List of usage examples for ImmutableMap entrySet
public final ImmutableSet<Entry<K, V>> entrySet()
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public <X extends ASBase, M extends Builder<X, M>> M templateWith(Map<String, Object> other) { ImmutableMap<String, Object> copy = other instanceof ImmutableMap ? (ImmutableMap<String, Object>) other : ImmutableMap.copyOf(other); M builder = this.<X, M>template(withoutFields(copy.keySet())); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : copy.entrySet()) builder.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); return builder; }
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@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public <T extends ASBase> T as(Class<T> type, Map<String, Object> other) { ImmutableMap<String, Object> copy = other instanceof ImmutableMap ? (ImmutableMap<String, Object>) other : ImmutableMap.copyOf(other); Builder builder = as(type, withoutFields(copy.keySet())).template(); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : copy.entrySet()) builder.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); return (T) builder.get(); }
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private boolean proxyEquals(Class<?> thisIface, ImmutableMap<Method, ValueResolver> thisResolvers, Object that) {/*from w w w . j av a2s. co m*/ if (!(that instanceof ProxiedConfiguration)) return false; ProxiedConfiguration thatConfig = ((ProxiedConfiguration) that); Class<?> thatIface = thatConfig.getInterfaceClass(); if (!thisIface.equals(thatIface)) return false; ImmutableMap<Method, ValueResolver> thatResolvers = thatConfig.getResolvers(); if (thisResolvers.size() != thatResolvers.size()) throw new IllegalStateException("not sure how the same iface can have different resolver map"); for (Entry<Method, ValueResolver> thisEntry : thisResolvers.entrySet()) { Object thisValue = thisEntry.getValue().resolve(); Object thatValue = thatResolvers.get(thisEntry.getKey()).resolve(); if (!thisValue.equals(thatValue)) return false; } return true; }
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/** * Returns the valid annotated elements contained in all of the deferred elements. If none are * found for a deferred element, defers it again. *///w w w.j a v a2s. c o m private ImmutableSetMultimap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element> validElements( ImmutableMap<String, Optional<? extends Element>> deferredElements, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) { ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element> deferredElementsByAnnotationBuilder = ImmutableSetMultimap .builder(); for (Entry<String, Optional<? extends Element>> deferredTypeElementEntry : deferredElements.entrySet()) { Optional<? extends Element> deferredElement = deferredTypeElementEntry.getValue(); if (deferredElement.isPresent()) { findAnnotatedElements(deferredElement.get(), getSupportedAnnotationClasses(), deferredElementsByAnnotationBuilder); } else { deferredElementNames.add(ElementName.forTypeName(deferredTypeElementEntry.getKey())); } } ImmutableSetMultimap<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element> deferredElementsByAnnotation = deferredElementsByAnnotationBuilder .build(); ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<Class<? extends Annotation>, Element> validElements = ImmutableSetMultimap .builder(); Set<ElementName> validElementNames = new LinkedHashSet<ElementName>(); // Look at the elements we've found and the new elements from this round and validate them. for (Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass : getSupportedAnnotationClasses()) { // This should just call roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(Class) directly, but there is a bug // in some versions of eclipse that cause that method to crash. TypeElement annotationType = elements.getTypeElement(annotationClass.getCanonicalName()); Set<? extends Element> elementsAnnotatedWith = (annotationType == null) ? ImmutableSet.<Element>of() : roundEnv.getElementsAnnotatedWith(annotationType); for (Element annotatedElement : Sets.union(elementsAnnotatedWith, deferredElementsByAnnotation.get(annotationClass))) { if (annotatedElement.getKind().equals(PACKAGE)) { PackageElement annotatedPackageElement = (PackageElement) annotatedElement; ElementName annotatedPackageName = ElementName .forPackageName(annotatedPackageElement.getQualifiedName().toString()); boolean validPackage = validElementNames.contains(annotatedPackageName) || (!deferredElementNames.contains(annotatedPackageName) && validateElement(annotatedPackageElement)); if (validPackage) { validElements.put(annotationClass, annotatedPackageElement); validElementNames.add(annotatedPackageName); } else { deferredElementNames.add(annotatedPackageName); } } else { TypeElement enclosingType = getEnclosingType(annotatedElement); ElementName enclosingTypeName = ElementName .forTypeName(enclosingType.getQualifiedName().toString()); boolean validEnclosingType = validElementNames.contains(enclosingTypeName) || (!deferredElementNames.contains(enclosingTypeName) && validateElement(enclosingType)); if (validEnclosingType) { validElements.put(annotationClass, annotatedElement); validElementNames.add(enclosingTypeName); } else { deferredElementNames.add(enclosingTypeName); } } } } return; }
