List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node ArrayNode size
public int size()
From source
private void JsBucketMR(String bucketType) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { initValues(bucketType);/*from ww w. ja v a2s . c om*/ Namespace ns = new Namespace(bucketType, mrBucketName); BucketMapReduce bmr = new BucketMapReduce.Builder().withNamespace(ns) .withMapPhase(Function.newNamedJsFunction("Riak.mapValuesJson"), false) .withReducePhase(Function.newNamedJsFunction("Riak.reduceNumericSort"), true).build(); RiakFuture<MapReduce.Response, BinaryValue> future = client.executeAsync(bmr); future.await(); assertTrue("Map reduce operation Operation failed:" + future.cause(), future.isSuccess()); MapReduce.Response response = future.get(); // The query should return one phase result which is a JSON array containing // all the values, 0 - 199 assertEquals(200, response.getResultsFromAllPhases().size()); ArrayNode result = response.getResultForPhase(1); assertEquals(200, result.size()); assertEquals(42, result.get(42).asInt()); assertEquals(199, result.get(199).asInt()); resetAndEmptyBucket(ns); }
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@Test public void multiPhaseResult() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { initValues(Namespace.DEFAULT_BUCKET_TYPE); Namespace ns = new Namespace(Namespace.DEFAULT_BUCKET_TYPE, mrBucketName); BucketMapReduce bmr = new BucketMapReduce.Builder().withNamespace(ns) .withMapPhase(Function.newNamedJsFunction("Riak.mapValuesJson"), true) .withReducePhase(Function.newNamedJsFunction("Riak.reduceNumericSort"), true).build(); RiakFuture<MapReduce.Response, BinaryValue> future = client.executeAsync(bmr); future.await();//www . jav a2 s . co m assertTrue(future.isSuccess()); MapReduce.Response response = future.get(); // The query should return two phase results, each a JSON array containing // all the values, 0 - 199 assertEquals(400, response.getResultsFromAllPhases().size()); assertEquals(200, response.getResultForPhase(0).size()); ArrayNode result = response.getResultForPhase(1); assertEquals(200, result.size()); assertEquals(42, result.get(42).asInt()); assertEquals(199, result.get(199).asInt()); resetAndEmptyBucket(ns); }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w .j a v a 2s .co m * * This variation allows for the inclusion of schemas for serializing * sub-objects that may appear in {@code message}. If no suitable schema * is found in the registry, a schema with default settings is generated * on the fly using {@link * SchemaSource#get(}. * */ @Override public JsonNode serialize(Message message, ReadableSchemaRegistry registry) throws SerializationException { ObjectNode object = new ObjectNode(JsonNodeFactory.instance); for (Map.Entry<String, String> constant : schema.getConstants().entrySet()) { object.put(constant.getKey(), constant.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<String, FieldDescriptor> fieldEntry : schema.getFields().entrySet()) { if (schema.getSkippedFields().contains(fieldEntry.getKey())) { continue; } FieldDescriptor field = fieldEntry.getValue(); if (field.isRepeated()) { int count = message.getRepeatedFieldCount(field); if (count > 0) { if (schema.getMappings().containsKey(field.getName())) { ObjectNode objectNode = serializeMappedField(message, registry, field, count); if (objectNode.size() > 0) { object.put(schema.getPropertyName(field.getName()), objectNode); } } else { ArrayNode array = serializeRepeatedField(message, registry, field, count); if (array.size() > 0) { object.put(schema.getPropertyName(field.getName()), array); } } } } else if (message.hasField(field)) { Object value = message.getField(field); JsonNode fieldNode = serializeValue(value, field, registry); object.put(schema.getPropertyName(field.getName()), fieldNode); } } if (object.size() == 0) { return NullNode.instance; } return object; }
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@Override public List<JobLogEntry> getLogEntries() { List<JobLogEntry> list = new ArrayList<JobLogEntry>(); ArrayNode entries = getArray(FIELD_LOG_ENTRIES); for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) { ObjectNode object = (ObjectNode) entries.get(i); JobLogEntry entry = new JobLogEntry(object); list.add(entry);/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s .com*/ } return list; }
From source
private void addKeys(final String currentPath, final JsonNode jsonNode, final String separator, final boolean preserveType, final boolean flattenArrays, final Map<String, String> map) { if (jsonNode.isObject()) { ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iter = objectNode.fields(); String pathPrefix = currentPath.isEmpty() ? "" : currentPath + separator; while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; addKeys(pathPrefix + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), separator, preserveType, flattenArrays, map); }/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ } else if (jsonNode.isArray()) { if (flattenArrays) { ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) jsonNode; for (int i = 0; i < arrayNode.size(); i++) { addKeys(currentPath + "[" + i + "]", arrayNode.get(i), separator, preserveType, flattenArrays, map); } } else { map.put(currentPath, jsonNode.toString()); } } else if (jsonNode.isValueNode()) { ValueNode valueNode = (ValueNode) jsonNode; map.put(currentPath, valueNode.isTextual() && preserveType ? valueNode.toString() : valueNode.textValue()); } }
From source
