Example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables skip

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect Iterables skip


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect Iterables skip.


public static <T> Iterable<T> skip(final Iterable<T> iterable, final int numberToSkip) 

Source Link


Returns a view of iterable that skips its first numberToSkip elements.


From source file:edu.mit.streamjit.util.bytecode.insts.CallInst.java

public Iterable<Value> arguments() {
    return Iterables.skip(operands(), 1);

From source file:google.registry.flows.host.HostFlowUtils.java

/** Return the {@link DomainResource} this host is subordinate to, or null for external hosts. */
static DomainResource lookupSuperordinateDomain(InternetDomainName hostName, DateTime now) throws EppException {
    Optional<InternetDomainName> tld = findTldForName(hostName);
    if (!tld.isPresent()) {
        // This is an host on a TLD we don't run, therefore obviously external, so we are done.
        return null;
    }//from   www.j  a  v  a2 s . c o  m
    // This is a subordinate host
    String domainName = Joiner.on('.')
            .join(Iterables.skip(hostName.parts(), hostName.parts().size() - (tld.get().parts().size() + 1)));
    DomainResource superordinateDomain = loadByForeignKey(DomainResource.class, domainName, now);
    if (superordinateDomain == null || !isActive(superordinateDomain, now)) {
        throw new SuperordinateDomainDoesNotExistException(domainName);
    return superordinateDomain;

From source file:org.obm.servlet.filter.qos.handlers.RequestInfo.java

public RequestInfo<K> popContinuation() {
    Preconditions.checkState(continuationIds.size() > 0);
    return new RequestInfo<K>(key, numberOfRunningRequests,
            ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.skip(continuationIds, 1)));

From source file:org.apache.mahout.knn.cluster.DataUtils.java

 * Estimates the distance cutoff. In StreamingKMeans, the distance between two vectors divided
 * by this value is used as a probability threshold when deciding whether to form a new cluster
 * or not.//from  w ww .  j  a va2  s . c o m
 * Small values (comparable to the minimum distance between two points) are preferred as they
 * guarantee with high likelihood that all but very close points are put in separate clusters
 * initially. The clusters themselves are actually collapsed periodically when their number goes
 * over the maximum number of clusters and the distanceCutoff is increased.
 * So, the returned value is only an initial estimate.
 * @param data
 * @param distanceMeasure
 * @param sampleLimit
 * @return the minimum distance between the first sampleLimit points
 * @see StreamingKMeans#clusterInternal(Iterable, boolean)
public static double estimateDistanceCutoff(Iterable<? extends Vector> data, DistanceMeasure distanceMeasure,
        int sampleLimit) {
    Iterable<? extends Vector> limitedData = Iterables.limit(data, sampleLimit);
    double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    int i = 1;
    for (Vector u : limitedData) {
        for (Vector v : Iterables.skip(limitedData, i)) {
            double distance = distanceMeasure.distance(u, v);
            if (minDistance > distance) {
                minDistance = distance;
    return minDistance;

From source file:org.obm.servlet.filter.qos.handlers.KeyRequestsInfo.java

public KeyRequestsInfo<K> popContinuation() {
    Preconditions.checkState(continuations.size() > 0);
    return new KeyRequestsInfo<K>(key, numberOfRunningRequests,
            ImmutableList.copyOf(Iterables.skip(continuations, 1)));

From source file:org.apache.drill.exec.store.sys.store.LocalPersistentStore.java

public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, V>> getRange(int skip, int take) {
    try {//from   w w  w.  j  av a 2 s  . c  om
        List<FileStatus> f = fs.list(false, basePath);
        if (f == null || f.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyIterator();
        List<String> files = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (FileStatus stat : f) {
            String s = stat.getPath().getName();
            if (s.endsWith(DRILL_SYS_FILE_SUFFIX)) {
                files.add(s.substring(0, s.length() - DRILL_SYS_FILE_SUFFIX.length()));

        return Iterables.transform(Iterables.limit(Iterables.skip(files, skip), take),
                new Function<String, Entry<String, V>>() {
                    public Entry<String, V> apply(String key) {
                        return new ImmutableEntry<>(key, get(key));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

From source file:org.apache.mahout.knn.means.StreamingKmeans.java

protected UpdatableSearcher clusterInternal(Iterable<MatrixSlice> data, int maxClusters, int depth,
        CentroidFactory centroidFactory) {

    // to cluster, we scan the data and either add each point to the nearest group or create a new group.
    // when we get too many groups, we need to increase the threshold and rescan our current groups
    Random rand = RandomUtils.getRandom();
    int n = 0;/*from  ww w .ja v  a  2 s  .  c  o  m*/
    UpdatableSearcher centroids = centroidFactory.create();
    centroids.add(Centroid.create(0, Iterables.get(data, 0).vector()), 0);

    for (MatrixSlice row : Iterables.skip(data, 1)) {
        // estimate distance d to closest centroid
        WeightedVector closest = centroids.search(row.vector(), 1).get(0);

        if (rand.nextDouble() < closest.getWeight() / distanceCutoff) {
            // add new centroid, note that the vector is copied because we may mutate it later
            centroids.add(Centroid.create(centroids.size(), row.vector()), centroids.size());
        } else {
            // merge against existing
            Centroid c = (Centroid) closest.getVector();
            centroids.add(c, c.getIndex());

        if (depth < 2 && centroids.size() > maxClusters) {
            maxClusters = (int) Math.max(maxClusters, 10 * Math.log(n));
            // TODO does shuffling help?
            List<MatrixSlice> shuffled = Lists.newArrayList(centroids);
            centroids = clusterInternal(shuffled, maxClusters, depth + 1, centroidFactory);

