element is the root element within an XML Schema. : Introduction « XML Schema « XML Tutorial

<schema targetNamespace="URI" 
        attributeFormDefault="qualified or unqualified" 
        elementFormDefault="qualified or unqualified" 
        version="version number"> 

You could use any of the following for the XML schema namespace : 

<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">              or 

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">        or 

<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> 

Within the <schema> element you can specify how elements should be qualified: elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault 

The elementFormDefault and attributeFormDefault attributes enable you to control the default qualification form for elements and attributes.
The default value is unqualified.

3.1.1.Getting Started with XML Schemas
3.1.2.XML Schema defines the name vocabulary.
3.1.3. Declarations
3.1.4. element is the root element within an XML Schema.
3.1.5.Target Namespaces
3.1.6.Simple and Complex Types
3.1.7.Primitive Datatypes
3.1.8.Derived Datatypes
3.1.9.Useful built-in simple types
3.1.10.Create global complex types
3.1.11.Derivation by extension
3.1.12.Derivation by restriction