List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode toString
public abstract String toString();
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public void updatePropertiesWithJsonNode(@NotNull final JsonNode node) { try {/*w w w .j a v a2s. c om*/ entityUpdateReader.readValue(node); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.print("Usergrid Error: Unable to update properties from jsonNode - " + node.toString()); } }
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@Override public ShimDataResponse getData(final ShimDataRequest shimDataRequest) throws ShimException { final HealthVaultDataType healthVaultDataType; try {//ww w .jav a 2 s .com healthVaultDataType = HealthVaultDataType .valueOf(shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey().trim().toUpperCase()); } catch (NullPointerException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new ShimException("Null or Invalid data type parameter: " + shimDataRequest.getDataTypeKey() + " in shimDataRequest, cannot retrieve data."); } final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss"); /*** * Setup default date parameters */ DateTime today = new DateTime(); DateTime startDate = shimDataRequest.getStartDate() == null ? today.minusDays(1) : shimDataRequest.getStartDate(); String dateStart = startDate.toString(formatter); DateTime endDate = shimDataRequest.getEndDate() == null ? today.plusDays(1) : shimDataRequest.getEndDate(); String dateEnd = endDate.toString(formatter); long numToReturn = shimDataRequest.getNumToReturn() == null || shimDataRequest.getNumToReturn() <= 0 ? 100 : shimDataRequest.getNumToReturn(); Request request = new Request(); request.setMethodName("GetThings"); request.setInfo("<info>" + "<group max=\"" + numToReturn + "\">" + "<filter>" + "<type-id>" + healthVaultDataType.getDataTypeId() + "</type-id>" + "<eff-date-min>" + dateStart + "</eff-date-min>" + "<eff-date-max>" + dateEnd + "</eff-date-max>" + "</filter>" + "<format>" + "<section>core</section>" + "<xml/>" + "</format>" + "</group>" + "</info>"); RequestTemplate template = new RequestTemplate(connection); return template.makeRequest(shimDataRequest.getAccessParameters(), request, new Marshaller<ShimDataResponse>() { public ShimDataResponse marshal(InputStream istream) throws Exception { /** * XML Document mappings to JSON don't respect repeatable * tags, they don't get properly serialized into collections. * Thus, we pickup the 'things' via the 'group' root tag * and create a new JSON document out of each 'thing' node. */ XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper(); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = builder.parse(istream); NodeList nodeList = doc.getElementsByTagName("thing"); /** * Collect JsonNode from each 'thing' xml node. */ List<JsonNode> thingList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++) { Node node = nodeList.item(i); Document thingDoc = builder.newDocument(); Node newNode = thingDoc.importNode(node, true); thingDoc.appendChild(newNode); thingList.add(xmlMapper.readTree(convertDocumentToString(thingDoc))); } /** * Rebuild JSON document structure to pass to deserializer. */ String thingsJson = "{\"things\":["; String thingsContent = ""; for (JsonNode thingNode : thingList) { thingsContent += thingNode.toString() + ","; } thingsContent = "".equals(thingsContent) ? thingsContent : thingsContent.substring(0, thingsContent.length() - 1); thingsJson += thingsContent; thingsJson += "]}"; /** * Return raw re-built 'things' or a normalized JSON document. */ ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); if (shimDataRequest.getNormalize()) { SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule(); module.addDeserializer(ShimDataResponse.class, healthVaultDataType.getNormalizer()); objectMapper.registerModule(module); return objectMapper.readValue(thingsJson, ShimDataResponse.class); } else { return ShimDataResponse.result(HealthvaultShim.SHIM_KEY, objectMapper.readTree(thingsJson)); } } }); }
