Source code

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 * (c) Copyright 2013 WibiData, Inc.
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
 * information regarding copyright ownership.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.kiji.scoring.impl;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.kiji.annotations.ApiAudience;
import org.kiji.mapreduce.kvstore.KeyValueStoreReaderFactory;
import org.kiji.schema.EntityId;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiColumnName;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest.Column;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiRowData;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiRowScanner;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTable;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableReader;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableReaderBuilder.OnDecoderCacheMiss;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableReaderPool;
import org.kiji.schema.KijiTableReaderPool.Builder.WhenExhaustedAction;
import org.kiji.schema.layout.ColumnReaderSpec;
import org.kiji.schema.util.JvmId;
import org.kiji.schema.util.ReferenceCountable;
import org.kiji.scoring.FreshKijiTableReader;
import org.kiji.scoring.FreshKijiTableReader.Builder.StatisticGatheringMode;
import org.kiji.scoring.KijiFreshnessManager;
import org.kiji.scoring.KijiFreshnessPolicy;
import org.kiji.scoring.ScoreFunction;
import org.kiji.scoring.avro.KijiFreshenerRecord;
import org.kiji.scoring.statistics.FreshKijiTableReaderStatistics;
import org.kiji.scoring.statistics.FreshenerSingleRunStatistics;

 * Local implementation of FreshKijiTableReader.
 * <p>
 *   InternalFreshKijiTableReader employs {@link Future}s to perform asynchronous and parallel
 *   computation. When a reader receives a request it launches a Future for each column in that
 *   request which has a Freshener attached. These Futures return a booleans which indicate whether
 *   they committed any data to Kiji before returning, which allows the reader to read from the
 *   table again before returning to provide the freshened data, or simply return the stale data
 *   cached earlier without another round trip to the table. Freshener Futures are tracked by a
 *   single aggregating Future which collects the boolean return values and itself returns a boolean
 *   which indicates whether any Freshener Future returned true. If all Fresheners finish within the
 *   allotted timeout, the return value of this aggregating Future is used to determine which data
 *   should be returned to the user. If any Freshener has not finished within the allotted timeout,
 *   the reader determines what data to return to the user by consulting the Context object specific
 *   to this request.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   InternalFreshKijiTableReader is thread safe. Thread safety is accomplished primarily through
 *   the use of static methods with no side effects and compartmentalizing state into Context
 *   objects which persist only for the duration of a single request. Nearly all top level state in
 *   the reader is immutable and the state that is not is modified atomically through a single
 *   volatile reference which uses reference counting to ensure safety.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   InternalFreshKijiTableReader optionally gathers metrics about the performance of its
 *   Fresheners. These metrics are collected by a background thread running within the reader using
 *   a producer/consumer queue system. Each Freshener Future commits basic information about its own
 *   performance to a queue which the {@link StatisticsGathererThread} collects and aggregates into
 *   statistics by Freshener.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   Important inner classes:
 *   <ul>
 *     <li>
 *       {@link RereadableState}: Immutable container for state which is required by each request.
 *       A reader holds a single instance of this class at a time and all requests use a snapshot
 *       view of one such instance to ensure internal consistency. This instance may be replaced by
 *       a called to {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords()} or
 *       {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords(java.util.List)}.
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *       {@link StatisticsGathererThread}: Optionally collects performance metrics from completed
 *       Fresheners and aggregates them by Freshener run. These statistics can be accessed via
 *       {@link #getStatistics()}. This option is controlled via FreshKijiTableReader
 *       {@link Builder}'s withStatisticsGathering method.
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *       {@link RereadTask}: A TimerTask which optionally periodically calls
 *       {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords()} to ensure the reader is operating on the most recently
 *       attached Fresheners. This option is controled via FreshKijiTableReader {@link Builder}'s
 *       withAutomaticReread method.
 *     </li>
 *   </ul>
 * </p>
public final class InternalFreshKijiTableReader implements FreshKijiTableReader {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InternalFreshKijiTableReader.class);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Inner classes.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Container class for all state which can be modified by a call to
     * {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords()} or {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords(java.util.List)}.
    private static final class RereadableState implements ReferenceCountable<RereadableState> {

        private static final String RETAIN_ERROR_PREFIX = "Cannot retain closed RereadableState:";
        private final ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> mColumnsToFreshen;
        private final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> mFreshenerRecords;
        private final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> mFresheners;
        private final AtomicInteger mRetainCounter = new AtomicInteger(1);

         * Initialize a new RereadableState.
         * @param columnsToFreshen the columns which may be refreshed by the reader which holds this
         *     RereadableState.
         * @param freshenerRecords the KijiFreshenerRecords for the columnsToFreshen if there are any
         *     attached.
         * @param fresheners the cached Freshener objects which perform freshening.
        private RereadableState(final List<KijiColumnName> columnsToFreshen,
                final Map<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> freshenerRecords,
                final Map<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fresheners) {
            mColumnsToFreshen = ImmutableList.copyOf(columnsToFreshen);
            mFreshenerRecords = ImmutableMap.copyOf(freshenerRecords);
            mFresheners = ImmutableMap.copyOf(fresheners);

