Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2014 eTilbudsavis * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.model; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.Eta; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.log.EtaLog; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.model.interfaces.IDealer; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.model.interfaces.IErn; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.model.interfaces.IJson; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.model.interfaces.IStore; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.utils.Api.Endpoint; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.utils.Api.JsonKey; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.utils.Json; import com.eTilbudsavis.etasdk.utils.Utils; /** * <p>This class is a representation of a catalog as the API v2 exposes it</p> * * <p>More documentation available on via our * <a href="">Catalog Reference</a> * documentation, on the engineering blog. * </p> * * @author Danny Hvam - * */ public class Catalog implements IErn<Catalog>, IJson<JSONObject>, IDealer<Catalog>, IStore<Catalog>, Serializable, Parcelable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public static final String TAG = Eta.TAG_PREFIX + Catalog.class.getSimpleName(); // From JSON blob private String mErn; private String mLabel; private Integer mBackground; private Date mRunFrom; private Date mRunTill; private int mPageCount = 0; private int mOfferCount = 0; private Branding mBranding; private String mDealerId; private String mDealerUrl; private String mStoreId; private String mStoreUrl; private Dimension mDimension; private Images mImages; private HashSet<String> mCatrgoryIds; private String mPdfUrl; // From separate queries private List<Images> mPages; private Dealer mDealer; private Store mStore; private HotspotMap mHotspots; public static Parcelable.Creator<Catalog> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<Catalog>() { public Catalog createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new Catalog(source); } public Catalog[] newArray(int size) { return new Catalog[size]; } }; public Catalog() { } /** * Convert a {@link JSONArray} into a {@link List};. * @param catalogs A {@link JSONArray} in the format of a valid API v2 catalog response * @return A {@link List} of POJO */ public static List<Catalog> fromJSON(JSONArray catalogs) { List<Catalog> list = new ArrayList<Catalog>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < catalogs.length(); i++) { list.add(Catalog.fromJSON((JSONObject) catalogs.get(i))); } } catch (JSONException e) { EtaLog.e(TAG, "", e); } return list; } /** * A factory method for converting {@link JSONObject} into a POJO. * @param catalog A {@link JSONObject} in the format of a valid API v2 catalog response * @return A Catalog object */ public static Catalog fromJSON(JSONObject jCatalog) { Catalog catalog = new Catalog(); if (jCatalog == null) { return catalog; } try { catalog.setId(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.ID)); catalog.setErn(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.ERN)); catalog.setLabel(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.LABEL)); catalog.setBackground(Json.colorValueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.BACKGROUND)); Date runFrom = Utils.stringToDate(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.RUN_FROM)); catalog.setRunFrom(runFrom); Date runTill = Utils.stringToDate(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.RUN_TILL)); catalog.setRunTill(runTill); catalog.setPageCount(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.PAGE_COUNT, 0)); catalog.setOfferCount(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.OFFER_COUNT, 0)); catalog.setBranding(Branding.fromJSON(jCatalog.getJSONObject(JsonKey.BRANDING))); catalog.setDealerId(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.DEALER_ID)); catalog.setDealerUrl(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.DEALER_URL)); catalog.setStoreId(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.STORE_ID)); catalog.setStoreUrl(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.STORE_URL)); catalog.setDimension(Dimension.fromJSON(jCatalog.getJSONObject(JsonKey.DIMENSIONS))); catalog.setImages(Images.fromJSON(jCatalog.getJSONObject(JsonKey.IMAGES))); if (jCatalog.has(JsonKey.CATEGORY_IDS)) { JSONArray jCats = jCatalog.getJSONArray(JsonKey.CATEGORY_IDS); HashSet<String> cat = new HashSet<String>(jCats.length()); for (int i = 0; i < jCats.length(); i++) { cat.add(jCats.getString(i)); } catalog.setCatrgoryIds(cat); } catalog.setPdfUrl(Json.valueOf(jCatalog, JsonKey.PDF_URL)); if (jCatalog.has(JsonKey.SDK_DEALER)) { JSONObject jDealer = Json.getObject(jCatalog, JsonKey.SDK_DEALER, null); catalog.setDealer(Dealer.fromJSON(jDealer)); } if (jCatalog.has(JsonKey.SDK_STORE)) { JSONObject jStore = Json.getObject(jCatalog, JsonKey.SDK_STORE, null); catalog.setStore(Store.fromJSON(jStore)); } if (jCatalog.has(JsonKey.SDK_PAGES)) { JSONArray jPages = Json.getArray(jCatalog, JsonKey.SDK_PAGES); List<Images> pages = new ArrayList<Images>(jPages.length()); for (int i = 0; i < jPages.length(); i++) { pages.add(Images.fromJSON(jPages.getJSONObject(i))); } catalog.setPages(pages); } // TODO Fix HotspotsMap so it can be JSON'ed } catch (JSONException e) { EtaLog.e(TAG, "", e); } return catalog; } public JSONObject toJSON() { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); try { o.put(JsonKey.ID, Json.nullCheck(getId())); o.put(JsonKey.ERN, Json.nullCheck(getErn())); o.put(JsonKey.LABEL, Json.nullCheck(getLabel())); o.put(JsonKey.BACKGROUND, Json.nullCheck(Utils.colorToString(getBackground()))); o.put(JsonKey.RUN_FROM, Json.nullCheck(Utils.dateToString(getRunFrom()))); o.put(JsonKey.RUN_TILL, Json.nullCheck(Utils.dateToString(getRunTill()))); o.put(JsonKey.PAGE_COUNT, getPageCount()); o.put(JsonKey.OFFER_COUNT, getOfferCount()); o.put(JsonKey.BRANDING, Json.nullCheck(getBranding().toJSON())); o.put(JsonKey.DEALER_ID, Json.nullCheck(getDealerId())); o.put(JsonKey.DEALER_URL, Json.nullCheck(getDealerUrl())); o.put(JsonKey.STORE_ID, Json.nullCheck(getStoreId())); o.put(JsonKey.STORE_URL, Json.nullCheck(getStoreUrl())); o.put(JsonKey.DIMENSIONS, Json.nullCheck(getDimension().toJSON())); o.put(JsonKey.IMAGES, Json.nullCheck(getImages().toJSON())); o.put(JsonKey.CATEGORY_IDS, new JSONArray(getCatrgoryIds())); o.put(JsonKey.PDF_URL, Json.nullCheck(getPdfUrl())); if (mDealer != null) { o.put(JsonKey.SDK_DEALER, Json.toJson(mDealer)); } if (mStore != null) { o.put(JsonKey.SDK_STORE, Json.toJson(mStore)); } if (mPages != null) { JSONArray jPages = new JSONArray(); for (Images i : mPages) { jPages.put(i.toJSON()); } o.put(JsonKey.SDK_PAGES, Json.nullCheck(jPages)); } // TODO Fix HotspotsMap so it can be JSON'ed } catch (JSONException e) { EtaLog.e(TAG, "", e); } return o; } public Catalog setId(String id) { setErn((id == null) ? null : String.format("ern:%s:%s", getErnType(), id)); return this; } public String getId() { if (mErn == null) { return null; } String[] parts = mErn.split(":"); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } public Catalog setErn(String ern) { if (ern == null || (ern.startsWith("ern:") && ern.split(":").length == 3 && ern.contains(getErnType()))) { mErn = ern; } return this; } public String getErn() { return mErn; } public String getErnType() { return IErn.TYPE_CATALOG; } public String getLabel() { return mLabel; } public Catalog setLabel(String label) { mLabel = label; return this; } /** * Get the background color for this catalog.<br> * For displaying the catalog, in a reader fashion, please use the color found in {@link Pageflip}. * @return A color */ public Integer getBackground() { return mBackground; } public Catalog setBackground(Integer background) { mBackground = Utils.colorSanitize(background); return this; } /** * Set the {@link Date} this catalog is be valid from. * * <p>The {@link Date#getTime() time} of the date will be floored to the * nearest second (i.e. milliseconds will be removed) as the server responds * in seconds and comparison of {@link Date}s will other wise be * unpredictable/impossible.</p> * * @param date A {@link Date} * @return This object */ public Catalog setRunFrom(Date time) { mRunFrom = Utils.roundTime(time); return this; } /** * Returns the {@link Date} this catalog is be valid from. * @return A {@link Date}, or <code>null</code> */ public Date getRunFrom() { return mRunFrom; } /** * Set the {@link Date} this catalog is be valid till. * * <p>The {@link Date#getTime() time} of the date will be floored to the * nearest second (i.e. milliseconds will be removed) as the server responds * in seconds and comparison of {@link Date}s will other wise be * unpredictable/impossible.