List of usage examples for android.os Parcel readInt
public final int readInt()
From source
private void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { int version = in.readInt(); if (version >= 1) { mId = in.readLong();// w ww . jav a 2 s .co m mColor = in.readInt(); mDescription = in.readString(); mDisplayOrder = in.readInt(); mIcon = in.readString(); mParam1 = in.readString(); mParam2 = in.readString(); mParam3 = in.readString(); mParam4 = in.readString(); mParam5 = in.readString(); mReadOnly = in.readInt() == 1; mSource = in.readString(); mTitle = in.readString(); mType = in.readInt(); mUniqueId = in.readString(); } }
From source
/** * Deserialize this object from a Parcel * * @param in parcel to read from//from ww w. j a va 2 s . c o m */ protected void readFromParcel(Parcel in) { sku = in.readString(); title = in.readString(); quantity = in.readString(); price = in.readString(); store = in.readString(); signature = in.readString(); receipt = in.readString(); cookie = in.readString(); placementTag = in.readString(); payload = in.readString(); orderId = in.readString(); result = Result.values()[in.readInt()]; }
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private PaymentIntent(final Parcel in) { standard = (Standard) in.readSerializable(); payeeName = in.readString();/*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ payeeVerifiedBy = in.readString(); final int outputsLength = in.readInt(); if (outputsLength > 0) { outputs = new Output[outputsLength]; in.readTypedArray(outputs, Output.CREATOR); } else { outputs = null; } memo = in.readString(); paymentUrl = in.readString(); final int payeeDataLength = in.readInt(); if (payeeDataLength > 0) { payeeData = new byte[payeeDataLength]; in.readByteArray(payeeData); } else { payeeData = null; } paymentRequestUrl = in.readString(); final int paymentRequestHashLength = in.readInt(); if (paymentRequestHashLength > 0) { paymentRequestHash = new byte[paymentRequestHashLength]; in.readByteArray(paymentRequestHash); } else { paymentRequestHash = null; } }
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private OKLeaderboard(Parcel in) { //private String name; name = in.readString();//from w w w. jav a 2 s .c o m //private int OKAPP_id; OKAPP_id = in.readInt(); //private int OKLeaderboard_id; OKLeaderboard_id = in.readInt(); //private LeaderboardSortType sortType; try { sortType = LeaderboardSortType.valueOf(in.readString()); } catch (Exception e) { sortType = null; } //private String icon_url; icon_url = in.readString(); //private int playerCount; playerCount = in.readInt(); }
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public RedditSubreddit(final Parcel parcel) { header_img = parcel.readString();//from ww w .j a v a 2 s .c om header_title = parcel.readString(); description = parcel.readString(); description_html = parcel.readString(); public_description = parcel.readString(); id = parcel.readString(); name = parcel.readString(); title = parcel.readString(); display_name = parcel.readString(); url = parcel.readString(); created = parcel.readLong(); created_utc = parcel.readLong(); accounts_active = parcel.readInt(); subscribers = parcel.readInt(); if (accounts_active < 0) accounts_active = null; if (subscribers < 0) subscribers = null; over18 = parcel.readInt() == 1; }
From source
/** * Supports Parcelable/*from ww w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ */ public HostAuth(Parcel in) { mBaseUri = CONTENT_URI; mId = in.readLong(); mProtocol = in.readString(); mAddress = in.readString(); mPort = in.readInt(); mFlags = in.readInt(); mLogin = in.readString(); mPassword = in.readString(); mDomain = in.readString(); mClientCertAlias = in.readString(); if ((mFlags & FLAG_OAUTH) != 0) { // TODO: This is nasty, but to be compatible with backward Exchange, we can't make any // change to the parcelable format. But we need Credential objects to be here. // So... only parcel or unparcel Credentials if the OAUTH flag is set. This will never // be set on HostAuth going to or coming from Exchange. mCredentialKey = in.readLong(); mCredential = new Credential(in); if (mCredential.equals(Credential.EMPTY)) { mCredential = null; } } else { mCredentialKey = -1; } }
From source
protected Repo(Parcel in) { super(in);// w ww .j a va 2 s .c o m this.fork = in.readByte() != 0; this.isPrivate = in.readByte() != 0; long tmpCreated_at = in.readLong(); this.created_at = tmpCreated_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpCreated_at); long tmpPushed_at = in.readLong(); this.pushed_at = tmpPushed_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpPushed_at); long tmpUpdated_at = in.readLong(); this.updated_at = tmpUpdated_at == -1 ? null : new Date(tmpUpdated_at); this.forks_count = in.readInt(); = in.readLong(); this.parent = in.readParcelable(Repo.class.getClassLoader()); this.source = in.readParcelable(Repo.class.getClassLoader()); this.clone_url = in.readString(); this.description = in.readString(); this.homepage = in.readString(); this.forks_url = in.readString(); this.git_url = in.readString(); this.contents_url = in.readString(); this.language = in.readString(); this.default_branch = in.readString(); this.mirror_url = in.readString(); = in.readString(); this.full_name = in.readString(); this.ssh_url = in.readString(); this.svn_url = in.readString(); this.owner = in.readParcelable(User.class.getClassLoader()); this.stargazers_count = in.readInt(); this.subscribers_count = in.readInt(); this.network_count = in.readInt(); this.watchers_count = in.readInt(); this.size = in.readInt(); this.open_issues_count = in.readInt(); this.has_issues = in.readByte() != 0; this.has_downloads = in.readByte() != 0; this.has_wiki = in.readByte() != 0; this.permissions = in.readParcelable(Permissions.class.getClassLoader()); this.license = in.readParcelable(License.class.getClassLoader()); this.branches = in.createTypedArrayList(Branch.CREATOR); this.archive_url = in.readString(); }
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private ListMirakel(Parcel in) { final int tmpSortBy = in.readInt(); this.sortBy = SORT_BY.values()[tmpSortBy]; this.createdAt = in.readString(); this.updatedAt = in.readString(); final int tmpSyncState = in.readInt(); this.syncState = SYNC_STATE.values()[tmpSyncState]; this.lft = in.readInt(); this.rgt = in.readInt(); this.color = in.readInt(); this.accountID = in.readLong(); this.isSpecial = in.readByte() != 0; this.setId(in.readLong()); this.setName(in.readString()); }
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public Notification(Parcel in) { this.expandedInboxText = new ArrayList(); this.people = new ArrayList(); this.actions = new ArrayList(); this.packageName = in.readString(); = in.readInt(); this.tag = in.readString(); this.key = in.readString(); this.when = in.readLong(); this.smallIcon = in.readInt(); this.largeIcon = (Bitmap) in.readParcelable(Bitmap.class.getClassLoader()); this.tickerText = in.readString(); this.contentTitle = in.readString(); this.contentText = in.readString(); this.contentInfoText = in.readString(); this.expandedLargeIconBig = (Bitmap) in.readParcelable(Bitmap.class.getClassLoader()); this.expandedContentTitle = in.readString(); this.expandedContentText = in.readString(); in.readStringList(this.expandedInboxText); in.readList(this.people, Uri.class.getClassLoader()); this.picture = (Bitmap) in.readParcelable(Bitmap.class.getClassLoader()); this.priority = in.readInt(); this.pendingLaunchIntent = (PendingIntent) in.readParcelable(PendingIntent.class.getClassLoader()); in.readList(this.actions, Action.class.getClassLoader()); }
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private PaperPiecedBlockPiece(Parcel in) { m_id = (UUID) in.readSerializable(); m_from = in.readParcelable(PointF.class.getClassLoader()); m_to = in.readParcelable(PointF.class.getClassLoader()); m_color = in.readInt(); m_cachedPoints = null;// w ww. jav a 2s . c o m m_cachedPath = null; m_cachedDrawable = null; m_cachedBlackWhiteDrawable = null; m_cachedShadowPaint = null; }