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public RereadableState retain() {
            final int counter = mRetainCounter.getAndIncrement();
            Preconditions.checkState(counter >= 1, RETAIN_ERROR_PREFIX + " %s retain counter was %s.", toString(),
            return this;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void release() throws IOException {
            final int counter = mRetainCounter.decrementAndGet();
            Preconditions.checkState(counter >= 0,
                    "Cannot release closed RereadableState: %s retain counter is now %s.", toString(), counter);
            if (counter == 0) {

         * Release underlying resources.
         * @throws IOException in case of an error releasing resources.
        private void close() throws IOException {
            for (Freshener freshener : mFresheners.values()) {

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** TimerTask for periodically calling {@link FreshKijiTableReader#rereadFreshenerRecords()}. */
    private final class RereadTask extends TimerTask {

        private final long mRereadPeriod;

         * Initialize a new RereadTask for a given reader.
         * @param rereadPeriod the time in milliseconds to wait between rereads.
        public RereadTask(final long rereadPeriod) {
            mRereadPeriod = rereadPeriod;

         * Get the recurrence period of this timer task.
         * @return the recurrence period of this timer task.
        public long getRereadPeriod() {
            return mRereadPeriod;

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void run() {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        "Failed to reread Freshener records for FreshKijiTableReader: {}.  Failure "
                                + "occurred at {}. Will attempt again in {} milliseconds",
                        InternalFreshKijiTableReader.this, scheduledExecutionTime(), mRereadPeriod);

    /** Daemon thread which collects and aggregates FreshenerStatistics. */
    private final class StatisticsGathererThread extends Thread {

        /** TimerTask for periodically logging gathered statistics. */
        private final class StatisticsLoggerTask extends TimerTask {

            private final long mLoggingInterval;

             * Initialize a new StatisticsLoggerTask.
             * @param loggingInterval time in milliseconds between log messages.
            private StatisticsLoggerTask(final long loggingInterval) {
                mLoggingInterval = loggingInterval;

             * Get the logging interval for this logger.
             * @return the logging interval for this logger.
            public long getLoggingInterval() {
                return mLoggingInterval;

            /** {@inheritDoc} */
            public void run() {
      "{}", mAggregatedStatistics);

        private final StatisticsLoggerTask mStatisticsLoggerTask;
        private final FreshKijiTableReaderStatistics mAggregatedStatistics = FreshKijiTableReaderStatistics
        private volatile boolean mShutdown = false;

         * Initialize a new StatisticsGathererThread.
         * @param loggingInterval the time in milliseconds between automatic logging of gathered
         *     statistics.  0 indicates no automatic logging.
        private StatisticsGathererThread(final long loggingInterval) {
            if (0 < loggingInterval) {
                final Timer timer = new Timer();
                mStatisticsLoggerTask = new StatisticsLoggerTask(loggingInterval);
                LOG.debug("{} starting automatic statistics logging timer with period: {}", mReaderUID,
                timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(mStatisticsLoggerTask, loggingInterval, loggingInterval);
            } else if (0 == loggingInterval) {
                mStatisticsLoggerTask = null;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String
                        .format("Statistics logging interval cannot be less than 0, found: %d", loggingInterval));

        /** Collect and save a FreshenerSingleRunStatistics from the reader's StatisticsQueue. */
        private void collectStats() {
            final List<FreshenerSingleRunStatistics> stats = Lists.newArrayList();
            // This switch is redundant right now because this thread is only created if the mode is ALL
            // but future modes will require it.
            switch (mStatisticGatheringMode) {
            case ALL: {
                for (FreshenerSingleRunStatistics stat : stats) {
            case NONE:

        /** {@inheritDoc} */
        public void run() {
            while (!mShutdown) {
            // When shutdown, collect final stats then quit.

        /** Stop gathering statistics. */
        public void shutdown() {
            mShutdown = true;
            if (null != mStatisticsLoggerTask) {

         * Get statistics gathered by this thread.
         * @return statistics gathered by this thread.
        public FreshKijiTableReaderStatistics getStatistics() {
            return mAggregatedStatistics;

