List of usage examples for android.content ContentUris withAppendedId
public static Uri withAppendedId(Uri contentUri, long id)
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@Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { if (mUriMatcher.match(uri) != EXAMS) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unbekannte URI " + uri); }/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s. co m*/ ContentValues contentValues; if (initialValues != null) { contentValues = new ContentValues(initialValues); } else { contentValues = new ContentValues(); } if (mOpenHelper == null) { Log.d(TAG, "mOpenHelper NULL"); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long rowID = db.insert(mOpenHelper.getTableName(), ExamsCol.EXAMNAME, contentValues); if (rowID > 0) { Uri examsUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ExamsCol.CONTENT_URI, rowID); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(examsUri, null); // Observer? return examsUri; } throw new SQLException("Konnte row nicht zu " + uri + " hinzufgen"); }
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@TargetApi(19) private void handleImageOnKitKat(int requestCode, Intent data) { String imagePath = null;/* w w w.j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ Uri uri = data.getData(); if (DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(this, uri)) { String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri); if ("".equals(uri.getAuthority())) { String id = docId.split(":")[1]; String selection = MediaStore.Images.Media._ID + "=" + id; imagePath = getImagePath(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, selection); } else if ("".equals(uri.getAuthority())) { Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse("content://downloads/public_downloads"), Long.valueOf(docId)); imagePath = getImagePath(contentUri, null); } } else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { imagePath = getImagePath(uri, null); } else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) { imagePath = uri.getPath(); } displayImage(requestCode, imagePath); }
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private Bitmap getContactPhoto(long id) { final InputStream photoStream = Contacts.openContactPhotoInputStream(mContext.getContentResolver(), ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, id), true); if (photoStream == null) return null; try {/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ final Bitmap bitmap = decodeStreamForShortcut(photoStream); photoStream.close(); return bitmap; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to decode contact photo for shortcut. ID=" + id, e); return null; } finally { try { photoStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // swallow } } }
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@Override public void onImageReady(long id, Object param, Bitmap bmp) { super.onImageReady(id, param, bmp); if (getActivity() != null) { getActivity().getContentResolver().notifyChange(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Games.CONTENT_URI, id), null);/* www.j av a 2 s. co m*/ } }
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@Override public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { super.onContextItemSelected(item); AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info; try {/*from ww w. ja va2s .c o m*/ info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { Log.e(TAG, "bad menuInfo", e); return false; } mCurrentId =; Uri uri; Cursor c; switch (item.getItemId()) { case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_REPLY: uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Tweets.CONTENT_URI,; c = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { Tweets._ID, Tweets.AUTHOR_ID }, null, null, null); try { c.moveToFirst(); String reply = "@" + c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.AUTHOR_ID)) + " "; long replyId = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets._ID)); mTweetEditor.startEditing(reply, replyId); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "onContextItemSelected: " + e.toString()); return false; } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) c.close(); } return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_RETWEET: uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Tweets.CONTENT_URI,; c = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { Tweets._ID, Tweets.AUTHOR_ID, Tweets.MESSAGE }, null, null, null); try { c.moveToFirst(); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); String reply = "RT @" + c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.AUTHOR_ID)) + " "; message.append(reply); CharSequence text = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.MESSAGE)); int len = 140 - reply.length() - 3; if (text.length() < len) { len = text.length(); } message.append(text, 0, len); if (message.length() == 137) { message.append("..."); } mTweetEditor.startEditing(message.toString(), 0); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "onContextItemSelected: " + e.toString()); return false; } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) c.close(); } return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_DESTROY_STATUS: sendCommand(new CommandData(CommandEnum.DESTROY_STATUS, mCurrentId)); return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_FAVORITE: sendCommand(new CommandData(CommandEnum.CREATE_FAVORITE, mCurrentId)); return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_DESTROY_FAVORITE: sendCommand(new CommandData(CommandEnum.DESTROY_FAVORITE, mCurrentId)); return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_SHARE: uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Tweets.CONTENT_URI,; c = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { Tweets._ID, Tweets.AUTHOR_ID, Tweets.MESSAGE }, null, null, null); try { c.moveToFirst(); StringBuilder subject = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); String message = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.MESSAGE)); subject.append(getText(R.string.button_create_tweet)); subject.append(" - " + message); int maxlength = 80; if (subject.length() > maxlength) { subject.setLength(maxlength); // Truncate at the last space subject.setLength(subject.lastIndexOf(" ")); subject.append("..."); } text.append(message); text.append("\n-- \n" + c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.AUTHOR_ID))); text.append("\n URL: " + "" + c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets.AUTHOR_ID)) + "/status/" + c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(Tweets._ID))); Intent share = new Intent(android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND); share.setType("text/plain"); share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject.toString()); share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text.toString()); startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, getText(R.string.menu_item_share))); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "onContextItemSelected: " + e.toString()); return false; } finally { if (c != null && !c.isClosed()) c.close(); } return true; case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_UNFOLLOW: case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_BLOCK: case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_DIRECT_MESSAGE: case CONTEXT_MENU_ITEM_PROFILE: Toast.makeText(this, R.string.unimplemented, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return true; } return false; }
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@Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference p) { final String prefKey = p.getKey(); if (KEY_ABOUT.equals(prefKey)) { ((ContactsPreferenceActivity) getActivity()).showAboutFragment(); return true; } else if (KEY_IMPORT.equals(prefKey)) {; return true; } else if (KEY_EXPORT.equals(prefKey)) {, ContactsPreferenceActivity.class, ExportDialogFragment.EXPORT_MODE_ALL_CONTACTS); return true; } else if (KEY_MY_INFO.equals(prefKey)) { if (mHasProfile) { final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, mProfileContactId); ImplicitIntentsUtil.startQuickContact(getActivity(), uri, ScreenType.ME_CONTACT); } else {//from ww w . j a v a 2s .c o m final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_INSERT, Contacts.CONTENT_URI); intent.putExtra(mNewLocalProfileExtra, true); ImplicitIntentsUtil.startActivityInApp(getActivity(), intent); } return true; } else if (KEY_ACCOUNTS.equals(prefKey)) { ImplicitIntentsUtil.startActivityOutsideApp(getContext(), ImplicitIntentsUtil.getIntentForAddingAccount()); return true; } else if (KEY_BLOCKED_NUMBERS.equals(prefKey)) { final Intent intent = TelecomManagerUtil.createManageBlockedNumbersIntent( (TelecomManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELECOM_SERVICE)); startActivity(intent); return true; } else if (KEY_CUSTOM_CONTACTS_FILTER.equals(prefKey)) { final ContactListFilter filter = ContactListFilterController.getInstance(getContext()).getFilter(); AccountFilterUtil.startAccountFilterActivityForResult(this, REQUEST_CODE_CUSTOM_CONTACTS_FILTER, filter); } return false; }
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private void refreshUI(Cursor entryCursor) { if (entryCursor != null) { String feedTitle = entryCursor.isNull(mFeedNamePos) ? entryCursor.getString(mFeedUrlPos) : entryCursor.getString(mFeedNamePos); BaseActivity activity = (BaseActivity) getActivity(); activity.setTitle(feedTitle);// w w w . j av a 2s .c o m byte[] iconBytes = entryCursor.getBlob(mFeedIconPos); Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(iconBytes, 0, iconBytes.length); UiUtils.getFaviconPalette(bitmap, mToolbarPaletteListener); mFavorite = entryCursor.getInt(mIsFavoritePos) == 1; activity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); // Listen the mobilizing task if (FetcherService.hasMobilizationTask(mEntriesIds[mCurrentPagerPos])) { showSwipeProgress(); // If the service is not started, start it here to avoid an infinite loading if (!PrefUtils.getBoolean(PrefUtils.IS_REFRESHING, false)) { Application.context().startService(new Intent(Application.context(), FetcherService.class) .setAction(FetcherService.ACTION_MOBILIZE_FEEDS)); } } else { hideSwipeProgress(); } // Mark the article as read if (entryCursor.getInt(mIsReadPos) != 1) { final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(mBaseUri, mEntriesIds[mCurrentPagerPos]); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ContentResolver cr = Application.context().getContentResolver(); cr.update(uri, FeedData.getReadContentValues(), null, null); // Update the cursor Cursor updatedCursor = cr.query(uri, null, null, null, null); updatedCursor.moveToFirst(); mEntryPagerAdapter.setUpdatedCursor(mCurrentPagerPos, updatedCursor); } }).start(); } } }
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private void refreshUI(Cursor entryCursor) { if (entryCursor != null) { String feedTitle = entryCursor.isNull(mFeedNamePos) ? entryCursor.getString(mFeedUrlPos) : entryCursor.getString(mFeedNamePos); BaseActivity activity = (BaseActivity) getActivity(); activity.setTitle(feedTitle);//from w w w . j a v a2s. com byte[] iconBytes = entryCursor.getBlob(mFeedIconPos); Bitmap bitmap = UiUtils.getScaledBitmap(iconBytes, 24); if (bitmap != null) { activity.getSupportActionBar().setIcon(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bitmap)); } else { activity.getSupportActionBar().setIcon(null); } mFavorite = entryCursor.getInt(mIsFavoritePos) == 1; activity.invalidateOptionsMenu(); // Listen the mobilizing task if (FetcherService.hasMobilizationTask(mEntriesIds[mCurrentPagerPos])) { showSwipeProgress(); // If the service is not started, start it here to avoid an infinite loading if (!PrefUtils.getBoolean(PrefUtils.IS_REFRESHING, false)) { MainApplication.getContext() .startService(new Intent(MainApplication.getContext(), FetcherService.class) .setAction(FetcherService.ACTION_MOBILIZE_FEEDS)); } } else { hideSwipeProgress(); } // Mark the article as read if (entryCursor.getInt(mIsReadPos) != 1) { final Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(mBaseUri, mEntriesIds[mCurrentPagerPos]); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ContentResolver cr = MainApplication.getContext().getContentResolver(); cr.update(uri, FeedData.getReadContentValues(), null, null); // Update the cursor Cursor updatedCursor = cr.query(uri, null, null, null, null); updatedCursor.moveToFirst(); mEntryPagerAdapter.setUpdatedCursor(mCurrentPagerPos, updatedCursor); } }).start(); } } }
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private void showDialogForGroupSelection(final Context context, final Long profileId, final String groupName) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(context); builder.setTitle(R.string.set_android_group); final Cursor choiceCursor = ContactsWrapper.getInstance().getGroups(context); int selectedIndex = -1; if (choiceCursor != null) { if (choiceCursor.moveToFirst()) { int i = 0; int colIdx = choiceCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsWrapper.FIELD_GROUP_NAME); do {/*www.ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ String name = choiceCursor.getString(colIdx); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name) && name.equalsIgnoreCase(groupName)) { selectedIndex = i; break; } i++; } while (choiceCursor.moveToNext()); } } builder.setSingleChoiceItems(choiceCursor, selectedIndex, ContactsWrapper.FIELD_GROUP_NAME, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (choiceCursor != null) { choiceCursor.moveToPosition(which); String name = choiceCursor .getString(choiceCursor.getColumnIndex(ContactsWrapper.FIELD_GROUP_NAME)); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(SipProfile.FIELD_ANDROID_GROUP, name); context.getContentResolver().update( ContentUris.withAppendedId(SipProfile.ACCOUNT_ID_URI_BASE, profileId), cv, null, null); choiceCursor.close(); } dialog.dismiss(); } }); builder.setCancelable(true); builder.setNeutralButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (choiceCursor != null) { choiceCursor.close(); } dialog.dismiss(); } }); builder.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { if (choiceCursor != null) { choiceCursor.close(); } } }); final Dialog dialog = builder.create();; }
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/** * Save the attachment to its final resting place (cache or sd card) *//*from w w w .j a v a 2 s.c om*/ public static void saveAttachment(Context context, InputStream in, Attachment attachment) { Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Attachment.CONTENT_URI, attachment.mId); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); long attachmentId = attachment.mId; long accountId = attachment.mAccountKey; String contentUri; long size; try { if (attachment.mUiDestination == UIProvider.AttachmentDestination.CACHE) { File saveIn = getAttachmentDirectory(context, accountId); if (!saveIn.exists()) { saveIn.mkdirs(); } File file = getAttachmentFilename(context, accountId, attachmentId); file.createNewFile(); size = copyFile(in, file); contentUri = getAttachmentUri(accountId, attachmentId).toString(); } else if (Utility.isExternalStorageMounted()) { File downloads = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS); downloads.mkdirs(); File file = Utility.createUniqueFile(downloads, attachment.mFileName); size = copyFile(in, file); String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); // Although the download manager can scan media files, scanning only happens // after the user clicks on the item in the Downloads app. So, we run the // attachment through the media scanner ourselves so it gets added to // gallery / music immediately. MediaScannerConnection.scanFile(context, new String[] { absolutePath }, null, null); DownloadManager dm = (DownloadManager) context.getSystemService(Context.DOWNLOAD_SERVICE); long id = dm.addCompletedDownload(attachment.mFileName, attachment.mFileName, false /* do not use media scanner */, attachment.mMimeType, absolutePath, size, true /* show notification */); contentUri = dm.getUriForDownloadedFile(id).toString(); } else { Log.w(Logging.LOG_TAG, "Trying to save an attachment without external storage?"); throw new IOException(); } // Update the attachment cv.put(AttachmentColumns.SIZE, size); cv.put(AttachmentColumns.CONTENT_URI, contentUri); cv.put(AttachmentColumns.UI_STATE, UIProvider.AttachmentState.SAVED); } catch (IOException e) { // Handle failures here... cv.put(AttachmentColumns.UI_STATE, UIProvider.AttachmentState.FAILED); } context.getContentResolver().update(uri, cv, null, null); }