Derived Datatypes : Introduction « XML Schema « XML Tutorial

Type Name          Type                             Derivation

integer            Built-in derived                 decimal

token              Built-in derived                 normalizedString

nonPositiveInteger Built-in derived                 integer

long               Built-in derived                 integer

nonNegativeInteger Built-in derived                 integer

language           Built-in derived                 token

Name               Built-in derived                 token

NMTOKEN            Built-in derived                 token

negativeInteger    Built-in derived                 nonPositiveInteger

int                Built-in derived                 long

unsignedLong       Built-in derived                 nonNegativeInteger

positiveInteger    Built-in derived                 nonNegativeInteger

NCName             Built-in derived                 Name

NMTOKENS           Built-in derived                 NMTOKEN

short              Built-in derived                 int

unsignedInt        Built-in derived                 unsignedLong

ID                 Built-in derived                 NCName

IDREF              Built-in derived                 NCName

ENTITY             Built-in derived                 NCName

byte               Built-in derived                 short

unsignedShort      Built-in derived                 unsignedInt

IDREFS             Built-in derived                 IDREF

ENTITIES           Built-in derived                 ENTITY

unsignedByte       Built-in derived                 unsignedShort

3.1.1.Getting Started with XML Schemas
3.1.2.XML Schema defines the name vocabulary.
3.1.3. Declarations
3.1.4. element is the root element within an XML Schema.
3.1.5.Target Namespaces
3.1.6.Simple and Complex Types
3.1.7.Primitive Datatypes
3.1.8.Derived Datatypes
3.1.9.Useful built-in simple types
3.1.10.Create global complex types
3.1.11.Derivation by extension
3.1.12.Derivation by restriction