         * Get the logging interval for statistics gathered by this Thread.
         * @return the logging interval for statistics gathered by this Thread.
        public long getLoggingInterval() {
            if (null != mStatisticsLoggerTask) {
                return mStatisticsLoggerTask.getLoggingInterval();
            } else {
                // 0 indicates no logging.
                return 0;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Static methods.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Filters a map of KijiFreshenerRecords to include only those records whose columns are
     * contained in the columnsToFreshen list.  If a column in columnsToFreshen does not occur in the
     * records map, it will not be included in the returned map.
     * <p>
     *   Specifying a column family in columnsToFreshen will collect all records for qualified columns
     *   in that family.
     * </p>
     * @param columnsToFreshen a list of columns whose records should be extracted from the map.
     * @param allRecords a map containing all records for a table which will be filtered to include
     *    only the specified columns. This map is not modified by this method.
     * @return an ImmutableMap of column names from the columnsToFreshen list and associated
     *    KijiFreshenerRecords.
    private static ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> filterRecords(
            final Map<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> allRecords,
            final List<KijiColumnName> columnsToFreshen) {
        if (null == columnsToFreshen || columnsToFreshen.isEmpty()) {
            // If no columns are specified, all records should be instantiated.
            return ImmutableMap.copyOf(allRecords);
        } else {
            final Map<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> collectedRecords = Maps.newHashMap();
            for (KijiColumnName column : columnsToFreshen) {
                if (column.isFullyQualified()) {
                    final KijiFreshenerRecord record = allRecords.get(column);
                    if (null != record) {
                        collectedRecords.put(column, record);
                    } else {
                        // check the family.
                        final KijiColumnName family = new KijiColumnName(column.getFamily(), null);
                        final KijiFreshenerRecord familyRecord = allRecords.get(family);
                        if (null != familyRecord) {
                            collectedRecords.put(family, familyRecord);
                } else {
                    final KijiFreshenerRecord record = allRecords.get(column);
                    if (null != record) {
                        collectedRecords.put(column, record);
                    } else {
                        // Collect all records for columns in the family.
                        for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> recordEntry : allRecords.entrySet()) {
                            if (column.getFamily().equals(recordEntry.getKey().getFamily())) {
                                collectedRecords.put(recordEntry.getKey(), recordEntry.getValue());
            return ImmutableMap.copyOf(collectedRecords);

     * Create a map of Fresheners from a map of KijiFreshenerRecords.  Freshener components
     * are proactively created.
     * @param readerUID unique identifier for the reader which called this method. Used for logging.
     * @param records the records from which to create Fresheners.
     * @return a mapping from KijiColumnNames to associated Fresheners.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error setting up a KijiFreshnessPolicy or ScoreFunction.
    private static ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> createFresheners(final String readerUID,
            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> records) throws IOException {
        return fillFresheners(readerUID, records, ImmutableMap.<KijiColumnName, Freshener>of());

     * Fills a partial map of Fresheners by creating new Fresheners for each record not already
     * reflected by the fresheners map.
     * @param readerUID unique identifier for the reader which called this method. Used for logging.
     * @param records a map of records for which to create Fresheners.
     * @param oldFresheners a partially filled map of Fresheners to be completed with new Fresheners
     *    built from the records map.
     * @return a map of Fresheners for each KijiFreshenerRecord in records.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error setting up a KijiFreshnessPolicy or ScoreFunction.
    private static ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fillFresheners(final String readerUID,
            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> records,
            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> oldFresheners) throws IOException {
        final Map<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fresheners = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> entry : records.entrySet()) {
            if (!oldFresheners.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
                // If there is not already a Freshener for this record, make one.

                final KijiFreshenerRecord record = entry.getValue();

                // Create the FreshenerSetupContext
                final InternalFreshenerContext context = InternalFreshenerContext.create(entry.getKey(),

                // Instantiate the policy and score function.
                final KijiFreshnessPolicy policy = ScoringUtils.policyForName(record.getFreshnessPolicyClass());
                final ScoreFunction<?> scoreFunction = ScoringUtils

                // Create the KVStoreReaderFactory from the required stores of the score function and
                // policy, and add the factory to the Freshener context.
                final KeyValueStoreReaderFactory factory = ScoringUtils.createKVStoreReaderFactory(context,
                        scoreFunction, policy);

                // Setup the policy and score function.

                // Build the Freshener from initialized components.
                final Freshener freshener = new Freshener(policy, scoreFunction, factory, entry.getKey(),
                LOG.debug("{} loading new Freshener: {}", readerUID, freshener);
                fresheners.put(entry.getKey(), freshener);
            } else {
                // If there is already a Freshener for this key, save it.
                final Freshener oldFreshener = oldFresheners.get(entry.getKey());
                LOG.debug("{} preserving old Freshener: {}", readerUID, oldFreshener);
                fresheners.put(entry.getKey(), oldFreshener);

        return ImmutableMap.copyOf(fresheners);

