANode, Constraint> entry : pNewConstraints.entries()) { CFANode loc = entry.getKey(); Constraint constraint = entry.getValue(); if (!constraintWithSameMeaningExists(loc, constraint, pMapToAddTo)) { pMapToAddTo.put(loc, constraint); } } } private void addNewFunctionConstraints(Multimap<String, Constraint> pMapToAddTo, Multimap<String, Constraint> pNewConstraints) { for (Entry<String, Constraint> entry : pNewConstraints.entries()) { String function = entry.getKey(); Constraint constraint = entry.getValue(); if (!constraintWithSameMeaningExists(function, constraint, pMapToAddTo)) { pMapToAddTo.put(function, constraint); } } } private void addNewGlobalConstraints(Set<Constraint> pSetToAddTo, Set<Constraint> pNewConstraints) { for (Constraint c : pNewConstraints) { if (!constraintWithSameMeaningExists(c, pNewConstraints)) { pSetToAddTo.add(c); } } } private boolean constraintWithSameMeaningExists(final CFANode pLoc, final Constraint pConstraint, final Multimap<CFANode, Constraint> pTrackedConstraints) { if (pTrackedConstraints.containsKey(pLoc)) { final Collection<Constraint> constraintsOnLocation = pTrackedConstraints.get(pLoc); for (Constraint c : constraintsOnLocation) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean constraintWithSameMeaningExists(final String pFunctionName, final Constraint pConstraint, final Multimap<String, Constraint> pTrackedConstraints) { if (pTrackedConstraints.containsKey(pFunctionName)) { final Collection<Constraint> constraintsOnLocation = pTrackedConstraints.get(pFunctionName); for (Constraint c : constraintsOnLocation) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean constraintWithSameMeaningExists(final Constraint pConstraint, final Set<Constraint> pTrackedConstraints) { for (Constraint c : pTrackedConstraints) { if (SymbolicValues.representSameCCodeExpression(c, pConstraint)) { return true; } } return false; } @Override public ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision withIncrement(final Increment pIncrement) { ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision newPrecision = new ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision(this); newPrecision.trackedGlobally.addAll(pIncrement.getTrackedGlobally()); newPrecision.trackedInFunction.putAll(pIncrement.getTrackedInFunction()); newPrecision.trackedLocally.putAll(pIncrement.getTrackedLocally()); return newPrecision; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision that = (ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision) o; return Objects.equals(trackedLocally, that.trackedLocally); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hash(trackedLocally); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ConstraintBasedConstraintsPrecision["); sb.append("\nLocally tracked: {"); if (!trackedLocally.keySet().isEmpty()) { List<CFANode> nodes = new ArrayList<>(trackedLocally.keySet()); Collections.sort(nodes); // we always want the same node order sb.append("\n"); for (CFANode n : nodes) { sb.append("\t").append(n).append(" -> "); // unfortunately, constraints aren't comparable, so we won't have a deterministic order. for (Constraint c : trackedLocally.get(n)) { sb.append(c.getRepresentation()).append(", "); } sb.append("\n"); } } sb.append("} -> size: ").append(trackedLocally.size()); sb.append("\nFunctionwise tracked: {"); if (!trackedInFunction.keySet().isEmpty()) { List<String> functions = new ArrayList<>(trackedInFunction.keySet()); Collections.sort(functions); // we always want the same function order sb.append("\n"); for (String f : functions) { sb.append("\t").append(f).append(" -> "); for (Constraint c : trackedInFunction.get(f)) { sb.append(c.getRepresentation()).append(", "); } sb.append("\n"); } } sb.append("} -> size: ").append(trackedInFunction.size()); sb.append("\nGlobally tracked: {"); for (Constraint c : trackedGlobally) { sb.append(c).append(", "); } sb.append("} -> size: ").append(trackedGlobally.size()); return sb.toString(); } }