CTS Types and Aliases : Data Type « Data Type « C# / CSharp Tutorial

CTS Type Name          C# Alias                         Description

System.Object          Object                           Base class for all CTS types

System.String          String                           String

System.Sbyte           Sbyte                            Signed 8-bit byte

System.Byte            Byte                             Unsigned 8-bit byte

System.Int16           Short                            Signed 16-bit value

System.UInt16          Ushort                           Unsigned 16-bit value

System.Int32           Int                              Signed 32-bit value

System.UInt32          Uint                             Unsigned 32-bit value

System.Int64           Long                             Signed 64-bit value

System.UInt64          Ulong                            Unsigned 64-bit value

System.Char            Char                             16-bit Unicode character

System.Single          Float                            IEEE 32-bit float

System.Double          Double                           IEEE 64-bit float

System.Boolean         Bool                             Boolean value (true/false)

System.Decimal         Decimal                          128-bit data type

2.1.Data Type
2.1.1.C#'s Value Types
2.1.2.The C# Value Types
2.1.3.Converting Numeric Strings to Their Internal Representation
2.1.5.Primitives in C#
2.1.6.System Types and C# Shorthand
2.1.7.Data type default value
2.1.8.The differences between int and double.
2.1.9.Explicit numeric conversions
2.1.10.Convert numeric types explicit to 'smaller' types
2.1.11.System.Int32 value
2.1.13.System.UInt16 value
2.1.14.bool: False/True string
2.1.15.ulong: Max/Min value
2.1.16.Parsing strings to create data types
2.1.17.Parsing strings to create data types: int
2.1.18.Parsing strings to create data types: char
2.1.19.CTS Types and Aliases
2.1.20.Specifying Literal Values
2.1.21.Data type Functionality
2.1.22.Default values for primitive types
2.1.23.Data Declarations
2.1.24.Using new to create intrinsic data types
2.1.25.Default Value Comparison
2.1.26.Modular calculation for int, double, decimal and