     * Filter a map of Fresheners down to only those attached to columns in a given list. Columns
     * which do not have Fresheners attached will not be reflected in the return value of this
     * method. An empty return indicates that no Fresheners are attached to the given columns.
     * @param columnsToFreshen a list of columns for which to get Fresheners.
     * @param fresheners a map of all available fresheners. This map will not be modified by this
     *     method.
     * @return all Fresheners attached to columns in columnsToFresh available in fresheners.
    private static ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> filterFresheners(
            final ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> columnsToFreshen,
            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fresheners) {
        final Map<KijiColumnName, Freshener> collectedFresheners = Maps.newHashMap();
        for (KijiColumnName column : columnsToFreshen) {
            if (column.isFullyQualified()) {
                final Freshener freshener = fresheners.get(column);
                if (null != freshener) {
                    collectedFresheners.put(column, freshener);
                } else {
                    final KijiColumnName family = new KijiColumnName(column.getFamily(), null);
                    final Freshener familyFreshener = fresheners.get(family);
                    if (null != familyFreshener) {
                        collectedFresheners.put(family, familyFreshener);
            } else {

                for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, Freshener> freshenerEntry : fresheners.entrySet()) {
                    if (freshenerEntry.getKey().getFamily().equals(column.getFamily())) {
                        collectedFresheners.put(freshenerEntry.getKey(), freshenerEntry.getValue());
        return ImmutableMap.copyOf(collectedFresheners);

     * Get a list of column names from a KijiDataRequest.
     * @param request the request from which to get columns.
     * @return a list of column names from a KijiDataRequest.
    private static ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> getColumnsFromRequest(final KijiDataRequest request) {
        final List<KijiColumnName> collectedColumns = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (Column column : request.getColumns()) {
            collectedColumns.add(new KijiColumnName(column.getName()));
        return ImmutableList.copyOf(collectedColumns);

     * Remove any columns from requestColumns which are also included in disabledColumns. Does not
     * modify the input collections, returns a new list containing only those columns from
     * requestColumns which are not disabled.
     * @param requestColumns all columns from a KijiDataRequest.
     * @param disabledColumns columns for which freshening is disabled.
     * @return a new collection containing all requested columns which are not disabled.
    private static ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> removeDisabledColumns(
            final ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> requestColumns, final Set<KijiColumnName> disabledColumns) {
        if (disabledColumns == FreshKijiTableReader.FreshRequestOptions.DISABLE_ALL_COLUMNS) {
            return ImmutableList.of();
        final List<KijiColumnName> collectedColumns = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (KijiColumnName column : requestColumns) {
            if (!disabledColumns.contains(column)) {
        return ImmutableList.copyOf(collectedColumns);

     * Get a Future for a single Freshener. This directly returns the value returned by the Freshener.
     * @param requestId unique identifier for the request which triggered this freshening.
     * @param freshener Freshener to run in the returned Future.
     * @param freshenerContext Context to expose to the Freshener phases.
     * @param clientDataFuture Future containing the data requested by the user before freshening.
     * @param executorService ExecutorService from which to get Futures.
     * @param readerPool Pool of readers from which to get any readers necessary for running the
     *     Freshener.
     * @param entityId EntityId of the row to freshen.
     * @param <T> type of the value returned by the Freshener.
     * @return a Future representing the return value of the given Freshener.
    private static <T> Future<T> getFutureForFreshener(final String requestId, final Freshener freshener,
            final InternalFreshenerContext freshenerContext, final Future<KijiRowData> clientDataFuture,
            final ExecutorService executorService, final KijiTableReaderPool readerPool, final EntityId entityId) {
        final Future<KijiRowData> rowDataToCheckFuture;
        if (freshener.getFreshnessPolicy().shouldUseClientDataRequest(freshenerContext)) {
            rowDataToCheckFuture = clientDataFuture;
        } else {
            rowDataToCheckFuture = ScoringUtils.getFuture(executorService, new TableReadCallable(readerPool,
                    entityId, freshener.getFreshnessPolicy().getDataRequest(freshenerContext)));
        return ScoringUtils.getFuture(executorService, new IsolatedFreshenerCallable<T>(freshener,
                rowDataToCheckFuture, freshenerContext, requestId, clientDataFuture, readerPool, entityId));

     * Get a Future for each EntityId in entityIds which represents the return value of a
     * {@link #get(org.kiji.schema.EntityId, org.kiji.schema.KijiDataRequest)} request made against
     * the given FreshKijiTableReader with the given KijiDataRequest.
     * @param entityIds the rows to freshen.
     * @param dataRequest the data to retrieve from each row.
     * @param freshReader the FreshKijiTableReader to use to perform each freshening read.
     * @param options options applicable to all requests made asynchronously in returned futures.
     * @param executorService ExecutorService from which to get Futures.
     * @return a list of Futures corresponding to the values of freshening data on each row in
     *     entityIds.
    private static ImmutableList<Future<KijiRowData>> getFuturesForEntities(final List<EntityId> entityIds,
            final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final FreshKijiTableReader freshReader,
            final FreshRequestOptions options, final ExecutorService executorService) {
        final List<Future<KijiRowData>> collectedFutures = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (EntityId entityId : entityIds) {
                    new FreshTableReadCallable(freshReader, entityId, dataRequest, options)));

        return ImmutableList.copyOf(collectedFutures);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // State.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** All possible reader states. */
    private enum LifecycleState {

