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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.assertions;

import com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.Symbol;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.planner.plan.Assignments;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.Expression;
import com.facebook.presto.sql.tree.SymbolReference;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

import static;
import static;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

public final class SymbolAliases {
    private final Map<String, SymbolReference> map;

    public SymbolAliases() { = ImmutableMap.of();

    private SymbolAliases(Map<String, SymbolReference> aliases) { = ImmutableMap.copyOf(aliases);

    public SymbolAliases(SymbolAliases symbolAliases) {
        requireNonNull(symbolAliases, "symbolAliases are null"); = ImmutableMap.copyOf(;

    public static Builder builder() {
        return new Builder();

    public SymbolAliases withNewAliases(SymbolAliases sourceAliases) {
        Builder builder = new Builder(this);

        for (Map.Entry<String, SymbolReference> alias : {
            builder.put(alias.getKey(), alias.getValue());


    public SymbolReference get(String alias) {
         * It's still kind of an open question if the right combination of anyTree() and
         * a sufficiently complex and/or ambiguous plan might make throwing here a
         * theoretically incorrect thing to do.
         * If you run into a case that you think justifies changing this, please consider
         * that it's already pretty hard to determine if a failure is because the test
         * is written incorrectly or because the actual plan really doesn't match a
         * correctly written test. Having this throw makes it a lot easier to track down
         * missing aliases in incorrect plans.
        return getOptional(alias)
                .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalStateException(format("missing expression for alias %s", alias)));

    public Optional<SymbolReference> getOptional(String alias) {
        alias = toKey(alias);
        SymbolReference result = map.get(alias);
        return Optional.ofNullable(result);

    private static String toKey(String alias) {
        // Required because the SqlParser lower cases SymbolReferences in the expressions we parse with it.
        return alias.toLowerCase();

    private Map<String, SymbolReference> getUpdatedAssignments(Assignments assignments) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<String, SymbolReference> mapUpdate = ImmutableMap.builder();
        for (Map.Entry<Symbol, Expression> assignment : assignments.getMap().entrySet()) {
            for (Map.Entry<String, SymbolReference> existingAlias : map.entrySet()) {
                if (assignment.getValue().equals(existingAlias.getValue())) {
                    // Simple symbol rename
                    mapUpdate.put(existingAlias.getKey(), assignment.getKey().toSymbolReference());
                } else if (assignment.getKey().toSymbolReference().equals(existingAlias.getValue())) {
                     * Special case for nodes that can alias symbols in the node's assignment map.
                     * In this case, we've already added the alias in the map, but we won't include it
                     * as a simple rename as covered above. Add the existing alias to the result if
                     * the LHS of the assignment matches the symbol reference of the existing alias.
                     * This comes up when we alias expressions in project nodes for use further up the tree.
                     * At the beginning for the function, map contains { NEW_ALIAS: SymbolReference("expr_2" }
                     * and the assignments map contains { expr_2 := <some expression> }.
                    mapUpdate.put(existingAlias.getKey(), existingAlias.getValue());

     * Return a new SymbolAliases that contains a map with the original bindings
     * updated based on assignments given that assignments is a map of
     * newSymbol := oldSymbolReference.
     * INCLUDE aliases for SymbolReferences that aren't in assignments.values()
     * Example:
     * SymbolAliases = { "ALIAS1": SymbolReference("foo"), "ALIAS2": SymbolReference("bar")}
     * updateAssignments({"baz": SymbolReference("foo")})
     * returns a new
     * SymbolAliases = { "ALIAS1": SymbolReference("baz"), "ALIAS2": SymbolReference("bar")}
    public SymbolAliases updateAssignments(Assignments assignments) {
        return builder().putAll(this).putUnchecked(getUpdatedAssignments(assignments)).build();

     * Return a new SymbolAliases that contains a map with the original bindings
     * updated based on assignments given that assignments is a map of
     * newSymbol := oldSymbolReference.
     * DISCARD aliases for SymbolReferences that aren't in assignments.values()
     * Example:
     * SymbolAliases = { "ALIAS1": SymbolReference("foo"), "ALIAS2": SymbolReference("bar")}
     * updateAssignments({"baz": SymbolReference("foo")})
     * returns a new
     * SymbolAliases = { "ALIAS1": SymbolReference("baz") }
     * When you pass through a project node, all of the aliases need to be updated, and
     * aliases for symbols that aren't projected need to be removed.
     * Example in the context of a Plan:
     * PlanMatchPattern.tableScan("nation", ImmutableMap.of("NK", "nationkey", "RK", "regionkey")
     * applied to
     * TableScanNode { col1 := ColumnHandle(nation, nationkey), col2 := ColumnHandle(nation, regionkey) }
     * gives
     * { "NK": SymbolReference("col1"), "RK": SymbolReference("col2") }
     * ... Visit some other nodes, one of which presumably consumes col1, and none of which add any new aliases ...
     * If we then visit a project node
     * Project { value3 := col2 }
     * should be
     * { "RK": SymbolReference("value3") }
    public SymbolAliases replaceAssignments(Assignments assignments) {
        return new SymbolAliases(getUpdatedAssignments(assignments));

    public String toString() {
        return toStringHelper(this).addValue(map).toString();

    public static class Builder {
        Map<String, SymbolReference> bindings;

        private Builder() {
            bindings = new HashMap<>();

        private Builder(SymbolAliases initialAliases) {
            bindings = new HashMap<>(;

        public Builder put(String alias, SymbolReference symbolReference) {
            requireNonNull(alias, "alias is null");
            requireNonNull(symbolReference, "symbolReference is null");

            alias = toKey(alias);

            // Special case to allow identity binding (i.e. "ALIAS" -> expression("ALIAS"))
            if (bindings.containsKey(alias) && bindings.get(alias).equals(symbolReference)) {
                return this;

                    "Alias '%s' already bound to expression '%s'. Tried to rebind to '%s'", alias,
                    bindings.get(alias), symbolReference);
            bindings.put(alias, symbolReference);
            return this;

        public Builder putAll(Map<String, SymbolReference> aliases) {
            aliases.entrySet().forEach(entry -> put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            return this;

         * This is supplied specifically for updateAssigments, which needs to
         * update existing bindings that have already been added. Unless you're
         * certain you want this behavior, you don't want it.
        private Builder putUnchecked(Map<String, SymbolReference> aliases) {
            return this;

        public Builder putAll(SymbolAliases aliases) {
            return putAll(;

        public SymbolAliases build() {
            return new SymbolAliases(bindings);