List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode size
public int size()
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public List<String> getStackTrace() { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); if (has(FIELD_STACKTRACE)) { ArrayNode array = getArray(FIELD_STACKTRACE); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { String element = (String) array.get(i).textValue(); list.add(element);//w ww . java 2 s .com } } return list; }
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@Override public List<LogThrowable> getLogThrowables() { List<LogThrowable> throwables = new ArrayList<LogThrowable>(); ArrayNode array = getArray(FIELD_THROWABLES); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { ObjectNode object = (ObjectNode) array.get(i); throwables.add(new LogThrowable(object)); }//from w ww . j av a 2 s . c om return throwables; }
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/** * Trim attributes of the values in the array node to return. * * @param arrayNode The array node to return. * @param parentPath The parent path of attributes in the array. * @return The trimmed object node ready to return to the client. *//* www . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ protected ArrayNode trimArrayNode(final ArrayNode arrayNode, final Path parentPath) { ArrayNode arrayToReturn = JsonUtils.getJsonNodeFactory().arrayNode(); for (JsonNode value : arrayNode) { if (value.isArray()) { ArrayNode trimmedNode = trimArrayNode((ArrayNode) value, parentPath); if (trimmedNode.size() > 0) { arrayToReturn.add(trimmedNode); } } else if (value.isObject()) { ObjectNode trimmedNode = trimObjectNode((ObjectNode) value, parentPath); if (trimmedNode.size() > 0) { arrayToReturn.add(trimmedNode); } } else { arrayToReturn.add(value); } } return arrayToReturn; }
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@Test public void testMergeReplaceLiteralWithArrayNode() { final JsonNodeMergingSource source = new JsonNodeMergingSource.Builder() .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("\"foo\"").build()) .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("[\"1\"]").build()).build(); Assert.assertTrue(source.getJsonNode().isPresent()); final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) source.getValue().get(); Assert.assertEquals(1, arrayNode.size()); Assert.assertEquals("1", arrayNode.get(0).asText()); }
From source
@Test public void testMergeReplaceObjectNodeWithArrayNode() { final JsonNodeMergingSource source = new JsonNodeMergingSource.Builder() .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("{\"a\":\"1\"}").build()) .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("[\"1\"]").build()).build(); Assert.assertTrue(source.getJsonNode().isPresent()); final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) source.getValue().get(); Assert.assertEquals(1, arrayNode.size()); Assert.assertEquals("1", arrayNode.get(0).asText()); }
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@Test public void testMergeArrayNodeAndArrayNode() { final JsonNodeMergingSource source = new JsonNodeMergingSource.Builder() .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("[\"1\"]").build()) .addSource(new JsonNodeLiteralSource.Builder().setSource("[\"2\"]").build()).build(); Assert.assertTrue(source.getJsonNode().isPresent()); final ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) source.getValue().get(); Assert.assertEquals(2, arrayNode.size()); Assert.assertEquals("1", arrayNode.get(0).asText()); Assert.assertEquals("2", arrayNode.get(1).asText()); }
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public Message<URI> receive() { if (toBeReceived.isEmpty()) { URI skipUri = UriComponentsBuilder.fromUri(databaseUri).replaceQueryParam("limit", limit) .replaceQueryParam("skip", skip).build().toUri(); ObjectNode response = couchDbDocumentOperations.readDocument(skipUri, ObjectNode.class); ArrayNode rows = (ArrayNode) response.get("rows"); int size = rows.size(); Assert.isTrue(size <= limit, "Retrieved more rows than limit"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { JsonNode node = rows.get(i); String id = node.get("id").textValue(); try { toBeReceived.add(new URI(baseUri + "/" + id)); skip++;//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om } catch (URISyntaxException e) { logger.error("Error creating the URI of document from baseUri and ID", e); return null; } } } Map<String, String> headers = createHeaderMap(databaseUri, skip, limit); return prepareMessage(toBeReceived.poll(), headers); }
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@Test(expected = PathNotFoundException.class) public void testExtractArrayPathNotFound() { // if the query includes a property that does not exist at all in the data, a PathNotFoundException is thrown ArrayNode result = new JsonPathSelector("$[*]").call(booksJson); assertEquals(0, result.size()); }