    /** The current state of the reader (e.g. OPEN, CLOSED). */
    private final AtomicReference<LifecycleState> mState = new AtomicReference<LifecycleState>(

     * Unique identifier for this FreshKijiTableReader. Composed of the
     * {@link org.kiji.schema.util.JvmId}, system identity hashcode, and the time at which the reader
     * was created.
    private final String mReaderUID;
    /** The table from which the reader reads. */
    private final KijiTable mTable;
    /** A pool of KijiTableReaders used for retrieving data to check for freshness and score. */
    private final KijiTableReaderPool mReaderPool;
    /** The default time in milliseconds to wait for a freshening request to complete. */
    private final long mTimeout;
    /** A timer task which periodically calls this reader's {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords()}. */
    private final RereadTask mRereadTask;
    /** Whether this reader allows partially freshened data to be written. */
    private final boolean mAllowPartial;
    /** The buffered writer through which all fresheners run by this reader commit to the table. */
    private final MultiBufferedWriter mBufferedWriter;
    /** The KijiFreshnessManager used to retrieve updated Freshener records. */
    private final KijiFreshnessManager mFreshnessManager;
    /** Level of statistics gathering (e.g. ALL, NONE). */
    private final StatisticGatheringMode mStatisticGatheringMode;
    /** Thread responsible for gathering and aggregating statistics. */
    private final StatisticsGathererThread mStatisticsGathererThread;
    /** Queue through which statistics about completed Fresheners are passed to the gatherer. */
    private final BlockingQueue<FreshenerSingleRunStatistics> mStatisticsQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<FreshenerSingleRunStatistics>();
    /** Unique ID generator for differentiating requests in logs. */
    private final UniqueIdGenerator mUniqueIdGenerator = new UniqueIdGenerator();
    /** ExecutorService from which to get Futures. */
    private final ExecutorService mExecutorService;
    /** All mutable state which may be modified by a called to {@link #rereadFreshenerRecords()}. */
    private volatile RereadableState mRereadableState;

     * Initializes a new InternalFreshKijiTableReader.
     * @param table the KijiTable from which this reader will read and to which it will write.
     * @param timeout the time in milliseconds the reader should wait before returning stale data.
     * @param rereadPeriod the time in milliseconds between automatically rereading policy records.
     *     A value of 0 indicates no automatic rereads.
     * @param allowPartial whether to allow returning partially freshened data when available.
     * @param columnsToFreshen the set of columns which this reader will attempt to freshen.
     * @param statisticGatheringMode specifies what statistics to gather.
     * @param statisticsLoggingInterval time in milliseconds between automatic logging of statistics.
     *     0 indicates no automatic logging.
     * @param executorService ExecutorService to use for getting Futures.
     * @param overrides ColumnReaderSpec overrides which will change the default behavior when reading
     *     the associated columns. These overrides will affect reads made to provide KijiRowData to
     *     Fresheners as well as reads made by the user.
     * @param alternatives ColumnReaderSpec alternatives which will add supported behavior when
     *     reading the associated columns without changing the default read behavior. These
     *     alternatives will be available for reads made by Fresheners as well as reads made by the
     *     user.
     * @param onDecoderCacheMiss Behavior when the reader fails to find a cell decoder corresponding
     *     to a ColumnReaderSpec override specified in a KijiDataRequest.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error reading from the meta table or setting up a
     *     KijiFreshnessPolicy or ScoreFunction.
    // CSOFF: ParameterNumberCheck
    public InternalFreshKijiTableReader(final KijiTable table, final long timeout, final long rereadPeriod,
            final boolean allowPartial, final List<KijiColumnName> columnsToFreshen,
            final StatisticGatheringMode statisticGatheringMode, final long statisticsLoggingInterval,
            final ExecutorService executorService, final Map<KijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> overrides,
            final Multimap<KijiColumnName, ColumnReaderSpec> alternatives,
            final OnDecoderCacheMiss onDecoderCacheMiss) throws IOException {
        // CSON: ParameterNumberCheck
        mReaderUID = String.format("%s;InternalFreshKijiTableReader@%s@%s", JvmId.get(),
                System.identityHashCode(this), System.currentTimeMillis());

        mTable = table;
        mReaderPool = KijiTableReaderPool.Builder.create().withReaderFactory(mTable.getReaderFactory())
        mBufferedWriter = new MultiBufferedWriter(mTable);
        mTimeout = timeout;
        mAllowPartial = allowPartial;
        mFreshnessManager = KijiFreshnessManager.create(mTable.getKiji());
        final List<KijiColumnName> innerColumnsToFreshen = (null != columnsToFreshen) ? columnsToFreshen
                : Lists.<KijiColumnName>newArrayList();
        final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> records = filterRecords(
                mFreshnessManager.retrieveFreshenerRecords(mTable.getName()), innerColumnsToFreshen);
        mRereadableState = new RereadableState(innerColumnsToFreshen, records,
                createFresheners(mReaderUID, records));
        mStatisticGatheringMode = statisticGatheringMode;

        mStatisticsGathererThread = startStatisticsGatherer(statisticsLoggingInterval);
        mRereadTask = startPeriodicRereader(rereadPeriod);

        mExecutorService = executorService;

        LOG.debug("Opening reader with UID: {}", mReaderUID);
        // Retain the table once everything else has succeeded.
        // Opening the reader must be the last line of the constructor.

