Example usage for android.text TextUtils join

List of usage examples for android.text TextUtils join


In this page you can find the example usage for android.text TextUtils join.


public static String join(@NonNull CharSequence delimiter, @NonNull Iterable tokens) 

Source Link


Returns a string containing the tokens joined by delimiters.


From source file:website.openeng.anki.StudyOptionsFragment.java

 * Special method to show the context menu for the custom study options
 * TODO: Turn this into a DialogFragment
 *///from   ww  w . j a va  2s .c  om
private void showCustomStudyContextMenu() {
    Resources res = getResources();
    Drawable icon = res.getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_sort_black_36dp);
    MaterialDialog dialog = new MaterialDialog.Builder(this.getActivity())
            .itemsCallback(new MaterialDialog.ListCallback() {
                public void onSelection(MaterialDialog materialDialog, View view, int which,
                        CharSequence charSequence) {
                    DialogFragment dialogFragment;
                    if (which == CustomStudyDialog.CUSTOM_STUDY_TAGS) {
                         * This is a special Dialog for CUSTOM STUDY, where instead of only collecting a
                         * number, it is necessary to collect a list of tags. This case handles the creation
                         * of that Dialog.
                        dialogFragment = website.openeng.anki.dialogs.TagsDialog.newInstance(
                                TagsDialog.TYPE_CUSTOM_STUDY_TAGS, new ArrayList<String>(),
                                new ArrayList<String>(getCol().getTags().all()));

                        ((TagsDialog) dialogFragment).setTagsDialogListener(new TagsDialogListener() {
                            public void onPositive(List<String> selectedTags, int option) {
                                 * Here's the method that gathers the final selection of tags, type of cards and generates the search
                                 * screen for the custom study deck.
                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                                switch (option) {
                                case 1:
                                    sb.append("is:new ");
                                case 2:
                                    sb.append("is:due ");
                                    // Logging here might be appropriate : )
                                List<String> arr = new ArrayList<>();
                                if (selectedTags.size() > 0) {
                                    for (String tag : selectedTags) {
                                        arr.add(String.format("tag:'%s'", tag));
                                    sb.append("(" + TextUtils.join(" or ", arr) + ")");
                                mSearchTerms = sb.toString();
                                createFilteredDeck(new JSONArray(),
                                        new Object[] { mSearchTerms, Consts.DYN_MAX_SIZE, Consts.DYN_RANDOM },
                    } else {
                        // Show CustomStudyDialog for all options other than the tags dialog
                        dialogFragment = CustomStudyDialog.newInstance(which);
                        // If we increase limits, refresh the interface to reflect the new counts
                        ((CustomStudyDialog) dialogFragment).setCustomStudyDialogListener(
                                new CustomStudyDialog.CustomStudyDialogListener() {
                                    public void onPositive(int option) {
                                        if (option == CustomStudyDialog.CUSTOM_STUDY_NEW
                                                || option == CustomStudyDialog.CUSTOM_STUDY_REV) {
                    // Show the DialogFragment via Activity
                    ((AnkiActivity) getActivity()).showDialogFragment(dialogFragment);

From source file:com.google.android.car.kitchensink.radio.RadioTestFragment.java

private void addLog(int priority, String message) {
    Log.println(priority, TAG, message);
    synchronized (this) {
        mLogMessages.add(message);/*from  w  ww . j  av  a  2s .c o  m*/
        if (mLogMessages.size() > MAX_LOG_MESSAGES) {
        mLog.setText(TextUtils.join("\n", mLogMessages));

From source file:com.nijie.samples.facebookfoo.FacebookFooMainActivity.java

private void onFriendPickerDone(FriendPickerFragment fragment) {
    FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
    fm.popBackStack();/* w  w w .  ja v a2  s  .com*/

    String results = "";

    List<GraphUser> selection = fragment.getSelection();
    tags = selection;
    if (selection != null && selection.size() > 0) {
        ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (GraphUser user : selection) {
        results = TextUtils.join(", ", names);
    } else {
        results = getString(R.string.no_friends_selected);

    showAlert(getString(R.string.you_picked), results);

