List of usage examples for Multimap clear
void clear();
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <K, V extends Assignable<? super V>> Multimap<K, V> deepAssign(@Nullable Multimap<K, V> left, @Nullable final Multimap<K, V> right) { if (right == null) { return null; } else {/* w w w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ if (left == null) { left = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); } else { left.clear(); } final Collection<Map.Entry<K, V>> entries = right.entries(); for (final Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entries) { final K key = entry.getKey(); final V value = entry.getValue(); if (value == null) { left.put(key, null); } else { left.put(key, (V) value.clone()); } } return left; } }
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public static Multimap<Integer, String> partitioning(Multimap<String, String> lookup) { // Partitions Creation Set<String> keys = lookup.keySet(); int partitionId = 0; Multimap<Integer, String> partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int counter2 = 0; for (String key : keys) { Set<Integer> keys2 = partitions.keySet(); List<String> inter = (List<String>) lookup.get(key); List<String> interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(inter); Printer.debugln("Step number: " + counter2++ + "Number of keywords " + keys.size()); Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(interTMP); Multimap<Integer, String> partitionsTMP = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Integer key2 : keys2) { if (!set.isEmpty()) { Set<String> tmp = new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2)); Set<String> intersection = Sets.intersection(tmp, set); Set<String> difference; if (intersection.isEmpty()) { difference = tmp;//from www . j a v a 2s. c o m } else { difference = Sets.difference(tmp, intersection); set = Sets.difference(set, intersection); } if (!difference.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, difference); } if (!intersection.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, intersection); } } else { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, new HashSet<String>(partitions.get(key2))); } } interTMP = new ArrayList<String>(set); if (!interTMP.isEmpty()) { partitionId = partitionId + 1; partitionsTMP.putAll(partitionId, interTMP); } partitions = ArrayListMultimap.create(partitionsTMP); partitionsTMP.clear(); interTMP.clear(); } Printer.debugln("Partitions size " + partitions.keySet().size()); Printer.debugln("\n"); return partitions; }
From source
public Map<String, Multimap> convert(List<Triple> listOfTriples) { Map<String, Multimap> ObjectInfo = new LinkedHashMap(100); Map<String, Multimap> ObjectInfo1 = new LinkedHashMap(100); //List<Triple> listOfTriples = new ArrayList<>(100); Set<String> objectSet = new LinkedHashSet(100); for (Triple t : listOfTriples) { objectSet.add(t.object);//from www.j a v a 2s . c om } //System.out.println(objectSet); List<Triple> pullOut = null; //Multimap<String, String> multiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); //remove all triples with some object for (String iterObject : objectSet) { Multimap<String, String> multiMap = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<String, String> multiMap1 = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Triple t1 : listOfTriples) { if (t1.getObject().equals(iterObject)) { multiMap.put(t1.getPredicate(), t1.getSubject()); multiMap1.put(t1.getPredicate(), t1.getSubject()); } //System.out.println(multiMap); } //System.out.println(multiMap); ObjectInfo.put(iterObject, multiMap1); ObjectInfo1 = new LinkedHashMap(ObjectInfo); //System.out.println(ObjectInfo); //System.out.println("Clearing"); multiMap.clear(); } //System.out.println(multiMap + " " + "final"); //System.out.println(ObjectInfo1 + "Final"); return ObjectInfo1; }
From source
