List of usage examples for android.text TextUtils join
public static String join(@NonNull CharSequence delimiter, @NonNull Iterable tokens)
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/** * Builds the query and returns it/*w ww . jav a2 s . c o m*/ * <p/> * This is currently just a very primitive function and is not suitable for * production use * * @return */ public String getQuery(final Uri uri) { final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( this.selection.length() + (this.projection.size() * 15) + (this.selectionArgs.size() * 15) + 100); query.append("SELECT "); if (this.distinct) { query.append("DISTINCT "); } query.append(TextUtils.join(", ", this.projection)); query.append(" FROM "); query.append(MirakelInternalContentProvider.getTableName(uri)); if (this.selection.length() > 0) { final String where = this.selection.toString(); query.append(" WHERE ").append(where); } if (this.sortOrder.length() != 0) { query.append(" ORDER BY ").append(this.sortOrder); } return query.toString(); }
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void startShadowActivity(String[] permissions) { log("startShadowActivity " + TextUtils.join(", ", permissions)); Intent intent = new Intent(mCtx, ShadowActivity.class); intent.putExtra("permissions", permissions); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); mCtx.startActivity(intent);//from ww w . jav a 2 m }
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@Override public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle) { switch (id) { case TEMPLATES_CURSOR: return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), TransactionProvider.TEMPLATES_URI, null, KEY_PLANID + " is not null", null, null); case PLANS_CURSOR: return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), Events.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { Events._ID, Events.DTSTART, Events.RRULE, }, Events._ID + " IN (" + TextUtils.join(",", (ArrayList<Long>) bundle.getSerializable("plans")) + ")", null, null);/*from w ww. ja v a 2 s . c om*/ default: if (id % 2 == 0) { // The ID of the recurring event whose instances you are searching // for in the Instances table String selection = Instances.EVENT_ID + " = " + bundle.getLong("plan_id"); // Construct the query with the desired date range. Uri.Builder builder = Instances.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); ContentUris.appendId(builder, now); ContentUris.appendId(builder, now + 7776000000L); //90 days return new CursorLoader(getActivity(),, new String[] { Instances._ID, Instances.BEGIN }, selection, null, null); } else { return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), TransactionProvider.PLAN_INSTANCE_STATUS_URI, new String[] { KEY_TEMPLATEID, KEY_INSTANCEID, KEY_TRANSACTIONID }, KEY_TEMPLATEID + " = ?", new String[] { String.valueOf(bundle.getLong("template_id")) }, null); } } }
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public void setupListView(List<OEListViewRows> message_list) { // Destroying pre-loaded instance and going to create new one lstview = null;//from ww w .j a v a2s . c o m // Fetching required messages for listview by filtering of requrement if (list != null && list.size() <= 0) { list = message_list;// getMessages(message_list); } else { rootView.findViewById(; rootView.findViewById(; } // Handling List View controls and keys String[] from = new String[] { "subject|type", "body", "starred", "author_id|email_from", "date", "model|type" }; int[] to = new int[] {,,,,, }; // Creating instance for listAdapter listAdapter = new OEListViewAdapter(scope.context(), R.layout.message_listview_items, list, from, to, db, true, new int[] { R.drawable.message_listview_bg_toread_selector, R.drawable.message_listview_bg_tonotread_selector }, "to_read"); // Telling adapter to clean HTML text for key value listAdapter.cleanHtmlToTextOn("body"); listAdapter.cleanDate("date", scope.User().getTimezone()); // Setting callback handler for boolean field value change. listAdapter.setBooleanEventOperation("starred", R.drawable.ic_action_starred, R.drawable.ic_action_unstarred, updateStarred); listAdapter.addViewListener(new OEListViewOnCreateListener() { @Override public View listViewOnCreateListener(int position, View row_view, OEListViewRows row_data) { String model_name = row_data.getRow_data().get("model").toString(); String model = model_name; String res_id = row_data.getRow_data().get("res_id").toString(); if (model_name.equals("false")) { model_name = capitalizeString(row_data.getRow_data().get("type").toString()); } else { String[] model_parts = TextUtils.split(model_name, "\\."); HashSet unique_parts = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(model_parts)); model_name = capitalizeString(TextUtils.join(" ", unique_parts.toArray())); } TextView msgTag = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; int tag_color = 0; if (message_model_colors.containsKey(model_name)) { tag_color = message_model_colors.get(model_name); } else { tag_color = Color.parseColor(tag_colors[tag_color_count]); message_model_colors.put(model_name, tag_color); tag_color_count++; if (tag_color_count > tag_colors.length) { tag_color_count = 0; } } if (model.equals("")) { if (UserGroups.group_names.containsKey("group_" + res_id)) { model_name = UserGroups.group_names.get("group_" + res_id); tag_color = UserGroups.menu_color.get("group_" + res_id); } } msgTag.setBackgroundColor(tag_color); msgTag.setText(model_name); TextView txvSubject = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; TextView txvAuthor = (TextView) row_view.findViewById(; if (row_data.getRow_data().get("to_read").toString().equals("false")) { txvSubject.