     * Progress the reader state from Initializing to Open.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the reader is not already initializing.
    private void open() {
        Preconditions.checkState(mState.compareAndSet(LifecycleState.INITIALIZING, LifecycleState.OPEN),
                        "Cannot finish initializing and open a reader which is not initializing. LifecycleState"
                                + " was: %s",

     * Progress the reader state from open to closing.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the reader is not already open.
    private void beginClosing() {
        Preconditions.checkState(mState.compareAndSet(LifecycleState.OPEN, LifecycleState.CLOSING), String
                .format("Cannot begin closing a reader which is not open.  LifecycleState was: %s.", mState.get()));

     * Progress the reader state from closing to closed.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the reader is not already closing.
    private void finishClosing() {
        Preconditions.checkState(mState.compareAndSet(LifecycleState.CLOSING, LifecycleState.CLOSED), String.format(
                "Cannot finish closing a reader which is not closing.  LifecycleState was: %s.", mState.get()));

     * Ensure that the reader is in a given state.
     * @param required the state in which the reader must be.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the required and actual states do not match.
    private void requireState(LifecycleState required) {
        final LifecycleState actual = mState.get();
        Preconditions.checkState(actual == required,
                String.format("Required state was: %s, but found %s.", required, actual));

     * Start a new StatisticsGathererThread if the reader's statistics gathering mode is not NONE.
     * @param statisticsLoggingInterval time in milliseconds between logging statistics. 0 indicates
     *     no automatic logging.
     * @return a new StatisticsGathererThread, already started.
    private StatisticsGathererThread startStatisticsGatherer(final long statisticsLoggingInterval) {
        final StatisticsGathererThread gatherer;
        if (StatisticGatheringMode.NONE != mStatisticGatheringMode) {
            gatherer = new StatisticsGathererThread(statisticsLoggingInterval);
            LOG.debug("{} starting statistics gathering thread.", mReaderUID);
        } else {
            gatherer = null;
        return gatherer;

     * Start a new periodic reread task with the given period.
     * @param rereadPeriod the period in milliseconds between rereads.
     * @return a new periodic reread task with the given period, already started.
    private RereadTask startPeriodicRereader(final long rereadPeriod) {
        final RereadTask task;
        if (rereadPeriod > 0) {
            final Timer rereadTimer = new Timer();
            task = new RereadTask(rereadPeriod);
            LOG.debug("{} starting automatic reread timer with period: {}.", mReaderUID, rereadPeriod);
            rereadTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, rereadPeriod, rereadPeriod);
        } else if (rereadPeriod == 0) {
            task = null;
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Reread time must be >= 0, found: %d", rereadPeriod));
        return task;

     * Attempts to get and retain the reader's RereadableState until retain succeeds.
     * @return a retained RereadableState which should be released when it is no longer needed.
    private RereadableState getRereadableState() {
        RereadableState state = null;
        while (null == state) {
            try {
                state = mRereadableState.retain();
            } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
                if (!ise.getMessage().startsWith(RereadableState.RETAIN_ERROR_PREFIX)) {
                    throw ise;
        return state;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Public interface.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public KijiRowData get(final EntityId entityId, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        return get(entityId, dataRequest, FreshKijiTableReader.FreshRequestOptions.withTimeout(mTimeout));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public KijiRowData get(final EntityId entityId, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,
            final FreshRequestOptions options) throws IOException {
        // Get the start time for the request.
        final long startTime = System.nanoTime();

        final String id = String.format("%s#%s", mReaderUID, mUniqueIdGenerator.getNextUniqueId());
        LOG.debug("{} starting with EntityId: {} data request: {} request options: {}", id, entityId, dataRequest,

        final KijiTableReader requestReader = ScoringUtils.getPooledReader(mReaderPool);
        try {
            final ImmutableList<KijiColumnName> requestColumns = removeDisabledColumns(
                    getColumnsFromRequest(dataRequest), options.getDisabledColumns());

