List of usage examples for ImmutableMap size
int size();
From source
@Override public<Model> modelFor(ModelContext modelContext) { ResolvedType propertiesHost = modelContext.alternateFor(modelContext.resolvedType(resolver)); if (isContainerType(propertiesHost) || isMapType(propertiesHost) || propertiesHost.getErasedType().isEnum() || isBaseType(propertiesHost) || modelContext.hasSeenBefore(propertiesHost)) { LOG.debug(//w w w . j a va2 s .c om "Skipping model of type {} as its either a container type, map, enum or base type, or its already " + "been handled", resolvedTypeSignature(propertiesHost).or("<null>")); return Optional.absent(); } ImmutableMap<String, ModelProperty> propertiesIndex = uniqueIndex(properties(modelContext, propertiesHost), byPropertyName()); LOG.debug("Inferred {} properties. Properties found {}", propertiesIndex.size(), Joiner.on(", ").join(propertiesIndex.keySet())); Map<String, ModelProperty> properties = newTreeMap(); properties.putAll(propertiesIndex); return Optional.of(modelBuilder(propertiesHost, properties, modelContext)); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("squid:S1181" /*Catching throwable intentionally*/) private void poll(final long pollIntervalMinutes) { try {// ww w. ja va 2 s .c o m final ImmutableMap<K, Callable<V>> itemsToPoll = getValueLoaders(); final int currentItemsCount = itemsToPoll.size(); LOGGER.trace( "Starting a process to poll the {} current item(s), where polls will time out at {} minute(s)", currentItemsCount, pollIntervalMinutes); // If there are any unhandled exceptions in this method, all future calls will be suppressed. poller.pollItems(pollIntervalMinutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES, itemsToPoll); LOGGER.trace("Successfully finished the process of polling the {} source(s)", currentItemsCount); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOGGER.debug("A scheduled poll was interrupted.", pollIntervalMinutes, e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (final VirtualMachineError e) { final String message = "A scheduled poll failed"; LOGGER.debug(message, e); LOGGER.warn( "{}. See debug log for more details. The current items will NOT continue to be polled at a fixed rate of {} minutes. Try restarting the system.", message, pollIntervalMinutes); throw e; } catch (final PollerException e) { e.getCauses().forEach((k, t) -> LOGGER.debug("Unable to load a new value for {}", k, t)); LOGGER.warn( "A scheduled poll failed. {}. See debug log for more details. The current items will continue to be polled at a fixed rate of {} minutes. Try restarting the system if future polls also fail.", e.getMessage(), pollIntervalMinutes); } catch (final Throwable e) { final String message = "A scheduled poll failed"; LOGGER.debug(message, e); LOGGER.warn( "A scheduled poll failed. See debug log for more details. The current items will continue to be polled at a fixed rate of {} minutes. Try restarting the system if future polls also fail.", pollIntervalMinutes); } }
From source
RequestFulfillmentRegistry(ImmutableMap<BindingKey, ResolvedBindings> resolvedBindingsMap, HasBindingMembers hasBindingMembers) { this.resolvedBindingsMap = resolvedBindingsMap; this.hasBindingMembers = hasBindingMembers; this.requestFulfillments = newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(resolvedBindingsMap.size()); }
From source
public Map<String, String> getSettings(ObmUser user) { Builder<String, String> mapBuilder = new Builder<String, String>(); String domain = user.getDomain().getName(); String userLogin = user.getLogin(); Connection con = null;//from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = obmHelper.getConnection(); String q = "select userobmpref_option, userobmpref_value from UserObmPref " + "where userobmpref_user_id is null " + "and userobmpref_option not in " + "(select userobmpref_option from UserObmPref where userobmpref_user_id=(select userobm_id from UserObm " + "where userobm_login=? " + "and userobm_domain_id=(select domain_id from Domain where domain_name=?) " + ")) " + "union " + "select userobmpref_option, userobmpref_value from UserObmPref " + "where userobmpref_user_id=(select userobm_id from UserObm " + "where userobm_login=? " + "and userobm_domain_id=(select domain_id from Domain where domain_name=?) " + " )"; ps = con.prepareStatement(q); int idx = 1; ps.setString(idx++, userLogin); ps.setString(idx++, domain); ps.setString(idx++, userLogin); ps.setString(idx++, domain); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { mapBuilder.