List of usage examples for android.os Parcel readInt
public final int readInt()
From source
public LoginClient(Parcel source) { Object[] o = source.readParcelableArray(LoginMethodHandler.class.getClassLoader()); handlersToTry = new LoginMethodHandler[o.length]; for (int i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { handlersToTry[i] = (LoginMethodHandler) o[i]; handlersToTry[i].setLoginClient(this); }/*ww w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ currentHandler = source.readInt(); pendingRequest = source.readParcelable(Request.class.getClassLoader()); loggingExtras = Utility.readStringMapFromParcel(source); }
From source
private MFPInternalPushMessage(Parcel source) { id = source.readString();/*from w w w .j a va2 s .c o m*/ alert = source.readString(); url = source.readString(); payload = source.readString(); mid = source.readString(); sound = source.readString(); bridge = Boolean.valueOf(source.readString()); priority = source.readString(); visibility = source.readString(); redact = source.readString(); category = source.readString(); key = source.readString(); gcmStyle = source.readString(); iconName = source.readString(); notificationId = source.readInt(); }
From source
/** Send transactions to remote cloud. */ @Override// www .j a v a2 s. co m public int bindOID(int connid, int serviceConnectionOID, Intent intent, int flags, ComponentName[] name, long timeout) throws RemoteException { if (D) Log.d(TAG_CLIENT_BIND, PREFIX_LOG + "BindOID..."); Parcel data = Parcel.obtain(); Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain(); try { data.writeInt(serviceConnectionOID); NormalizeIntent.writeIntent(intent, data, 0); data.writeInt(flags); transactRemoteAndroid(connid, BIND_OID, data, reply, 0, timeout); if (D) Log.d(TAG_CLIENT_BIND, PREFIX_LOG + "BindOID ok"); name[0] = (ComponentName) reply.readParcelable(ComponentName.class.getClassLoader()); return reply.readInt(); } finally { if (data != null) data.recycle(); if (reply != null) reply.recycle(); } }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PlaceDetail(Parcel in) { addressComponents = in.readArrayList(AddressComponent.class.getClassLoader()); formattedAddress = in.readString();//w w w. jav a2 s.c o m localPhone = in.readString(); geometry = in.readParcelable(Geometry.class.getClassLoader()); iconUrl = in.readString(); placeId = in.readString(); internationalPhone = in.readString(); name = in.readString(); openingHours = in.readParcelable(OpeningHours.class.getClassLoader()); photos = in.readArrayList(Photo.class.getClassLoader()); priceLevel = (PriceLevel) in.readSerializable(); rating = in.readDouble(); reviews = in.readArrayList(Review.class.getClassLoader()); types = in.readArrayList(PlaceType.class.getClassLoader()); googlePlacePageUrl = in.readString(); utcOffset = in.readInt(); vicinity = in.readString(); businessWebsite = in.readString(); }
From source
public Attachment(Parcel in) { name = in.readString();//from ww w . j a v a2 s.c o m size = in.readInt(); uri = in.readParcelable(null); contentType = in.readString(); state = in.readInt(); destination = in.readInt(); downloadedSize = in.readInt(); contentUri = in.readParcelable(null); thumbnailUri = in.readParcelable(null); previewIntentUri = in.readParcelable(null); providerData = in.readString(); supportsDownloadAgain = in.readInt() == 1; type = in.readInt(); flags = in.readInt(); //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_852100 MOD_S contentId = in.readString(); //TS: wenggangjin 2014-12-10 EMAIL BUGFIX_852100 MOD_E //TS: zhonghua.tuo 2015-3-3 EMAIL BUGFIX_936728 ADD_S realUri = in.readParcelable(null); //TS: zhonghua.tuo 2015-3-3 EMAIL BUGFIX_936728 ADD_E // TS: Gantao 2015-09-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_570084 ADD_S isInline = in.readInt(); // TS: Gantao 2015-09-19 EMAIL BUGFIX_570084 ADD_E }
From source
private BookingData(Parcel in) { setLocalId(in.readLong());// ww w . j a va m setPk(in.readString()); setBookingKey(in.readString()); setDriverPk(in.readString()); setPickupDate(in.readString()); setPickupLocation((LocationData) in.readParcelable(LocationData.class.getClassLoader())); setDropoffLocation((LocationData) in.readParcelable(LocationData.class.getClassLoader())); setPassengerCount(in.readInt()); setLuggageCount(in.readInt()); setFlightNumber(in.readString()); setDistanceKm(in.readDouble()); setDistanceMiles(in.readDouble()); setCustomerName(in.readString()); setCustomerPhone(in.readString()); setExtraInfo(in.readString()); setPaymentStatus(in.readString()); setPaymentMethod(in.readInt()); setPrepaid((in.readByte() == 1)); setCost(in.readString()); setTotalCost(in.readString()); setCabOfficeName(in.readString()); setCabOfficeSlug(in.readString()); setType(in.readInt()); setReceiptUrl(in.readString()); setJson(in.readString()); int wpCount = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < wpCount; i++) { LocationData ld = (LocationData) in.readParcelable(LocationData.class.getClassLoader()); mWayPoints.add(ld); } }