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@Override public boolean send(String message, List<String> deviceid, JsonNode bodyJson) throws Exception { PushLogger pushLogger = PushLogger.getInstance(); pushLogger.addMessage("............ APN Push Message: -%s- to the device(s) %s", message, deviceid); ApnsService service = null;/*from w w w . j ava 2s . c o m*/ try { if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("APN Push message: " + message + " to the device " + deviceid); if (!isInit) { pushLogger.addMessage("............ APNS is not initialized!"); return true; } String payload = null; try { service = getService(); } catch (com.notnoop.exceptions.InvalidSSLConfig e) { pushLogger.addMessage("Error sending push notification ..."); pushLogger.addMessage(" Exception is: %s ", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); BaasBoxLogger.error("Error sending push notification"); throw new PushNotInitializedException( "Error decrypting certificate.Verify your password for given certificate"); //icallbackPush.onError(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); } JsonNode contentAvailableNode = bodyJson.findValue("content-available"); Integer contentAvailable = null; if (!(contentAvailableNode == null)) { if (!(contentAvailableNode.isInt())) throw new PushContentAvailableFormatException( "Content-available MUST be an Integer (1 for silent notification)"); contentAvailable = contentAvailableNode.asInt(); } JsonNode categoryNode = bodyJson.findValue("category"); String category = null; if (!(categoryNode == null)) { if (!(categoryNode.isTextual())) throw new PushCategoryFormatException("Category MUST be a String"); category = categoryNode.asText(); } JsonNode soundNode = bodyJson.findValue("sound"); String sound = null; if (!(soundNode == null)) { if (!(soundNode.isTextual())) throw new PushSoundKeyFormatException("Sound value MUST be a String"); sound = soundNode.asText(); } JsonNode actionLocKeyNode = bodyJson.findValue("actionLocalizedKey"); String actionLocKey = null; if (!(actionLocKeyNode == null)) { if (!(actionLocKeyNode.isTextual())) throw new PushActionLocalizedKeyFormatException("ActionLocalizedKey MUST be a String"); actionLocKey = actionLocKeyNode.asText(); } JsonNode locKeyNode = bodyJson.findValue("localizedKey"); String locKey = null; if (!(locKeyNode == null)) { if (!(locKeyNode.isTextual())) throw new PushLocalizedKeyFormatException("LocalizedKey MUST be a String"); locKey = locKeyNode.asText(); } JsonNode locArgsNode = bodyJson.get("localizedArguments"); List<String> locArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!(locArgsNode == null)) { if (!(locArgsNode.isArray())) throw new PushLocalizedArgumentsFormatException( "LocalizedArguments MUST be an Array of String"); for (JsonNode locArgNode : locArgsNode) { if (locArgNode.isNumber()) throw new PushLocalizedArgumentsFormatException( "LocalizedArguments MUST be an Array of String"); locArgs.add(locArgNode.toString()); } } JsonNode customDataNodes = bodyJson.get("custom"); Map<String, JsonNode> customData = new HashMap<String, JsonNode>(); if (!(customDataNodes == null)) { customData.put("custom", customDataNodes); } JsonNode badgeNode = bodyJson.findValue("badge"); int badge = 0; if (!(badgeNode == null)) { if (!(badgeNode.isNumber())) throw new PushBadgeFormatException("Badge value MUST be a number"); else badge = badgeNode.asInt(); } if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("APN Push message: " + message + " to the device " + deviceid + " with sound: " + sound + " with badge: " + badge + " with Action-Localized-Key: " + actionLocKey + " with Localized-Key: " + locKey); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Localized arguments: " + locArgs.toString()); if (BaasBoxLogger.isDebugEnabled()) BaasBoxLogger.debug("Custom Data: " + customData.toString()); pushLogger.addMessage("APN Push message: " + message + " to the device " + deviceid + " with sound: " + sound + " with badge: " + badge + " with Action-Localized-Key: " + actionLocKey + " with Localized-Key: " + locKey); pushLogger.addMessage("Localized arguments: " + locArgs.toString()); pushLogger.addMessage("Custom Data: " + customData.toString()); pushLogger.addMessage("Timeout: " + timeout); PayloadBuilder payloadBuilder = APNS.newPayload().alertBody(message).sound(sound) .actionKey(actionLocKey).localizedKey(locKey).localizedArguments(locArgs).badge(badge) .customFields(customData).category(category); if (contentAvailable != null && contentAvailable.intValue() == 1) { payloadBuilder.instantDeliveryOrSilentNotification(); } payload =; Collection<? extends ApnsNotification> result = null; if (timeout <= 0) { try { result = service.push(deviceid, payload); } catch (NetworkIOException e) { pushLogger.addMessage("Error sending push notification ..."); pushLogger.addMessage(" Exception is: %s ", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); BaasBoxLogger.error("Error sending push notification"); BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw new PushNotInitializedException("Error processing certificate, maybe it's