List of usage examples for ImmutableMap copyOf
public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> copyOf(Iterable<? extends Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>> entries)
From source
@Inject public StoreResource(Map<String, LocalStore> localStores, Map<String, StoreConfig> configs) { this.localStores = ImmutableMap.copyOf(localStores); this.tombstoneMaxAges = ImmutableMap .copyOf(Maps.transformValues(configs, new Function<StoreConfig, Duration>() { @Override/* ww w. ja v a2s. com*/ public Duration apply(@Nullable StoreConfig config) { return config.getTombstoneMaxAge(); } })); }
From source
/** * Create an unmodifiable view of a particular map. Does not perform unnecessary * encapsulation if the map is known to be already unmodifiable. * * @param map Backing map/* www . ja va 2s.c om*/ * @return Unmodifiable view */ static Map<PathArgument, DataContainerChild<? extends PathArgument, ?>> create( final Map<PathArgument, DataContainerChild<? extends PathArgument, ?>> map) { if (map instanceof UnmodifiableChildrenMap) { return map; } if (map instanceof ImmutableMap) { return map; } if (map.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableMap.of(); } if (map.size() < WRAP_THRESHOLD) { return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); } return new UnmodifiableChildrenMap(map); }
From source
public BeforeEvaluateVariableEvent(final Step pipeline, final Step step, final Variable variable, final XdmNode xpathContextNode, final Map<QName, String> inScopeVariables) { super(pipeline, step, variable); this.xpathContextNode = xpathContextNode; this.inScopeVariables = ImmutableMap.copyOf(inScopeVariables); }
From source
/** * Constructs an import statement.//from ww w .j a v a2 s. c o m * * <p>{@code symbols} maps a symbol to the original name under which it was defined in * the bzl file that should be loaded. If aliasing is used, the value differs from its key's * {@code symbol.getName()}. Otherwise, both values are identical. */ LoadStatement(StringLiteral imp, Map<Identifier, String> symbols) { this.imp = imp; this.symbols = ImmutableMap.copyOf(symbols); this.cachedSymbols = ImmutableList.copyOf(symbols.keySet()); }
From source
private SymbolAliases(Map<String, SymbolReference> aliases) { = ImmutableMap.copyOf(aliases); }
From source
S3Exception(S3ErrorCode error, String message, Throwable cause, Map<String, String> elements) { super(requireNonNull(message), cause); this.error = requireNonNull(error); this.elements = ImmutableMap.copyOf(elements); }
From source
DiffProcessor(final Map<JsonPointer, JsonNode> unchanged) { this.unchanged = ImmutableMap.copyOf(unchanged); }
From source
public ExecutionInfo(Map<String, String> requirements) { super(PROVIDER, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of("requirements", requirements)); this.executionInfo = ImmutableMap.copyOf(requirements); }
From source
public DefaultEventHandlerSpecification(EventHandler eventHandler) { EventHandlerSpecification spec = eventHandler.configure(); this.className = eventHandler.getClass().getName(); this.configs = ImmutableMap.copyOf(spec.getConfigs()); }
From source
QueryQueueRule(@Nullable Pattern userRegex, @Nullable Pattern sourceRegex, Map<String, Pattern> sessionPropertyRegexes, List<QueryQueueDefinition> queues) { this.userRegex = userRegex; this.sourceRegex = sourceRegex; this.sessionPropertyRegexes = ImmutableMap .copyOf(requireNonNull(sessionPropertyRegexes, "sessionPropertyRegexes is null")); requireNonNull(queues, "queues is null"); checkArgument(!queues.isEmpty(), "queues is empty"); this.queues = ImmutableList.copyOf(queues); }