Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Lectorius, Inc. * Authors: * Vijay Pandurangan ( * Evan Jones ( * Adam Hilss ( * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * You can contact the authors at *******************************************************************************/ package co.mitro.analysis; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import co.mitro.core.exceptions.DoEmailVerificationException; import co.mitro.core.exceptions.MitroServletException; import co.mitro.core.server.Manager; import co.mitro.core.server.Templates; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import co.mitro.core.servlets.GetOrganizationState; import co.mitro.core.servlets.ListMySecretsAndGroupKeys; import co.mitro.core.servlets.MitroServlet.MitroRequestContext; import com.github.mustachejava.Mustache; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StatsGenerator { private static final Mustache userStateTemplate = Templates.compile("user_state.mustache"); private static final Mustache orgStateTemplate = Templates.compile("org_state.mustache"); private static final Mustache indexTemplate = Templates.compile("index_state.mustache"); private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatsGenerator.class); public static final class Link implements Comparable<Object> { public String text; public String url; public int count; public Link(String t, String u, int count) { text = t; url = u; this.count = count; } @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { Link l = (Link) o; return (text + url).compareTo(l.text + l.url); } } public static class Snapshot { public final ArrayList<DBHistoricalOrgState> orgStateObjects = new ArrayList<>(); public final ArrayList<DBHistoricalUserState> userStateObjects = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Generate statistics and return newly created objects that have not been committed. * @param outDir directory in which to write summary files. Subdirectories outDir/users * and outDir/orgs must exist. Supply null for no output. */ public static Snapshot generateStatistics(String outDir, Manager manager) throws SQLException, IOException, MitroServletException { final long runTimestampMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); Snapshot output = new Snapshot(); // TODO: don't do this in one gigantic transaction. Multimap<Integer, Link> countToFile = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural()); // get all orgs. Map<Integer, GroupInfo> orgIdToOrg = Maps.newHashMap(); for (DBGroup o : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) { GroupInfo newGi = new GroupInfo(); newGi.autoDelete = o.isAutoDelete(); newGi.groupId = o.getId(); newGi.isTopLevelOrg = true; = o.getName(); Set<String> users = Sets.newHashSet(); for (DBGroup orgGroup : o.getAllOrgGroups(manager)) { users.add(orgGroup.getName()); } newGi.users = Lists.newArrayList(users); orgIdToOrg.put(newGi.groupId, newGi); } int numPeople = 0; for (DBIdentity id : manager.identityDao.queryForAll()) { ++numPeople; try { + ": " + id.getGuidCookie()); DBHistoricalUserState userState = getHistoricalUserState(manager, runTimestampMs, orgIdToOrg, id); output.userStateObjects.add(userState); String filename = id.getName() + ".html"; renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/" + filename, userStateTemplate, userState); countToFile.put(userState.numSecrets, new Link(id.getName(), filename, userState.numSecrets)); } catch (MitroServletException e) { logger.error("UNKNOWN ERROR", e); } } renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/users/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values()); countToFile.clear(); int numOrgs = 0; // now do the orgs for (DBGroup org : DBGroup.getAllOrganizations(manager)) { ++numOrgs; // hack to make this work Set<Integer> admins = Sets.newHashSet(); org.putDirectUsersIntoSet(admins, DBAcl.adminAccess()); int userId = admins.iterator().next(); DBIdentity dbi = manager.identityDao.queryForId(userId); MitroRequestContext context = new MitroRequestContext(dbi, null, manager, null); GetOrganizationStateResponse resp = GetOrganizationState.doOperation(context, org.getId()); DBHistoricalOrgState orgState = new DBHistoricalOrgState(resp, org.getId(), runTimestampMs); output.orgStateObjects.add(orgState); String filename = org.getId() + ".html"; renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/" + filename, orgStateTemplate, orgState); countToFile.put(orgState.numMembers + orgState.numAdmins, new Link(org.getName() + org.getId(), org.getId() + ".html", orgState.numAdmins + orgState.numMembers)); } renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/orgs/index.html", indexTemplate, countToFile.values()); renderIfOutputEnabled(outDir, "/index.html", indexTemplate, ImmutableList.of(new Link("organizations", "orgs/index.html", numOrgs), new Link("users", "users/index.html", numPeople))); return output; } public static DBHistoricalUserState getHistoricalUserState(Manager manager, final long runTimestampMs, Map<Integer, GroupInfo> orgIdToOrg, DBIdentity id) throws SQLException, MitroServletException, DoEmailVerificationException { MitroRequestContext context = new MitroRequestContext(id, null, manager, null); ListMySecretsAndGroupKeysResponse out = ListMySecretsAndGroupKeys.executeWithoutAuditLog(context); DBHistoricalUserState userState = new DBHistoricalUserState(out, orgIdToOrg, runTimestampMs); userState.referrerDomain = id.getReferrer(); return userState; } /** * Renders template with scope to a file located at outDir + suffix. * * @param outDir must not end with / * @param suffix must start with / * @param template * @param scope */ private static void renderIfOutputEnabled(String outDir, String suffix, Mustache template, Object scope) throws IOException { assert suffix.charAt(0) == '/'; if (outDir != null) { assert !outDir.endsWith("/"); String path = outDir + suffix; try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newWriter(new File(path), Charsets.UTF_8)) { template.execute(writer, scope); } } } }