List of usage examples for android.content ContentUris withAppendedId
public static Uri withAppendedId(Uri contentUri, long id)
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/** * Returns the list of URIs to show./*from w w w .j a v a 2s .com*/ * <p> * There are two ways the URIs can be provided to the activity: as the data * on the intent, or as a list of ids in the call log added as an extra on * the URI. * <p> * If both are available, the data on the intent takes precedence. */ private Uri[] getCallLogEntryUris() { long[] ids = getArguments().getLongArray(EXTRA_CALL_LOG_IDS); Uri[] uris = new Uri[ids.length]; for (int index = 0; index < ids.length; ++index) { uris[index] = ContentUris.withAppendedId(SipManager.CALLLOG_ID_URI_BASE, ids[index]); } return uris; }
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/** * Matches the input string against contacts names and addresses. * * @param resolver The content resolver. * @param input The user-typed input string. * @param addressesRetVal The addresses in the returned result are also returned here * for faster lookup. Pass in an empty set. * @return Ordered list of all the matched results. If there are multiple address matches * for the same contact, they will be listed together in individual items, with only * the first item containing a name/icon. *//* w w w.j a v a 2 s. com*/ private static List<Result> queryContacts(ContentResolver resolver, String input, HashSet<String> addressesRetVal) { String where = null; String[] whereArgs = null; // Match any word in contact name or address. if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(input)) { where = CONTACTS_WHERE; String param1 = input + "%"; String param2 = "% " + input + "%"; whereArgs = new String[] { param1, param2, param1, param2 }; } // Perform the query. Cursor c = resolver.query(CommonDataKinds.StructuredPostal.CONTENT_URI, CONTACTS_PROJECTION, where, whereArgs, Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME + " ASC"); // Process results. Group together addresses for the same contact. try { Map<String, List<Result>> nameToAddresses = new HashMap<String, List<Result>>(); c.moveToPosition(-1); while (c.moveToNext()) { String name = c.getString(CONTACTS_INDEX_DISPLAY_NAME); String address = c.getString(CONTACTS_INDEX_ADDRESS); if (name != null) { List<Result> addressesForName = nameToAddresses.get(name); Result result; if (addressesForName == null) { // Determine if there is a photo for the icon. Uri contactPhotoUri = null; if (c.getLong(CONTACTS_INDEX_PHOTO_ID) > 0) { contactPhotoUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Contacts.CONTENT_URI, c.getLong(CONTACTS_INDEX_CONTACT_ID)); } // First listing for a distinct contact should have the name/icon. addressesForName = new ArrayList<Result>(); nameToAddresses.put(name, addressesForName); result = new Result(name, address, R.drawable.ic_contact_picture, contactPhotoUri); } else { // Do not include name/icon in subsequent listings for the same contact. result = new Result(null, address, null, null); } addressesForName.add(result); addressesRetVal.add(address); } } // Return the list of results. List<Result> allResults = new ArrayList<Result>(); for (List<Result> result : nameToAddresses.values()) { allResults.addAll(result); } return allResults; } finally { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } }
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private void doSearch(long id, boolean reversed) { Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Journeys.CONTENT_URI, id); Cursor cursor = getActivity().managedQuery(uri, PROJECTION, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst();//from w w w. ja va 2 s . co m JourneyQuery journeyQuery = getJourneyQuery(cursor); if (reversed) { Planner.Location tmpStartPoint = new Location(journeyQuery.destination); Planner.Location tmpEndPoint = new Location(journeyQuery.origin); journeyQuery.origin = tmpStartPoint; journeyQuery.destination = tmpEndPoint; } Intent routesIntent = new Intent(getActivity(), RoutesActivity.class); routesIntent.putExtra(RoutesActivity.EXTRA_JOURNEY_QUERY, journeyQuery); startActivity(routesIntent); }
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/** * Send a single message via EAS/*from www .ja v a 2 s.c o m*/ * Note that we mark messages SEND_FAILED when there is a permanent failure, rather than an * IOException, which is handled by SyncManager with retries, backoffs, etc. * * @param cacheDir the cache directory for this context * @param msgId the _id of the message to send * @throws IOException */ int sendMessage(File cacheDir, long msgId) throws IOException, MessagingException { int result; sendCallback(msgId, null, EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("eas_", "tmp", cacheDir); // Write the output to a temporary file try { String[] cols = getRowColumns(Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId, MessageColumns.FLAGS, MessageColumns.SUBJECT); int flags = Integer.parseInt(cols[0]); String subject = cols[1]; boolean reply = (flags & Message.FLAG_TYPE_REPLY) != 0; boolean forward = (flags & Message.FLAG_TYPE_FORWARD) != 0; // The reference message and mailbox are called item and collection in EAS String itemId = null; String collectionId = null; if (reply || forward) { // First, we need to get the id of the reply/forward message cols = getRowColumns(Body.CONTENT_URI, BODY_SOURCE_PROJECTION, WHERE_MESSAGE_KEY, new String[] { Long.toString(msgId) }); if (cols != null) { long refId = Long.parseLong(cols[0]); // Then, we need the serverId and mailboxKey of the message cols = getRowColumns(Message.CONTENT_URI, refId, SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY); if (cols != null) { itemId = cols[0]; long boxId = Long.parseLong(cols[1]); // Then, we need the serverId of the mailbox cols = getRowColumns(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, boxId, MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID); if (cols != null) { collectionId = cols[0]; } } } } boolean smartSend = itemId != null && collectionId != null; // Write the message in rfc822 format to the temporary file FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); Rfc822Output.writeTo(mContext, msgId, fileStream, !smartSend, true); fileStream.close(); // Now, get an input stream to our temporary file and create an entity with it FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); InputStreamEntity inputEntity = new InputStreamEntity(inputStream, tmpFile.length()); // Create the appropriate command and POST it to the server String cmd = "SendMail&SaveInSent=T"; if (smartSend) { cmd = reply ? "SmartReply" : "SmartForward"; cmd += "&ItemId=" + itemId + "&CollectionId=" + collectionId + "&SaveInSent=T"; } userLog("Send cmd: " + cmd); HttpResponse resp = sendHttpClientPost(cmd, inputEntity, SEND_MAIL_TIMEOUT); inputStream.close(); int code = resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { userLog("Deleting message..."); mContentResolver.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId), null, null); result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; sendCallback(-1, subject, EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS); } else { userLog("Message sending failed, code: " + code); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, SEND_FAILED); Message.update(mContext, Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId, cv); // We mark the result as SUCCESS on a non-auth failure since the message itself is // already marked failed and we don't want to stop other messages from trying to // send. if (isAuthError(code)) { result = EmailServiceStatus.LOGIN_FAILED; } else { result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; } sendCallback(msgId, null, result); } } catch (IOException e) { // We catch this just to send the callback sendCallback(msgId, null, EmailServiceStatus.CONNECTION_ERROR); throw e; } finally { // Clean up the temporary file if (tmpFile.exists()) { tmpFile.delete(); } } return result; }
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@Override public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { Cursor cursor = (Cursor) getListAdapter().getItem(position); if ((cursor == null) || (itsListener == null)) { return;//from w ww. j av a2 s . c om } Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(PasswdSafeContract.Providers.CONTENT_URI, id); itsListener.showSyncProviderFiles(uri); }
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@Override public void onActivedButtonClick(long id, boolean bActivited) { //Cursor cursor = mAdapter.getCursor(); LogUtils.LOGD(TAG, "Activited Button clicked. id: " + id + " Activited: " + bActivited); ContentResolver cr = getActivity().getContentResolver(); Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(RulesColumns.CONTENT_URI, id); String[] projects = { RulesColumns.RULETYPE };//from www . j av a 2 s .co m Cursor cursor = cr.query(uri, projects, null, null, null); cursor.moveToFirst(); int ruletype = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(RulesColumns.RULETYPE)); ContentValues contentValues = new ContentValues(); contentValues.put(RulesColumns.ACTIVATED, bActivited ? 1 : 0); cr.update(uri, contentValues, null, null); mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); if (ruletype == RulesColumns.RT_TIME) { if (bActivited == false) TimeRuleAlarmService.cancelScheduledAlarm(getActivity(), uri); else TimeRuleAlarmService.startScheduleAlarm(getActivity(), uri); } else if (ruletype == RulesColumns.RT_LOCATION) { //TODO cancel location mute } }
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private void publishNextArtwork(Uri forceUri) { // schedule next scheduleNext();// w w w . ja v a 2s . co m Cursor chosenUris = getContentResolver().query(GalleryContract.ChosenPhotos.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { BaseColumns._ID }, null, null, null); int numChosenUris = (chosenUris != null) ? chosenUris.getCount() : 0; Artwork currentArtwork = getCurrentArtwork(); String lastToken = (currentArtwork != null) ? currentArtwork.getToken() : null; Uri imageUri; Random random = new Random(); if (forceUri != null) { imageUri = forceUri; } else if (numChosenUris > 0) { while (true) { chosenUris.moveToPosition(random.nextInt(chosenUris.getCount())); imageUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(GalleryContract.ChosenPhotos.CONTENT_URI, chosenUris.getLong(chosenUris.getColumnIndex(BaseColumns._ID))); if (numChosenUris <= 1 || !imageUri.toString().equals(lastToken)) { break; } } } else { if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { Log.w(TAG, "Missing read external storage permission."); return; } Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, new String[] { MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID }, MediaStore.Images.Media.BUCKET_DISPLAY_NAME + " NOT LIKE '%Screenshots%'", null, null); if (cursor == null) { Log.w(TAG, "Empty cursor."); return; } int count = cursor.getCount(); if (count == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "No photos in the gallery."); return; } while (true) { cursor.moveToPosition(random.nextInt(count)); imageUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI, cursor.getLong(0)); if (!imageUri.toString().equals(lastToken)) { break; } } cursor.close(); } if (chosenUris != null) { chosenUris.close(); } String token = imageUri.toString(); // Retrieve metadata for item ensureMetadataExists(imageUri); String[] projection = { GalleryContract.MetadataCache.COLUMN_NAME_DATETIME, GalleryContract.MetadataCache.COLUMN_NAME_LOCATION }; Cursor metadata = getContentResolver().query(GalleryContract.MetadataCache.CONTENT_URI, projection, GalleryContract.MetadataCache.COLUMN_NAME_URI + "=?", new String[] { imageUri.toString() }, null); long datetime = 0; String location = null; if (metadata != null && metadata.moveToFirst()) { datetime = metadata .getLong(metadata.getColumnIndex(GalleryContract.MetadataCache.COLUMN_NAME_DATETIME)); location = metadata .getString(metadata.getColumnIndex(GalleryContract.MetadataCache.COLUMN_NAME_LOCATION)); } if (metadata != null) { metadata.close(); } // Publish the actual artwork String title; if (datetime > 0) { title = DateUtils.formatDateTime(this, datetime, DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY); } else { title = getString(R.string.gallery_from_gallery); } String byline; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(location)) { byline = location; } else { byline = getString(R.string.gallery_touch_to_view); } publishArtwork(new Artwork.Builder().imageUri(imageUri).title(title).byline(byline).token(token) .viewIntent(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).setDataAndType(imageUri, "image/jpeg")).build()); }
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/** * Processes all groups with non-null {@link #COLUMN_PENDING_MEMBERS}: the pending memberships * are (if possible) applied, keeping cached memberships in sync. * @param addressBook address book to take groups from * @throws ContactsStorageException on contact provider errors *//*from w ww.j a v a2s . co m*/ public static void applyPendingMemberships(LocalAddressBook addressBook) throws ContactsStorageException { try { @Cleanup Cursor cursor = addressBook.provider.query(addressBook.syncAdapterURI(Groups.CONTENT_URI), new String[] { Groups._ID, COLUMN_PENDING_MEMBERS }, COLUMN_PENDING_MEMBERS + " IS NOT NULL", new String[] {}, null); BatchOperation batch = new BatchOperation(addressBook.provider); while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { long id = cursor.getLong(0); Constants.log.fine("Assigning members to group " + id); // delete all memberships and cached memberships for this group batch.enqueue(new BatchOperation.Operation(ContentProviderOperation .newDelete(addressBook.syncAdapterURI(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI)) .withSelection( "(" + GroupMembership.MIMETYPE + "=? AND " + GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID + "=?) OR (" + CachedGroupMembership.MIMETYPE + "=? AND " + CachedGroupMembership.GROUP_ID + "=?)", new String[] { GroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, String.valueOf(id), CachedGroupMembership.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE, String.valueOf(id) }) .withYieldAllowed(true))); // extract list of member UIDs List<String> members = new LinkedList<>(); byte[] raw = cursor.getBlob(1); @Cleanup("recycle") Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain(); parcel.unmarshall(raw, 0, raw.length); parcel.setDataPosition(0); parcel.readStringList(members); // insert memberships for (String uid : members) { Constants.log.fine("Assigning member: " + uid); try { LocalContact member = addressBook.findContactByUID(uid); member.addToGroup(batch, id); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Constants.log.log(Level.WARNING, "Group member not found: " + uid, e); } } // remove pending memberships batch.enqueue(new BatchOperation.Operation(ContentProviderOperation .newUpdate(addressBook.syncAdapterURI(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Groups.CONTENT_URI, id))) .withValue(COLUMN_PENDING_MEMBERS, null).withYieldAllowed(true))); batch.commit(); } } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ContactsStorageException("Couldn't get pending memberships", e); } }
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/** * A convenience method to set an time schedule in the Time Schedule * content provider.//w w w . j a va2s . c om * @return Time when the time schedule will fire. */ public static long setTimeSchedule(Context context, TimeSchedule timeSchedule) { ContentValues values = createContentValues(timeSchedule); ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver(); resolver.update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(CONTENT_URI,, values, null, null); setNextAction(context); return calculateTimeSchedule(timeSchedule); }
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/** * Send a single message via EAS/*from w w w . ja va2 s. c o m*/ * Note that we mark messages SEND_FAILED when there is a permanent failure, rather than an * IOException, which is handled by SyncManager with retries, backoffs, etc. * * @param cacheDir the cache directory for this context * @param msgId the _id of the message to send * @throws IOException */ int sendMessage(File cacheDir, long msgId) throws IOException, MessagingException { int result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; sendCallback(msgId, null, EmailServiceStatus.IN_PROGRESS); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("eas_", "tmp", cacheDir); // Write the output to a temporary file try { String[] cols = getRowColumns(Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId, MessageColumns.FLAGS, MessageColumns.SUBJECT); int flags = Integer.parseInt(cols[0]); String subject = cols[1]; boolean reply = (flags & Message.FLAG_TYPE_REPLY) != 0; boolean forward = (flags & Message.FLAG_TYPE_FORWARD) != 0; // The reference message and mailbox are called item and collection in EAS String itemId = null; String collectionId = null; if (reply || forward) { // First, we need to get the id of the reply/forward message cols = getRowColumns(Body.CONTENT_URI, BODY_SOURCE_PROJECTION, WHERE_MESSAGE_KEY, new String[] { Long.toString(msgId) }); if (cols != null) { long refId = Long.parseLong(cols[0]); // Then, we need the serverId and mailboxKey of the message cols = getRowColumns(Message.CONTENT_URI, refId, SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, MessageColumns.MAILBOX_KEY); if (cols != null) { itemId = cols[0]; long boxId = Long.parseLong(cols[1]); // Then, we need the serverId of the mailbox cols = getRowColumns(Mailbox.CONTENT_URI, boxId, MailboxColumns.SERVER_ID); if (cols != null) { collectionId = cols[0]; } } } } boolean smartSend = itemId != null && collectionId != null; // Write the message in rfc822 format to the temporary file FileOutputStream fileStream = new FileOutputStream(tmpFile); Rfc822Output.writeTo(mContext, msgId, fileStream, !smartSend, true); fileStream.close(); // Now, get an input stream to our temporary file and create an entity with it FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); InputStreamEntity inputEntity = new InputStreamEntity(inputStream, tmpFile.length()); // Create the appropriate command and POST it to the server String cmd = "SendMail&SaveInSent=T"; if (smartSend) { cmd = reply ? "SmartReply" : "SmartForward"; cmd += "&ItemId=" + itemId + "&CollectionId=" + collectionId + "&SaveInSent=T"; } userLog("Send cmd: " + cmd); HttpResponse resp = sendHttpClientPost(cmd, inputEntity, SEND_MAIL_TIMEOUT); inputStream.close(); int code = resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { userLog("Deleting message..."); mContentResolver.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId), null, null); result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; sendCallback(-1, subject, EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS); } else { userLog("Message sending failed, code: " + code); boolean retrySuccess = false; if (smartSend) { userLog("Retrying without smartSend"); cmd = "SendMail&SaveInSent=T"; userLog("Send cmd: " + cmd); inputStream = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); inputEntity = new InputStreamEntity(inputStream, tmpFile.length()); resp = sendHttpClientPost(cmd, inputEntity, SEND_MAIL_TIMEOUT); inputStream.close(); code = resp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { userLog("Deleting message..."); mContentResolver.delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId), null, null); result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; sendCallback(-1, subject, EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS); retrySuccess = true; } } if (!retrySuccess) { userLog("Message sending failed, code: " + code); ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(SyncColumns.SERVER_ID, SEND_FAILED); Message.update(mContext, Message.CONTENT_URI, msgId, cv); // We mark the result as SUCCESS on a non-auth failure since the message itself // is already marked failed and we don't want to stop other messages from // trying to send. if (isAuthError(code)) { result = EmailServiceStatus.LOGIN_FAILED; } else { result = EmailServiceStatus.SUCCESS; } sendCallback(msgId, null, result); } } } catch (IOException e) { // We catch this just to send the callback sendCallback(msgId, null, EmailServiceStatus.CONNECTION_ERROR); throw e; } finally { // Clean up the temporary file if (tmpFile.exists()) { tmpFile.delete(); } } return result; }