Example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap copyOf

List of usage examples for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap copyOf


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.collect ImmutableMap copyOf.


public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> copyOf(Iterable<? extends Entry<? extends K, ? extends V>> entries) 

Source Link


From source file:se.kth.climate.fast.netcdf.DataDescriptor.java

public DataDescriptor(MetaInfo mi, Set<String> vars, Map<String, DimensionRange> dims,
        Optional<String> splitDim) {
    this.metaInfo = mi;
    this.vars = ImmutableSet.copyOf(vars);
    this.dims = ImmutableMap.copyOf(dims);
    this.splitDim = splitDim;

From source file:org.hawkular.metrics.core.api.DataPoint.java

public DataPoint(long timestamp, T value, Map<String, String> tags) {
    this.timestamp = timestamp;
    this.value = value;
    this.tags = ImmutableMap.copyOf(tags);

From source file:org.auraframework.impl.util.AuraUtil.java

 * Accepts a Map, or null, and always returns an immutable Map. If map was
 * null, return will be an empty ImmutableMap
 * /*from  w w w  . j a va2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param <K> Any Object type
 * @param <V> Any Object type
 * @param map Any Map, or null
 * @return An ImmutableMap that is a copy of map, or an empty ImmutableMap
 *         if map was null
public static <K, V> Map<K, V> immutableMap(Map<K, V> map) {
    if (map == null) {
        return ImmutableMap.of();
    } else {
        return ImmutableMap.copyOf(map);

From source file:org.codeseed.common.config.ConfigurationHandler.java

ConfigurationHandler(PropertySource source, Map<Type, Converter<String, ?>> converters) {
    this.source = checkNotNull(source);
    this.converters = ImmutableMap.copyOf(converters);

From source file:uk.co.caprica.brue.okhttp.service.bridge.SensorServiceImpl.java

public Map<Integer, Sensor> sensors() {
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(getResource(resourceUrl(), sensorMapTypeReference));

From source file:me.lucko.luckperms.utils.LocaleManager.java

public void loadFromFile(File file) throws Exception {
    @Cleanup//from   ww w  .  j av a2s .  co m
    FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(file);
    translations = ImmutableMap.copyOf((Map<String, String>) new Yaml().load(fileReader));

From source file:org.apache.brooklyn.location.jclouds.JcloudsLocationResolver.java

private static Map<String, ProviderMetadata> getProvidersMap() {
    Map<String, ProviderMetadata> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
    for (ProviderMetadata p : Providers.all()) {
        result.put(p.getId(), p);/*w  w  w .j  a v  a  2s.  c o m*/
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(result);

From source file:org.apache.druid.java.util.metrics.JvmThreadsMonitor.java

public JvmThreadsMonitor(Map<String, String[]> dimensions, String feed) {
    super(feed);/*w w  w.j a  v  a 2  s  . co m*/
    Preconditions.checkNotNull(dimensions, "dimensions");
    this.dimensions = ImmutableMap.copyOf(dimensions);

From source file:com.cognifide.aet.communication.api.metadata.StepResult.java

public Map<String, String> getData() {
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(data);

From source file:com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.assertions.SpecificationProvider.java

SpecificationProvider(List<SymbolAlias> partitionBy, List<SymbolAlias> orderBy,
        Map<SymbolAlias, SortOrder> orderings) {
    this.partitionBy = ImmutableList.copyOf(requireNonNull(partitionBy, "partitionBy is null"));
    this.orderBy = ImmutableList.copyOf(requireNonNull(orderBy, "orderBy is null"));
    this.orderings = ImmutableMap.copyOf(requireNonNull(orderings, "orderings is null"));