Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. and others. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; final class StackedYangInstanceIdentifier extends YangInstanceIdentifier implements Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Field PARENT_FIELD; static { final Field f; try { f = StackedYangInstanceIdentifier.class.getDeclaredField("parent"); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException e) { throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e); } f.setAccessible(true); PARENT_FIELD = f; } private final YangInstanceIdentifier parent; private final PathArgument pathArgument; private transient volatile StackedPathArguments pathArguments; private transient volatile StackedReversePathArguments reversePathArguments; StackedYangInstanceIdentifier(final YangInstanceIdentifier parent, final PathArgument pathArgument, final int hash) { super(hash); this.parent = Preconditions.checkNotNull(parent); this.pathArgument = Preconditions.checkNotNull(pathArgument); } @Override public StackedYangInstanceIdentifier clone() { try { return (StackedYangInstanceIdentifier) super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("clone() should be supported", e); } } @Override public YangInstanceIdentifier getParent() { return parent; } @Nonnull @Override public YangInstanceIdentifier getAncestor(final int depth) { Preconditions.checkArgument(depth >= 0, "Steps cannot be negative"); // Calculate how far up our FixedYangInstanceIdentifier ancestor is int stackedDepth = 1; YangInstanceIdentifier wlk = getParent(); while (wlk instanceof StackedYangInstanceIdentifier) { wlk = wlk.getParent(); stackedDepth++; } // Guaranteed to come from FixedYangInstanceIdentifier final int fixedDepth = wlk.getPathArguments().size(); if (fixedDepth >= depth) { return wlk.getAncestor(depth); } // Calculate our depth and check argument final int ourDepth = stackedDepth + fixedDepth; Preconditions.checkArgument(depth <= ourDepth, "Depth %s exceeds maximum depth %s", depth, ourDepth); // Requested depth is covered by the stack, traverse up for specified number of steps final int toWalk = ourDepth - depth; YangInstanceIdentifier result = this; for (int i = 0; i < toWalk; ++i) { result = result.getParent(); } return result; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } @Override public List<PathArgument> getPathArguments() { StackedPathArguments ret = tryPathArguments(); if (ret == null) { final List<PathArgument> stack = new ArrayList<>(); YangInstanceIdentifier current = this; do { Verify.verify(current instanceof StackedYangInstanceIdentifier); final StackedYangInstanceIdentifier stacked = (StackedYangInstanceIdentifier) current; stack.add(stacked.getLastPathArgument()); current = stacked.getParent(); } while (current.tryPathArguments() == null); ret = new StackedPathArguments(current, Lists.reverse(stack)); pathArguments = ret; } return ret; } @Override public List<PathArgument> getReversePathArguments() { StackedReversePathArguments ret = tryReversePathArguments(); if (ret == null) { ret = new StackedReversePathArguments(this); reversePathArguments = ret; } return ret; } @Override public PathArgument getLastPathArgument() { return pathArgument; } @Nonnull @Override StackedPathArguments tryPathArguments() { return pathArguments; } @Nonnull @Override StackedReversePathArguments tryReversePathArguments() { return reversePathArguments; } @Nonnull @Override YangInstanceIdentifier createRelativeIdentifier(final int skipFromRoot) { // TODO: can we optimize this one? return YangInstanceIdentifier.create(Iterables.skip(getPathArguments(), skipFromRoot)); } @Override boolean pathArgumentsEqual(final YangInstanceIdentifier other) { if (other instanceof StackedYangInstanceIdentifier) { final StackedYangInstanceIdentifier stacked = (StackedYangInstanceIdentifier) other; return pathArgument.equals(stacked.pathArgument) && parent.equals(stacked.parent); } return super.pathArgumentsEqual(other); } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream inputStream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { inputStream.defaultReadObject(); final FixedYangInstanceIdentifier p = (FixedYangInstanceIdentifier) inputStream.readObject(); try { PARENT_FIELD.set(this, p); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IOException("Failed to set parent", e); } } private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException { outputStream.defaultWriteObject(); final FixedYangInstanceIdentifier p; if (parent instanceof FixedYangInstanceIdentifier) { p = (FixedYangInstanceIdentifier) parent; } else { p = FixedYangInstanceIdentifier.create(parent.getPathArguments(), parent.hashCode()); } outputStream.writeObject(p); } @Override public YangInstanceIdentifier toOptimized() { return FixedYangInstanceIdentifier.create(getPathArguments()); } }