            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, Freshener> fresheners;
            final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> records;
            // Get a retained snapshot of the rereadable state.
            final RereadableState rereadableState = getRereadableState();
            try {
                // Collect the Fresheners and Records applicable to this request.
                fresheners = filterFresheners(requestColumns, rereadableState.mFresheners);
                records = filterRecords(rereadableState.mFreshenerRecords, requestColumns);
                // If there are no Fresheners attached to the requested columns, return the requested data.
                if (fresheners.isEmpty()) {
                    return requestReader.get(entityId, dataRequest);
                } else {
                    // Retain the Fresheners so that they cannot be cleaned up while in use.
                    for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, Freshener> freshenerEntry : fresheners.entrySet()) {
            } finally {

            LOG.debug("{} will run Fresheners: {}", id, fresheners.values());

            final Future<KijiRowData> clientDataFuture = ScoringUtils.getFuture(mExecutorService,
                    new TableReadCallable(mReaderPool, entityId, dataRequest));

            final FresheningRequestContext requestContext = new FresheningRequestContext(id, startTime, fresheners,
                    options.getParameters(), records, mReaderPool, entityId, dataRequest, clientDataFuture,
                    mBufferedWriter, mAllowPartial, mStatisticGatheringMode, mStatisticsQueue, mExecutorService);

            final ImmutableList<Future<Boolean>> futures = requestContext.getFuturesForFresheners();

            final Future<List<Boolean>> superFuture = ScoringUtils.getFuture(mExecutorService,
                    new FutureAggregatingCallable<Boolean>(futures));

            // If the options specify timeout of -1 this indicates we should use the configured timeout.
            final long timeout = (-1 == options.getTimeout()) ? mTimeout : options.getTimeout();
            try {
                if (ScoringUtils.getFromFuture(superFuture, timeout).contains(true)) {
                    // If all Fresheners return in time and at least one has written a new value, read from
                    // the table.
                    LOG.debug("{} completed on time and data was written.", id);
                    return requestReader.get(entityId, dataRequest);
                } else {
                    // If all Fresheners return in time, but none have written new values, do not read from
                    // the table.
                    LOG.debug("{} completed on time and no data was written.", id);
                    try {
                        return ScoringUtils.getFromFuture(clientDataFuture, 0L);
                    } catch (TimeoutException te) {
                        // If client data is not immediately available, read from the table.
                        return requestReader.get(entityId, dataRequest);
            } catch (TimeoutException te) {
                // If superFuture times out, read partially freshened data from the table or return the
                // cached data based on whether partial freshness is allowed.
                LOG.debug("{} timed out, checking for partial writes.", id);
                return requestContext.checkAndRead();
        } finally {
            // Return the reader to the pool.

     * Freshens data in a single column as needed before returning. If freshening is not complete
     * within the configured timeout, will return stale data.
     * @param entityId EntityId of the row to query.
     * @param family Kiji family of the column from which to retrieve a possibly refreshed value.
     * @param qualifier Kiji qualifier of the column from which to tretireve a possibly refreshed
     *     value.
     * @param options options which affect the behavior of this freshening request only.
     * @param <T> type of the value to retrieved.
     * @return the data requested after freshening.
     * @throws IOException in case of an error reading from the table.
    public <T> T get(final EntityId entityId, final String family, final String qualifier,
            final FreshRequestOptions options) throws IOException {

        final KijiColumnName columnName = new KijiColumnName(family, qualifier);
        final KijiDataRequest dataRequest = KijiDataRequest.create(family, qualifier);

        final String id = String.format("%s#%s", mReaderUID, mUniqueIdGenerator.getNextUniqueId());
        LOG.debug("{} starting with EntityId: {} data request: {} request options: {}", id, entityId, dataRequest,

        final KijiTableReader requestReader = ScoringUtils.getPooledReader(mReaderPool);
        try {
            final Freshener freshener;
            final RereadableState rereadableState = getRereadableState();
            try {
                freshener = rereadableState.mFresheners.get(columnName);
                if (null == freshener) {
                    return requestReader.get(entityId, dataRequest).getMostRecentValue(family, qualifier);
                } else {
            } finally {

            LOG.debug("{} will run Freshener: {}", id, freshener);

            final InternalFreshenerContext freshenerContext = InternalFreshenerContext.create(dataRequest,
                    columnName, freshener.getParameters(), options.getParameters(),

            final Future<KijiRowData> clientDataFuture = ScoringUtils.getFuture(mExecutorService,
                    new TableReadCallable(mReaderPool, entityId, dataRequest));

            final Future<T> freshenerFuture = getFutureForFreshener(id, freshener, freshenerContext,
                    clientDataFuture, mExecutorService, mReaderPool, entityId);

