List of usage examples for ImmutableMap size
int size();
From source
@Override public void poll() { try {//from w w w. j a v a2 s . co m ImmutableMap<String, List<Rule>> newRules = ImmutableMap .copyOf(dbi.withHandle(new HandleCallback<Map<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Map<String, List<Rule>> withHandle(Handle handle) { return handle.createQuery( // Return latest version rule by dataSource StringUtils.format("SELECT r.dataSource, r.payload " + "FROM %1$s r " + "INNER JOIN(SELECT dataSource, max(version) as version FROM %1$s GROUP BY dataSource) ds " + "ON r.datasource = ds.datasource and r.version = ds.version", getRulesTable())) .map(new ResultSetMapper<Pair<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Pair<String, List<Rule>> map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { try { return Pair.of(r.getString("dataSource"), jsonMapper.readValue( r.getBytes("payload"), new TypeReference<List<Rule>>() { })); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }).fold(Maps.newHashMap(), new Folder3<Map<String, List<Rule>>, Pair<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Map<String, List<Rule>> fold(Map<String, List<Rule>> retVal, Pair<String, List<Rule>> stringObjectMap, FoldController foldController, StatementContext statementContext) { try { String dataSource = stringObjectMap.lhs; retVal.put(dataSource, stringObjectMap.rhs); return retVal; } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }); } }));"Polled and found rules for %,d datasource(s)", newRules.size()); rules.set(newRules); failStartTimeMs = 0; } catch (Exception e) { if (failStartTimeMs == 0) { failStartTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - failStartTimeMs > config.getAlertThreshold().toStandardDuration() .getMillis()) { log.makeAlert(e, "Exception while polling for rules").emit(); failStartTimeMs = 0; } else { log.error(e, "Exception while polling for rules"); } } }
From source
public void poll() { try {// w w w . j a va2 s. c o m ImmutableMap<String, List<Rule>> newRules = ImmutableMap .copyOf(dbi.withHandle(new HandleCallback<Map<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Map<String, List<Rule>> withHandle(Handle handle) throws Exception { return handle.createQuery( // Return latest version rule by dataSource String.format("SELECT r.dataSource, r.payload " + "FROM %1$s r " + "INNER JOIN(SELECT dataSource, max(version) as version FROM %1$s GROUP BY dataSource) ds " + "ON r.datasource = ds.datasource and r.version = ds.version", getRulesTable())) .map(new ResultSetMapper<Pair<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Pair<String, List<Rule>> map(int index, ResultSet r, StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { try { return Pair.of(r.getString("dataSource"), jsonMapper.<List<Rule>>readValue(r.getBytes("payload"), new TypeReference<List<Rule>>() { })); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }).fold(Maps.<String, List<Rule>>newHashMap(), new Folder3<Map<String, List<Rule>>, Pair<String, List<Rule>>>() { @Override public Map<String, List<Rule>> fold(Map<String, List<Rule>> retVal, Pair<String, List<Rule>> stringObjectMap, FoldController foldController, StatementContext statementContext) throws SQLException { try { String dataSource = stringObjectMap.lhs; retVal.put(dataSource, stringObjectMap.rhs); return retVal; } catch (Exception e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } }); } }));"Polled and found rules for %,d datasource(s)", newRules.size()); rules.set(newRules); retryStartTime = 0; } catch (Exception e) { if (retryStartTime == 0) { retryStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - retryStartTime > config.get().getAlertThreshold().getMillis()) { log.makeAlert(e, "Exception while polling for rules").emit(); retryStartTime = 0; } else { log.error(e, "Exception while polling for rules"); } } }