/** * Generate statistics and return newly created objects that have not been committed. * @param outDir directory in which to write summary files. Subdirectories outDir/users * and outDir/orgs must exist. Supply null for no output. *///from w w w. ja v a 2 s . co m public static Snapshot generateStatistics(String outDir, Manager manager) throws SQLException, IOException, MitroServletException { final long runTimestampMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); Snapshot output = new Snapshot(); // TODO: don't do this in one gigantic transaction. Multimap<Integer, Link> countToFile = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); // get all orgs. Map<Integer, GroupInfo> orgIdToOrg = Maps.newHashMap(); for (DBGroup o : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) { GroupInfo newGi = new GroupInfo(); newGi.autoDelete = o.isAutoDelete(); newGi.groupId = o.getId(); newGi.isTopLevelOrg = true; = o.getName(); Set<String> users = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DBGroup orgGroup : o.getAllOrgGroups(manager)) { users.add(orgGroup.getName()); } newGi.users = Lists.newArrayList(users); orgIdToOrg.put(newGi.groupId, newGi); } int numPeople = 0; for (DBIdentity id : manager.identityDao.queryForAll()) { ++numPeople; try { + ": " + id.getGuidCookie()); DBHistoricalUserState userState = getHistoricalUserState(manager, runTimestampMs, orgIdToOrg, id); output.userStateObjects.add(userState); String filename = id.getName() + ".html"; renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/" + filename, userStateTemplate, userState); countToFile.put(userState.numSecrets, new Link(id.getName(), filename, userState.numSecrets)); } catch (MitroServletException e) { logger.error("UNKNOWN ERROR", e); } } renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values()); countToFile.clear(); int numOrgs = 0; // now do the orgs for (DBGroup org : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) { ++numOrgs; // hack to make this work Set<Integer> admins = Sets.newHashSet(); org.putDirectUsersIntoSet(admins, DBAcl.adminAccess()); int userId = admins.iterator().next(); DBIdentity dbi = manager.identityDao.queryForId(userId); MitroRequestContext context = new MitroRequestContext(dbi, null, manager, null); GetOrganizationStateResponse resp = GetOrganizationState.doOperation(context, org.getId()); DBHistoricalOrgState orgState = new DBHistoricalOrgState(resp, org.getId(), runTimestampMs); output.orgStateObjects.add(orgState); String filename = org.getId() + ".html"; renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/" + filename, orgStateTemplate, orgState); countToFile.put(orgState.numMembers + orgState.numAdmins, new Link(org.getName() + org.getId(), org.getId() + ".html", orgState.numAdmins + orgState.numMembers)); } renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values()); renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/index.html", indexTemplate, ImmutableList.of(new Link("organizations", "orgs/index.html", numOrgs), new Link("users", "users/index.html", numPeople))); return output; }
From source
protected void createClusteredReferenceUpdates(ElementRenameArguments elementRenameArguments, Multimap<URI, IReferenceDescription> resource2references, ResourceSet resourceSet, IRefactoringUpdateAcceptor updateAcceptor, StatusWrapper status, IProgressMonitor monitor) { SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, resource2references.keySet().size() + 1); if (loadTargetResources(resourceSet, elementRenameArguments, status, progress.newChild(1))) { if (getClusterSize() > 0) { Set<Resource> targetResources = newHashSet(resourceSet.getResources()); Multimap<URI, IReferenceDescription> cluster = HashMultimap.create(); SubMonitor clusterMonitor = progress.newChild(1); for (URI referringResourceURI : resource2references.keySet()) { cluster.putAll(referringResourceURI, resource2references.get(referringResourceURI)); if (cluster.keySet().size() == getClusterSize()) { unloadNonTargetResources(resourceSet, targetResources); createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, cluster, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, clusterMonitor); cluster.clear(); }//w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om } if (!cluster.isEmpty()) { unloadNonTargetResources(resourceSet, targetResources); createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, cluster, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, clusterMonitor); } } else { createReferenceUpdatesForCluster(elementRenameArguments, resource2references, resourceSet, updateAcceptor, status, progress.newChild(resource2references.keySet().size())); } } }