@Test public void testSPARQLEntityType() throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException { // This test verifies that EntityType doc SchemaCompleteEntityType-0.0.1 has all the ET in it and version and title String assertEachEntityTypeHasProperties = "PREFIX t: <>" + "SELECT ?p ?o " + "WHERE { t:OrderDetails ?p ?o }" + "order by ?s"; JacksonHandle handle = queryMgr/*from w w w.j a va 2s . c o m*/ .executeSelect(queryMgr.newQueryDefinition(assertEachEntityTypeHasProperties), new JacksonHandle()); JsonNode results = handle.get(); // to see on System.out //new ObjectMapper().writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValue(System.out, results); ArrayNode bindings = (ArrayNode) results.get("results").get("bindings"); assertEquals(6, bindings.size()); //Each Entity Type has a RDF type assertEquals("", bindings.get(0).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals("", bindings.get(0).get("o").get("value").asText()); //Entity type has property ProductName assertEquals("", bindings.get(1).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals( "", bindings.get(1).get("o").get("value").asText()); //Entity type has property ProductName assertEquals("", bindings.get(2).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals( "", bindings.get(2).get("o").get("value").asText()); //Entity type has property quantity assertEquals("", bindings.get(3).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals( "", bindings.get(3).get("o").get("value").asText()); //Entity type has version assertEquals("", bindings.get(4).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals("0.0.1", bindings.get(4).get("o").get("value").asText()); //Entity type has title assertEquals("", bindings.get(5).get("p").get("value").asText()); assertEquals("OrderDetails", bindings.get(5).get("o").get("value").asText()); }
From source
@Override public G_SearchResults search(final G_EntityQuery pq) { // TODO: Use a helper class final G_SearchResults results = G_SearchResults.newBuilder().setTotal(0) .setResults(new ArrayList<G_SearchResult>()).build(); final List<G_SearchResult> resultsList = new ArrayList<G_SearchResult>(); JestResult jestResult = new JestResult(null); try {//w ww .jav a 2 s. co m final io.searchbox.core.Search.Builder action = buildSearchAction(pq); JestClient jestClient = c.getClient(); synchronized (jestClient) { jestResult = jestClient.execute(; } } catch (final DataAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // logger.debug(jestResult.getJsonString()); JsonNode rootNode; long totalNumberOfPossibleResults = 0l; try { rootNode = mapper.readValue(jestResult.getJsonString(), JsonNode.class); if ((rootNode != null) && (rootNode.get("hits") != null) && (rootNode.get("hits").get("total") != null)) { totalNumberOfPossibleResults = rootNode.get("hits").get("total").asLong(); logger.debug("Found " + totalNumberOfPossibleResults + " hits in hitparent!"); final ArrayNode actualListOfHits = getListOfHitsFromResult(jestResult); for (int i = 0; i < actualListOfHits.size(); i++) { final JsonNode currentHit = actualListOfHits.get(i); if (ValidationUtils.isValid(currentHit)) { final G_SearchResult result = db.buildSearchResultFromDocument(i, currentHit, pq); if (result == null) { logger.error("could not build search result from hit " + currentHit.toString()); } CollectionUtils.addIgnoreNull(resultsList, result); } else { logger.error("Invalid search result at index " + i + " for query " + pq.toString()); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } results.setResults(resultsList); results.setTotal(totalNumberOfPossibleResults); return results; }
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private void validateFilters(JsonNode filtersJson) { if (filtersJson == null || filtersJson.isNull()) { throw new IncorrectParameterException("Rule filters are required!"); }/*from w w w .j a va2 s . co m*/ if (!filtersJson.isArray()) { throw new IncorrectParameterException("Filters json is not an array!"); } ArrayNode filtersArray = (ArrayNode) filtersJson; for (int i = 0; i < filtersArray.size(); i++) { validateComponentJson(filtersArray.get(i), ComponentType.FILTER); } }
From source
@Test public void testParseWithRepeatedTransform() throws Exception { NamedSchema schema = NamedSchema.of(Union.getDescriptor(), "Union").transform("int32_repeated", TWO); SchemaRegistry registry = new SchemaRegistry(); registry.register(schema);/*from w ww .j ava 2 s .c o m*/ Union fibonacci = Union.newBuilder().addInt32Repeated(1).addInt32Repeated(1).addInt32Repeated(2) .addInt32Repeated(3).addInt32Repeated(5).addInt32Repeated(8).build(); JsonNode result = new NamedSchemaSerializer(schema).serialize(fibonacci, registry); ArrayNode repeated = (ArrayNode) result.get("int32Repeated"); Assert.assertEquals(6, repeated.size()); Assert.assertEquals(2, repeated.get(0).asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(2, repeated.get(1).asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(4, repeated.get(2).asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(6, repeated.get(3).asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(10, repeated.get(4).asInt()); Assert.assertEquals(16, repeated.get(5).asInt()); Union parsed = Union.newBuilder().mergeFrom(new NamedSchemaParser(schema).parse(result, registry)).build(); Assert.assertEquals(1, parsed.getInt32Repeated(0)); Assert.assertEquals(1, parsed.getInt32Repeated(1)); Assert.assertEquals(2, parsed.getInt32Repeated(2)); Assert.assertEquals(3, parsed.getInt32Repeated(3)); Assert.assertEquals(5, parsed.getInt32Repeated(4)); Assert.assertEquals(8, parsed.getInt32Repeated(5)); }