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); txvSubject.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); txvAuthor.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL); txvAuthor.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); } else { txvSubject.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); txvSubject.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#414141")); txvAuthor.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD); txvAuthor.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#414141")); } return row_view; } }); // Creating instance for listview control lstview = (ListView) rootView.findViewById(; // Providing adapter to listview scope.context().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { lstview.setAdapter(listAdapter); } }); // Setting listview choice mode to multiple model lstview.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL); // Seeting item long click listern to activate action mode. lstview.setOnItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int index, long arg3) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub OEListViewRows data = (OEListViewRows) lstview.getAdapter().getItem(index); Toast.makeText(scope.context(), data.getRow_id() + " id clicked", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); view.setSelected(true); if (mActionMode != null) { return false; } // Start the CAB using the ActionMode.Callback defined above mActionMode = scope.context().startActionMode(mActionModeCallback); selectedCounter++; view.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.listitem_pressed); // lstview.setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE); return true; } }); // Setting multi choice selection listener lstview.setMultiChoiceModeListener(new MultiChoiceModeListener() { HashMap<Integer, Boolean> selectedList = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>(); @Override public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) { // Here you can do something when items are // selected/de-selected, // such as update the title in the CAB selectedList.put(position, checked); if (checked) { selectedCounter++; } else { selectedCounter--; } if (selectedCounter != 0) { mode.setTitle(selectedCounter + ""); } } @Override public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { // Respond to clicks on the actions in the CAB HashMap<Integer, Integer> msg_pos = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); OEDialog dialog = null; switch (item.getItemId()) { case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Mark as Unread"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, false); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Mark as Read"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, true); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case Log.e("menu_message_context", "Archive"); for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } readunreadoperation = new PerformReadUnreadArchiveOperation(msg_pos, false); readunreadoperation.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } markasTodoTask = new PerformOperation(msg_pos, true); markasTodoTask.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; case for (int pos : selectedList.keySet()) { msg_pos.put(list.get(pos).getRow_id(), pos); } markasTodoTask = new PerformOperation(msg_pos, false); markasTodoTask.execute((Void) null); mode.finish(); return true; default: return false; } } @Override public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu for the CAB MenuInflater inflater = mode.getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { // Here you can make any necessary updates to the activity when // the CAB is removed. By default, selected items are // deselected/unchecked. /* * Perform Operation on Selected Ids. * * row_ids are list of selected message Ids. */ selectedList.clear(); selectedCounter = 0; lstview.clearChoices(); } @Override public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { // Here you can perform updates to the CAB due to // an invalidate() request return false; } }); lstview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int index, long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub MessageDetail messageDetail = new MessageDetail(); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt("message_id", list.get(index).getRow_id()); bundle.putInt("position", index); messageDetail.setArguments(bundle); scope.context().fragmentHandler.setBackStack(true, null); scope.context().fragmentHandler.replaceFragmnet(messageDetail); if (!type.equals("archive")) { list.remove(index); } listAdapter.refresh(list); } }); // Getting Pull To Refresh Attacher from Main Activity mPullToRefreshAttacher = scope.context().getPullToRefreshAttacher(); // Set the Refreshable View to be the ListView and the refresh listener // to be this. if (mPullToRefreshAttacher != null & lstview != null) { mPullToRefreshAttacher.setRefreshableView(lstview, this); } }