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/** * The values of fields and macros can themselves contain the values of other directives. Search through the * properties and replace these values if they are present. * //from w w w.ja v a 2s. c o m * @param properties the properties to modify by expanding any values */ private void expandReferences(Multimap<String, String> properties) { Map<Pattern, String> matcherPatterns = new HashMap<Pattern, String>(); matcherPatterns.putAll(m_fieldReferenceMatcherPatterns); matcherPatterns.putAll(m_macroReferenceMatcherPatterns); Map<String, Pattern> replacePatterns = new HashMap<String, Pattern>(); replacePatterns.putAll(m_fieldReferenceReplacePatterns); replacePatterns.putAll(m_macroReferenceReplacePatterns); Multimap<String, String> newProperties = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Entry<String, String> property : properties.entries()) { String newValue = expandReferences(property.getValue().toString(), properties, matcherPatterns, replacePatterns); newProperties.put(property.getKey().toString(), newValue); } properties.clear(); properties.putAll(newProperties); }
From source
/** * Loads graph of web files from proto manifests. * * @param manifests set of web rule target proto files in reverse topological order * @return set of web files and relationships between them, which could be mutated, although * adding a single key will most likely result in a full rehash *//*from w w w. j a va2 s .c om*/ public static Webset load(Map<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> manifests, WebpathInterner interner) { int webfileCapacity = 0; int unlinkCapacity = 16; // LinkedHashMultimap#DEFAULT_KEY_CAPACITY for (WebfileManifestInfo manifest : manifests.values()) { webfileCapacity += manifest.getWebfileCount(); unlinkCapacity = Math.max(unlinkCapacity, manifest.getUnlinkCount()); } Map<Webpath, Webfile> webfiles = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(webfileCapacity); Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> links = LinkedHashMultimap.create(webfileCapacity, 4); Multimap<Webpath, Webpath> unlinks = LinkedHashMultimap.create(unlinkCapacity, 4); for (Map.Entry<Path, WebfileManifestInfo> entry : manifests.entrySet()) { Path manifestPath = entry.getKey(); Path zipPath = WebfilesUtils.getIncrementalZipPath(manifestPath); WebfileManifestInfo manifest = entry.getValue(); String label = manifest.getLabel(); for (WebfileInfo info : manifest.getWebfileList()) { Webpath webpath = interner.get(info.getWebpath()); webfiles.put(webpath, Webfile.create(webpath, zipPath, label, info)); } for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getLinkList()) { Webpath from = interner.get(mapping.getKey()); for (Webpath to : Iterables.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner)) { // When compiling web_library rules, if the strict dependency checking invariant holds // true, we can choose to only load adjacent manifests, rather than transitive ones. The // adjacent manifests may contain links to transitive web files which will not be in the // webfiles map. if (webfiles.containsKey(to)) { links.put(from, to); checkArgument(!unlinks.containsEntry(from, to), "Has a use case for resurrected links been discovered? %s -> %s", from, to); } } } for (MultimapInfo mapping : manifest.getUnlinkList()) { unlinks.putAll(interner.get(mapping.getKey()), Collections2.transform(mapping.getValueList(), interner)); } } for (Map.Entry<Webpath, Webpath> entry : unlinks.entries()) { links.remove(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } unlinks.clear(); return new AutoValue_Webset(webfiles, links, interner); }
From source
public void run() throws Exception { Multimap<Integer, SimulationTask> tasks = Multimaps .synchronizedListMultimap(ArrayListMultimap.<Integer, SimulationTask>create()); Set<ListenableFuture<?>> finishFutures = newConcurrentHashSet(); AtomicBoolean done = new AtomicBoolean(); long start = System.nanoTime(); // large tasks for (int userId = 0; userId < 2; userId++) { ListenableFuture<?> future = createUser("large_" + userId, 100, taskExecutor, done, tasks); finishFutures.add(future);//from www . j a va 2 s. c om } // small tasks for (int userId = 0; userId < 4; userId++) { ListenableFuture<?> future = createUser("small_" + userId, 5, taskExecutor, done, tasks); finishFutures.add(future); } // tiny tasks for (int userId = 0; userId < 1; userId++) { ListenableFuture<?