revoked"); //icallbackPush.onError(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); } } else { try { Date expiry = new Date(Long.MAX_VALUE); pushLogger.addMessage("Timeout is > 0 (%d), expiration date is set to %s", timeout, expiry.toString()); result = service.push(deviceid, payload, expiry); } catch (NetworkIOException e) { pushLogger.addMessage("Error sending push notification ..."); pushLogger.addMessage(" Exception is: %s ", ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); BaasBoxLogger.error("Error sending enhanced push notification"); BaasBoxLogger.error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw new PushNotInitializedException("Error processing certificate, maybe it's revoked"); //icallbackPush.onError(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); } } if (result != null) { Iterator<? extends ApnsNotification> it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ApnsNotification item =; //item. } } //icallbackPush.onSuccess(); return false; } catch (Exception e) { pushLogger.addMessage("Error sending push notification (APNS)..."); pushLogger.addMessage(ExceptionUtils.getMessage(e)); throw e; } finally { if (service != null) service.stop(); } }
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public boolean configureDevice(String name, String password, String address, String port) { ApplicationId netConfAppId = coreService.getAppId(NETCONF_APP_NAME); InputStream is = null;// w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m try { is = context.getBundleContext().getBundle().getEntry(DEVICE_CFG_JSON).openStream(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory jsonFactory = mapper.getFactory(); JsonParser jsonParser = null; try { jsonParser = jsonFactory.createParser(is); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JsonNode jsonNode = null; try { jsonNode = mapper.readTree(jsonParser); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } JsonNode appRoot = jsonNode.get(APP_SUBJECT_CLASS_KEY); appRoot = appRoot.get(NETCONF_APP_NAME); jsonNode = appRoot.get(APP_CONFIG_KEY).get(0); ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put("name", name); ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put("password", password); ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put("ip", address); ((ObjectNode) jsonNode).put("port", port);; Object result = cfgService.applyConfig(APP_SUBJECT_CLASS_KEY, netConfAppId, APP_CONFIG_KEY, appRoot.path(APP_CONFIG_KEY)); return result != null ? true : false; }
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/** Generate response to a SO creation * * @return String/*from w w w. j a va 2 s. c om*/ */ public String responseCreateSO() { JsonNode root = mapper.createObjectNode(); try { ((ObjectNode) root).put("id", soId); ((ObjectNode) root).put("createdAt", soRoot.get("createdAt").asLong()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); throw new ServIoTWebApplicationException(Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null); } return root.toString(); }
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/** * $flt : { $fields : [ name1, name2 ], $like : like_text } * * @param refCommand/*from w w w .ja va2s . c o m*/ * @param command * @param tr0 * @param req * @throws InvalidParseOperationException */ @Override protected final void analyzeXlt(final String refCommand, final JsonNode command, final TypeRequest tr0, final REQUEST req) throws InvalidParseOperationException { if (command == null) { throw new InvalidParseOperationException("Not correctly parsed: " + refCommand); } tr0.isOnlyES = true; LOGGER.debug("ES only: {}", refCommand); final ArrayNode fields = (ArrayNode) command.get(REQUESTARGS.fields.exactToken()); final JsonNode like = command.get(; if (fields == null || like == null) { throw new InvalidParseOperationException("Incorrect command: " + refCommand + " : " + command); } String[] names = new String[fields.size()]; int i = 0; for (JsonNode name : fields) { names[i++] = name.toString(); } switch (req) { case flt: tr0.query = QueryBuilders.fuzzyLikeThisQuery(names).likeText(like.toString()); break; case mlt: tr0.query = QueryBuilders.moreLikeThisQuery(names).likeText(like.toString()); break; default: throw new InvalidParseOperationException("Not correctly parsed: " + req); } }
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@Override public List<String> getValues(String key) throws RepresentationException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (JsonNode elt : asObject().get(key)) { list.add(elt.toString()); }/*w w w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ return list; }
