Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 zulily, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.zulily.omicron.crontab; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.zulily.omicron.Utils; import java.time.Clock; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeSet; import static; import static; import static com.zulily.omicron.Utils.warn; /** * Parses a single cron row and returns a numerical schedule of run times * for each part of the cron expression. * <p> * i.e. * 1-10/2 * * * * -> returns 1,3,5,7,9 day vals * <p> * # Example of job definition: * # .---------------- minute (0 - 59) * # | .------------- hour (0 - 23) * # | | .---------- day of month (1 - 31) * # | | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ... * # | | | | .---- day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat * # | | | | | * # * * * * * user-name command to be executed * <p> * NOTE ABOUT DAY OF WEEK * range specifications cannot span the end-of-week or end-of-year divide, i.e. "fri-tue" * but must be expressed as the equivalent lists of ranges: fri-sat,sun-tue */ public final class CrontabExpression implements Comparable<CrontabExpression> { private final String rawExpression; private final int lineNumber; private final String executingUser; private final String command; private final boolean commented; private final boolean malformed; private final long timestamp; private final ImmutableMap<ExpressionPart, ImmutableSortedSet<Integer>> expressionRuntimes; /** * Constructor * * @param lineNumber the line number in the crontab * @param rawExpression the string value of the line as it appears in the crontab */ public CrontabExpression(final int lineNumber, final String rawExpression) { checkNotNull(rawExpression, "rawExpression"); checkArgument(lineNumber > 0, "lineNumber should be positive: %s", lineNumber); this.timestamp = Clock.systemUTC().millis(); this.lineNumber = lineNumber; final HashMap<ExpressionPart, ImmutableSortedSet<Integer>> runtimes = Maps.newHashMap(); checkArgument(!rawExpression.trim().isEmpty(), "Empty expression"); final String coalescedExpression = coalesceHashmarks(rawExpression.trim()); this.commented = coalescedExpression.startsWith("#"); this.rawExpression = this.commented ? coalescedExpression.substring(1) : coalescedExpression; boolean evaluationError = true; String userString = ""; String commandString = ""; try { final List<String> expressionParts = Utils.WHITESPACE_SPLITTER.splitToList(this.rawExpression); checkArgument(expressionParts.size() >= ExpressionPart.values().length, "Line %s does not contain all expected parts: %s", lineNumber, this.rawExpression); userString = expressionParts.get(ExpressionPart.ExecutingUser.ordinal()); // The command expression is everything after the user - just join it right back up with space separators // side-effect: collapses whitespace in the command - may break some commands out there that require lots of whitespace? commandString = Joiner.on(' ') .join(Iterables.skip(expressionParts, ExpressionPart.values().length - 1)); // Fill in the runtime schedule based on the cron expressions for (ExpressionPart expressionPart : ExpressionPart.values()) { // Ignore anything starting with or coming after the user value if (expressionPart.ordinal() >= ExpressionPart.ExecutingUser.ordinal()) { continue; } runtimes.put(expressionPart, evaluateExpressionPart(expressionPart, expressionParts.get(expressionPart.ordinal()))); } evaluationError = false; } catch (Exception e) { if (!this.isCommented()) { warn("[Line: {0}] Interpretation error: {1}", String.valueOf(lineNumber), e.getMessage()); } } this.malformed = evaluationError; this.executingUser = userString; this.command = commandString; this.expressionRuntimes = ImmutableMap.copyOf(runtimes); } /** * Does the actual work of tearing apart the schedule expression and making them * into numerical sets of runtime whitelists * * @param expressionPart The current part we're working on * @param expression The text expression to evaluate * @return A set within the expression's possible execution range */ private static ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> evaluateExpressionPart(final ExpressionPart expressionPart, final String expression) { // Order of operations -> // 1) Split value by commas (lists) and for each csv.n: // 2) Split value by slashes (range/rangeStep) // 3) Match all for '*' or split hyphenated range for rangeStart and rangeEnd // // Converts sun==7 -> sun==0 to make schedule interpretation logic easier in timeInSchedule() evaluation // NOTE: this breaks week spanning ranges such as fri-tue, which instead must // be handled as a list of ranges fri-sat,sun-tue final List<String> csvParts = Utils.COMMA_SPLITTER.splitToList(expression); final TreeSet<Integer> results = Sets.newTreeSet(); for (final String csvPart : csvParts) { final List<String> slashParts = Utils.FORWARD_SLASH_SPLITTER.splitToList(csvPart); // Range step of expression i.e. */2 (none is 1 