List of usage examples for android.text TextUtils join
public static String join(@NonNull CharSequence delimiter, @NonNull Iterable tokens)
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/** * Convert capitalize mode flags into human readable text. * * @param capsFlags The modes flags to be converted. It may be any combination of * {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS}, {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_WORDS}, and * {@link TextUtils#CAP_MODE_SENTENCES}. * @return the text that describe the <code>capsMode</code>. *///from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m public static String flagsToString(final int capsFlags) { final int capsFlagsMask = TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS | TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS | TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES; if ((capsFlags & ~capsFlagsMask) != 0) { return "unknown<0x" + Integer.toHexString(capsFlags) + ">"; } final ArrayList<String> builder = new ArrayList<>(); if ((capsFlags & android.text.TextUtils.CAP_MODE_CHARACTERS) != 0) { builder.add("characters"); } if ((capsFlags & android.text.TextUtils.CAP_MODE_WORDS) != 0) { builder.add("words"); } if ((capsFlags & android.text.TextUtils.CAP_MODE_SENTENCES) != 0) { builder.add("sentences"); } return builder.isEmpty() ? "none" : TextUtils.join("|", builder); }
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/** * Joins some collection to string with glue * * @param what Collection to join/* w w w .j a v a2 s . c om*/ * @param glue Glue for joined strings * @return Joined string */ public static String join(Collection<?> what, String glue) { return TextUtils.join(glue, what); }
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@VisibleForTesting Call<MwQueryResponse> request(@NonNull final WikiSite wiki, @NonNull Service service, @NonNull final List<PageTitle> titles, @NonNull final Callback cb) { Call<MwQueryResponse> call = service.request(TextUtils.join("|", titles)); call.enqueue(new retrofit2.Callback<MwQueryResponse>() { @Override//from ww w .j a v a2 s . c o m public void onResponse(@NonNull Call<MwQueryResponse> call, @NonNull Response<MwQueryResponse> response) { Map<PageTitle, PageImage> pageImagesMap = new ArrayMap<>(); // error cases if (response.body().success()) { // nominal case Map<String, PageTitle> titlesMap = new ArrayMap<>(); for (PageTitle title : titles) { titlesMap.put(title.getPrefixedText(), title); } Map<String, String> thumbnailSourcesMap = new ArrayMap<>(); // noinspection ConstantConditions for (MwQueryPage page : response.body().query().pages()) { thumbnailSourcesMap.put(new PageTitle(null, page.title(), wiki).getPrefixedText(), page.thumbUrl()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(page.convertedFrom())) { thumbnailSourcesMap.put( new PageTitle(null, page.convertedFrom(), wiki).getPrefixedText(), page.thumbUrl()); } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(page.redirectFrom())) { thumbnailSourcesMap.put( new PageTitle(null, page.redirectFrom(), wiki).getPrefixedText(), page.thumbUrl()); } } for (String key : titlesMap.keySet()) { if (thumbnailSourcesMap.containsKey(key)) { PageTitle title = titlesMap.get(key); pageImagesMap.put(title, new PageImage(title, thumbnailSourcesMap.get(key))); } } cb.success(call, pageImagesMap); } else if (response.body().hasError()) { // noinspection ConstantConditions cb.failure(call, new MwException(response.body().getError())); } else { cb.failure(call, new IOException("An unknown error occurred.")); } } @Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Call<MwQueryResponse> call, @NonNull Throwable t) { cb.failure(call, t); } }); return call; }
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public static CursorLoader GetBookmarks(String username, String tagname, String sortorder, Context context) { final String[] projection = new String[] { Bookmark._ID, Bookmark.Url, Bookmark.Description, Bookmark.Meta, Bookmark.Tags, Bookmark.Shared, Bookmark.Synced, Bookmark.Deleted }; String selection = null;//ww w . jav a 2 s. c om ArrayList<String> selectionList = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<String> queryList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (tagname != null && tagname != "") { String[] tagList = tagname.split(","); for (String s : tagList) { queryList.add("(" + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Tags + " LIKE ? OR " + Bookmark.Tags + " = ?)"); selectionList.add("% " + s + " %"); selectionList.add("% " + s); selectionList.add(s + " %"); selectionList.add(s); } selection = TextUtils.join(" OR ", queryList) + " AND " + Bookmark.Account + "=?"; selectionList.add(username); } else { selectionList.add(username); selection = Bookmark.Account + "=?"; } selection += " AND " + Bookmark.Deleted + "=0"; return new CursorLoader(context, Bookmark.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selectionList.toArray(new String[] {}), sortorder); }