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/** * Combines this provider with another.//w ww.j ava 2 s.c o m * <p> * If the two providers have curves or time series for the same currency or index, * an {@link IllegalAccessException} is thrown. No attempt is made to combine the * FX providers, instead one is supplied. * * @param other the other rates provider * @param fxProvider the FX rate provider to use * @return the combined provider */ public ImmutableRatesProvider combinedWith(ImmutableRatesProvider other, FxRateProvider fxProvider) { ImmutableRatesProviderBuilder merged = other.toBuilder(); // discount ImmutableMap<Currency, Curve> dscMap1 = discountCurves; ImmutableMap<Currency, Curve> dscMap2 = other.discountCurves; for (Entry<Currency, Curve> entry : dscMap1.entrySet()) { ArgChecker.isTrue(!dscMap2.containsKey(entry.getKey()), "conflict on discount curve, currency '{}' appears twice in the providers", entry.getKey()); merged.discountCurve(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // forward ImmutableMap<Index, Curve> indexMap1 = indexCurves; ImmutableMap<Index, Curve> indexMap2 = other.indexCurves; for (Entry<Index, Curve> entry : indexMap1.entrySet()) { ArgChecker.isTrue(!indexMap2.containsKey(entry.getKey()), "conflict on index curve, index '{}' appears twice in the providers", entry.getKey()); merged.indexCurve(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } // time series Map<Index, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> tsMap1 = timeSeries; Map<Index, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> tsMap2 = other.timeSeries; for (Entry<Index, LocalDateDoubleTimeSeries> entry : tsMap1.entrySet()) { ArgChecker.isTrue(!tsMap2.containsKey(entry.getKey()), "conflict on time series, index '{}' appears twice in the providers", entry.getKey()); merged.timeSeries(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } merged.fxRateProvider(fxProvider); return; }
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private ImplicitlyLoadedExtension loadImplicitExtension(String basePath, Label containingLabel) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Optional<ImplicitInclude> implicitInclude = packageImplicitIncludeFinder .findIncludeForBuildFile(Paths.get(basePath)); if (!implicitInclude.isPresent()) { return ImplicitlyLoadedExtension.empty(); }/*w w w . java 2 s.c om*/ // Only export requested symbols, and ensure that all requsted symbols are present. ExtensionData data = loadExtension(LoadImport.of(containingLabel, implicitInclude.get().getLoadPath())); ImmutableMap<String, Object> symbols = data.getExtension().getBindings(); ImmutableMap<String, String> expectedSymbols = implicitInclude.get().getSymbols(); Builder<String, Object> loaded = ImmutableMap.builderWithExpectedSize(expectedSymbols.size()); for (Entry<String, String> kvp : expectedSymbols.entrySet()) { Object symbol = symbols.get(kvp.getValue()); if (symbol == null) { throw BuildFileParseException.createForUnknownParseError( String.format("Could not find symbol '%s' in implicitly loaded extension '%s'", kvp.getValue(), implicitInclude.get().getLoadPath().getImportString())); } loaded.put(kvp.getKey(), symbol); } return ImplicitlyLoadedExtension.of(data,; }
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@VisibleForTesting ImmutableMap<CxxPreprocessAndCompile, SourcePath> requirePreprocessAndCompileRules( ImmutableMap<String, CxxSource> sources) { return sources.entrySet().stream().map(entry -> { String name = entry.getKey(); CxxSource source = entry.getValue(); Preconditions.checkState(CxxSourceTypes.isPreprocessableType(source.getType()) || CxxSourceTypes.isCompilableType(source.getType())); source = getSandboxedCxxSource(source); // If it's a preprocessable source, use a combine preprocess-and-compile build rule. // Otherwise, use a regular compile rule. if (CxxSourceTypes.isPreprocessableType(source.getType())) { return requirePreprocessAndCompileBuildRule(name, source); } else {//from w ww. j a va2 s. c o m return requireCompileBuildRule(name, source); } }).collect(MoreCollectors.toImmutableMap(Function.identity(), input -> new BuildTargetSourcePath(input.getBuildTarget()))); }