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@Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) { if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { String name = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("name")); // Update the Activity's title getActivity().setTitle(name);/*from w ww . j ava2s . c om*/ // Load up the views // First load the image view by using the ImageLoader class // Determine the photo's file name mWaterfallId = cursor.getLong(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("_id")); mWaterfallName = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("name")); String fileName = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("photo_filename")); String[] fnParts = fileName.split("\\.(?=[^\\.]+$)"); final String image_fn = fnParts[0]; final String wf_name = mWaterfallName; final Long wf_id = mWaterfallId; // Display image in the image view. ImageView mainImageContainer = (ImageView) getView().findViewById(; mImgLoader.displayImage(fnParts[0], mainImageContainer, getActivity(), mImageHeight, mImageHeight); // Add click listener for fullscreen view mainImageContainer.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View v) { Intent fullScreenIntent = new Intent(v.getContext(), FullScreenImageActivity.class); fullScreenIntent.putExtra(IMAGE_FN, image_fn); fullScreenIntent.putExtra(WF_NAME, wf_name); fullScreenIntent.putExtra(WF_ID, wf_id); InformationListFragment.this.startActivity(fullScreenIntent); } }); // Next load the text view containing attributes. TextView description = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; description.setText( Html.fromHtml(cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("description"))).toString()); // Prefix, db key, suffix String[][] hikeDetailElements = new String[][] { new String[] { " ", "trail_difficulty", "" }, new String[] { " ", "trail_tread", "" }, new String[] { " ", "trail_climb", "" }, new String[] { " Length: ", "trail_length", " mi" }, new String[] { " Lowest Elevation: ", "trail_elevationlow", " ft" }, new String[] { " Highest Elevation: ", "trail_elevationhigh", " ft" }, new String[] { " Total Climb: ", "trail_elevationgain", " ft" }, new String[] { " Configuration: ", "trail_configuration", "" } }; // Filter out blank values in the db ArrayList<String> hikeDetailList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String[] element : hikeDetailElements) { String elementValue = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf(element[1])); if (elementValue != null && elementValue.length() > 0) { hikeDetailList.add(element[0] + elementValue + element[2]); } } // Stringifiy the ones that made it through String hikeDetailTxt = TextUtils.join("\n", hikeDetailList); TextView hikeDetails = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; hikeDetails.setText(hikeDetailTxt); TextView hikeDescription = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; hikeDescription.setText( Html.fromHtml(cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("trail_directions"))).toString()); // Repeat for waterfall attributes... String[][] detailElements = new String[][] { new String[] { " Height: ", "height", "" }, new String[] { " Stream: ", "stream", "" }, new String[] { " Landowner: ", "landowner", "" }, new String[] { " Bottom Elevation: ", "elevation", " ft" } }; // Filter out blank values in the db ArrayList<String> detailList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String[] element : detailElements) { String elementValue = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf(element[1])); if (elementValue != null && elementValue.length() > 0) { detailList.add(element[0] + elementValue + element[2]); } } String detailTxt = TextUtils.join("\n", detailList); TextView waterfallDetails = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; waterfallDetails.setText(detailTxt); TextView drivingDirections = (TextView) getView().findViewById(; drivingDirections.setText( Html.fromHtml(cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("directions"))).toString()); setupShareIntent(); // In case the options menu is already created } }
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private String nameBeautifier(String name) { String[] partialNames = TextUtils.split(name.trim().toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()), " +"); for (int i = 0; i < partialNames.length; i++) partialNames[i] = partialNames[i].charAt(0) + partialNames[i].substring(1).toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()); name = TextUtils.join(" ", partialNames); return name;//from w w w .ja v a 2 s . c om }
