Photoshop Action Remove Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Action Remove
Remove Unwanted Objects Photoshop,5 Images, 354 words
This tutorial is to help you learn how to remove unwanted items from a photo using the Clone Stamp Tool.? For this photo (in order to simplify it and draw more attention to the main island) I removed the chain of little islands.? Once you have your p..

Removing an Object: Visiting a Wildlife Park Photoshop,11 Images, 296 words
The author of this tutorial is Gordon Sisson. Mr Sisson used the stand-alone version on a Mac Pro machine. Often, when on vacation, people will ask a passing stranger to take a picture of their group with their camera. Before digital, they would not ..

Remove Freckles and Blemeshes with Photoshop Photoshop,9 Images, 222 words
In this tutorial I will show you some really easy techniques to remove freckles and blemeshes from a photo using blurring, blending modes, and layer masks. Now on your image add lens blur by going to filter>>blur>>lens blur and use these settings Now..

Removing Imperfections Using Photoshop Photoshop,9 Images, 3531 words
Try before you buy. Download any Adobe product for a free 30 day trial. Window Seat: The Art of Digital Photography & Creative Thinking by Julieanne Kost "Removing Imperfections" (Pages 130-131 from Window Seat: The Art of Digital Photography & Creat..

Removing Powerlines Photoshop,7 Images, 344 words
Don't you hate it when you get to a new place, take a picture, and later see that an annoying powerline is in the middle of your picture, ruining it! Well not to worry. This tutorial will teach you how to remove those annyoing powerlines while leavin..

Removing Freckles Photoshop,7 Images, 354 words
In this tutorial we're going to show you how you can remove freckles easily and quikcly using gaussian blur and history brush. Step 2.) Now apply gaussian blur (filter > blur > gaussian blur) to your background copy. Try to drag the slider slowly to ..

Removing Braces Photoshop,3 Images, 114 words
Now zoom in on the mouth of your photo. (Ctrl + to zoom in, Ctrl - to zoom out) Step 2:Now with the Clone Tool selected, hold alt and select a bit of tooth near the braket of the brace. Once you select a bit of tooth, let go of alt and wherever you c..

Removing Braces Photoshop,2 Images, 103 words
Have you ever taken a great photograph but became ashamed of your braces? Well, have no fear! Photoshop can fix it. Choose a soft round brush. Size depends on the size of the area you're working on. Zoom into the area as much as you need. Hold Alt an..

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