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/** * Given a map of handled exception types and the trees of those handlers (i.e. catch clauses or * method throws clauses), determine which handlers are for reflective exceptions, and whether * all exceptions thrown by {#link Constructor#newInstance} are handled. *//* w ww. j a v a2 s. c o m*/ private <T> UnhandledResult<T> unhandled(ImmutableMap<Type, T> handles, VisitorState state) { LinkedHashSet<Type> toHandle = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Class<?> e : Arrays.asList(InstantiationException.class, IllegalAccessException.class, InvocationTargetException.class, NoSuchMethodException.class)) { Type type = state.getTypeFromString(e.getName()); if (type != null) { toHandle.add(type); } } Type roe = state.getTypeFromString(ReflectiveOperationException.class.getName()); ImmutableMap.Builder<Type, T> newHandles = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<Type, T> entry : handles.entrySet()) { Type type = entry.getKey(); if (ASTHelpers.isSubtype(type, roe, state)) { newHandles.put(type, entry.getValue()); } for (Type precise : type.isUnion() ? ((Type.UnionClassType) type).getAlternativeTypes() : Collections.singleton(type)) { Iterator<Type> it = toHandle.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (ASTHelpers.isSubtype(, precise, state)) { it.remove(); } } } } return new UnhandledResult<>(ImmutableSet.copyOf(toHandle),; }
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private void doMultiCheck(ImmutableMap<RuleKey, ClaimedFetchRequest> ruleKeyToRequest) { try {// ww w . j a v a2s . c o m ImmutableMap<RuleKey, CacheResult> ruleKeyToResult = multiContainsImpl(ruleKeyToRequest.keySet()) .getCacheResults(); for (Map.Entry<RuleKey, CacheResult> result : ruleKeyToResult.entrySet()) { CacheResult cacheResult = result.getValue(); ClaimedFetchRequest claimedFetchRequest = ruleKeyToRequest.get(result.getKey()); if (claimedFetchRequest == null) { LOG.verbose("Recived cache result for not requested rule key."); continue; } if (!cacheResult.getType().isSuccess()) { // If rule key is not present in the cache, there is no point in trying to download // it. claimedFetchRequest.setResult(cacheResult); } else { // Otherwise reschedule it. It will be added to the fetch queue and it will be picked // by fetching thread. claimedFetchRequest.reschedule(); } } } catch (IOException e) { String msg = String.format("multicheck(<%s>): %s: %s", Joiner.on(", ").join(ruleKeyToRequest.keySet()), e.getClass().getName(), e.getMessage()); // Some of these might already be fulfilled. That's fine, this set() call will just be // ignored. for (ClaimedFetchRequest request : ruleKeyToRequest.values()) { request.setResult(CacheResult.error(name, mode, msg)); } } }
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@Override protected VersionInfo getVersionInfo(TargetNode<?> node) { VersionInfo info = this.versionInfo.get(node.getBuildTarget()); if (info != null) { return info; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ Map<BuildTarget, ImmutableSet<Version>> versionDomain = new HashMap<>(); Optional<TargetNode<VersionedAliasDescriptionArg>> versionedNode = TargetGraphVersionTransformations .getVersionedNode(node); if (versionedNode.isPresent()) { ImmutableMap<Version, BuildTarget> versions = versionedNode.get().getConstructorArg().getVersions(); // Merge in the versioned deps and the version domain. versionDomain.put(node.getBuildTarget(), versions.keySet()); // If this version has only one possible choice, there's no need to wrap the constraints from // it's transitive deps in an implication constraint. if (versions.size() == 1) { Map.Entry<Version, BuildTarget> ent = versions.entrySet().iterator().next(); VersionInfo depInfo = getVersionInfo(getNode(ent.getValue())); versionDomain.putAll(depInfo.getVersionDomain()); } else { // For each version choice, inherit the transitive constraints by wrapping them in an // implication dependent on the specific version that pulls them in. for (Map.Entry<Version, BuildTarget> ent : versions.entrySet()) { VersionInfo depInfo = getVersionInfo(getNode(ent.getValue())); versionDomain.putAll(depInfo.getVersionDomain()); } } } else { // Merge in the constraints and version domain/deps from transitive deps. for (BuildTarget depTarget : TargetGraphVersionTransformations.getDeps(typeCoercerFactory, node)) { TargetNode<?> dep = getNode(depTarget); if (TargetGraphVersionTransformations.isVersionPropagator(dep) || TargetGraphVersionTransformations.getVersionedNode(dep).isPresent()) { VersionInfo depInfo = getVersionInfo(dep); versionDomain.putAll(depInfo.getVersionDomain()); } } } info = VersionInfo.of(versionDomain); this.versionInfo.put(node.getBuildTarget(), info); return info; }