List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode size
public int size()
From source
@Test public void testSerializeOneRootWithTwoChildHavingOneReference() throws IOException { Resource resource = createUuidResource("test.xmi", mapper); Container root = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createContainer(); ConcreteTypeOne one = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createConcreteTypeOne(); ConcreteTypeOne two = ModelFactory.eINSTANCE.createConcreteTypeOne(); one.setName("one"); two.setName("two"); one.getRefProperty().add(two);/*from www . j av a2s. c om*/ root.getElements().add(one); root.getElements().add(two); resource.getContents().add(root); JsonNode node = mapper.valueToTree(root); assertNotNull(node); assertNotNull(node.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(root), uuid(node)); assertTrue(node.get("elements").isArray()); ArrayNode elements = (ArrayNode) node.get("elements"); assertEquals(2, elements.size()); JsonNode node1 = elements.get(0); JsonNode node2 = elements.get(1); assertNotNull(node1.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(one), uuid(node1)); assertNotNull(node2.get("@id")); assertEquals(uuid(two), uuid(node2)); assertNotNull(node1.get("refProperty")); assertNull(node2.get("refProperty")); assertTrue(node1.get("refProperty").isArray()); ArrayNode refProperty = (ArrayNode) node1.get("refProperty"); assertEquals(1, refProperty.size()); JsonNode ref = refProperty.get(0); assertNotNull(ref.get("$ref")); assertEquals(uuid(two), ref.get("$ref").asText()); }
From source
public List<TransferDependency> getTargets() { List<TransferDependency> targets = new ArrayList<TransferDependency>(); ArrayNode array = getArray(FIELD_TARGETS); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { ObjectNode object = (ObjectNode) array.get(i); String typeId = JsonUtil.objectGetString(object, "typeId"); String id = JsonUtil.objectGetString(object, "id"); TransferDependency dependency = new TransferDependency(typeId, id); targets.add(dependency);//from w ww. j ava 2 s. c om } return targets; }
From source
protected Client pickClient() throws UnsupportedException, URISyntaxException { // check for right protocol&encoding List<Client> clients = new ArrayList<>(); // it is assumed URIs are ordered by priority JsonNode uris = thing.getMetadata().get("uris"); if (uris != null) { if (uris.getNodeType() == JsonNodeType.STRING) { checkUri(uris.asText(), clients); } else if (uris.getNodeType() == JsonNodeType.ARRAY) { ArrayNode an = (ArrayNode) uris; for (int i = 0; i < an.size(); i++) { checkUri(an.get(i).asText(), i, clients); }//from ww w.j a v a 2 s.c om } // int prio = 1; // for (JsonNode juri : uris) { // String suri = juri.asText(); // URI uri = new URI(suri); // if(isCoapScheme(uri.getScheme())) { // clients.add(new CoapClientImpl(suri, thing)); //"Found matching client '" + CoapClientImpl.class.getName() + "' with priority " + prio++); // } else if(isHttpScheme(uri.getScheme())) { // clients.add(new HttpClientImpl(suri, thing)); //"Found matching client '" + HttpClientImpl.class.getName() + "' with priority " + prio++); // } // } } // take priority into account if (clients.isEmpty()) { log.warn("No fitting client implementation found!"); throw new UnsupportedException("No fitting client implementation found!"); // return null; } else { // pick first one with highest priority Client c = clients.get(0);"Use '" + c.getClass().getName() + "' according to priority"); return c; } }
From source
/** * Parses a repeated field.// w w w . j av a 2s. com * * @param builder the builder in which the parsed field should be set * @param fieldName the JSON name of the field * @param field the descriptor of the repeated field being parsed * @param valueNode the JSON node being parsed * @param registry used as a source of schemas generated on the fly for * sub-objects * @throws ParsingException */ private void parseRepeatedField(Message.Builder builder, String fieldName, FieldDescriptor field, JsonNode valueNode, ReadableSchemaRegistry registry) throws ParsingException { if (!valueNode.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Field '" + fieldName + "' is expected to be an array, but was " + valueNode.asToken()); } ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) valueNode; if (array.size() != 0) { for (JsonNode item : array) { Object value = parseValue(item, field, registry); if (value != null) { builder.addRepeatedField(field, value); } } } }
From source
@Override public void doAction(JsonNode node) throws Exception { if (chain == null) { chain = "default"; }/*from ww w .j a va 2 s . c om*/ if (node.has("chains")) { JsonNode chains = node.get("chains"); if (chains.isArray()) { ArrayNode chainsArray = (ArrayNode) chains; int limit = chainsArray.size(); JsonNode selectedChain = null; for (int i = 0; i < limit && selectedChain == null; i++) { JsonNode chainNode = chainsArray.get(i); if (chainNode.has("name")) { if (chainNode.get("name").asText().equals(chain)) { selectedChain = chainNode; } } } if (selectedChain != null) { if (setToReader) { JsonNode reader = null; if (selectedChain.has("reader")) { reader = selectedChain.get("reader"); } if (reader != null) { removesIncludesOrExcludesList((ObjectNode) reader); } } if (setToWriter) { JsonNode writer = null; if (selectedChain.has("writer")) { writer = selectedChain.get("writer"); } if (writer != null) { removesIncludesOrExcludesList((ObjectNode) writer); } } } } provider.write(node); } }
