Photoshop Action Tool Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Action Tool
A Comprehensive Introduction to the Type Tool Photoshop,24 Images, 2431 words
Who doesn't know the Type Tool? This is maybe one of the most powerful and useful tools of Photoshop. We've all used it at least once, but do you know all its potential? That's why I decided to write a comprehensive guide about Photoshop's Type tool,..

Using the Photoshop Vanishing Point Tool Photoshop,16 Images, 409 words
In this quick tutorial I will show you some easy ways to use the Photoshop vanishing point tool to put graffiti on the side of a building. The first method I will show you with the vanishing tool is how to put text on the wall of a building at an ang..

Getting To Know Photoshop ? The Main Tool Bar Photoshop,3 Images, 1504 words
Now on Photoshop Plus you can learn the very basics of using Adobe Photoshop, the series is aimed at new comers opening photoshop for the very first time. We'll start by looking at the main tool bar. If you click the image above you can view the phot..

Getting To Know Photoshop: The Count Tool Photoshop,8 Images, 495 words
Adobe Photoshop is full of useful tools, some of which you probably won't ever use. In this quick guide I'll be showing you photoshops count tool. The count tool can be a very useful tool for people who want to keep count of multiple objects in a con..

Photoshop Tools Reloaded Photoshop,3 Images, 1548 words
Did you ever wonder, while working in Photoshop: what does this tool do? Then this brief tutorial is for you. You will learn what are the most used tools in Photoshop, their names, what to do with chosen tool, and for what purpose. Let's start with t..

Master Photoshop's advance warp tools Photoshop,3 Images, 316 words
Kyle DeTella makes heavy use of Photoshop's Warp and Burn tools to create an abstraction composition based on his current work. In this tutorial, we will use Adobe Photoshop to compile various simple elements into a more intricate design. Having a st..

Top 15 Photoshop Tools Every Photographer Should Know Photoshop,1 Images, 164 words
Photoshop is a magnificent tool that can help you save time and money by editing images in an efficient manner. Unfortunately, the learning curve for post-processing programs is a little steep. Que photographer Jeff Cable and his photoshopping skills..

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