System Types and C# Shorthand : Data Type « Data Type « C# / CSharp Tutorial

C# Shorthand                   CLS Compliant?                 System Type                Range                                   Meaning in Life

sbyte                          No                             System.SByte               128 to 127                              Signed 8-bit number

byte                           Yes                            System.Byte                0 to 255                                Unsigned 8-bit number

short                          Yes                            System.Int16               32,768 to 32,767                        Signed 16-bit number

ushort                         No                             System.UInt16              0 to 65,535                             Unsigned 16-bit number

int                            Yes                            System.Int32               2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647          Signed 32-bit number

uint                           No                             System.UInt32              0 to 4,294,967,295                      Unsigned 32-bit number

long                           Yes                            System.Int64               9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807            Signed 64-bit number

ulong                          No                             System.UInt64              0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615         Unsigned 64-bit number

char                           Yes                            System.Char                U0000 to Uffff                          A single 16-bit Unicode character

float                          Yes                            System.Single              1.5 * 10^-45 to 3.4 * 10^38             32-bit floating point number

double                         Yes                            System.Double              5.0 * 10^-324 to 1.7 * 10^308           64-bit floating point number

bool                           Yes                            System.Boolean             true or false                           Represents truth or falsity

decimal                        Yes                            System.Decimal             10^0 to 10^28                           A 96-bit signed number

string                         Yes                            System.String              Limited by system memory                Represents a set of Unicode characters

object                         Yes                            System.Object              Any type can be stored in an object variable             The base class of all types in the .NET universe

2.1.Data Type
2.1.1.C#'s Value Types
2.1.2.The C# Value Types
2.1.3.Converting Numeric Strings to Their Internal Representation
2.1.5.Primitives in C#
2.1.6.System Types and C# Shorthand
2.1.7.Data type default value
2.1.8.The differences between int and double.
2.1.9.Explicit numeric conversions
2.1.10.Convert numeric types explicit to 'smaller' types
2.1.11.System.Int32 value
2.1.13.System.UInt16 value
2.1.14.bool: False/True string
2.1.15.ulong: Max/Min value
2.1.16.Parsing strings to create data types
2.1.17.Parsing strings to create data types: int
2.1.18.Parsing strings to create data types: char
2.1.19.CTS Types and Aliases
2.1.20.Specifying Literal Values
2.1.21.Data type Functionality
2.1.22.Default values for primitive types
2.1.23.Data Declarations
2.1.24.Using new to create intrinsic data types
2.1.25.Default Value Comparison
2.1.26.Modular calculation for int, double, decimal and