return « stored procedure « Java Database Q&A

1. checking return status in stored procedures

Iam using executeQuery() on a stored procedure . Iam getting errors like "No resultset for this query". My procedure doesnt return a resultset for the query at all times. So i need to check the return status of the query before i read the result set. Can anyone suggest me the method i have to use to check the return status ...

2. How to access return value from stored procedure thru JDBC interface

Deepa, hope this helps you. JDBC has a standard syntax for executing stored procedures, which takes one of two forms: {call procedurename param1, param2, param3 ... } {?= call procedurename param1, param2, param3 ... } The parameters are optional. If your procedure doesnt take any parameters, the call might look like this: {call myprocedure} If your stored procedure returns a value, ...

3. return value in stored procedures...

hi, I have a stored function named HasAccess(UserID_in IN CHAR) return boolean, which is compiled and tested properly in SQLPlus. I am attempting to call the stored function in a java program as follows: class xyz { public boolean isUpdatable(String userID){ Connection con; CallableStatement cs; boolean zzz; try{ con = getDBConnection(); try{ cs = con.prepareCall( "{? = call HasAccess('Vinman')}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.OTHER); ...

4. output parameter returned by the stored procedure

I do not have answer to above question directly. as I am not using Oracle But i recommed you to prefer 1st approach as the code is more portable. I don't think there will be a lot of performance issue between the statements you mentioned. But there are few ways you can improve performance 1. Use connection pooling, 2. If a ...

5. Stored procedure which returns array

Hi do anyone know how to get result set in an array from a stored procedure I have the following stroed procedure which returns an array PROCEDURE getModels (p_Year_Code IN VARCHAR2, p_Make_Code IN VARCHAR2, P_Model_Id OUT t_Model_Id, p_Model_Name OUT t_Model_Name) IS v_count NUMBER := 0; CURSOR c_Models IS SELECT dm.model_code, mv.value_name FROM EVDB.DCT_MODEL dm, EVDB.MDB_VALUE mv WHERE dm.model_code = mv.value_code AND ...

6. Return Value from Stored Procedure

7. Executing a stored procedure returns false

Hello all, I'm using the following code to call a stored procedure and use the multiple result sets returned by the procedure. cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call "+ "<>"+ " (?)}"); cstmt.setString(1, param); boolean ind=cstmt.execute(); System.out.println(ind); The console prints false and i am unable to get the results. The procedure as mentioned returns mutiple resultsets and I'm using Microsoft SQL server ...

8. Help on how to use my return TRUE value from an Stored Procedure

Hi all! Really don't know if I should post it here...but I am a beginner, but my boss seems to think that I am good in java... So, here is my problem. I use a package to fetch a value from the database (Oracle). It returns Y(true) or N(false). If it returns Y/TRUE I would like to create a SELECT statement ...