From source file:com.pindroid.platform.BookmarkManager.java

public static CursorLoader SearchBookmarks(String query, String tagname, boolean unread, String username,
        Context context) {//from   ww  w.  ja  v  a2s .c  om
    final String[] projection = new String[] { Bookmark._ID, Bookmark.Url, Bookmark.Description, Bookmark.Hash,
            Bookmark.Meta, Bookmark.Tags, Bookmark.Shared, Bookmark.ToRead, Bookmark.Synced, Bookmark.Deleted };
    String selection = null;

    final String sortorder = Bookmark.Description + " ASC";

    final String[] queryBookmarks = query.split(" ");

    final ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<String>();
    final ArrayList<String> selectionlist = new ArrayList<String>();

    if (query != null && query != "" && (tagname == null || tagname == "")) {

        for (String s : queryBookmarks) {
            queryList.add("(" + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Description + " LIKE ? OR "
                    + Bookmark.Notes + " LIKE ?)");
            selectionlist.add("%" + s + "%");
            selectionlist.add("%" + s + "%");
            selectionlist.add("%" + s + "%");

        selection = TextUtils.join(" AND ", queryList) + " AND " + Bookmark.Account + "=?";
    } else if (query != null && query != "") {
        for (String s : queryBookmarks) {
            queryList.add("(" + Bookmark.Description + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Notes + " LIKE ?)");

            selectionlist.add("%" + s + "%");
            selectionlist.add("%" + s + "%");

        selection = TextUtils.join(" AND ", queryList) + " AND " + Bookmark.Account + "=? AND " + "("
                + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR "
                + Bookmark.Tags + " = ?)";

        selectionlist.add("% " + tagname + " %");
        selectionlist.add("% " + tagname);
        selectionlist.add(tagname + " %");
    } else {
        selection = Bookmark.Account + "=?";

    if (unread) {
        selection += " AND " + Bookmark.ToRead + "=1";

    selection += " AND " + Bookmark.Deleted + "=0";

    return new CursorLoader(context, Bookmark.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection,
            selectionlist.toArray(new String[] {}), sortorder);

From source file:self.philbrown.droidQuery.Ajax.java

protected TaskResponse doInBackground(Void... arg0) {
    if (this.isCancelled)
        return null;

    //if synchronous, block on the background thread until ready. Then call beforeSend, etc, before resuming.
    if (!beforeSendIsAsync) {
        try {//from w ww  .  java  2 s . c  o m
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            Log.w("AjaxTask", "Synchronization Error. Running Task Async");
        final Thread asyncThread = Thread.currentThread();
        isLocked = true;
        mHandler.post(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                if (options.beforeSend() != null) {
                    if (options.context() != null)
                        options.beforeSend().invoke($.with(options.context()), options);
                        options.beforeSend().invoke(null, options);

                if (options.isAborted()) {

                if (options.global()) {
                    synchronized (globalTasks) {
                        if (globalTasks.isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    synchronized (localTasks) {
                isLocked = false;
        if (isLocked)

    //here is where to use the mutex

    //handle cached responses
    Object cachedResponse = AjaxCache.sharedCache().getCachedResponse(options);
    //handle ajax caching option
    if (cachedResponse != null && options.cache()) {
        Success s = new Success(cachedResponse);
        s.reason = "cached response";
        s.allHeaders = null;
        return s;


    if (connection == null) {
        try {
            String type = options.type();
            URL url = new URL(options.url());
            if (type == null) {
                type = "GET";
            if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("CUSTOM")) {

                try {
                    connection = options.customConnection();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    connection = null;

                if (connection == null) {
                            "CUSTOM type set, but AjaxOptions.customRequest is invalid. Defaulting to GET.");
                    connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
            } else {
                connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
                if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("POST") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("PUT")) {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            if (options.debug())
            Error e = new Error(null);
            AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
            error.connection = connection;
            error.options = options;
            e.status = 0;
            e.reason = "Bad Configuration";
            error.status = e.status;
            error.reason = e.reason;
            error.response = e.response;
            e.allHeaders = new Headers();
            e.error = error;
            return e;


    Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    args.put("options", options);
    args.put("request", null);
    args.put("connection", connection);
    EventCenter.trigger("ajaxPrefilter", args, null);

    if (options.headers() != null) {
        if (options.headers().authorization() != null) {
                    .authorization(options.headers().authorization() + " " + options.getEncodedCredentials());
        } else if (options.username() != null) {
            //guessing that authentication is basic
            options.headers().authorization("Basic " + options.getEncodedCredentials());

        for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.headers().map().entrySet()) {
            connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    if (options.data() != null) {
        try {
            OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Log.w("Ajax", "Could not post data");

    if (options.timeout() != 0) {

    if (options.trustedCertificate() != null) {

        Certificate ca = options.trustedCertificate();