</p> * * @param date A {@link Date} * @return This object */ public Catalog setRunTill(Date time) { mRunTill = Utils.roundTime(time); return this; } /** * Returns the {@link Date} this catalog is be valid till. * @return A {@link Date}, or <code>null</code> */ public Date getRunTill() { return mRunTill; } /** * Set the number of pages this catalog has. * @param pageCount Number of pages in this catalog * @return This object */ public Catalog setPageCount(Integer pageCount) { mPageCount = pageCount; return this; } /** * Get the number of pages in this catalog * @return The number of pages */ public int getPageCount() { return mPageCount; } /** * Set the number of {@link Offer} in this catalog. * @param offerCount The number of offers * @return This object */ public Catalog setOfferCount(Integer offerCount) { this.mOfferCount = offerCount; return this; } /** * Get the number of {@link Offer}s in this catalog. * @return The number of catalogs */ public int getOfferCount() { return mOfferCount; } /** * Set the {@link Branding} to apply to this catalog. * @param branding A branding object * @return This object */ public Catalog setBranding(Branding branding) { this.mBranding = branding; return this; } /** * Get the branding, that is applied to this catalog. * @return A {@link Branding} object, or {@code null} */ public Branding getBranding() { return mBranding; } /** * Set the dealer id associated with this catalog * @param dealerId A dealer id to set * @return This object */ public Catalog setDealerId(String dealerId) { this.mDealerId = dealerId; if (mDealerId == null) { mDealer = null; } else if (mDealer != null && !mDealerId.equals(mDealer.getId())) { mDealer = null; } return this; } /** * Get the dealer id associated with this object * @return A dealer id, or {@code null} */ public String getDealerId() { return mDealerId; } /** * Get the URL to the {@link Dealer} resource for this {@link Catalog} * @return A {@link Dealer} resource URL, or {@code null} */ public String getDealerUrl() { return mDealerUrl; } /** * Set the URL to the {@link Dealer} resource for this {@link Catalog} * @param url An URL pointing to a {@link Dealer} resource for this catalog * @return This object */ public Catalog setDealerUrl(String url) { mDealerUrl = url; return this; } /** * Set the {@link Store#getId()} associated with this catalog * @param storeId A store id to set * @return This object */ public Catalog setStoreId(String storeId) { mStoreId = storeId; if (mStoreId == null) { mStore = null; } else if (mStore != null && !mStoreId.equals(mStore.getId())) { mStore = null; } return this; } /** * Get the {@link Store#getId()} id associated with this object * @return A store id, or {@code null} */ public String getStoreId() { return mStoreId; } /** * Get the URL to the {@link Store} resource for this {@link Catalog} * @return A {@link Store} resource URL, or {@code null} */ public String getStoreUrl() { return mStoreUrl; } /** * Set the URL to the {@link Store} resource for this {@link Catalog} * @param url An URL pointing to a {@link Store} resource for this catalog * @return This object */ public Catalog setStoreUrl(String url) { mStoreUrl = url; return this; } /** * Get the dimensions for this catalog. * @return A dimensions object, or {@code null} */ public Dimension getDimension() { return mDimension; } /** * Set the dimensions for this catalog * @param dimension A dimension * @return This object */ public Catalog setDimension(Dimension dimension) { mDimension = dimension; return this; } /** * Set the images associated with this object * @param images An image object * @return This object */ public Catalog setImages(Images images) { mImages = images; return this; } /** * Get the images associated with this catalog * @return An images object, or {@code null} */ public Images getImages() { return mImages; } /** * Get the pages in this catalog. * <p>Pages isn't bundled in the catalog object by default. But should be * downloaded separately via the pages endpoint, and * {@link Catalog#setPages(Page) set} manually by the developer. </p> * @return */ public List<Images> getPages() { return mPages; } /** * Method for setting the {@link Page} associated with this catalog * @param