Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap size

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap size


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap size.


int size();

Source Link


Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.


From source file:se.sics.caracaldb.global.SchemaData.java

static void serialiseSchema(ByteBuf buf, ByteBuffer id, String name, ImmutableMap<String, String> metaData) {
    buf.writeInt(id.array().length);/*www .  jav  a  2  s.co m*/
    byte[] nameB = name.getBytes(CHARSET);
    for (Entry<String, String> e : metaData.entrySet()) {
        byte[] keyB = e.getKey().getBytes(CHARSET);
        byte[] valB = e.getValue().getBytes(CHARSET);

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.optimizer.optiq.translator.PlanModifierForASTConv.java

private static void fixTopOBSchema(final RelNode rootRel, Pair<RelNode, RelNode> topSelparentPair,
        List<FieldSchema> resultSchema) throws OptiqSemanticException {
    if (!(topSelparentPair.getKey() instanceof SortRel)
            || !HiveOptiqUtil.orderRelNode(topSelparentPair.getKey())) {
        return;//  w w  w. jav a 2  s .  c  om
    HiveSortRel obRel = (HiveSortRel) topSelparentPair.getKey();
    ProjectRelBase obChild = (ProjectRelBase) topSelparentPair.getValue();
    if (obChild.getRowType().getFieldCount() <= resultSchema.size()) {

    RelDataType rt = obChild.getRowType();
    @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
    Set<Integer> collationInputRefs = new HashSet(RelCollationImpl.ordinals(obRel.getCollation()));
    ImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, RexNode> inputRefToCallMapBldr = ImmutableMap.builder();
    for (int i = resultSchema.size(); i < rt.getFieldCount(); i++) {
        if (collationInputRefs.contains(i)) {
            inputRefToCallMapBldr.put(i, obChild.getChildExps().get(i));
    ImmutableMap<Integer, RexNode> inputRefToCallMap = inputRefToCallMapBldr.build();

    if ((obChild.getRowType().getFieldCount() - inputRefToCallMap.size()) != resultSchema.size()) {
        LOG.error(generateInvalidSchemaMessage(obChild, resultSchema, inputRefToCallMap.size()));
        throw new OptiqSemanticException("Result Schema didn't match Optimized Op Tree Schema");
    // This removes order-by only expressions from the projections.
    HiveProjectRel replacementProjectRel = HiveProjectRel.create(obChild.getChild(),
            obChild.getChildExps().subList(0, resultSchema.size()),
            obChild.getRowType().getFieldNames().subList(0, resultSchema.size()));
    obRel.replaceInput(0, replacementProjectRel);

From source file:org.fixb.meta.FixMetaScanner.java

private static <T> List<FixFieldMeta> processFields(final Class<T> model,
        final Optional<Constructor<T>> constructor, final MutableFixMetaDictionary dictionary) {
    final ImmutableMap<Integer, FixFieldMeta> fixFields = scanFields(model, dictionary);

    if (constructor.isPresent()) {
        final FixFieldMeta[] orderedFixFields = new FixFieldMeta[fixFields.size()];
        orderFixFields(constructor.get(), fixFields, orderedFixFields, dictionary, 0);
        return asList(orderedFixFields);
    } else {//from w w w. jav  a 2  s . com
        return new ArrayList<>(fixFields.values());

From source file:com.github.rinde.dynurg.Generator.java

private static void generate(RandomGenerator rng, LocationGenerator lg) {
    final List<Long> urgencyLevels = Longs.asList(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45);

    final ImmutableMap.Builder<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> generatorsMap = ImmutableMap.builder();

    for (final long urg : urgencyLevels) {
        System.out.print("create " + urg);
        final long urgency = urg * 60 * 1000L;
        // The office hours is the period in which new orders are accepted, it
        // is defined as [0,officeHoursLength).
        final long officeHoursLength;
        if (urgency < HALF_DIAG_TT) {
        } else {/* w  ww. java 2  s .  co  m*/
            officeHoursLength = SCENARIO_LENGTH - urgency - ONE_AND_HALF_DIAG_TT - PICKUP_DURATION
                    - DELIVERY_DURATION;

        final double numPeriods = officeHoursLength / (double) INTENSITY_PERIOD;

        final Map<String, String> props = newLinkedHashMap();
        props.put("expected_num_orders", Integer.toString(NUM_ORDERS));
        props.put("time_series", "sine Poisson ");
        props.put("time_series.period", Long.toString(INTENSITY_PERIOD));
        props.put("time_series.num_periods", Double.toString(numPeriods));
        props.put("pickup_duration", Long.toString(PICKUP_DURATION));
        props.put("delivery_duration", Long.toString(DELIVERY_DURATION));
        props.put("width_height", String.format("%1.1fx%1.1f", AREA_WIDTH, AREA_WIDTH));
        final GeneratorSettings sineSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.SINE, urg, SCENARIO_LENGTH,
                officeHoursLength, props);