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/** * Constructs a {@link ProxyInfo} object that points at a Direct proxy * on the specified host and port.//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . co m * * The proxy will not be used to access any host in exclusion list, exclList. * * @param exclList Hosts to exclude using the proxy on connections for. These * hosts can use wildcards such as * */ public static ProxyInfo buildDirectProxy(String host, int port, List<String> exclList) { String[] array = exclList.toArray(new String[exclList.size()]); return new ProxyInfo(host, port, TextUtils.join(",", array), array); }
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@Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { String[] resources = getArguments().getStringArray(ARG_RESOURCES); return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) .setMessage(getString(R.string.confirmation, TextUtils.join("\n", resources))) .setNegativeButton(R.string.deny, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override// w ww. j a v a 2s .c o m public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { ((Listener) getParentFragment()).onConfirmation(false); } }).setPositiveButton(R.string.allow, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { ((Listener) getParentFragment()).onConfirmation(true); } }).create(); }
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@Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Activity ctx = (Activity) getActivity(); LayoutInflater li = LayoutInflater.from(ctx); View view = li.inflate(R.layout.welcome_dialog, null); ((TextView) view.findViewById( .setText("- " + TextUtils.join("\n- ", getResources().getStringArray(R.array.help_intro))); return new AlertDialog.Builder(ctx) .setTitle(getResources().getString(R.string.app_name) + " " + getResources().getString(R.string.dialog_title_welcome)) .setIcon(R.drawable.icon).setView(view).setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null).create(); }
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private static String getAuthor(final JSONObject jsonObject) { try {/*from w w w.j a va2*/ final JSONArray authors = jsonObject.getJSONArray("author_name"); int numAuthors = authors.length(); final String[] authorStrings = new String[numAuthors]; for (int i = 0; i < numAuthors; ++i) { authorStrings[i] = authors.getString(i); } return TextUtils.join(", ", authorStrings); } catch (JSONException e) { return ""; } }
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@AfterViews void afterViews() { if (iSettings.CookieList().get() == null) { iSettings.CookieList()/*w ww .ja va2s . c om*/ .put(TextUtils.join(",", getResources().getStringArray(R.array.cookie_names_array))); } else { cookieList = iSettings.CookieList().get(); String[] cookies = TextUtils.split(cookieList, ","); if (cookies.length != getResources().getStringArray(R.array.cookie_names_array).length) { cookieList = TextUtils.join(",", getResources().getStringArray(R.array.cookie_names_array)); } } settingsFragment = SettingsFragment_.builder().build(); FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction(); ft.replace(, settingsFragment); ft.commit(); }
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protected static String getUserAgent(final Context context) { final Resources resources = context.getResources(); final DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = resources.getDisplayMetrics(); final Configuration configuration = resources.getConfiguration(); final Locale locale = configuration.locale; final int screenLayout = configuration.screenLayout; final String[] parts = { getPackageName(context), getAppVersion(context), getDeviceType(screenLayout), getDeviceName(), getOsName(), getOsVersion(), getLanguage(locale), getCountry(locale), getScreenSize(screenLayout), getScreenFormat(screenLayout), getScreenDensity(displayMetrics), getDisplayWidth(displayMetrics), getDisplayHeight(displayMetrics) }; return TextUtils.join(" ", parts); }