- A Rectange object specifics a rectangular area in the coordinate system.
- Its x and y fields specify the top-left corner coordinate.
- Its width and height fields specify the width and height of the rectangle, respectively.
Here are some of the constructors of the Rectangle class.
public Rectangle ()
public Rectangle (Dimension d)
public Rectangle (int width, int height)
public Rectangle (int x, int y, int width, int height)
A zero value for a field is assumed if the field is missing from a constructor's argument list.
16.41.Rectangle |
| 16.41.1. | java.awt.Rectangle |
| 16.41.2. | Draw Rectangle |  |
| 16.41.3. | drawRect (int, int, int, int) to draw a rectangle outline |
| 16.41.4. | drawRoundRect (int, int, int, int, int, int) to draw a rounded rectangle outline |
| 16.41.5. | Draw a three-dimensional rectangle outline |
| 16.41.6. | How do I...Fill shapes? |  |
| 16.41.7. | Fill 3D Rectangle |  |
| 16.41.8. | Draw Rectangle with Rectangle2D.Float |
| 16.41.9. | Draw RoundRectangle2D.Float |
| 16.41.10. | Ractangle with rounded corners drawn using Java 2D Graphics API |
| 16.41.11. | Intersection between rectangles |
| 16.41.12. | Grow a rectangle |
| 16.41.13. | Union two Rectangles |
| 16.41.14. | Clips the specified line to the given rectangle. |
| 16.41.15. | Returns a point based on (x, y) but constrained to be within the bounds of a given rectangle. |
| 16.41.16. | Checks, whether the given rectangle1 fully contains rectangle 2 (even if rectangle 2 has a height or width of zero!). |