pages A pages object */ public void setPages(List<Images> pages) { mPages = pages; } /** * Method for setting the {@link Store} associated with this catalog * @param store A Store object */ public Catalog setStore(Store store) { mStore = store; mStoreId = (mStore == null ? null : mStore.getId()); return this; } /** * Get the {@link Store} associated with this catalog. * <p>Store isn't bundled in the catalog object by default. But should be * downloaded separately via the store {@link Endpoint#storeId(String) endpoint}, * and {@link Catalog#setStore(Store) set} manually by the developer. </p> * @return A Store, or {@code null} */ public Store getStore() { return mStore; } /** * Method for setting the {@link Dealer} associated with this catalog * @param store A Dealer object */ public Catalog setDealer(Dealer dealer) { this.mDealer = dealer; mDealerId = (mDealer == null ? null : mDealer.getId()); return this; } /** * Get the {@link Dealer} associated with this catalog. * <p>Dealer isn't bundled in the catalog object by default. But should be * downloaded separately via the dealer {@link Endpoint#dealerId(String) endpoint}, * and {@link Catalog#setDealer(Dealer) set} manually by the developer. </p> * @return A Dealer, or {@code null} */ public Dealer getDealer() { return mDealer; } /** * Method for setting the {@link HotspotMap} associated with this catalog * @param hotspots A {@link HotspotMap} object */ public Catalog setHotspots(HotspotMap hotspots) { mHotspots = hotspots; return this; } /** * Get the {@link HotspotMap} associated with this catalog. * <p>Hotspots isn't bundled in the catalog object by default. But should be * downloaded separately via the store {@link Endpoint#catalogHotspots(String) endpoint}, * and {@link Catalog#setHotspots(HotspotMap) set} manually by the developer. </p> * @return A {@link HotspotMap} object, or {@code null} */ public HotspotMap getHotspots() { return mHotspots; } /** * Get the category id's for this catalog * @return A list of categories, or null */ public HashSet<String> getCatrgoryIds() { return mCatrgoryIds; } /** * Set the list of categories for this catalog. * @param catrgoryIds A list of categories */ public void setCatrgoryIds(HashSet<String> catrgoryIds) { mCatrgoryIds = catrgoryIds; } /** * Get the URL where the PDF can be downloaded. * @return A url, or null */ public String getPdfUrl() { return mPdfUrl; } /** * Set the URL where the PDF can be downloaded. * @param pdfUrl A url */ public void setPdfUrl(String pdfUrl) { mPdfUrl = pdfUrl; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((mBackground == null) ? 0 : mBackground.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mBranding == null) ? 0 : mBranding.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mCatrgoryIds == null) ? 0 : mCatrgoryIds.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mDealer == null) ? 0 : mDealer.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mDealerId == null) ? 0 : mDealerId.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mDealerUrl == null) ? 0 : mDealerUrl.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mDimension == null) ? 0 : mDimension.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mErn == null) ? 0 : mErn.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mHotspots == null) ? 0 : mHotspots.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mImages == null) ? 0 : mImages.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mLabel == null) ? 0 : mLabel.hashCode()); result = prime * result + mOfferCount; result = prime * result + mPageCount; result = prime * result + ((mPages == null) ? 0 : mPages.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mPdfUrl == null) ? 0 : mPdfUrl.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mRunFrom == null) ? 0 : mRunFrom.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mRunTill == null) ? 0 : mRunTill.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mStore == null) ? 0 : mStore.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mStoreId == null) ? 0 : mStoreId.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((mStoreUrl == null) ? 0 : mStoreUrl.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Catalog other = (Catalog) obj; if (mBackground == null) { if (other.mBackground != null) { return false; } } else if (!mBackground.equals(other.mBackground)) return false; if (mBranding == null) { if (other.mBranding != null) return false; } else if (!mBranding.equals(other.mBranding)) return false; if (mCatrgoryIds == null) { if (other.mCatrgoryIds != null) return false; } else if (!mCatrgoryIds.equals(other.mCatrgoryIds)) return false; if (mDealer == null) { if (other.mDealer != null) return false; } else if (!mDealer.equals(other.mDealer)) return false; if (mDealerId == null) { if (other.mDealerId != null) return false; } else if (!mDealerId.equals(other.mDealerId)) return false; if (mDealerUrl == null) { if (other.mDealerUrl != null) return false; } else if (!mDealerUrl.equals(other.mDealerUrl)) return false; if (mDimension == null) { if (other.mDimension != null) return false; } else if (!mDimension.equals(other.mDimension)) return false; if (mErn == null) { if (other.mErn != null) return false; } else if (!mErn.equals(other.mErn)) return false; if (mHotspots == null) { if (other.mHotspots != null) return false; } else if (!mHotspots.equals(other.mHotspots)) return false; if (mImages == null) { if (other.mImages != null) return false; } else if (!mImages.equals(other.mImages)) return false; if (mLabel == null) { if (other.mLabel != null) return false; } else if (!mLabel.equals(other.mLabel)) return false; if (mOfferCount != other.mOfferCount) return false; if (mPageCount != other.mPageCount) return false; if (mPages == null) { if (other.mPages != null) return false; } else if (!mPages.equals(other.mPages)) return false; if (mPdfUrl == null) { if (other.mPdfUrl != null) return false; } else if (!mPdfUrl.equals(other.mPdfUrl)) return false; if (mRunFrom == null) { if (other.mRunFrom != null) return false; } else if (!mRunFrom.equals(other.mRunFrom)) return false; if (mRunTill == null) { if (other.mRunTill != null) return false; } else if (!mRunTill.equals(other.mRunTill)) return false; if (mStore == null) { if (other.mStore != null) return false; } else if (!mStore.equals(other.mStore)) return false; if (mStoreId == null) { if (other.mStoreId != null) return false; } else if (!mStoreId.equals(other.mStoreId)) return false; if (mStoreUrl == null) { if (other.mStoreUrl != null) return false; } else if (!mStoreUrl.equals(other.mStoreUrl)) return false; return true; } private Catalog(Parcel in) { this.mErn = in.readString(); this.mLabel = in.readString(); this.mBackground = (Integer) in.readValue(Integer.class.getClassLoader()); long tmpMRunFrom = in.readLong(); this.mRunFrom = tmpMRunFrom == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpMRunFrom); long tmpMRunTill = in.readLong(); this.mRunTill = tmpMRunTill == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpMRunTill); this.mPageCount = in.readInt(); this.mOfferCount = in.readInt(); this.mBranding = in.readParcelable(Branding.class.getClassLoader()); this.mDealerId = in.readString(); this.mDealerUrl = in.readString(); this.mStoreId = in.readString(); this.mStoreUrl = in.readString(); this.mDimension = in.readParcelable(Dimension.class.getClassLoader()); this.mImages = in.readParcelable(Images.class.getClassLoader()); this.mCatrgoryIds = (HashSet<String>) in.readSerializable(); this.mPdfUrl = in.readString(); this.mPages = new ArrayList<Images>(); in.readTypedList(mPages, Images.CREATOR); this.mDealer = in.readParcelable(Dealer.class.getClassLoader()); this.mStore = in.readParcelable(Store.class.getClassLoader()); this.mHotspots = in.readParcelable(HotspotMap.class.getClassLoader()); } public int describeContents() { return 0; } public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeString(this.mErn); dest.writeString(this.mLabel); dest.writeValue(this.mBackground); dest.writeLong(mRunFrom != null ? mRunFrom.getTime() : -1); dest.writeLong(mRunTill != null ? mRunTill.getTime() : -1); dest.writeInt(this.mPageCount); dest.writeInt(this.mOfferCount); dest.writeParcelable(this.mBranding, flags); dest.writeString(this.mDealerId); dest.writeString(this.mDealerUrl); dest.writeString(this.mStoreId); dest.writeString(this.mStoreUrl); dest.writeParcelable(this.mDimension, flags); dest.writeParcelable(this.mImages, flags); dest.writeSerializable(this.mCatrgoryIds); dest.writeString(this.mPdfUrl); dest.writeTypedList(mPages); dest.writeParcelable(this.mDealer, flags); dest.writeParcelable(this.mStore, flags); dest.writeParcelable(this.mHotspots, flags); } }