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/** * Parses the good reads API response for fetching a book * * @param response//w w w.j a v a2s . c om * @return * @throws XmlPullParserException * @throws IOException */ private ResponseInfo parseGoogleBooksBookInfo(String response) throws JSONException { final ResponseInfo responseInfo = new ResponseInfo(); Logger.d(TAG, "Request Id Test \nResponse %s", response); final Bundle responseBundle = new Bundle(1); final JSONObject bookInfoObject = new JSONObject(response); final JSONArray searchResults = JsonUtils.readJSONArray(bookInfoObject, HttpConstants.ITEMS, true, true); for (int i = 0; i < searchResults.length(); i++) { JSONObject bookInfo = JsonUtils.readJSONObject(searchResults, i, false, false); JSONObject volumeInfo = JsonUtils.readJSONObject(bookInfo, HttpConstants.VOLUMEINFO, false, false); responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.TITLE, JsonUtils.readString(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.TITLE, false, false)); JSONArray authors = JsonUtils.readJSONArray(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.AUTHORS, false, false); ArrayList<String> authorName = new ArrayList<String>(); if (authors != null && authors.length() > 0) { if (authors.length() == 1) { authorName.add(authors.get(0).toString()); } else { for (int k = 0; k < authors.length(); k++) { authorName.add(authors.get(k).toString()); } } } String author = TextUtils.join(", ", authorName); responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.AUTHOR, author); responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.PUBLICATION_YEAR, JsonUtils.readString(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.PUBLISHED_DATE, false, false)); responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.DESCRIPTION, JsonUtils.readString(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.DESCRIPTION, false, false)); JSONArray identifiers = JsonUtils.readJSONArray(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.INDUSTRY_IDENTIFIERS, false, false); JSONObject identifierObject = null; //TODO might change the true flag if (identifiers != null) { for (int j = 0; j < identifiers.length(); j++) { identifierObject = JsonUtils.readJSONObject(identifiers, j, true, true); final String type = JsonUtils.readString(identifierObject, HttpConstants.TYPE, true, true); if (type.equals(GoogleBookSearchKey.ISBN_13)) { responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.ISBN_13, JsonUtils.readString(identifierObject, HttpConstants.IDENTIFIER, true, true)); } else if (type.equals(GoogleBookSearchKey.ISBN_10)) { responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.ISBN_10, JsonUtils.readString(identifierObject, HttpConstants.IDENTIFIER, true, true)); } } } JSONObject imageLinks = null; try { imageLinks = JsonUtils.readJSONObject(volumeInfo, HttpConstants.IMAGELINKS, false, false); responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.IMAGE_URL, JsonUtils.readString(imageLinks, HttpConstants.THUMBNAIL, false, false)); } catch (Exception e) { responseBundle.putString(HttpConstants.IMAGE_URL, ""); } } responseInfo.responseBundle = responseBundle; return responseInfo; }
From source
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Util.setTheme(this); setTheme(;/*from w w w. j a va 2 s . c o m*/ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.logging); running = true; // Action bar View actionView = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.actionlog, null, false); // SwitchCompat swEnabled = (SwitchCompat) actionView.findViewById(; ImageView ivEnabled = (ImageView) actionView.findViewById(; getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowCustomEnabled(true); getSupportActionBar().setCustomView(actionView); getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.menu_log); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); // Get settings final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); resolve = prefs.getBoolean("resolve", false); organization = prefs.getBoolean("organization", false); log = prefs.getBoolean("log", false); // Show disabled message // TextView tvDisabled = (TextView) findViewById(; // tvDisabled.setVisibility(log ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); final LinearLayout ly = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; ly.setVisibility(log ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE); ImageView ivClose = (ImageView) findViewById(; ivClose.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { ly.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); // Set enabled switch // swEnabled.setChecked(log); if (ivEnabled != null) { if (log) { ivEnabled.setImageResource(R.drawable.on); } else { ivEnabled.setImageResource(; } ivEnabled.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { log = !log; boolean isChecked = log; prefs.edit().putBoolean("log", isChecked).apply(); } }); } // swEnabled.