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@Override public void configure(Map stormConf, JsonNode paramNode) { JsonNode node = paramNode.get("removeAnchorPart"); if (node != null) { removeAnchorPart = node.booleanValue(); }/* w ww. j av a 2s . c om*/ node = paramNode.get("unmangleQueryString"); if (node != null) { unmangleQueryString = node.booleanValue(); } node = paramNode.get("queryElementsToRemove"); if (node != null) { if (!node.isArray()) { LOG.warn("Failed to configure queryElementsToRemove. Not an array: {}", node.toString()); } else { ArrayNode array = (ArrayNode) node; for (JsonNode element : array) { queryElementsToRemove.add(element.asText()); } } } node = paramNode.get("checkValidURI"); if (node != null) { checkValidURI = node.booleanValue(); } }
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@Test public void testWriteJsonAttributes() throws Exception { JsonNode attributes = mock(JsonNode.class); ObjectId stepId = new StringObjectId("id"); Map<String, Object> attrMap = new HashMap<String, Object>() { {//from w w w.j a va 2 s .co m put("name", "Test"); put("int", 2); put("long", 3L); put("double", 3.0D); put("bool", true); put("null", null); } }; when(attributes.toString()).thenReturn("mockedAttributes"); when(mapper.readValue("mockedAttributes", attrs0.getClass())).then(invocationOnMock -> attrMap); deserializer.writeJsonAttributes(attributes, mapper, stepId); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "name", "Test"); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "int", 2); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "long", 3L); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "double", 3.0D); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "bool", true); verify(repo).saveStepAttribute(null, stepId, "null", null); }
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public void finishAndPutData() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override//ww w . ja v a 2 s. c o m public void run() { progressBar.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); if (isFinishing) { return; } isFinishing = true; Intent intent = new Intent(); if (currentSelection != null) { if (isAddressSearched && addr != null) { intent.putExtra("number", addr.number); } if (currentSelection instanceof KortforData && !((KortforData) currentSelection).isPlace()) { String name = currentSelection.getName(); if (addr != null && addr.number != null && !addr.number.equals("") && !addr.number.equals("1") && AddressParser.containsNumber(addr.number)) { name += " " + addr.number; } if (currentSelection.getZip() != null && !currentSelection.getZip().equals("")) { name += ", " + currentSelection.getZip(); } if (currentSelection.getCity() != null && !currentSelection.getCity().equals("")) { name += " " + currentSelection.getCity(); } intent.putExtra("name", name); } else { intent.putExtra("name", currentSelection.getName()); } if (currentSelection.type == nodeType.FOURSQUARE || (currentSelection instanceof KortforData && ((KortforData) currentSelection).isPlace())) intent.putExtra("poi", currentSelection.getName()); if (currentSelection.getAdress() != null) { String address = currentSelection.getAdress(); intent.putExtra("address", address); } intent.putExtra("source", currentSelection.getSource()); intent.putExtra("subsource", currentSelection.getSubSource()); intent.putExtra("lat", currentSelection.getLatitude()); intent.putExtra("lon", currentSelection.getLongitude()); if (currentSelection instanceof FoursquareData || (currentSelection instanceof KortforData && ((KortforData) currentSelection).isPlace())) { intent.putExtra("isPoi", true); } if (currentSelection.getZip() != null && !currentSelection.getZip().trim().equals("")) { intent.putExtra("zip", currentSelection.getZip()); } if (currentSelection.getCity() != null && !currentSelection.getCity().trim().equals("")) { intent.putExtra("city", currentSelection.getCity()); } if (currentSelection.getStreet() != null && !currentSelection.getStreet().trim().equals("")) { intent.putExtra("street", currentSelection.getStreet()); } SearchAutocompleteActivity.this.setResult(RESULT_AUTOTOCMPLETE_SET, intent); } else { SearchAutocompleteActivity.this.setResult(RESULT_AUTOTOCMPLETE_NOT_SET, intent); } SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE); if (currentSelection != null) { JsonNode node = currentSelection.getJsonNode(); if (node != null) { prefs.edit().putString("lastSearchItem", node.toString()).commit(); } } finish(); } }); }