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); } } catch (SQLException se) { logger.error("Error fetching preferences for " + user + " at " + domain, se); } finally { obmHelper.cleanup(con, ps, rs); } ImmutableMap<String, String> data =;"return " + data.size() + " settings for userid: " + user + " at " + domain); return data; }
From source
private Map<Integer, String> buildGroupFacet(int sectionId, FacetField groupFacet) throws BadGroupException { ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, String> builder = ImmutableSortedMap.naturalOrder(); int totalCount = 0; for (FacetField.Count count : groupFacet.getValues()) { int groupId = Integer.parseInt(count.getName()); Group group = groupDao.getGroup(groupId); if (group.getSectionId() != sectionId) { continue; }// www. ja v a 2 s .c o m String name = group.getTitle().toLowerCase(); builder.put(groupId, name + " (" + count.getCount() + ')'); totalCount += count.getCount(); } builder.put(0, "? (" + Integer.toString(totalCount) + ')'); ImmutableMap<Integer, String> r =; if (r.size() <= 2) { return null; } else { return r; } }
From source
@Override public void preload() { // lazy load, so initial access is needed final ImmutableMap<String, GraphConnector> connectors = listConnectors(); if (connectors.size() > 0) { + " graph connectors loaded"); } else {/*www.j av a 2 s .co m*/ LOGGER.warn("No graph connectors loaded"); } }
From source
private Map<ObjectId, RevObject> getObjects() { final ObjectId ancestorMetadataId = commonAncestor.getMetadataId(); final ObjectId mergetIntoMetadataId = mergeInto.getMetadataId(); final ObjectId toMergeMetadataId = toMerge.getMetadataId(); final ObjectId ancestorFeatureId = commonAncestor.getObjectId(); final ObjectId featureAId = mergeInto.getObjectId(); final ObjectId featureBId = toMerge.getObjectId(); Set<ObjectId> ids = Sets.newHashSet(ancestorMetadataId, mergetIntoMetadataId, toMergeMetadataId, ancestorFeatureId, featureAId, featureBId); Iterator<RevObject> objsit = objectDatabase().getAll(ids, BulkOpListener.NOOP_LISTENER); ImmutableMap<ObjectId, RevObject> map = Maps.uniqueIndex(objsit, (o) -> o.getId()); if (ids.size() != map.size()) { ids.forEach((id) -> checkState(map.containsKey(id), "Invalid reference: %s", id)); }//ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m return map; }
From source
@VisibleForTesting ImmutableList<MetricPoint<V>> getTimestampedValues(Instant timestamp) { ImmutableMap<ImmutableList<String>, V> values = valuesSupplier.get(); ImmutableList.Builder<MetricPoint<V>> metricPoints = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); for (Entry<ImmutableList<String>, V> entry : values.entrySet()) { metricPoints.add(MetricPoint.create(this, entry.getKey(), timestamp, timestamp, entry.getValue())); }//w ww . j a v a 2 s .com cardinality = values.size(); return; }
From source
private void addMoreCandidates(LUTWorkingBuffer lut, TreeMultimap<Long, Integer> candidates, ImmutableMap<Address, Stats.Report> stats) { if (candidates.values().size() >= stats.size()) { return; // Already everyone a candidate...nothing to do }/*from w w w . j a va2*/ int index = 0; for (Address addr : lut.hosts()) { if (!candidates.containsValue(index)) { Stats.Report rep = stats.get(addr); if (rep != null) { long curSize = rep.averageSize * rep.numberOfVNodes; candidates.put(curSize, index); } } index++; } }
From source
FxMatrixBuilder(ImmutableMap<Currency, Integer> currencies, double[][] rates) { this.currencies = new LinkedHashMap<>(currencies); // Ensure there is space to add at least one new currency this.rates = copyArray(rates, size(currencies.size() + 1)); }