Example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRect

List of usage examples for android.graphics Canvas drawRect


In this page you can find the example usage for android.graphics Canvas drawRect.


public void drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, @NonNull Paint paint) 

Source Link


Draw the specified Rect using the specified paint.


From source file:com.ecuamobi.deckwallet.util.Renderer.java

public static void printQR(final Activity context, final String addressUri) {
    new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap>() {

        @Override//from   ww w.  j  a v a 2 s . c om
        protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... params) {
            TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint();
            final int bitmapMargin = 100;//big margin is to prevent possible clipping
            final int textHeight = 28;
            final int qrCodePadding = (int) (textPaint.descent() * 2);
            int textWidth = getTextWidth(addressUri, textPaint);
            QRCode addressQrCode = QRCode.getMinimumQRCode(addressUri, ErrorCorrectLevel.M);
            Bitmap addressQrCodeBitmap = addressQrCode.createImage(textWidth);
            Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(textWidth + bitmapMargin * 2,
                    addressQrCodeBitmap.getHeight() + qrCodePadding * 2 + bitmapMargin * 2,
            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            paint.setARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
            canvas.drawRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), paint);

            int centerXForAddress = bitmapMargin + textWidth / 2;
            int y = bitmapMargin + qrCodePadding;
            Paint qrCodePaint = new Paint();
            canvas.drawBitmap(addressQrCodeBitmap, centerXForAddress - addressQrCodeBitmap.getWidth() / 2, y,
            y += qrCodePadding - textPaint.ascent();
            canvas.drawText(addressUri, centerXForAddress, y + addressQrCodeBitmap.getHeight(), textPaint);
            return bmp;

        protected void onPostExecute(final Bitmap bitmap) {
            if (bitmap != null) {
                //                    android.app.AlertDialog.Builder builder = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(context);
                //                    android.widget.ImageView view = new android.widget.ImageView(context);
                //                    view.setImageBitmap(bitmap);
                //                    builder.setView(view);
                //                    builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null);
                //                    builder.show();

                PrintHelper printHelper = new PrintHelper(context);
                printHelper.printBitmap(addressUri, bitmap);



From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap drawTextToBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, String gText) {
    android.graphics.Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig = bitmap.getConfig();
    // set default bitmap config if none
    if (bitmapConfig == null) {
        bitmapConfig = android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
    }/*from   w  ww  .  ja  v a2 s . c o m*/
    bitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmapConfig, true);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    // new antialised Paint
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    // text color - #3D3D3D
    paint.setColor(Color.rgb(61, 61, 61));
    // text size in pixels
    paint.setTextSize((int) (21)); //* scale));
    // text shadow
    paint.setShadowLayer(2f, 1f, 1f, Color.WHITE);
    int x = bitmap.getWidth() - 150;//bounds.width()) - 150;
    int y = bitmap.getHeight() - 27;//bounds.height()) - 30;
    canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + 150, y + 27, paint);
    canvas.drawText(gText, x, y + 20, paint);
    return bitmap;

From source file:com.ecuamobi.deckwallet.util.Renderer.java

static void printWallet(final Activity context, final String label, final String addressUri,
        final String privateKey) {
    new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Bitmap>() {

        @Override/*from w w w  . j  a  v a 2s.c  o m*/
        protected Bitmap doInBackground(Void... params) {

            TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint();
            final int bitmapMargin = 100;//big margin is to prevent possible clipping
            final int textHeight = 28;
            final int spaceBetweenQrCodes = 60;
            final int qrCodePadding = (int) (textPaint.descent() * 2);
            Rect bounds = new Rect();
            textPaint.getTextBounds(privateKey, 0, privateKey.length(), bounds);
            int textWidth = getTextWidth(privateKey, textPaint);
            ArrayList<String> labelLinesRelaxed = wrap(label, textWidth, false, textPaint);
            for (String titleLine : labelLinesRelaxed) {
                textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, getTextWidth(titleLine, textPaint));
            textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, getTextWidth(addressUri, textPaint));
            QRCode privateKeyQrCode = QRCode.getMinimumQRCode(privateKey, ErrorCorrectLevel.M);
            Bitmap privateKeyQrCodeBitmap = privateKeyQrCode.createImage(textWidth);
            QRCode addressQrCode = QRCode.getMinimumQRCode(addressUri, ErrorCorrectLevel.M);
            Bitmap addressQrCodeBitmap = addressQrCode.createImage(textWidth);
            ArrayList<String> labelLines = wrap(label, textWidth, true, textPaint);
            Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.createBitmap(
                    textWidth * 2 + bitmapMargin * 2 + spaceBetweenQrCodes, privateKeyQrCodeBitmap.getHeight()
                            + textHeight * (labelLines.size() + 1) + qrCodePadding * 2 + bitmapMargin * 2,
            Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmp);
            Paint paint = new Paint();
            paint.setARGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
            canvas.drawRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight(), paint);

            int centerXForAddress = bitmapMargin + textWidth / 2;
            int centerXForPrivateKey = bitmapMargin + textWidth + spaceBetweenQrCodes + textWidth / 2;
            int y = (int) (bitmapMargin - textPaint.ascent());
            for (int i = 0; i < labelLines.size(); i++) {
                canvas.drawText(labelLines.get(i), centerXForPrivateKey, y + i * textHeight, textPaint);
            y = bitmapMargin + labelLines.size() * textHeight + qrCodePadding;
            Paint qrCodePaint = new Paint();
            canvas.drawBitmap(addressQrCodeBitmap, centerXForAddress - addressQrCodeBitmap.getWidth() / 2, y,
                    centerXForPrivateKey - privateKeyQrCodeBitmap.getWidth() / 2, y, qrCodePaint);
            y += qrCodePadding - textPaint.ascent();
            canvas.drawText(addressUri, centerXForAddress, y + addressQrCodeBitmap.getHeight(), textPaint);
            canvas.drawText(privateKey, centerXForPrivateKey, y + privateKeyQrCodeBitmap.getHeight(),
            return bmp;

        protected void onPostExecute(final Bitmap bitmap) {
            if (bitmap != null) {
                //                    android.app.AlertDialog.Builder builder = new android.app.AlertDialog.Builder(context);
                //                    android.widget.ImageView view = new android.widget.ImageView(context);
                //                    view.setImageBitmap(bitmap);
                //                    builder.setView(view);
                //                    builder.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null);
                //                    builder.show();

                PrintHelper printHelper = new PrintHelper(context);
                printHelper.printBitmap(label, bitmap);


From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap createReflectedBitmap(Bitmap srcBitmap, float reflectHeight) {
    if (null == srcBitmap) {
        return null;
    }/*from ww  w  . j av  a2  s  .  c o m*/

    int srcWidth = srcBitmap.getWidth();
    int srcHeight = srcBitmap.getHeight();
    int reflectionWidth = srcBitmap.getWidth();
    int reflectionHeight = reflectHeight == 0 ? srcHeight / 3 : (int) (reflectHeight * srcHeight);

    if (0 == srcWidth || srcHeight == 0) {
        return null;

    // The matrix
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.preScale(1, -1);

    try {
        // The reflection bitmap, width is same with original's
        Bitmap reflectionBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(srcBitmap, 0, srcHeight - reflectionHeight,
                reflectionWidth, reflectionHeight, matrix, false);

        if (null == reflectionBitmap) {
            return null;

        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(reflectionBitmap);

        Paint paint = new Paint();

        LinearGradient shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, reflectionBitmap.getHeight(), 0x70FFFFFF,
                0x00FFFFFF, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR);

        paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(android.graphics.PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN));

        // Draw the linear shader.
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, reflectionBitmap.getWidth(), reflectionBitmap.getHeight(), paint);

        return reflectionBitmap;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;

From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap createReflectedBitmap(Bitmap srcBitmap, float reflectHeight) {
    if (null == srcBitmap) {
        return null;
    }/*from   w  ww . ja v  a2  s  .co  m*/

    int srcWidth = srcBitmap.getWidth();
    int srcHeight = srcBitmap.getHeight();
    int reflectionWidth = srcBitmap.getWidth();
    int reflectionHeight = reflectHeight == 0 ? srcHeight / 3 : (int) (reflectHeight * srcHeight);

    if (0 == srcWidth || srcHeight == 0) {
        return null;

    // The matrix
    Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
    matrix.preScale(1, -1);

    try {
        // The reflection bitmap, width is same with original's
        Bitmap reflectionBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(srcBitmap, 0, srcHeight - reflectionHeight,
                reflectionWidth, reflectionHeight, matrix, false);

        if (null == reflectionBitmap) {
            return null;

        Canvas canvas = new Canvas(reflectionBitmap);

        Paint paint = new Paint();

        LinearGradient shader = new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, reflectionBitmap.getHeight(), 0x70FFFFFF,
                0x00FFFFFF, TileMode.MIRROR);

        paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(android.graphics.PorterDuff.Mode.DST_IN));

        // Draw the linear shader.
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, reflectionBitmap.getWidth(), reflectionBitmap.getHeight(), paint);

        return reflectionBitmap;
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return null;

From source file:biz.varkon.shelvesom.util.ImageUtilities.java

 * Create a book cover with the specified bitmap. This method applies
 * several lighting effects to the original bitmap and returns a new decored
 * bitmap./*from  www .j  ava2  s . co  m*/
 * @param bitmap
 *            The bitmap to decor with lighting effects
 * @param width
 *            The target width of the decored bitmap
 * @param height
 *            The target height of the decored bitmap
 * @return A new Bitmap based on the original bitmap
public static Bitmap createCover(Bitmap bitmap, int width, int height) {
    final int bitmapWidth = bitmap.getWidth();
    final int bitmapHeight = bitmap.getHeight();

    final float scale = Math.min((float) width / (float) bitmapWidth, (float) height / (float) bitmapHeight);

    final int scaledWidth = (int) (bitmapWidth * scale);
    final int scaledHeight = (int) (bitmapHeight * scale);

    final Bitmap decored = createScaledBitmap(bitmap, scaledWidth, scaledHeight, SHADOW_RADIUS, true,

    final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(decored);

    canvas.translate(SHADOW_RADIUS / 2.0f, SHADOW_RADIUS / 2.0f);
    canvas.drawRect(EDGE_START, 0.0f, EDGE_END, scaledHeight, EDGE_PAINT);
    canvas.drawRect(FOLD_START, 0.0f, FOLD_END, scaledHeight, FOLD_PAINT);
    // noinspection PointlessArithmeticExpression
    canvas.translate(scaledWidth - (EDGE_END - EDGE_START), 0.0f);
    canvas.drawRect(EDGE_START, 0.0f, EDGE_END, scaledHeight, END_EDGE_PAINT);

    return decored;

From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap drawTextToBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, String gText) {
    //Resources resources = gContext.getResources();
    //float scale = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density;

    android.graphics.Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig = bitmap.getConfig();
    // set default bitmap config if none
    if (bitmapConfig == null) {
        bitmapConfig = android.graphics.Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
    }//from   w ww .j a  v a 2s  .c om
    // resource bitmaps are imutable,
    // so we need to convert it to mutable one
    bitmap = bitmap.copy(bitmapConfig, true);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
    // new antialised Paint
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    // text color - #3D3D3D
    paint.setColor(Color.rgb(61, 61, 61));
    // text size in pixels
    paint.setTextSize((int) (21)); //* scale));
    // text shadow
    paint.setShadowLayer(2f, 1f, 1f, Color.WHITE);
    // draw text to the Canvas center
    //Rect bounds = new Rect();
    //paint.getTextBounds(gText, 0, gText.length(), bounds);
    int x = bitmap.getWidth() - 150;//bounds.width()) - 150;
    int y = bitmap.getHeight() - 27;//bounds.height()) - 30;
    // fill
    canvas.drawRect(x, y, x + 150, y + 27, paint);
    canvas.drawText(gText, x, y + 20, paint);
    return bitmap;

From source file:Main.java

 * Returns semi-rounded bitmap. This is used for displaying atn promotion images.
 * // w  w  w . j a  v a 2s  .  c o  m
 * @param context
 * @param input
 * @return
public static Bitmap getSemiRoundedBitmap(Context context, Bitmap input) {
    Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(input.getWidth(), input.getHeight(), Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);
    final float densityMultiplier = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
    final int color = 0xff424242;
    final Paint paint = new Paint();
    final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, input.getWidth(), input.getHeight());
    final RectF rectF = new RectF(rect);
    //make sure that our rounded corner is scaled appropriately
    final float roundPx = densityMultiplier * 10;
    canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, roundPx, roundPx, paint);
    //draw rectangles over the corners we want to be square
    canvas.drawRect(input.getWidth() / 2, 0, input.getWidth(), input.getHeight() / 2, paint);
    canvas.drawRect(input.getWidth() / 2, input.getHeight() / 2, input.getWidth(), input.getHeight(), paint);
    paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(android.graphics.PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));
    canvas.drawBitmap(input, 0, 0, paint);

    return output;

From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap(Context context, Bitmap input, int dips, int w, int h,
        boolean squareTL, boolean squareTR, boolean squareBL, boolean squareBR) {

    Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);
    final float densityMultiplier = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

    final int color = 0xff424242;
    final Paint paint = new Paint();
    final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, w, h);
    final RectF rectF = new RectF(rect);

    //make sure that our rounded corner is scaled appropriately
    final float roundPx = dips * densityMultiplier;

    paint.setAntiAlias(true);/*  w  w w.  j a va2s  .  co m*/
    canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, roundPx, roundPx, paint);

    //draw rectangles over the corners we want to be square
    if (squareTL) {
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, paint);
    if (squareTR) {
        canvas.drawRect(w / 2, 0, w, h / 2, paint);
    if (squareBL) {
        canvas.drawRect(0, h / 2, w / 2, h, paint);
    if (squareBR) {
        canvas.drawRect(w / 2, h / 2, w, h, paint);

    paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));
    canvas.drawBitmap(input, 0, 0, paint);

    return output;

From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap getRoundedCornerBitmap(Context context, Bitmap input, int pixels, int w, int h,
        boolean squareTL, boolean squareTR, boolean squareBL, boolean squareBR) {

    Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output);
    final float densityMultiplier = context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;

    final int color = 0xff424242;
    final Paint paint = new Paint();
    final Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, w, h);
    final RectF rectF = new RectF(rect);

    //make sure that our rounded corner is scaled appropriately
    final float roundPx = pixels * densityMultiplier;

    paint.setAntiAlias(true);/*  w ww .ja v a  2  s  . com*/
    canvas.drawARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
    canvas.drawRoundRect(rectF, roundPx, roundPx, paint);

    //draw rectangles over the corners we want to be square
    if (squareTL) {
        canvas.drawRect(0, 0, w / 2, h / 2, paint);
    if (squareTR) {
        canvas.drawRect(w / 2, 0, w, h / 2, paint);
    if (squareBL) {
        canvas.drawRect(0, h / 2, w / 2, h, paint);
    if (squareBR) {
        canvas.drawRect(w / 2, h / 2, w, h, paint);

    paint.setXfermode(new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN));
    canvas.drawBitmap(input, 0, 0, paint);

    return output;