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@Override public Subscriber<? super JsonPipelineOutput> call(Subscriber<? super JsonPipelineOutput> subscriber) { return new Subscriber<JsonPipelineOutput>() { @Override//from ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m public void onCompleted() { subscriber.onCompleted(); } @Override public void onError(Throwable e) { Exceptions.throwIfFatal(e); subscriber.onError(e); } @Override public void onNext(JsonPipelineOutput output) { ArrayNode result = new JsonPathSelector(jsonPath).call(output.getPayload()); JsonNode extractedPayload = result.size() == 0 ? MissingNode.getInstance() : result.get(0); if (isNotBlank(targetProperty)) { extractedPayload = JacksonFunctions.wrapInObject(targetProperty, extractedPayload); } JsonPipelineOutput extractedOutput = output.withPayload(extractedPayload); subscriber.onNext(extractedOutput); } }; }
From source
public static ObjectNode buildSchemaNode(final ObjectMapper objectMapper, final URI schemaUri, final SchemaLoader schemaLoader, final Set<URI> addedBaseSchemaUris) { final Prototype prototype = schemaLoader.getPrototype(schemaUri); if (prototype == null) { return null; }/*from ww w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ final ObjectNode schemaNode = objectMapper.createObjectNode(); schemaNode.put(, prototype.getUniqueName().getLocalName()); schemaNode.put(, prototype.getTitle()); schemaNode.put(, schemaUri.toString()); schemaNode.put(, prototype.getVersion()); String titleSlotName = prototype.getTitleSlotName(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleSlotName)) { schemaNode.put(, titleSlotName); } else { titleSlotName = getTitleSlotName(schemaUri, schemaLoader); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleSlotName)) { schemaNode.put(, titleSlotName); } } final Set<String> allSlotNames = prototype.getAllSlotNames(); if (allSlotNames != null && !allSlotNames.isEmpty()) { final ArrayNode propertyNamesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); for (final String slotName : allSlotNames) { final ProtoSlot protoSlot = prototype.getProtoSlot(slotName); if (protoSlot instanceof LinkProtoSlot) { continue; } if (protoSlot.getDeclaringSchemaUri().equals(schemaUri)) { propertyNamesNode.add(slotName); } } if (propertyNamesNode.size() > 0) { schemaNode.put(, propertyNamesNode); } } final Set<String> keySlotNames = prototype.getDeclaredKeySlotNames(); if (keySlotNames != null && !keySlotNames.isEmpty()) { final ArrayNode keyPropertyNamesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); for (final String keySlotName : keySlotNames) { keyPropertyNamesNode.add(keySlotName); } if (keyPropertyNamesNode.size() > 0) { schemaNode.put(, keyPropertyNamesNode); } } final Set<String> allKeySlotNames = prototype.getAllKeySlotNames(); final ArrayNode allKeySlotNamesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); schemaNode.put(, allKeySlotNamesNode); for (final String keySlotName : allKeySlotNames) { allKeySlotNamesNode.add(keySlotName); } final Set<String> comparablePropertyNames = prototype.getComparableSlotNames(); if (comparablePropertyNames != null && !comparablePropertyNames.isEmpty()) { final ArrayNode comparablePropertyNamesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); for (final String comparablePropertyName : comparablePropertyNames) { comparablePropertyNamesNode.add(comparablePropertyName); } if (comparablePropertyNamesNode.size() > 0) { schemaNode.put(, comparablePropertyNamesNode); } } final Map<URI, LinkProtoSlot> linkProtoSlots = prototype.getLinkProtoSlots(); if (linkProtoSlots != null && !linkProtoSlots.isEmpty()) { final ArrayNode linkNamesNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); for (final LinkProtoSlot linkProtoSlot : linkProtoSlots.values()) { if (linkProtoSlot.getDeclaringSchemaUri().equals(schemaUri)) { linkNamesNode.add(linkProtoSlot.getName()); } } if (linkNamesNode.size() > 0) { schemaNode.put(, linkNamesNode); } } final Set<URI> declaredBaseSchemaUris = prototype.getDeclaredBaseSchemaUris(); if (declaredBaseSchemaUris != null && !declaredBaseSchemaUris.isEmpty() && addedBaseSchemaUris != null) { final ArrayNode baseSchemasNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); for (final URI baseSchemaUri : declaredBaseSchemaUris) { if (!addedBaseSchemaUris.contains(baseSchemaUri)) { final ObjectNode baseSchemaNode = buildSchemaNode(objectMapper, baseSchemaUri, schemaLoader, addedBaseSchemaUris); baseSchemasNode.add(baseSchemaNode); addedBaseSchemaUris.add(baseSchemaUri); } } if (baseSchemasNode.size() > 0) { schemaNode.put(, baseSchemasNode); } } return schemaNode; }