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { // public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { // prefs.edit().putBoolean("log", isChecked).apply(); // } // }); // Listen for preference changes prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); lvLog = (ListView) findViewById(; boolean udp = prefs.getBoolean("proto_udp", true); boolean tcp = prefs.getBoolean("proto_tcp", true); boolean other = prefs.getBoolean("proto_other", true); boolean allowed = prefs.getBoolean("traffic_allowed", true); boolean blocked = prefs.getBoolean("traffic_blocked", true); adapter = new AdapterLog(this, DatabaseHelper.getInstance(this).getLog(udp, tcp, other, allowed, blocked), resolve, organization); adapter.setFilterQueryProvider(new FilterQueryProvider() { public Cursor runQuery(CharSequence constraint) { return DatabaseHelper.getInstance(ActivityLog.this).searchLog(constraint.toString()); } }); lvLog.setAdapter(adapter); try { vpn4 = InetAddress.getByName(prefs.getString("vpn4", "")); vpn6 = InetAddress.getByName(prefs.getString("vpn6", "fd00:1:fd00:1:fd00:1:fd00:1")); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } lvLog.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { PackageManager pm = getPackageManager(); Cursor cursor = (Cursor) adapter.getItem(position); long time = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex("time")); int version = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("version")); int protocol = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("protocol")); final String saddr = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("saddr")); final int sport = (cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndex("sport")) ? -1 : cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("sport"))); final String daddr = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("daddr")); final int dport = (cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndex("dport")) ? -1 : cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("dport"))); final String dname = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("dname")); final int uid = (cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndex("uid")) ? -1 : cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("uid"))); int allowed = (cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndex("allowed")) ? -1 : cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("allowed"))); // Get external address InetAddress addr = null; try { addr = InetAddress.getByName(daddr); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Log.e(TAG, ex.toString() + "\n" + Log.getStackTraceString(ex)); } String ip; int port; if (addr.equals(vpn4) || addr.equals(vpn6)) { ip = saddr; port = sport; } else { ip = daddr; port = dport; } // Build popup menu PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(ActivityLog.this, findViewById(; popup.inflate(; // Application name if (uid >= 0) popup.getMenu().findItem( .setTitle(TextUtils.join(", ", Util.getApplicationNames(uid, ActivityLog.this))); else popup.getMenu().removeItem(; // Destination IP popup.getMenu().findItem( .setTitle(Util.getProtocolName(protocol, version, false)); // Whois final Intent lookupIP = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + ip)); if (pm.resolveActivity(lookupIP, 0) == null) popup.getMenu().removeItem(; else popup.getMenu().findItem(, ip)); // Lookup port final Intent lookupPort = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + port)); if (port <= 0 || pm.resolveActivity(lookupPort, 0) == null) popup.getMenu().removeItem(; else popup.getMenu().findItem(, port)); if (!prefs.getBoolean("filter", false)) { popup.getMenu().removeItem(; popup.getMenu().removeItem(; } final Packet packet = new Packet(); packet.version = version; packet.protocol = protocol; packet.daddr = daddr; packet.dport = dport; packet.time = time; packet.uid = uid; packet.allowed = (allowed > 0); // Time popup.getMenu().findItem( .setTitle(SimpleDateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(time)); // Handle click popup.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new PopupMenu.OnMenuItemClickListener() { @Override public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem menuItem) { switch (menuItem.getItemId()) { case { Intent main = new Intent(ActivityLog.this, ActivityMain.class); main.putExtra(ActivityMain.EXTRA_SEARCH, Integer.toString(uid)); startActivity(main); return true; } case startActivity(lookupIP); return true; case startActivity(lookupPort); return true; case DatabaseHelper.getInstance(ActivityLog.this).updateAccess(packet, dname, 0); ServiceSinkhole.reload("allow host", ActivityLog.this); Intent main = new Intent(ActivityLog.this, ActivityMain.class); main.putExtra(ActivityMain.EXTRA_SEARCH, Integer.toString(uid)); startActivity(main); return true; case DatabaseHelper.getInstance(ActivityLog.this).updateAccess(packet, dname, 1); ServiceSinkhole.reload("block host", ActivityLog.this); Intent main1 = new Intent(ActivityLog.this, ActivityMain.class); main1.putExtra(ActivityMain.EXTRA_SEARCH, Integer.toString(uid)); startActivity(main1); return true; default: return false; } } }); // Show; } }); live = true; }
From source