From source
@Override public void configure(JsonNode config) throws Exception { if (!config.path("excludes").isMissingNode()) { ArrayNode excludes = ConfigurableLoader.assureArray(config.path("excludes")); for (int i = 0; i < excludes.size(); i++) excludeList.add(excludes.get(i).asText()); } else {//w ww .ja v a 2s.c o m //defaults excludeList.add(""); excludeList.add(""); //excludeList.add(""); //excludeList.add(""); } }
From source
/** * Trim attributes of an inner object node to return. * * @param objectNode The object node to return. * @param parentPath The parent path of attributes in the object. * @return The trimmed object node ready to return to the client. *//*from w w w . jav a2 s.c om*/ private ObjectNode trimObjectNode(final ObjectNode objectNode, final Path parentPath) { ObjectNode objectToReturn = JsonUtils.getJsonNodeFactory().objectNode(); Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> i = objectNode.fields(); while (i.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> field =; final Path path; if (parentPath.isRoot() && parentPath.getSchemaUrn() == null && SchemaUtils.isUrn(field.getKey())) { path = Path.root(field.getKey()); } else { path = parentPath.attribute(field.getKey()); } if (path.isRoot() || shouldReturn(path)) { if (field.getValue().isArray()) { ArrayNode trimmedNode = trimArrayNode((ArrayNode) field.getValue(), path); if (trimmedNode.size() > 0) { objectToReturn.set(field.getKey(), trimmedNode); } } else if (field.getValue().isObject()) { ObjectNode trimmedNode = trimObjectNode((ObjectNode) field.getValue(), path); if (trimmedNode.size() > 0) { objectToReturn.set(field.getKey(), trimmedNode); } } else { objectToReturn.set(field.getKey(), field.getValue()); } } } return objectToReturn; }
From source
@Test public void embeddedCollectionBindingShouldProduceTheRightNumberOfElements() throws IOException { Schema source = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Schema target = Schema.buildSchema(new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_SCHEMA)); Transformation t = new Transformation(source, target); Iterator<SchemaNode> it = t.toBind(); t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray"))); t.bind(, new ArrayNodeBinding((SchemaArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray/{i}"))); t.bind(, new StringNodeBinding("/someArrayOfArray/{i}/{i}"))); JsonNode payload = new ObjectMapper().readTree(DataSet.EMBEDDED_COLLECTION_PAYLOAD); JsonNode result = t.apply(payload);/*from w w w. j av a 2 s .c om*/ ArrayNode arrayCollection = (ArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray"); assertThat(arrayCollection.size(), is(3)); arrayCollection = (ArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray/0"); assertThat(arrayCollection.size(), is(3)); arrayCollection = (ArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray/1"); assertThat(arrayCollection.size(), is(2)); arrayCollection = (ArrayNode)"/someArrayOfArray/2"); assertThat(arrayCollection.size(), is(1)); }
From source
@DmnDeploymentAnnotation(resources = { "org/flowable/rest/dmn/service/api/decision/multi-hit.dmn" }) public void testExecutionDecision() throws Exception { // Add decision key ObjectNode requestNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); requestNode.put("decisionKey", "decision1"); // add input variable ArrayNode variablesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); ObjectNode variableNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); variableNode.put("name", "inputVariable1"); variableNode.put("type", "integer"); variableNode.put("value", 5); variablesNode.add(variableNode);//ww w. jav a 2 s . c o m requestNode.set("inputVariables", variablesNode); HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost( SERVER_URL_PREFIX + DmnRestUrls.createRelativeResourceUrl(DmnRestUrls.URL_RULE_SERVICE_EXECUTE)); httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestNode.toString())); CloseableHttpResponse response = executeRequest(httpPost, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); // Check response JsonNode responseNode = objectMapper.readTree(response.getEntity().getContent()); closeResponse(response); ArrayNode resultVariables = (ArrayNode) responseNode.get("resultVariables"); assertEquals(3, resultVariables.size()); }
From source
@Test public void testExtractArrayPathNoResults() { // if no selection matches the expression, but the property in the query exists, no results are returned ArrayNode result = new JsonPathSelector("$[?(@.title=='No such title')]").call(booksJson); assertEquals(0, result.size()); }