Photoshop Animal Bird Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Animal Bird
Create a Cute Twitter Bird Icon in Photoshop Photoshop,78 Images, 2426 words
Today, we will demonstrate how to create a cute Twitter bird icon in Photoshop. Let's get started! In a new PSD file of 800 600 pixels, 72 dpi, RGB color and white background, we will draw a circular shape layer, color #0099FF. By pressing Shift you ..

Create A ?Cueet? Twitter Bird in Photoshop Photoshop,38 Images, 964 words
In this tutorial we will use a broken egg as a base of bird. The creation of egg would be very simple but lengthy. So, please refer to this page for learning-Create 3d broken twitter egg. And those who knew how to create and break egg please proceed ..

Let us Design Twitter Bird in Photoshop Photoshop,38 Images, 848 words
Twitter is very common social bookmarking site. Almost every person is having an account on this site. People are sharing their knowledge with each other through this site. Twitter is the sound of bird and that is why Twitter is having a lot of Bird ..

Create a cheerful Twitter bird in Photoshop Photoshop,37 Images, 934 words
One of the most fascinating aspects of promoting your twitter account is that you don't need to stick to a predesigned logo or badge. The Twitter bird is so widely known that you can design whatever you want, as long as you include a happy singing bi..

Let?s create a cute Bird vector in Photo shop Photoshop,32 Images, 406 words
Hi guys, I'm back with another Photoshop tutorial for you. Today, we will create a cute bird vector using the 'Pen tool? and 'blending options? in our favorite adobe Photoshop. We'll draw the basic body shape of our birdy now. Make sure to draw each ..

How to Create A Digital Illustration Using Birds Photoshop,20 Images, 820 words
This tutorial is all about creating an illustration using just a few stock images of birds. The composition is quite simple, but with a little inspiration you can create something really nice. I would like to thank Flavius for giving me a hand with t..

Create a Beautiful Silver Blue Bird Photoshop,17 Images, 826 words
We will start by giving a look at the original image, provided by pxleyes. This image is the beginning of our journey into making a fantasy blue bird. The bird can be made of any texture. I decided to use the shiny texture of the metal. Open a 600 x ..

How to Paint a Lovely Pair of Birds in Photoshop Photoshop,16 Images, 482 words
Learn how to create this painting of a beautiful pair of birds. You will learn how to extract photos and give them a beautiful painting-like look. Next, activate the pen tool in the tool panel. We will crop the umbrella from the picture. All we have ..