/** * Loads the restrictions for the AppRestrictionSchema sample. * * @param activity The activity/*from w ww. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ */ private void loadRestrictions(Activity activity) { RestrictionsManager manager = (RestrictionsManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.RESTRICTIONS_SERVICE); List<RestrictionEntry> restrictions = manager .getManifestRestrictions(Constants.PACKAGE_NAME_APP_RESTRICTION_SCHEMA); SharedPreferences prefs = activity.getSharedPreferences(PREFS_KEY, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); for (RestrictionEntry restriction : restrictions) { String key = restriction.getKey(); if (RESTRICTION_KEY_SAY_HELLO.equals(key)) { updateCanSayHello(prefs.getBoolean(RESTRICTION_KEY_SAY_HELLO, restriction.getSelectedState())); } else if (RESTRICTION_KEY_MESSAGE.equals(key)) { updateMessage(prefs.getString(RESTRICTION_KEY_MESSAGE, restriction.getSelectedString())); } else if (RESTRICTION_KEY_NUMBER.equals(key)) { updateNumber(prefs.getInt(RESTRICTION_KEY_NUMBER, restriction.getIntValue())); } else if (RESTRICTION_KEY_RANK.equals(key)) { updateRank(activity, restriction.getChoiceValues(), prefs.getString(RESTRICTION_KEY_RANK, restriction.getSelectedString())); } else if (RESTRICTION_KEY_APPROVALS.equals(key)) { updateApprovals(activity, restriction.getChoiceValues(), TextUtils.split( prefs.getString(RESTRICTION_KEY_APPROVALS, TextUtils.join(DELIMETER, restriction.getAllSelectedStrings())), DELIMETER)); } else if (BUNDLE_SUPPORTED && RESTRICTION_KEY_ITEMS.equals(key)) { String itemsString = prefs.getString(RESTRICTION_KEY_ITEMS, ""); HashMap<String, String> items = new HashMap<>(); for (String itemString : TextUtils.split(itemsString, DELIMETER)) { String[] strings = itemString.split(SEPARATOR, 2); items.put(strings[0], strings[1]); } updateItems(activity, items); } } }
From source
@Override public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor cursor) { int count = cursor.getCount(); if (count == 0) { Context context = getActivity(); CharSequence text = "No results found for your search."; int duration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG; Toast toast = Toast.makeText(context, text, duration);;/*from ww w.ja v a 2 m*/ } else { // Put the results on a map! GoogleMap googleMap = mMapView.getMap(); double searchLocationDistanceM = 0; LatLngBounds.Builder boundsBuilder = new LatLngBounds.Builder(); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { // First, add the "searched for" location, if it was a location search. Location originLocation = new Location(""); Address originAddress = sLocationQueryListener.getOriginAddress(); if (originAddress != null) { // Get searched-for distance and convert to meters. short searchLocationDistance = sLocationQueryListener.getSearchLocationDistance(); searchLocationDistanceM = searchLocationDistance * 1609.34; // Build up a list of Address1, Address2, Address3, if present. ArrayList<String> addressList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { String line = originAddress.getAddressLine(i); if (line != null && line.length() > 0) { addressList.add(line); } } String addressDesc = TextUtils.join("\n", addressList); if (addressDesc == "") { addressDesc = originAddress.getFeatureName(); } if (addressDesc == "") { addressDesc = "Searched Location"; } // Create the LatLng and the map marker. LatLng originLatLng = new LatLng(originAddress.getLatitude(), originAddress.getLongitude()); googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(originLatLng) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED)) .title(addressDesc)); boundsBuilder.include(originLatLng); // In case only one result :) // Translate into a Location for distance comparison. originLocation.setLatitude(originAddress.getLatitude()); originLocation.setLongitude(originAddress.getLongitude()); } else { // Not a location search; don't add point for searched-for location // and don't check radius from that point. //Log.d(TAG, "Skipped adding origin address to map."); } // Next, add the results waterfalls. // Use do...while since we're already at the first result. do { // Get some data from the db Long waterfallId = cursor.getLong(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("_id")); double lat = cursor.getDouble(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("geo_lat")); double lon = cursor.getDouble(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("geo_lon")); // Make sure this one's actually within our search radius. SQL only checked // the bounding box. Location waterfallLocation = new Location(""); waterfallLocation.setLatitude(lat); waterfallLocation.setLongitude(lon); if (originAddress == null || (originLocation.distanceTo(waterfallLocation) <= searchLocationDistanceM)) { // Not a location search (originAddress is null: show all) or within radius. // Display on map. String name = cursor.getString(AttrDatabase.COLUMNS.indexOf("name")); LatLng waterfallLatLng = new LatLng(lat, lon); Marker waterfallMarker = googleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(waterfallLatLng) .icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.defaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_AZURE)) .title(name)); // Save the id so we can retrieve it when clicked mMarkersToIds.put(waterfallMarker, waterfallId); boundsBuilder.include(waterfallLatLng); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); // Zoom and center the map to bounds mResultBounds =; zoomToBounds(); } } }