        System.out.print(" non-homogenous Poisson");
        final TimeSeriesGenerator sineTsg = TimeSeries.nonHomogenousPoisson(officeHoursLength,
                IntensityFunctions.sineIntensity().area(NUM_ORDERS / numPeriods).period(INTENSITY_PERIOD)
                        .height(StochasticSuppliers.uniformDouble(-.99, 3d))
                        .phaseShift(StochasticSuppliers.uniformDouble(0, INTENSITY_PERIOD))

        System.out.print(" homogenous Poisson");
        // HOMOGENOUS
        props.put("time_series", "homogenous Poisson");
        props.put("time_series.intensity", Double.toString((double) NUM_ORDERS / (double) officeHoursLength));
        final TimeSeriesGenerator homogTsg = TimeSeries.homogenousPoisson(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS);
        final GeneratorSettings homogSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.HOMOGENOUS, urg,
                SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props);

        System.out.print(" normal");
        // NORMAL
        props.put("time_series", "normal");
        final TimeSeriesGenerator normalTsg = TimeSeries.normal(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS, 2.4 * 60 * 1000);
        final GeneratorSettings normalSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.NORMAL, urg,
                SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props);

        System.out.print(" uniform");
        // UNIFORM
        props.put("time_series", "uniform");
        final StochasticSupplier<Double> maxDeviation = StochasticSuppliers.normal().mean(1 * 60 * 1000)
                .std(1 * 60 * 1000).lowerBound(0).upperBound(15d * 60 * 1000).buildDouble();
        final TimeSeriesGenerator uniformTsg = TimeSeries.uniform(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS, maxDeviation);
        final GeneratorSettings uniformSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.UNIFORM, urg,
                SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props);

        generatorsMap.put(sineSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, sineTsg, lg));
        generatorsMap.put(homogSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, homogTsg, lg));
        generatorsMap.put(normalSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, normalTsg, lg));
        generatorsMap.put(uniformSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, uniformTsg, lg));

    final ImmutableMap<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> scenarioGenerators = generatorsMap.build();

    System.out.println("num generators: " + scenarioGenerators.size());
    for (final Entry<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> entry : scenarioGenerators.entrySet()) {

        final GeneratorSettings generatorSettings = entry.getKey();
        System.out.println("URGENCY: " + generatorSettings.urgency + " " + generatorSettings.timeSeriesType);

        if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.SINE) {
            createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .0, .46, 10);
        } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.HOMOGENOUS) {
            createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .49, .56, 2);
        } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.NORMAL) {
            createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .59, .66, 2);
        } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.UNIFORM) {
            createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .69, 1, 7);
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.cxx.toolchain.CxxBuckConfig.java

 * If the config specifies a value for "toolchain_target", returns a {@link UnresolvedCxxPlatform}
 * backed by the specified target.//  ww w  .  j a v a2  s. co  m
public static Optional<UnresolvedCxxPlatform> getProviderBasedPlatform(BuckConfig config, Flavor flavor) {
    String cxxSection = new CxxBuckConfig(config, flavor).cxxSection;

    Optional<BuildTarget> toolchainTarget = config.getBuildTarget(cxxSection, TOOLCHAIN_TARGET,
    if (!toolchainTarget.isPresent()) {
        return Optional.empty();

    if (!cxxSection.equals(UNFLAVORED_CXX_SECTION)) {
        // In a flavored cxx section, we don't allow any configuration except for configuration of the
        // platform.
        ImmutableMap<String, String> allEntries = config.getEntriesForSection(cxxSection);
        if (allEntries.size() != 1) {
            throw new HumanReadableException(
                    "When configuring a cxx %s, no other configuration is allowed in that section. Got unexpected keys [%s]",
                    TOOLCHAIN_TARGET, Joiner.on(", ")
                            .join(Sets.difference(allEntries.keySet(), ImmutableSet.of(TOOLCHAIN_TARGET))));

    return Optional.of(new ProviderBasedUnresolvedCxxPlatform(toolchainTarget.get(), flavor));

From source file:de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.conversion.SchematicConverter.java

public static TagCompound convert(MplCompilationResult result) {
    ImmutableMap<Coordinate3D, MplBlock> blockMap = result.getBlocks();
    ImmutableSet<Coordinate3D> coordinates = blockMap.keySet();
    Coordinate3D min = getMinCoordinate(coordinates);
    Coordinate3D max = getMaxCoordinate(coordinates);
    short width = (short) (1 + max.getX() - min.getX());
    short heigth = (short) (1 + max.getY() - min.getY());
    short length = (short) (1 + max.getZ() - min.getZ());
    int volume = width * heigth * length;
    ByteBuffer blocks = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume);
    ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate(volume);
    List<ITag> tileEntities = new ArrayList<>(blockMap.size());
    for (int y = min.getY(); y <= max.getY(); y++) {
        for (int z = min.getZ(); z <= max.getZ(); z++) {
            for (int x = min.getX(); x <= max.getX(); x++) {
                Coordinate3D coord = new Coordinate3D(x, y, z);
                MplBlock block = blockMap.get(coord);
                if (block == null) {
                    block = new AirBlock(coord);
                }//  w w w . j a v a 2  s  .c o m

                // block

                // data
                if (block instanceof CommandBlock) {
                    data.put(((CommandBlock) block).getDamageValue());
                } else {
                    data.put((byte) 0);

                // tile entity
                if (block instanceof CommandBlock) {
                    tileEntities.add(toControl((CommandBlock) block));
    TagCompound schematic = new TagCompound("Schematic");
    schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Width", width));
    schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Height", heigth));
    schematic.setTag(new TagShort("Length", length));
    schematic.setTag(new TagString("Materials", "Alpha"));
    schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Blocks", blocks.array()));
    schematic.setTag(new TagByteArray("Data", data.array()));
    schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileEntities", tileEntities));
    schematic.setTag(new TagList("Entities", new ArrayList<>()));
    schematic.setTag(new TagList("TileTicks", new ArrayList<>()));
    return schematic;

From source file:com.facebook.buck.artifact_cache.SQLiteArtifactCache.java

static byte[] marshalMetadata(ImmutableMap<String, String> metadata) throws IOException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream metadataStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(metadataStream)) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : metadata.entrySet()) {
            byte[] value = entry.getValue().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
            out.writeInt(value.length);/*from   w  ww  .j  av  a 2s  .c  o  m*/
    return metadataStream.toByteArray();

From source file:com.facebook.buck.artifact_cache.HttpArtifactCacheBinaryProtocol.java

static byte[] createMetadataHeader(ImmutableSet<RuleKey> ruleKeys, ImmutableMap<String, String> metadata,
        ByteSource data) throws IOException {

    ByteArrayOutputStream rawOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Hasher hasher = HASH_FUNCTION.newHasher();
    try (DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(new HasherOutputStream(hasher, rawOut))) {

        // Write the rule keys to the raw metadata, including them in the end-to-end checksum.
        out.writeInt(ruleKeys.size());/* w  w w . j av a 2  s. com*/
        for (RuleKey ruleKey : ruleKeys) {

        // Write out the metadata map to the raw metadata, including it in the end-to-end checksum.
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> ent : metadata.entrySet()) {
            byte[] val = ent.getValue().getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8);
            if (out.size() > MAX_METADATA_HEADER_SIZE) {
                throw new IOException("Metadata header too big.");

    // Add the file data contents to the end-to-end checksum.
    data.copyTo(new HasherOutputStream(hasher, ByteStreams.nullOutputStream()));

    // Finish the checksum, adding it to the raw metadata

    // Finally, base64 encode the raw bytes to make usable in a HTTP header.
    byte[] bytes = rawOut.toByteArray();
    if (bytes.length > MAX_METADATA_HEADER_SIZE) {
        throw new IOException("Metadata header too big.");
    return bytes;

From source file:io.atomix.utils.serializer.serializers.ImmutableMapSerializer.java

public void write(Kryo kryo, Output output, ImmutableMap<?, ?> object) {
    for (Entry<?, ?> e : object.entrySet()) {
        kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, e.getKey());
        kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, e.getValue());
    }//from   w  w  w. j  a v  a 2s . co  m

From source file:org.gradle.api.internal.changedetection.state.InputPropertiesSerializer.java

public void write(Encoder encoder, ImmutableMap<String, ValueSnapshot> properties) throws Exception {
    for (Map.Entry<String, ValueSnapshot> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
        writeSnapshot(encoder, entry.getValue());
    }/*from ww w.j a v  a  2s  . com*/