> future = createUser("tiny_" + userId, 1, taskExecutor, done, tasks); finishFutures.add(future); } // warm up for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1000); System.out.println(taskExecutor); } tasks.clear(); // run for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(1000); System.out.println(taskExecutor); } // capture finished tasks Map<Integer, Collection<SimulationTask>> middleTasks; synchronized (tasks) { middleTasks = new TreeMap<>(tasks.asMap()); } // wait for finish done.set(true); Futures.allAsList(finishFutures).get(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); Duration runtime = Duration.nanosSince(start).convertToMostSuccinctTimeUnit(); synchronized (this) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("Simulation finished in " + runtime); System.out.println(); for (Entry<Integer, Collection<SimulationTask>> entry : middleTasks.entrySet()) { Distribution durationDistribution = new Distribution(); Distribution taskParallelismDistribution = new Distribution(); for (SimulationTask task : entry.getValue()) { long taskStart = Long.MAX_VALUE; long taskEnd = 0; long totalCpuTime = 0; for (SimulationSplit split : task.getSplits()) { taskStart = Math.min(taskStart, split.getStartNanos()); taskEnd = Math.max(taskEnd, split.getDoneNanos()); totalCpuTime += TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(split.getRequiredProcessMillis()); } Duration taskDuration = new Duration(taskEnd - taskStart, NANOSECONDS) .convertTo(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); durationDistribution.add(taskDuration.toMillis()); double taskParallelism = 1.0 * totalCpuTime / (taskEnd - taskStart); taskParallelismDistribution.add((long) (taskParallelism * 100)); } System.out.println("Splits " + entry.getKey() + ": Completed " + entry.getValue().size()); Map<Double, Long> durationPercentiles = durationDistribution.getPercentiles(); System.out.printf( " wall time ms :: p01 %4s :: p05 %4s :: p10 %4s :: p97 %4s :: p50 %4s :: p75 %4s :: p90 %4s :: p95 %4s :: p99 %4s\n", durationPercentiles.get(0.01), durationPercentiles.get(0.05), durationPercentiles.get(0.10), durationPercentiles.get(0.25), durationPercentiles.get(0.50), durationPercentiles.get(0.75), durationPercentiles.get(0.90), durationPercentiles.get(0.95), durationPercentiles.get(0.99)); Map<Double, Long> parallelismPercentiles = taskParallelismDistribution.getPercentiles(); System.out.printf( " parallelism :: p99 %4.2f :: p95 %4.2f :: p90 %4.2f :: p75 %4.2f :: p50 %4.2f :: p25 %4.2f :: p10 %4.2f :: p05 %4.2f :: p01 %4.2f\n", parallelismPercentiles.get(0.99) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.95) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.90) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.75) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.50) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.25) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.10) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.05) / 100.0, parallelismPercentiles.get(0.01) / 100.0); } } Thread.sleep(10); }
From source
public Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> pcompare(PathwayUsingModules firstPathway, PathwayUsingModules secondPathway) { Multimap<Double, String> forwardScores = ArrayListMultimap.create(); Multimap<Integer, Multimap<Double, String>> forwardBestScores = ArrayListMultimap.create(); int currentQueryGene = 0; Iterator<Module> sourceGeneIt = firstPathway.geneIterator(); // for reverse scoring, this becomes targetGeneIt while (sourceGeneIt.hasNext()) { Module queryGene =; // clear forward scores after one gene is done forwardScores.clear(); Iterator<Module> targetGeneIt = secondPathway.geneIterator(); int currentTargetGene = 0; while (targetGeneIt.hasNext()) { Module targetGene =; ModuleSimilarity geneSimilarity = new ModuleSimilarity(); if ((queryGene.size() <= targetGene.size())) { // Match one source gene against one target gene with the same index List<Module> targetGenes = new ArrayList<Module>(); targetGenes.add(targetGene); double score = geneSimilarity.levenshteinSimilarity(queryGene, targetGenes, functionWeight, statusWeight, substrateWeight); forwardScores.put(score, currentTargetGene + ""); } else if (queryGene.size() > targetGene.size()) { // Merge multiple target genes and compare to one source gene // store scores for windows of all sizes upto maxWindowSize for (int currentWindowSize = 0; currentWindowSize < maxWindowSize; currentWindowSize++) { if (currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize < secondPathway.size()) { // construct list of target genes to compare, list size = currentWindowSize List<Module> mergedGenes = new ArrayList<Module>(); List<Module> targetGenesList = secondPathway.getModules(); for (int i = currentTargetGene; i <= currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i++) { mergedGenes.add(targetGenesList.get(i)); }//from