            final long timeout = (-1 == options.getTimeout()) ? mTimeout : options.getTimeout();
            try {
                final T retval = ScoringUtils.getFromFuture(freshenerFuture, timeout);
                LOG.debug("{} completed on time, asynchronously writing data.");
                // TODO(SCORE-163) do not ignore the return value of this call.
                mExecutorService.submit(new TableWriteRunnable<T>(mBufferedWriter.openSingleBuffer(1), entityId,
                        family, qualifier, retval));
                return retval;
            } catch (TimeoutException te) {
                LOG.debug("{} timed out, returning stale data.", id);
                // TODO(SCORE-163) do not ignore the return value of this call.
                mExecutorService.submit(new TableWriteRunnable<T>(mBufferedWriter.openSingleBuffer(1), entityId,
                        family, qualifier, freshenerFuture));
                return ScoringUtils.getFromFuture(clientDataFuture).getMostRecentValue(family, qualifier);
        } finally {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<KijiRowData> bulkGet(final List<EntityId> entityIds, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest)
            throws IOException {
        return bulkGet(entityIds, dataRequest, FreshKijiTableReader.FreshRequestOptions.withTimeout(mTimeout));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public List<KijiRowData> bulkGet(final List<EntityId> entityIds, final KijiDataRequest dataRequest,
            final FreshRequestOptions options) throws IOException {

        LOG.debug("{} starting bulk get request.", mReaderUID);

        final ImmutableList<Future<KijiRowData>> futures = getFuturesForEntities(entityIds, dataRequest, this,
                options, mExecutorService);

        final Future<List<KijiRowData>> superDuperFuture = ScoringUtils.getFuture(mExecutorService,
                new FutureAggregatingCallable<KijiRowData>(futures));

        try {
            return ScoringUtils.getFromFuture(superDuperFuture, options.getTimeout());
        } catch (TimeoutException te) {
            // If the request times out, read from the table.
            final KijiTableReader reader = ScoringUtils.getPooledReader(mReaderPool);
            try {
                return reader.bulkGet(entityIds, dataRequest);
            } finally {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public KijiRowScanner getScanner(final KijiDataRequest dataRequest) throws IOException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Freshening Kiji table reader cannot create a row" + " scanner");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public KijiRowScanner getScanner(final KijiDataRequest dataRequest, final KijiScannerOptions scannerOptions)
            throws IOException {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Freshening Kiji table reader cannot create a row" + " scanner");

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public FreshKijiTableReaderStatistics getStatistics() {
        return mStatisticsGathererThread.getStatistics();

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void rereadFreshenerRecords() throws IOException {

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void rereadFreshenerRecords(final List<KijiColumnName> columnsToFreshen) throws IOException {
        LOG.debug("{} rereading Freshener records with columnsToFreshen: {}", mReaderUID, columnsToFreshen);
        // Collect and filter the current state of the meta table.
        final ImmutableMap<KijiColumnName, KijiFreshenerRecord> newRecords = filterRecords(
                mFreshnessManager.retrieveFreshenerRecords(mTable.getName()), columnsToFreshen);

        final Map<KijiColumnName, Freshener> oldFresheners = Maps.newHashMap();

        final RereadableState oldState = mRereadableState;
        // Retain old Fresheners if they are still valid. Invalid Fresheners will be closed by the old
        // RereadableState when it is closed.
        for (Map.Entry<KijiColumnName, Freshener> entry : oldState.mFresheners.entrySet()) {
            final KijiColumnName column = entry.getKey();
            final Freshener oldFreshener = entry.getValue();
            final KijiFreshenerRecord oldRecord = oldState.mFreshenerRecords.get(column);
            if (newRecords.containsKey(column) && newRecords.get(column).equals(oldRecord)) {
                // The Freshener record is unchanged, so retain the Freshener to transfer ownership from the
                // old RereadableState to the new one.
                LOG.debug("{} retaining still valid Freshener: {}", mReaderUID, oldFreshener);
                oldFresheners.put(column, oldFreshener);

        // Swap the new RereadableState into place and release the old one. When the old one closes, it
        // will release all the Fresheners it held, which will close any that are no longer valid and
        // not in use.
        mRereadableState = new RereadableState(columnsToFreshen, newRecords,
                fillFresheners(mReaderUID, newRecords, ImmutableMap.copyOf(oldFresheners)));

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public void close() throws IOException {
        // beginClosing() must be the first line of close().

        if (null != mStatisticsGathererThread) {

        if (null != mRereadTask) {

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e instanceof IOException) {
                throw (IOException) e;
            } else {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        // finishClosing() must be the last line of close().

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public String toString() {
        return Objects.toStringHelper(InternalFreshKijiTableReader.class).add("table", mTable)
                .add("timeout", mTimeout)
                        (null != mRereadTask) ? mRereadTask.getRereadPeriod() : "no_automatic_reread")
                .add("allows_partial_freshening", mAllowPartial)
                .add("freshens_columns", Joiner.on(", ").join(mRereadableState.mColumnsToFreshen))
                .add("statistics_gathering_mode", mStatisticGatheringMode)
                        (null != mStatisticsGathererThread) ? mStatisticsGathererThread.getLoggingInterval()
                                : "no_statistics_gathered")