            // in the original algorithm, with distributions with sharp scale effects, the
            // distanceCutoff can grow to excessive size leading sub-clustering to collapse
            // the centroids set too much. This test prevents increase in distanceCutoff
            // the current value is doing fine at collapsing the clusters.
            if (centroids.size() > 0.2 * maxClusters) {
                distanceCutoff *= BETA;
    return centroids;

From source file:com.zulily.omicron.crontab.CrontabExpression.java

 * Constructor// w w  w .j ava2 s. com
 * @param lineNumber    the line number in the crontab
 * @param rawExpression the string value of the line as it appears in the crontab
public CrontabExpression(final int lineNumber, final String rawExpression) {
    checkNotNull(rawExpression, "rawExpression");

    checkArgument(lineNumber > 0, "lineNumber should be positive: %s", lineNumber);

    this.timestamp = Clock.systemUTC().millis();

    this.lineNumber = lineNumber;

    final HashMap<ExpressionPart, ImmutableSortedSet<Integer>> runtimes = Maps.newHashMap();

    checkArgument(!rawExpression.trim().isEmpty(), "Empty expression");

    final String coalescedExpression = coalesceHashmarks(rawExpression.trim());

    this.commented = coalescedExpression.startsWith("#");

    this.rawExpression = this.commented ? coalescedExpression.substring(1) : coalescedExpression;

    boolean evaluationError = true;

    String userString = "";

    String commandString = "";

    try {

        final List<String> expressionParts = Utils.WHITESPACE_SPLITTER.splitToList(this.rawExpression);

        checkArgument(expressionParts.size() >= ExpressionPart.values().length,
                "Line %s does not contain all expected parts: %s", lineNumber, this.rawExpression);

        userString = expressionParts.get(ExpressionPart.ExecutingUser.ordinal());

        // The command expression is everything after the user - just join it right back up with space separators
        // side-effect: collapses whitespace in the command - may break some commands out there that require lots of whitespace?
        commandString = Joiner.on(' ')
                .join(Iterables.skip(expressionParts, ExpressionPart.values().length - 1));

        // Fill in the runtime schedule based on the cron expressions

        for (ExpressionPart expressionPart : ExpressionPart.values()) {

            // Ignore anything starting with or coming after the user value
            if (expressionPart.ordinal() >= ExpressionPart.ExecutingUser.ordinal()) {

                    evaluateExpressionPart(expressionPart, expressionParts.get(expressionPart.ordinal())));

        evaluationError = false;

    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!this.isCommented()) {
            warn("[Line: {0}] Interpretation error: {1}", String.valueOf(lineNumber), e.getMessage());

    this.malformed = evaluationError;
    this.executingUser = userString;
    this.command = commandString;
    this.expressionRuntimes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(runtimes);


From source file:org.opendaylight.yangtools.yang.data.api.StackedYangInstanceIdentifier.java

@Override//from  w w  w  .j  av a2  s.com
YangInstanceIdentifier createRelativeIdentifier(final int skipFromRoot) {
    // TODO: can we optimize this one?
    return YangInstanceIdentifier.create(Iterables.skip(getPathArguments(), skipFromRoot));

From source file:com.google.errorprone.bugpatterns.LockNotBeforeTry.java

private Description describe(MethodInvocationTree lockInvocation, TreePath statementPath, VisitorState state) {
    Tree lockStatement = statementPath.getLeaf();
    ExpressionTree lockee = getReceiver(lockInvocation);
    if (lockee == null) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    }/* ww w . jav  a2s  .  c  o m*/
    TryTree enclosingTry = state.findEnclosing(TryTree.class);
    if (enclosingTry != null && releases(enclosingTry, lockee, state)) {
        SuggestedFix fix = SuggestedFix.builder().replace(lockStatement, "")
                .prefixWith(enclosingTry, state.getSourceForNode(lockStatement)).build();
        return buildDescription(lockInvocation).addFix(fix)
                        "Prefer obtaining the lock for %s outside the try block. That way, if #lock"
                                + " throws, the lock is not erroneously released.",
    Tree enclosing = state.getPath().getParentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf();
    if (!(enclosing instanceof BlockTree)) {
        return NO_MATCH;
    BlockTree block = (BlockTree) enclosing;
    int index = block.getStatements().indexOf(lockStatement);
    // Scan through the enclosing statements
    for (StatementTree statement : Iterables.skip(block.getStatements(), index + 1)) {
        // ... for a try/finally which releases this lock.
        if (statement instanceof TryTree && releases((TryTree) statement, lockee, state)) {
            SuggestedFix fix = SuggestedFix.builder().replace(lockStatement, "")
                    .prefixWith(statement, state.getSourceForNode(lockStatement)).build();
            return buildDescription(lockInvocation).addFix(fix)
                    .setMessage("Prefer locking *immediately* before the try block which releases the lock to"
                            + " avoid the possibility of any intermediate statements throwing.")
        // ... or an unlock at the same level.
        if (statement instanceof ExpressionStatementTree) {
            ExpressionTree expression = ((ExpressionStatementTree) statement).getExpression();
            if (acquires(expression, lockee, state)) {
                return buildDescription(lockInvocation)
                        .setMessage(String.format("Did you forget to release the lock on %s?",
            if (releases(expression, lockee, state)) {
                SuggestedFix fix = SuggestedFix.builder().postfixWith(lockStatement, "try {")
                        .prefixWith(statement, "} finally {").postfixWith(statement, "}").build();
                return buildDescription(lockInvocation).addFix(fix)
                        .setMessage(String.format("Prefer releasing the lock on %s inside a finally block.",
    return NO_MATCH;