        String keyStoreType = KeyStore.getDefaultType();
        KeyStore keyStore = null;
        try {
            keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(keyStoreType);
            keyStore.load(null, null);
            keyStore.setCertificateEntry("ca", ca);
        } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
            if (options.debug())
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
            if (options.debug())
        } catch (CertificateException e) {
            if (options.debug())
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (options.debug())

        if (keyStore == null) {
            Log.w("Ajax", "Could not configure trusted certificate");
        } else {
            try {
                //Create a TrustManager that trusts the CAs in our KeyStore
                String tmfAlgorithm = TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm();
                TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(tmfAlgorithm);

                //Create an SSLContext that uses our TrustManager
                SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
                sslContext.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
                ((HttpsURLConnection) connection).setSSLSocketFactory(sslContext.getSocketFactory());
            } catch (KeyManagementException e) {
                if (options.debug())
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                if (options.debug())
            } catch (KeyStoreException e) {
                if (options.debug())

    try {

        if (options.cookies() != null) {
            CookieManager cm = new CookieManager();
            CookieStore cookies = cm.getCookieStore();
            URI uri = URI.create(options.url());
            for (Entry<String, String> entry : options.cookies().entrySet()) {
                HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                cookies.add(uri, cookie);
            connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", TextUtils.join(",", cookies.getCookies()));

        final int statusCode = connection.getResponseCode();
        final String message = connection.getResponseMessage();

        if (options.dataFilter() != null) {
            if (options.context() != null)
                options.dataFilter().invoke($.with(options.context()), connection, options.dataType());
                options.dataFilter().invoke(null, connection, options.dataType());

        final Function function = options.statusCode().get(statusCode);
        if (function != null) {
            mHandler.post(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    if (options.context() != null)
                        function.invoke($.with(options.context()), statusCode, options.clone());
                        function.invoke(null, statusCode, options.clone());



        //handle dataType
        String dataType = options.dataType();
        if (dataType == null)
            dataType = "text";
        if (options.debug())
            Log.i("Ajax", "dataType = " + dataType);
        Object parsedResponse = null;
        InputStream stream = null;
        try {
            if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("text") || dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing text");
                stream = AjaxUtil.getInputStream(connection);
                parsedResponse = parseText(stream);
            } else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("xml")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing xml");
                if (options.customXMLParser() != null) {
                    stream = AjaxUtil.getInputStream(connection);
                    if (options.SAXContentHandler() != null)
                        options.customXMLParser().parse(stream, options.SAXContentHandler());
                        options.customXMLParser().parse(stream, new DefaultHandler());
                    parsedResponse = "Response handled by custom SAX parser";
                } else if (options.SAXContentHandler() != null) {
                    stream = AjaxUtil.getInputStream(connection);
                    SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

                    factory.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces", false);
                    factory.setFeature("http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes", true);

                    SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

                    XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader();
                    reader.parse(new InputSource(stream));
                    parsedResponse = "Response handled by custom SAX content handler";
                } else {
                    parsedResponse = parseXML(connection);
            } else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("json")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing json");
                parsedResponse = parseJSON(connection);
            } else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("script")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing script");
                parsedResponse = parseScript(connection);
            } else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("image")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing image");
                stream = AjaxUtil.getInputStream(connection);
                parsedResponse = parseImage(stream);
            } else if (dataType.equalsIgnoreCase("raw")) {
                if (options.debug())
                    Log.i("Ajax", "parsing raw data");
                parsedResponse = parseRawContent(connection);
        } catch (ClientProtocolException cpe) {
            if (options.debug())
            Error e = new Error(parsedResponse);
            AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
            error.connection = connection;
            error.options = options;
            e.status = statusCode;
            e.reason = message;
            error.status = e.status;
            error.reason = e.reason;
            error.response = e.response;
            e.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
            e.error = error;
            return e;
        } catch (Exception ioe) {
            if (options.debug())
            Error e = new Error(parsedResponse);
            AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
            error.connection = connection;
            error.options = options;
            e.status = statusCode;
            e.reason = message;
            error.status = e.status;
            error.reason = e.reason;
            error.response = e.response;
            e.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
            e.error = error;
            return e;
        } finally {
            try {
                if (stream != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {

        if (statusCode >= 300) {
            //an error occurred
            Error e = new Error(parsedResponse);
            Log.e("Ajax Test", parsedResponse.toString());
            //AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
            //error.request = request;
            //error.options = options;
            e.status = e.status;
            e.reason = e.reason;
            //error.status = e.status;
            //error.reason = e.reason;
            //error.response = e.response;
            e.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
            //e.error = error;
            if (options.debug())
                Log.i("Ajax", "Error " + e.status + ": " + e.reason);
            return e;
        } else {
            //handle ajax ifModified option
            List<String> lastModifiedHeaders = connection.getHeaderFields().get("last-modified");
            if (lastModifiedHeaders.size() >= 1) {
                try {
                    String h = lastModifiedHeaders.get(0);
                    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US);
                    Date lastModified = format.parse(h);
                    if (options.ifModified() && lastModified != null) {
                        Date lastModifiedDate;
                        synchronized (lastModifiedUrls) {
                            lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedUrls.get(options.url());

                        if (lastModifiedDate != null && lastModifiedDate.compareTo(lastModified) == 0) {
                            //request response has not been modified. 
                            //Causes an error instead of a success.
                            Error e = new Error(parsedResponse);
                            AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
                            error.connection = connection;
                            error.options = options;
                            e.status = e.status;
                            e.reason = e.reason;
                            error.status = e.status;
                            error.reason = e.reason;
                            error.response = e.response;
                            e.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
                            e.error = error;
                            Function func = options.statusCode().get(304);
                            if (func != null) {
                                if (options.context() != null)
                            return e;
                        } else {
                            synchronized (lastModifiedUrls) {
                                lastModifiedUrls.put(options.url(), lastModified);
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    Log.e("Ajax", "Could not parse Last-Modified Header", t);


            //Now handle a successful request

            Success s = new Success(parsedResponse);
            s.reason = message;
            s.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
            return s;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
        if (options.debug())
        if (t instanceof java.net.SocketTimeoutException) {
            Error e = new Error(null);
            AjaxError error = new AjaxError();
            error.connection = connection;
            error.options = options;
            error.response = e.response;
            e.status = 0;
            String reason = t.getMessage();
            if (reason == null)
                reason = "Socket Timeout";
            e.reason = reason;
            error.status = e.status;
            error.reason = e.reason;
            if (connection != null)
                e.allHeaders = Headers.createHeaders(connection.getHeaderFields());
                e.allHeaders = new Headers();
            e.error = error;
            return e;
        return null;

From source file:com.facebook.AccessToken.java

private void appendPermissions(StringBuilder builder) {
    builder.append(" permissions:");
    if (this.permissions == null) {
    } else {// ww w . java2s.c om
        builder.append(TextUtils.join(", ", permissions));

From source file:de.azapps.mirakel.main_activity.MainActivity.java

 * Is called if the user want to destroy a Task
 * @param tasks, List of all Tasks which should be destroyed
 *//*w w w .  jav  a  2s  . co  m*/
public void handleDestroyTask(final List<Task> tasks) {
    if ((tasks == null) || (tasks.isEmpty())) {
    final List<Task> normalTasks = new ArrayList<>(tasks.size());
    // Tasks we should handle in a special way
    for (Task t : tasks) {
        if (t.getRecurrence().isPresent()) {
        } else if (t.countSubtasks() > 0L) {
        } else {
    // This must then be a bug in a ROM
    if (normalTasks.isEmpty()) {
    final String names = TextUtils.join(", ", normalTasks);
    new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
            .setTitle(getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.task_delete, normalTasks.size()))
            .setMessage(this.getString(R.string.delete_content, names))
            .setPositiveButton(this.getString(android.R.string.yes), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) {
                    for (final Task t : normalTasks) {
            }).setNegativeButton(this.getString(android.R.string.no), null).show();
    if (getTasksFragment() != null) {

