Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode toString

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode toString


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode toString.


public abstract String toString();

Source Link


From source file:com.amazonaws.services.iot.client.shadow.AwsIotDeviceDeltaListener.java

public void onMessage(AWSIotMessage message) {
    String payload = message.getStringPayload();
    if (payload == null) {
        LOGGER.warning("Received empty delta for device " + device.getThingName());
        return;// ww  w .j a v a2s .  c om

    JsonNode rootNode;
    try {
        rootNode = device.getJsonObjectMapper().readTree(payload);
        if (!rootNode.isObject()) {
            throw new IOException();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        LOGGER.warning("Received invalid delta for device " + device.getThingName());

    if (device.enableVersioning) {
        JsonNode node = rootNode.get("version");
        if (node == null) {
            LOGGER.warning("Missing version field in delta for device " + device.getThingName());

        long receivedVersion = node.longValue();
        long localVersion = device.getLocalVersion().get();
        if (receivedVersion < localVersion) {
            LOGGER.warning("An old version of delta received for " + device.getThingName() + ", local "
                    + localVersion + ", received " + receivedVersion);

        LOGGER.info("Local version number updated to " + receivedVersion);

    JsonNode node = rootNode.get("state");
    if (node == null) {
        LOGGER.warning("Missing state field in delta for device " + device.getThingName());

From source file:com.spoiledmilk.ibikecph.map.MapActivity.java

public void startRouting(Location start, Location end, JsonNode jsonRoot, String startName, String endName) {
    Intent i = new Intent(this, getNavigationClass());
    i.putExtra("start_lat", start.getLatitude());
    i.putExtra("start_lng", start.getLongitude());
    i.putExtra("end_lat", end.getLatitude());
    i.putExtra("end_lng", end.getLongitude());
    if (jsonRoot != null)
        i.putExtra("json_root", jsonRoot.toString());
    i.putExtra("source", source);
    i.putExtra("destination", destination);
    if (jsonRoot != null && jsonRoot.has("route_summary")) {
        i.putExtra("start_name", jsonRoot.get("route_summary").get("start_point").asText());
        i.putExtra("end_name", jsonRoot.get("route_summary").get("end_point").asText());
    } else {//from   ww w . j ava  2s  .  c  o m
        i.putExtra("start_name", startName);
        i.putExtra("end_name", endName);
    i.putExtra("overlays", getOverlaysShown());
    new DB(MapActivity.this).saveSearchHistory(
            new HistoryData(infoLine1, end.getLatitude(), end.getLongitude()),
            new HistoryData(IbikeApplication.getString("current_position"), start.getLatitude(),
    this.startActivityForResult(i, 1);
    overridePendingTransition(R.anim.slide_in_right, R.anim.slide_out_left);
    LOG.d("route found");


From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result getRadioHeatmap() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }/*from  w  w  w. j  a va 2  s . c o m*/
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::getRadioHeatmap(): " + json.toString());

    try {
        List<JsonNode> radioPoints = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getRadioHeatmap();
        if (radioPoints == null) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!");
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("radioPoints", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(radioPoints));
        return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all radio points!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result deleteRadiosInBox() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }// w ww  .  ja  va 2 s  . c  om

    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::deleteRadiosInBox(): " + json.toString());

    try {
        if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteRadiosInBox()) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building already exists or could not be added!");
        return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Success");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");


From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

 * Retrieve all the buildings./*  w  w  w.j  a  v a2s.c  o  m*/
 * @return
public static Result buildingAll() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString());

    try {
        List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildings();
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings));
        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:com.ikanow.aleph2.analytics.storm.services.MockAnalyticsContext.java

public Validation<BasicMessageBean, JsonNode> sendObjectToStreamingPipeline(
        final Optional<DataBucketBean> bucket, final AnalyticThreadJobBean job,
        final Either<JsonNode, Map<String, Object>> object, final Optional<AnnotationBean> annotations) {
    if (annotations.isPresent()) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ErrorUtils.NOT_YET_IMPLEMENTED);
    }/*from  ww w. j  a  v a  2s.  c o m*/
    final JsonNode obj_json = object.either(__ -> __,
            map -> (JsonNode) _mapper.convertValue(map, JsonNode.class));

    return this.getOutputTopic(bucket, job).<Validation<BasicMessageBean, JsonNode>>map(topic -> {
        if (_distributed_services.doesTopicExist(topic)) {
            // (ie someone is listening in on our output data, so duplicate it for their benefit)
            _distributed_services.produce(topic, obj_json.toString());
            return Validation.success(obj_json);
        } else {
            return Validation.fail(ErrorUtils.buildSuccessMessage(this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
                    "sendObjectToStreamingPipeline", "Bucket:job {0}:{1} topic {2} has no listeners",
                    bucket.map(b -> b.full_name()).orElse("(unknown)"), job.name(), topic));
    }).orElseGet(() -> {
        return Validation.fail(ErrorUtils.buildErrorMessage(this.getClass().getSimpleName(),
                "sendObjectToStreamingPipeline", "Bucket:job {0}:{1} has no output topic",
                bucket.map(b -> b.full_name()).orElse("(unknown)"), job.name()));

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

 * Returns the floor plan (png) for the requested building floor in binary format.
 * Used by the Android client  - NOT ANYMORE
 * @param buid         Building id/*from   ww w .  j a v a 2s  .c  om*/
 * @param floor_number floor number inside the above building
 * @return the file or an error
public static Result serveFloorPlanBinary(String buid, String floor_number) {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlan(): " + json.toString());

    String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorPlanFor(buid, floor_number);
    LPLogger.info("requested: " + filePath);

    try {
        File file = new java.io.File(filePath);
        if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(
                    "Requested floor plan does not exist or cannot be read! (" + floor_number + ")");
        InputStream a = new FileInputStream(file);
        return ok(a);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        // cannot get in here i think cause of the check if canRead()
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Could not read floor plan.");

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

 * Retrieve all the floors of a building.
 * @return//from   w  w w  .  j a v a  2 s  . c om
public static Result floorAll() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::floorAll(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid");
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue();

    try {
        List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().floorsByBuildingAsJson(buid);
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("floors", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings));
        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all floors!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

 * Retrieve all the pois of a building/floor combination.
 * @return/*  ww  w .  jav a 2s  . com*/
public static Result poisByBuid() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::poisByBuid(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid");
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue();
    try {
        List<JsonNode> pois = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().poisByBuildingAsJson(buid);
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("pois", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(pois));
        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all pois from building.");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

public static Result buildingByBucode() {
    OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response());
    if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON);
    }//from w  w w .  j av  a  2 s .c om
    JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();
    LPLogger.info("AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString());

    List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "bucode");
    if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing);

    String bucode = json.findValue("bucode").textValue();

    try {
        List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsByBucode(bucode);
        ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode();
        res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings));

        try {
            //                if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) {
            return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString());
            //                }
            //                return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!");
    } catch (DatasourceException e) {
        return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]");