Photoshop Nature Night Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Nature Night
The Magic Night Photoshop,39 Images, 1172 words
This lesson will show to you as by means of simple actions to create a beautiful and interesting collage. Resourses: Background: Sky: Planet: Step 1. We beg..

Night of Spells Photoshop,66 Images, 1003 words
In this tutorial I will show you how to create magic Halloween photo manipulation: Night of Spells Start off by making a new canvas, 1490x1490 pixels. Set the values as in the photo below. Use the Pen Tool (P) to draw a path around the model's silhou..

Create a Moonlit Night Scene in Photoshop Photoshop,47 Images, 1931 words
Photoshop is an excellent tool to combine several photos into one seamless image. In today's tutorial we will use different tools and techniques to create an abandoned automobile in a moonlit night scene in Photoshop. Let's get started! You can downl..

Create a Beautiful Night Scene with Mystic Silhouettes Photoshop,37 Images, 3339 words
Create a new .psd document and set Image Size to 4000px of Width and 3000px of Height, Resolution 72 px/inch. Click twice on Background in Layers Palette to turn it into an editable layer. As the layer will be automatically named Layer 0, rename it G..

Learn How to Create A Night Effect in Photoshop Photoshop,19 Images, 587 words
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a night effect in Photoshop using hue and sturation, adjustment layers, filters, brushes, blending modes and layer styles. Open the image file on which you want to apply night effect. Then duplicate the ..

The Making of Bayou Nights Photoshop,25 Images, 2778 words
In this tutorial I will be explaining how I used Photoshop 4.0 to turn Cabin 105 into a nighttime bayou scene. Start by opening the high resolution version of the original Cabin 105 theme pic. Duplicate the background layer and name the new layer "ca..

Starry Nights Photoshop,25 Images, 397 words
To begin, lets duplicate the 'background' layer & rename it to 'starrynights' as I have captured below. Switch to the 'Channels Palette' and duplicate the 'Blue' channel so that you now have 'Blue Copy' as I have captured below. With the 'Blue Copy' ..

Enchanted Nights Photoshop,24 Images, 770 words
Here is a simple photo manipulation turning a day time picture into an enchanted night. The photo I used is one that comes installed with Photoshop and is located in the '..SamplesStock Art' folder with file name of '0006865.JPG'. I first applied a '..

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