obviously) int rangeStep = 1; checkArgument(!slashParts.isEmpty() && slashParts.size() <= 2, "Invalid cron expression for %s: %s",, expression); if (slashParts.size() == 2) { // Ordinal definition: 0 = rangeExpression, 1 = stepExpression final Integer rangeStepInteger = expressionPart.textUnitToInt(slashParts.get(1)); checkNotNull(rangeStepInteger, "Invalid cron expression for %s (rangeStep is not a positive int): %s",, expression); checkArgument(rangeStepInteger > 0, "Invalid cron expression for %s (rangeStep is not valid): %s",, expression); rangeStep = rangeStepInteger; } final String rangeExpression = slashParts.get(0); final Range<Integer> allowedRange = expressionPart.getAllowedRange(); int rangeStart = allowedRange.lowerEndpoint(); int rangeEnd = allowedRange.upperEndpoint(); // either * or 0 or 0-6, etc if (!"*".equals(rangeExpression)) { final List<String> hyphenParts = Utils.HYPHEN_SPLITTER.splitToList(rangeExpression); checkArgument(!hyphenParts.isEmpty() && hyphenParts.size() <= 2, "Invalid cron expression for %s: %s",, expression); Integer rangeStartInteger = expressionPart.textUnitToInt(hyphenParts.get(0)); checkNotNull(rangeStartInteger, "Invalid cron expression for %s (rangeStart is not an int): %s",, expression); //correct terrible "sunday can be either 0 or 7" bug/feature in crond if (expressionPart == ExpressionPart.DaysOfWeek && rangeStartInteger == 7) { rangeStartInteger = 0; } checkArgument(allowedRange.contains(rangeStartInteger), "Invalid cron expression for %s (valid range is %s): %s",, expressionPart.getAllowedRange(), expression); rangeStart = rangeStartInteger; if (hyphenParts.size() == 2) { Integer rangeEndInteger = expressionPart.textUnitToInt(hyphenParts.get(1)); checkNotNull(rangeEndInteger, "Invalid cron expression for %s (rangeEnd is not an int): %s",, expression); //correct terrible "sunday can be either 0 or 7" bug/feature in crond if (expressionPart == ExpressionPart.DaysOfWeek && rangeEndInteger == 7) { rangeEndInteger = 0; } checkArgument(allowedRange.contains(rangeEndInteger), "Invalid cron expression for %s (valid range is %s): %s",, expressionPart.getAllowedRange(), expression); rangeEnd = rangeEndInteger; } else { // Single value specified rangeEnd = rangeStart; } } checkArgument(rangeStart <= rangeEnd, "Invalid cron expression for %s (range start must not be greater than range end): %s",, expression); for (int runTime = rangeStart; runTime <= rangeEnd; runTime += rangeStep) { results.add(runTime); } } return ImmutableSortedSet.copyOf(results); } public String getRawExpression() { return this.rawExpression; } public String getExecutingUser() { return this.executingUser; } public String getCommand() { return this.command; } public int getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } public boolean isCommented() { return this.commented; } public boolean isMalformed() { return this.malformed; } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.rawExpression.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { // This instance is expected/utilized as // if to be 1:1 with distinct crontab expressions return o instanceof CrontabExpression && this.rawExpression.equalsIgnoreCase(((CrontabExpression) o).rawExpression) && this.commented == ((CrontabExpression) o).commented; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[Line: %s] %s", this.lineNumber, this.rawExpression); } @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") @Override public int compareTo(CrontabExpression o) { checkNotNull(o, "comparing null to CrontabExpression instance"); // This ordering is for display & evaluation order return ComparisonChain.start().compare(this.lineNumber, o.lineNumber) .compare(this.rawExpression, o.rawExpression).result(); } // Transform all leading hashmarks/whitespace into a single hash mark private String coalesceHashmarks(final String trimmedLine) { checkNotNull(trimmedLine, "trimmedLine"); if (trimmedLine.isEmpty()) { return trimmedLine; } boolean hashFound = false; for (int index = 0; index < trimmedLine.length(); index++) { if (trimmedLine.charAt(index) == '#') { hashFound = true; continue; } if (!CharMatcher.WHITESPACE.matches(trimmedLine.charAt(index))) { if (!hashFound) { return trimmedLine; //Not commented - just short-circuit the loop } return "#" + trimmedLine.substring(index); } } return trimmedLine; } /** * Creates a schedule object from the crontab expression * * @return The new schedule instance */ public Schedule createSchedule() { return new Schedule(getSchedulePart(ExpressionPart.Minutes), getSchedulePart(ExpressionPart.Hours), getSchedulePart(ExpressionPart.DaysOfMonth), getSchedulePart(ExpressionPart.Months), getSchedulePart(ExpressionPart.DaysOfWeek)); } private ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> getSchedulePart(final ExpressionPart expressionPart) { ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> result = this.expressionRuntimes.get(expressionPart); return result == null ? ImmutableSortedSet.of() : result; } }