Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Animal Zombie
Zombify Your Photos in Less Than 20 Steps Photoshop,26 Images, 1408 words
Start by opening up a new document (600X500px). And fill your canvas with black. Now paste in a photo of a man looking distraught. Try to fit it into the right half of your image, and make sure that it is the same height as your canvas. Cut out the m..
![Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/p/psd_fanextra_com_tutorials_designing_zombify_your_photos_in_less_than_20_steps_.jpg)
Creating a Zombie Photoshop,11 Images, 3265 words
This Photoshop CS2 tutorial will show you how to rot people's face, expose their skull and turn them into zombie. What you need: + A portrait of the victim. AKA, the zombie and a picture of a human skull. Ideally in the roughly the same pose as your ..
![Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/d/dphotojournal_com_photoshop_tutorial_creating_a_zombie_.jpg)
Photoshop Zombie Tutorial Photoshop,9 Images, 1109 words
Zombifiying people in Photoshop is ridiculously good fun, there's no doubt about it. In this new series of tutorials I will guide you through the various steps for creating top-tier Photoshop Zombies. I wanted to focus on the Undead Eyes look first, ..
![Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/s/surrealpsd_com_photoshop_zombie_undead_eyes_.jpg)
Creating Zombie Portrait Photoshop,4 Images, 211 words
I made a lot of mistakes while trying to get this zombie painting right and I wanted to share those with you so you can avoid them in the future. Here are some topics we'll cover: I realised upon completing my'old man portrait'study that I needed to ..
![Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial Photoshop Animal Zombie Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/c/cgarena_com_freestuff_tutorials_photoshop_zombie_zombie_html.jpg)