www . j ava2 s. c o m double score = geneSimilarity.levenshteinSimilarity(queryGene, mergedGenes, functionWeight, statusWeight, substrateWeight); if (score > 0) { String combinedGenes = ""; for (int i = currentTargetGene; i <= currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i++) { combinedGenes += i + "+"; } combinedGenes = combinedGenes.substring(0, combinedGenes.length() - 1); forwardScores.put(Math.abs(score), combinedGenes); } else { String combinedGenes = ""; for (int i = currentTargetGene + currentWindowSize; i >= currentTargetGene; i--) { combinedGenes += i + "+"; } combinedGenes = combinedGenes.substring(0, combinedGenes.length() - 1); forwardScores.put(Math.abs(score), combinedGenes); } } } } currentTargetGene++; } Multimap<Double, String> forwardscore1 = ArrayListMultimap.create(forwardScores); TreeMultimap<Double, String> forwardscore = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); forwardscore.putAll(forwardscore1); forwardBestScores.put(currentQueryGene, forwardscore); currentQueryGene++; } // ////System.out.println(" dsds "+forwardBestScores); return forwardBestScores; }
From source
private void deleteIndexEntries(Connector connector, AccumuloTable table, long start) {"Scanning index table %s to delete index entries", table.getIndexTableName())); BatchScanner scanner = null;// ww w . j a v a2s .c om BatchWriter indexWriter = null; try { // Create index writer and metrics writer, but we are never going to flush the metrics writer indexWriter = connector.createBatchWriter(table.getIndexTableName(), bwc); scanner = connector.createBatchScanner(table.getIndexTableName(), auths, 10);"Created batch scanner against %s with auths %s", table.getIndexTableName(), auths)); IteratorSetting timestampFilter = new IteratorSetting(21, "timestamp", TimestampFilter.class); TimestampFilter.setRange(timestampFilter, 0L, start); scanner.addScanIterator(timestampFilter); scanner.setRanges(connector.tableOperations().splitRangeByTablets(table.getIndexTableName(), new Range(), Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // Scan the index table, gathering row IDs into batches long numTotalMutations = 0L; Map<ByteBuffer, RowStatus> rowIdStatuses = new HashMap<>(); Multimap<ByteBuffer, Mutation> queryIndexEntries = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().hashSetValues().build(); Text text = new Text(); for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : scanner) { ++numTotalMutations; ByteBuffer rowID = ByteBuffer.wrap(entry.getKey().getColumnQualifier(text).copyBytes()); Mutation mutation = new Mutation(entry.getKey().getRow(text).copyBytes()); mutation.putDelete(entry.getKey().getColumnFamily(text).copyBytes(), entry.getKey().getColumnQualifier(text).copyBytes(), entry.getKey().getColumnVisibilityParsed(), start); // Get status of this row ID switch (rowIdStatuses.getOrDefault(rowID, RowStatus.UNKNOWN)) { case ABSENT: case UNKNOWN: // Absent or unknown? Add it to the collection to check the status and/or delete queryIndexEntries.put(rowID, mutation); break; case PRESENT: // Present? No op break; } if (queryIndexEntries.size() == 100000) { flushDeleteEntries(connector, table, start, indexWriter, ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(queryIndexEntries), rowIdStatuses); queryIndexEntries.clear(); } } flushDeleteEntries(connector, table, start, indexWriter, ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(queryIndexEntries), rowIdStatuses); queryIndexEntries.clear(); "Finished scanning index entries. There are %s distinct row IDs containing %s entries. %s rows present in the data table and %s absent", rowIdStatuses.size(), numTotalMutations, rowIdStatuses.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().equals(RowStatus.PRESENT)) .count(), rowIdStatuses.entrySet().stream().filter(entry -> entry.getValue().equals(RowStatus.ABSENT)) .count())); if (dryRun) {"Would have deleted %s index entries", numDeletedIndexEntries)); } else {"Deleted %s index entries", numDeletedIndexEntries)); } } catch (AccumuloException | AccumuloSecurityException e) { LOG.error("Accumulo exception", e); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Table not found, must have been deleted during process", e); } finally { if (indexWriter != null) { try { indexWriter.close(); } catch (MutationsRejectedException e) { LOG.error("Server rejected mutations", e); } } if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } }