List of usage examples for ImmutableMap entrySet
public final ImmutableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySet()
From source
@VisibleForTesting static ImmutableMap<Path, WatchmanQuery> createQueries(ImmutableMap<Path, ProjectWatch> projectWatches, ImmutableSet<PathOrGlobMatcher> ignorePaths, Set<Capability> watchmanCapabilities) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Path, WatchmanQuery> watchmanQueryBuilder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Path, ProjectWatch> entry : projectWatches.entrySet()) { watchmanQueryBuilder.put(entry.getKey(), createQuery(entry.getValue(), ignorePaths, watchmanCapabilities)); }//w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m return; }
From source
/** Write the class output from a successful compilation to the output jar. */ private static void emitClassJar(Path outputJar, ImmutableMap<String, OutputFileObject> files) throws IOException { try (OutputStream fos = Files.newOutputStream(outputJar); ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(fos, ZIPFILE_BUFFER_SIZE))) { for (Map.Entry<String, OutputFileObject> entry : files.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().location != StandardLocation.CLASS_OUTPUT) { continue; }//from ww w. java2 s . c om String name = entry.getKey(); byte[] bytes = entry.getValue().asBytes(); if (bytes == null) { continue; } if (name.endsWith(".class")) { bytes = processBytecode(bytes); } ZipUtil.storeEntry(name, bytes, zipOut); } } }
From source
public static ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> toModuleMap(BuildTarget target, SourcePathResolver resolver, String parameter, Path baseModule, Iterable<SourceList> inputs) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Path, SourcePath> moduleNamesAndSourcePaths = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (SourceList input : inputs) { ImmutableMap<String, SourcePath> namesAndSourcePaths; if (input.getUnnamedSources().isPresent()) { namesAndSourcePaths = resolver.getSourcePathNames(target, parameter, input.getUnnamedSources().get()); } else {//from www . java 2 s .c o m namesAndSourcePaths = input.getNamedSources().get(); } for (ImmutableMap.Entry<String, SourcePath> entry : namesAndSourcePaths.entrySet()) { moduleNamesAndSourcePaths.put(baseModule.resolve(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } } return; }
From source
/** * Computes the set of {@link Label}s corresponding to a set of Skylark {@link LoadStatement}s. * * @param imports a collection of Skylark {@link LoadStatement}s * @param containingFileLabel the {@link Label} of the file containing the load statements * @return an {@link ImmutableMap} which maps a {@link String} used in the load statement to its * corresponding {@Label}. Returns {@code null} if any Skyframe dependencies are unavailable. * @throws SkylarkImportFailedException if no package can be found that contains the loaded file *///from ww w. j ava2s .c om @Nullable static ImmutableMap<String, Label> findLabelsForLoadStatements(ImmutableCollection<SkylarkImport> imports, Label containingFileLabel, Environment env) throws SkylarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkArgument(!containingFileLabel.getPackageIdentifier().getRepository().isDefault()); Map<String, Label> outputMap = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(imports.size()); // Filter relative vs. absolute paths. ImmutableSet.Builder<PathFragment> absoluteImportsToLookup = new ImmutableSet.Builder<>(); // We maintain a multimap from path fragments to their correspond import strings, to cover the // (unlikely) case where two distinct import strings generate the same path fragment. ImmutableMultimap.Builder<PathFragment, String> pathToImports = new ImmutableMultimap.Builder<>(); for (SkylarkImport imp : imports) { if (imp.hasAbsolutePath()) { absoluteImportsToLookup.add(imp.getAbsolutePath()); pathToImports.put(imp.getAbsolutePath(), imp.getImportString()); } else { outputMap.put(imp.getImportString(), imp.getLabel(containingFileLabel)); } } // Look up labels for absolute paths. ImmutableMap<PathFragment, Label> absoluteLabels = labelsForAbsoluteImports(, env); if (absoluteLabels == null) { return null; } for (Entry<PathFragment, Label> entry : absoluteLabels.entrySet()) { PathFragment currPath = entry.getKey(); Label currLabel = entry.getValue(); for (String importString : { outputMap.put(importString, currLabel); } } ImmutableMap<String, Label> immutableOutputMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(outputMap); return immutableOutputMap; }
From source
static ImmutableMap<Path, SourcePath> toModuleMap(BuildTarget target, SourcePathResolver resolver, String parameter, Path baseModule, Iterable<SourceSortedSet> inputs) { ImmutableMap.Builder<Path, SourcePath> moduleNamesAndSourcePaths = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (SourceSortedSet input : inputs) { ImmutableMap<String, SourcePath> namesAndSourcePaths; if (input.getUnnamedSources().isPresent()) { namesAndSourcePaths = resolver.getSourcePathNames(target, parameter, input.getUnnamedSources().get()); } else {/*w ww . j a va2 s .co m*/ namesAndSourcePaths = input.getNamedSources().get(); } for (ImmutableMap.Entry<String, SourcePath> entry : namesAndSourcePaths.entrySet()) { moduleNamesAndSourcePaths.put(baseModule.resolve(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue()); } } return; }
From source
private static ImmutableList<DefaultCpuToolchain> getDefaultCpuToolchains(StlImpl stlImpl) { // TODO(bazel-team): It would be better to auto-generate this somehow. ImmutableMap<String, String> defaultCpus = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() // arm .put("armeabi", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9").put("armeabi-v7a", "arm-linux-androideabi-4.9-v7a") .put("arm64-v8a", "aarch64-linux-android-4.9") // mips .put("mips", "mipsel-linux-android-4.9").put("mips64", "mips64el-linux-android-4.9") // x86 .put("x86", "x86-4.9").put("x86_64", "x86_64-4.9").build(); ImmutableList.Builder<DefaultCpuToolchain> defaultCpuToolchains = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Entry<String, String> defaultCpu : defaultCpus.entrySet()) { defaultCpuToolchains.add(DefaultCpuToolchain.newBuilder().setCpu(defaultCpu.getKey()) .setToolchainIdentifier(defaultCpu.getValue() + "-" + stlImpl.getName()).build()); }// w w w. j a va 2 s. c o m return; }
From source
/** * Serializes an {@link Entity} into a Smart {@link URI}. * @param entity the {@link Entity} to serialize into a Smart URI. * @return the Smart {@link URI}.// www .j a v a2 s . c om * @throws SmartUriException */ public static URI serializeUriEntity(final Entity entity) throws SmartUriException { final Map<URI, Value> objectMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Adds the entity's types to the Smart URI final List<RyaURI> typeIds = entity.getExplicitTypeIds(); final Map<RyaURI, String> ryaTypeMap = createTypeMap(typeIds); final URI ryaTypeMapUri = createTypeMapUri(typeIds); final RyaType valueRyaType = new RyaType(XMLSchema.ANYURI, ryaTypeMapUri.stringValue()); final Value typeValue = RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(valueRyaType); objectMap.put(RYA_TYPES_URI, typeValue); final RyaURI subject = entity.getSubject(); final Map<RyaURI, ImmutableMap<RyaURI, Property>> typeMap = entity.getProperties(); for (final Entry<RyaURI, ImmutableMap<RyaURI, Property>> typeEntry : typeMap.entrySet()) { final RyaURI type = typeEntry.getKey(); String typeShortName = ryaTypeMap.get(type); typeShortName = typeShortName != null ? typeShortName + "." : ""; final ImmutableMap<RyaURI, Property> typeProperties = typeEntry.getValue(); for (final Entry<RyaURI, Property> properties : typeProperties.entrySet()) { final RyaURI key = properties.getKey(); final Property property = properties.getValue(); final String valueString = property.getValue().getData(); final RyaType ryaType = property.getValue(); //final RyaType ryaType = new RyaType(new URIImpl(key.getData()), valueString); final Value value = RyaToRdfConversions.convertValue(ryaType); String formattedKey = key.getData(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeShortName)) { formattedKey = addTypePrefixToUri(formattedKey, typeShortName); } final URI uri = new URIImpl(formattedKey); objectMap.put(uri, value); } } return serializeUri(subject, objectMap); }
From source
private static ImmutableList<DefaultCpuToolchain> getDefaultCpuToolchains(StlImpl stlImpl) { // TODO(bazel-team): It would be better to auto-generate this somehow. ImmutableMap<String, String> defaultCpus = ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder() // arm .put("armeabi", "arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.8") .put("armeabi-v7a", "arm-linux-androideabi-clang3.8-v7a") .put("arm64-v8a", "aarch64-linux-android-clang3.8") // mips .put("mips", "mipsel-linux-android-clang3.8").put("mips64", "mips64el-linux-android-clang3.8") // x86 .put("x86", "x86-clang3.8").put("x86_64", "x86_64-clang3.8").build(); ImmutableList.Builder<DefaultCpuToolchain> defaultCpuToolchains = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Entry<String, String> defaultCpu : defaultCpus.entrySet()) { defaultCpuToolchains.add(DefaultCpuToolchain.newBuilder().setCpu(defaultCpu.getKey()) .setToolchainIdentifier(defaultCpu.getValue() + "-" + stlImpl.getName()).build()); }/* w w w. java 2s.c o m*/ return; }
From source
private static void addSnapshotToMetricRecordBuilder(Snapshot snapshot, MetricsRecordBuilder builder, String name, String metricType) { ImmutableMap<String, Double> doubleValues = ImmutableMap.<String, Double>builder() .put("median", snapshot.getMedian()).put("mean", snapshot.getMean()) .put("75th", snapshot.get75thPercentile()).put("95th", snapshot.get95thPercentile()) .put("98th", snapshot.get98thPercentile()).put("99th", snapshot.get99thPercentile()) .put("999th", snapshot.get999thPercentile()).build(); ImmutableMap<String, Long> longValues = ImmutableMap.<String, Long>builder().put("min", snapshot.getMin()) .put("max", snapshot.getMax()).build(); for (Map.Entry<String, Double> entry : doubleValues.entrySet()) { builder.addGauge(new ShuffleServiceMetricsInfo(name + "_" + entry.getKey(), entry.getKey() + " of " + metricType + " " + name), entry.getValue() / rateFactor); }//from w ww . ja v a 2 s .c o m for (Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : longValues.entrySet()) { builder.addGauge(new ShuffleServiceMetricsInfo(name + "_" + entry.getKey(), entry.getKey() + " of " + metricType + " " + name), entry.getValue() / rateFactor); } }
From source
private static void generate(RandomGenerator rng, LocationGenerator lg) { final List<Long> urgencyLevels = Longs.asList(0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45); final ImmutableMap.Builder<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> generatorsMap = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (final long urg : urgencyLevels) { System.out.print("create " + urg); final long urgency = urg * 60 * 1000L; // The office hours is the period in which new orders are accepted, it // is defined as [0,officeHoursLength). final long officeHoursLength; if (urgency < HALF_DIAG_TT) { officeHoursLength = SCENARIO_LENGTH - TWO_DIAG_TT - PICKUP_DURATION - DELIVERY_DURATION; } else {//ww w . j av a 2 s. c o m officeHoursLength = SCENARIO_LENGTH - urgency - ONE_AND_HALF_DIAG_TT - PICKUP_DURATION - DELIVERY_DURATION; } final double numPeriods = officeHoursLength / (double) INTENSITY_PERIOD; final Map<String, String> props = newLinkedHashMap(); props.put("expected_num_orders", Integer.toString(NUM_ORDERS)); props.put("time_series", "sine Poisson "); props.put("time_series.period", Long.toString(INTENSITY_PERIOD)); props.put("time_series.num_periods", Double.toString(numPeriods)); props.put("pickup_duration", Long.toString(PICKUP_DURATION)); props.put("delivery_duration", Long.toString(DELIVERY_DURATION)); props.put("width_height", String.format("%1.1fx%1.1f", AREA_WIDTH, AREA_WIDTH)); final GeneratorSettings sineSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.SINE, urg, SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props); System.out.print(" non-homogenous Poisson"); // NON-HOMOGENOUS final TimeSeriesGenerator sineTsg = TimeSeries.nonHomogenousPoisson(officeHoursLength, IntensityFunctions.sineIntensity().area(NUM_ORDERS / numPeriods).period(INTENSITY_PERIOD) .height(StochasticSuppliers.uniformDouble(-.99, 3d)) .phaseShift(StochasticSuppliers.uniformDouble(0, INTENSITY_PERIOD)) .buildStochasticSupplier()); System.out.print(" homogenous Poisson"); // HOMOGENOUS props.put("time_series", "homogenous Poisson"); props.put("time_series.intensity", Double.toString((double) NUM_ORDERS / (double) officeHoursLength)); props.remove("time_series.period"); props.remove("time_series.num_periods"); final TimeSeriesGenerator homogTsg = TimeSeries.homogenousPoisson(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS); final GeneratorSettings homogSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.HOMOGENOUS, urg, SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props); System.out.print(" normal"); // NORMAL props.put("time_series", "normal"); props.remove("time_series.intensity"); final TimeSeriesGenerator normalTsg = TimeSeries.normal(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS, 2.4 * 60 * 1000); final GeneratorSettings normalSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.NORMAL, urg, SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props); System.out.print(" uniform"); // UNIFORM props.put("time_series", "uniform"); final StochasticSupplier<Double> maxDeviation = StochasticSuppliers.normal().mean(1 * 60 * 1000) .std(1 * 60 * 1000).lowerBound(0).upperBound(15d * 60 * 1000).buildDouble(); final TimeSeriesGenerator uniformTsg = TimeSeries.uniform(officeHoursLength, NUM_ORDERS, maxDeviation); final GeneratorSettings uniformSettings = new GeneratorSettings(TimeSeriesType.UNIFORM, urg, SCENARIO_LENGTH, officeHoursLength, props); System.out.println("."); generatorsMap.put(sineSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, sineTsg, lg)); generatorsMap.put(homogSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, homogTsg, lg)); generatorsMap.put(normalSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, normalTsg, lg)); generatorsMap.put(uniformSettings, createGenerator(SCENARIO_LENGTH, urgency, uniformTsg, lg)); } final ImmutableMap<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> scenarioGenerators =; System.out.println("num generators: " + scenarioGenerators.size()); for (final Entry<GeneratorSettings, ScenarioGenerator> entry : scenarioGenerators.entrySet()) { final GeneratorSettings generatorSettings = entry.getKey(); System.out.println("URGENCY: " + generatorSettings.urgency + " " + generatorSettings.timeSeriesType); if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.SINE) { createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .0, .46, 10); } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.HOMOGENOUS) { createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .49, .56, 2); } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.NORMAL) { createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .59, .66, 2); } else if (generatorSettings.timeSeriesType == TimeSeriesType.UNIFORM) { createScenarios(rng, generatorSettings, entry.getValue(), .69, 1, 7); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } System.out.println("DONE."); }