List of usage examples for Multimap get
Collection<V> get(@Nullable K key);
From source
public Optional<ClusterNode> getNodeInShardButNotWithId(final Map<String, String> shard, final Predicate<ClusterNode> exclude) { final Multimap<Map<String, String>, ClusterNode> shardToNode = buildShards(entries); final Collection<ClusterNode> nodesInShard = shardToNode.get(shard); final List<ClusterNode> randomizedList = .collect(Collectors.toList()); Collections.shuffle(randomizedList, random); for (final ClusterNode n : randomizedList) { if (exclude.test(n)) { continue; }/*ww w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ return Optional.of(n); } return Optional.empty(); }
From source
private Set<ReasonerQueryImpl> getAllNeighbours(ReasonerQueryImpl entryQuery) { Set<ReasonerQueryImpl> neighbours = new HashSet<>(); Set<Equivalence.Wrapper<ReasonerQueryImpl>> visitedQueries = new HashSet<>(); Stack<Equivalence.Wrapper<ReasonerQueryImpl>> queryStack = new Stack<>(); Multimap<ReasonerQueryImpl, ReasonerQueryImpl> neighbourMap = immediateNeighbourMap(); neighbourMap.get(entryQuery).stream().map(q -> equality().wrap(q)).forEach(queryStack::push); while (!queryStack.isEmpty()) { Equivalence.Wrapper<ReasonerQueryImpl> wrappedQuery = queryStack.pop(); ReasonerQueryImpl query = wrappedQuery.get(); if (!visitedQueries.contains(wrappedQuery) && query != null) { neighbourMap.get(query).stream().peek(neighbours::add).flatMap(q -> neighbourMap.get(q).stream()) .map(q -> equality().wrap(q)).filter(q -> !visitedQueries.contains(q)) .filter(q -> !queryStack.contains(q)).forEach(queryStack::add); visitedQueries.add(wrappedQuery); }/*from ww w.ja va 2 s . c om*/ } return neighbours; }
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private Collection<Port> getPorts(Multimap<EObject, Port> portMap, DPN dpn, String type) { if (instance == null) { if (TYPE_READS.equals(type)) { return portMap.get(dpn); } else { // TYPE_WRITES return dpn.getInputs(); }/*from w w w .ja va2s. c o m*/ } else { Entity entity = instance.getEntity(); if (TYPE_READS.equals(type)) { return portMap.get(instance); } else { // TYPE_WRITES return entity.getOutputs(); } } }
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@Override public void dispatch(Notification notification, Context context) { String projectKey = notification.getFieldValue("projectKey"); String assignee = notification.getFieldValue("assignee"); Multimap<String, NotificationChannel> subscribedRecipients = manager.findNotificationSubscribers(this, projectKey);/* w w w . ja va2s . c om*/ Collection<NotificationChannel> channels = subscribedRecipients.get(assignee); for (NotificationChannel channel : channels) { context.addUser(assignee, channel); } }
From source
/** * Returns the total balance along one year in a monthly basis. * /* w w w . j av a2s. c o m*/ * @param year * the balance * @param yearToAnnotationMultimap * year --> annotations multimap * @param selectedBook * book selected for the balance * @param bookSelectionType * type of book * @return */ public static DefaultCategoryDataset getBalance(Integer year, Multimap<Integer, Annotation> yearToAnnotationMultimap, BookSelection bookSelection, Boolean includePurchasedStocks, Optional<String> optionalStockLabel) { Book selectedBook = bookSelection.getSelectedBook(); Double previousYearsTotals = 0.0; for (Integer currentYear : yearToAnnotationMultimap.keySet()) { if (currentYear < year) { for (Annotation currentAnnotation : yearToAnnotationMultimap.get(currentYear)) { previousYearsTotals += currentAnnotation.getSignedAmount(); } } } Set<StocksBook> stockBooks = new HashSet<StocksBook>(); Map<String, Double> totalData = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (int month = 0; month < 12; month++) { Calendar currentcalendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); currentcalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); currentcalendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); currentcalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); String mainLabel = getTimeLabel(currentcalendar.getTime()); totalData.put(mainLabel, 0.0); Collection<Annotation> annotations = yearToAnnotationMultimap.get(year); if (annotations != null) { for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { String currentAnnotationLabel = getTimeLabel(annotation.getDate()); if (currentAnnotationLabel.equals(mainLabel)) { if (annotation.getBook() instanceof StocksBook) { stockBooks.add((StocksBook) annotation.getBook()); } totalData.put(mainLabel, totalData.get(mainLabel) + annotation.getSignedAmount()); } } } } DefaultCategoryDataset model = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); List<String> listOfLabels = getListOfMonthTimeLabelsForYear(year); Map<String, Double> labelToToalCumulativeMap = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Double total = 0.0; for (String currentLabel : listOfLabels) { Double currentValue = totalData.get(currentLabel); if (currentValue != null) { total += currentValue; } labelToToalCumulativeMap.put(currentLabel, total + previousYearsTotals); } for (String currentLabel : listOfLabels) { model.addValue(labelToToalCumulativeMap.get(currentLabel), TOTAL_CUMULATIVE, currentLabel); } // add stock information in case it is necessary if ((selectedBook instanceof StocksBook) && includePurchasedStocks) { Table<Integer, Integer, Set<StockState>> historicalStockBalanceStateTable = HistoricalStockBalanceState .getConiniousHistoricalStockBalanceStateTable(bookSelection, year, optionalStockLabel); Collection<Annotation> annotationsForYear = yearToAnnotationMultimap.get(year); if (annotationsForYear == null) { annotationsForYear = Lists.newLinkedList(); } Collection<Annotation> movementAnnotationsForYear = Collections2.filter(annotationsForYear, new Predicate<Annotation>() { @Override public boolean apply(Annotation input) { return input instanceof MovementExpensesAnnotation || input instanceof MovementIncomeAnnotation; } }); movementAnnotationsForYear = Collections2.filter(movementAnnotationsForYear, new Predicate<Annotation>() { @Override public boolean apply(Annotation input) { return input instanceof MovementExpensesAnnotation || input instanceof MovementIncomeAnnotation; } }); final Calendar currentcalendar = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); Multimap<Integer, Annotation> monthToAnnotationMultimap = Multimaps.index(movementAnnotationsForYear, new Function<Annotation, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(Annotation input) { currentcalendar.setTime(input.getDate()); return currentcalendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); } }); Double movementBalance = getAllPreviousMovementCumulative(yearToAnnotationMultimap, year); if (historicalStockBalanceStateTable != null) { Map<Integer, Set<StockState>> historyForYear = historicalStockBalanceStateTable.rowMap().get(year); for (Integer currentMonth = 0; currentMonth <= 11; currentMonth++) { Double balance = 0.0; if (historyForYear != null && historyForYear.get(currentMonth) != null) { for (StockState currentStockState : historyForYear.get(currentMonth)) { balance += currentStockState.getVirtualBalanceForForcedYearAndMonth(year, currentMonth); } } else { balance = getYearBeforeFinalVirtualStockBalance(year, historicalStockBalanceStateTable); } if (monthToAnnotationMultimap.get(currentMonth) != null) { for (Annotation movementAnnotation : monthToAnnotationMultimap.get(currentMonth)) { movementBalance += movementAnnotation.getSignedAmount(); } } model.addValue(balance, TOTAL_CUMULATIVE_STOCKS_PURCHASED, listOfLabels.get(currentMonth)); Double cumulativeBalance = labelToToalCumulativeMap.get(listOfLabels.get(currentMonth)); model.addValue(balance + cumulativeBalance - movementBalance, TOTAL_CUMULATIVE_STOCKS_COMBINED, listOfLabels.get(currentMonth)); } } } return model; }
From source
private void getLinuxEnvironment(Map<String, String> propertyMap) { // the following probably doesn't work on ALL linux Multimap<String, String> cpuInfo = propertiesFromLinuxFile("/proc/cpuinfo"); propertyMap.put("host.cpus", Integer.toString(cpuInfo.get("processor").size())); String s = "cpu cores"; propertyMap.put("host.cpu.cores", describe(cpuInfo, s)); propertyMap.put("host.cpu.names", describe(cpuInfo, "model name")); propertyMap.put("host.cpu.cachesize", describe(cpuInfo, "cache size")); Multimap<String, String> memInfo = propertiesFromLinuxFile("/proc/meminfo"); // TODO redo memInfo.toString() so we don't get square brackets propertyMap.put("host.memory.physical", memInfo.get("MemTotal").toString()); propertyMap.put("host.memory.swap", memInfo.get("SwapTotal").toString()); getAndroidEnvironment(propertyMap);//from w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m }
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private static Double getAllPreviousMovementCumulative(Multimap<Integer, Annotation> yearToAnnotationMultimap, Integer year) {/*from w w w.j a v a2s . com*/ List<Integer> listOfYears = Lists.newLinkedList(yearToAnnotationMultimap.keys()); if (listOfYears.size() == 0) { return 0.0; } Collections.sort(listOfYears); double allPreviousMovementCumulative = 0.0; for (int currentYearIndex = 0; currentYearIndex < listOfYears.size() && listOfYears.get(currentYearIndex) < year; currentYearIndex++) { for (Annotation annotation : yearToAnnotationMultimap.get(listOfYears.get(currentYearIndex))) { allPreviousMovementCumulative += annotation.getSignedAmount(); } } return allPreviousMovementCumulative; }
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@Provides @Param("mime")// ww w . ja va 2 s . c o m String provideMime(Multimap<String, String> params) { return getFirst(params.get("mime"), null); }
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@Provides @Param("token")/* w w w . j av a2s . co m*/ String provideToken(Multimap<String, String> params) { return getFirst(params.get("token"), null); }
From source
@Provides @Param("addcookie") Map<String, String> provideAddCookie(Multimap<String, String> params) { return parseMap(params.get("addcookie")); }