From source
private Shoppinglist(Parcel in) { this.mErn = in.readString(); this.mName = in.readString(); this.mAccess = in.readString(); long tmpMModified = in.readLong(); this.mModified = tmpMModified == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpMModified); this.mPrevId = in.readString(); this.mType = in.readString(); this.mMeta = in.readString(); this.mShares = (HashMap<String, Share>) in.readSerializable(); this.mUserId = in.readInt(); this.mSyncState = in.readInt(); }
From source
/** * Supports Parcelable/* www . jav a 2s. com*/ */ public Account(Parcel in) { mBaseUri = Account.CONTENT_URI; mId = in.readLong(); mDisplayName = in.readString(); mEmailAddress = in.readString(); mSyncKey = in.readString(); mSyncLookback = in.readInt(); mSyncInterval = in.readInt(); mHostAuthKeyRecv = in.readLong(); mHostAuthKeySend = in.readLong(); mFlags = in.readInt(); /* mCompatibilityUuid = */ in.readString(); mSenderName = in.readString(); mRingtoneUri = in.readString(); mProtocolVersion = in.readString(); /* mNewMessageCount = */ in.readInt(); mSecuritySyncKey = in.readString(); mSignature = in.readString(); mPolicyKey = in.readLong(); mHostAuthRecv = null; if (in.readByte() == 1) { mHostAuthRecv = new HostAuth(in); } mHostAuthSend = null; if (in.readByte() == 1) { mHostAuthSend = new HostAuth(in); } }
From source
private Catalog(Parcel in) { this.mErn = in.readString(); this.mLabel = in.readString(); this.mBackground = (Integer) in.readValue(Integer.class.getClassLoader()); long tmpMRunFrom = in.readLong(); this.mRunFrom = tmpMRunFrom == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpMRunFrom); long tmpMRunTill = in.readLong(); this.mRunTill = tmpMRunTill == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpMRunTill); this.mPageCount = in.readInt(); this.mOfferCount = in.readInt(); this.mBranding = in.readParcelable(Branding.class.getClassLoader()); this.mDealerId = in.readString(); this.mDealerUrl = in.readString(); this.mStoreId = in.readString(); this.mStoreUrl = in.readString(); this.mDimension = in.readParcelable(Dimension.class.getClassLoader()); this.mImages = in.readParcelable(Images.class.getClassLoader()); this.mCatrgoryIds = (HashSet<String>) in.readSerializable(); this.mPdfUrl = in.readString(); this.mPages = new ArrayList<Images>(); in.readTypedList(mPages, Images.CREATOR); this.mDealer = in.readParcelable(Dealer.class.getClassLoader()); this.mStore = in.readParcelable(Store.class.getClassLoader()); this.mHotspots = in.readParcelable(HotspotMap.class.getClassLoader()); }
From source
ViewHierarchyElement(int id, @Nullable ViewHierarchyElement parent, Parcel in) { // Bookkeeping = id; this.parentId = (parent != null) ? parent.getId() : null; packageName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in); className = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in); resourceName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in); contentDescription = (in.readInt() == 1) ? in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader()) : null; text = (in.readInt() == 1) ? in.readParcelable(getClass().getClassLoader()) : null; importantForAccessibility = in.readInt() != 0; visibleToUser = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); clickable = in.readInt() != 0;//from ww w . j a v a2 s. c o m longClickable = in.readInt() != 0; focusable = in.readInt() != 0; editable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); scrollable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); canScrollForward = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); canScrollBackward = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); checkable = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); checked = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); hasTouchDelegate = ParcelUtils.readNullableBoolean(in); enabled = in.readInt() != 0; boundsInScreen = (in.readInt() == 1) ? Rect.CREATOR.createFromParcel(in) : null; nonclippedHeight = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in); nonclippedWidth = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in); textSize = ParcelUtils.readNullableFloat(in); textColor = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in); backgroundDrawableColor = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in); typefaceStyle = ParcelUtils.readNullableInteger(in); labeledById = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in); accessibilityClassName = ParcelUtils.readNullableString(in); accessibilityTraversalBeforeId = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in); accessibilityTraversalAfterId = ParcelUtils.readNullableLong(in); }