From source file:org.strongswan.android.ui.VpnProfileImportActivity.java

private String getSubnets(JSONObject split, String key) throws JSONException {
    ArrayList<String> subnets = new ArrayList<>();
    JSONArray arr = split.optJSONArray(key);
    if (arr != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { /* replace all spaces, e.g. in " -" */
            subnets.add(arr.getString(i).replace(" ", ""));
        }// w  ww.ja v  a  2 s  .c  o m
    } else {
        String value = split.optString(key, null);
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
    if (subnets.size() > 0) {
        String joined = TextUtils.join(" ", subnets);
        IPRangeSet ranges = IPRangeSet.fromString(joined);
        if (ranges == null) {
            throw new JSONException(getString(R.string.profile_import_failed_value, "split-tunneling." + key));
        return ranges.toString();
    return null;

From source file:com.facebook.android.friendsmash.HomeFragment.java

private void sendFilteredChallenge() {
    // Okay, we're going to filter our friends by their device, we're looking for friends with an Android device

    // Show the progressContainer during the network call

    // Get a list of the user's friends' names and devices
    final Session session = Session.getActiveSession();
    Request friendDevicesGraphPathRequest = Request.newGraphPathRequest(session, "me/friends",
            new Request.Callback() {
                @Override/* w w  w .  ja  va2s.c  om*/
                public void onCompleted(Response response) {
                    // Hide the progressContainer now that the network call has completed

                    FacebookRequestError error = response.getError();
                    if (error != null) {
                        Log.e(FriendSmashApplication.TAG, error.toString());
                        ((HomeActivity) getActivity()).handleError(error, false);
                    } else if (session == Session.getActiveSession()) {
                        if (response != null) {
                            // Get the result
                            GraphObject graphObject = response.getGraphObject();
                            JSONArray dataArray = (JSONArray) graphObject.getProperty("data");

                            if (dataArray.length() > 0) {
                                // Ensure the user has at least one friend ...

                                // Store the filtered friend ids in the following List
                                ArrayList<String> filteredFriendIDs = new ArrayList<String>();

                                for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.length(); i++) {
                                    JSONObject currentUser = dataArray.optJSONObject(i);
                                    if (currentUser != null) {
                                        JSONArray currentUserDevices = currentUser.optJSONArray("devices");
                                        if (currentUserDevices != null) {
                                            // The user has at least one (mobile) device logged into Facebook
                                            for (int j = 0; j < currentUserDevices.length(); j++) {
                                                JSONObject currentUserDevice = currentUserDevices
                                                if (currentUserDevice != null) {
                                                    String currentUserDeviceOS = currentUserDevice
                                                    if (currentUserDeviceOS != null) {
                                                        if (currentUserDeviceOS.equals("Android")) {

                                // Now we have a list of friends with an Android device, we can send requests to them
                                Bundle params = new Bundle();

                                // Uncomment following link once uploaded on Google Play for deep linking
                                // params.putString("link", "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.android.friendsmash");

                                // We create our parameter dictionary as we did before
                                params.putString("message", "I just smashed " + application.getScore()
                                        + " friends! Can you beat it?");

                                // We have the same list of suggested friends
                                String[] suggestedFriends = { "695755709", "685145706", "569496010",
                                        "286400088", "627802916", };

                                // Of course, not all of our suggested friends will have Android devices - we need to filter them down
                                ArrayList<String> validSuggestedFriends = new ArrayList<String>();

                                // So, we loop through each suggested friend
                                for (String suggestedFriend : suggestedFriends) {
                                    // If they are on our device filtered list, we know they have an Android device
                                    if (filteredFriendIDs.contains(suggestedFriend)) {
                                        // So we can call them valid
                                params.putString("suggestions", TextUtils.join(",", validSuggestedFriends
                                        .toArray(new String[validSuggestedFriends.size()])));

                                // Show FBDialog without a notification bar
                                showDialogWithoutNotificationBar("apprequests", params);
    // Pass in the fields as extra parameters, then execute the Request
    Bundle extraParamsBundle = new Bundle();
    extraParamsBundle.putString("fields", "name,devices");

From source file:org.strongswan.android.ui.VpnProfileImportActivity.java

private String getApps(JSONArray arr) throws JSONException {
    ArrayList<String> apps = new ArrayList<>();
    if (arr != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) {
            apps.add(arr.getString(i));//from www .j a  v a  2s.c  om
    return TextUtils.join(" ", apps);