1. checking return status in stored procedures coderanch.comIam using executeQuery() on a stored procedure . Iam getting errors like "No resultset for this query". My procedure doesnt return a resultset for the query at all times. So i need to check the return status of the query before i read the result set. Can anyone suggest me the method i have to use to check the return status ... |
2. How to access return value from stored procedure thru JDBC interface coderanch.comDeepa, hope this helps you. JDBC has a standard syntax for executing stored procedures, which takes one of two forms: {call procedurename param1, param2, param3 ... } {?= call procedurename param1, param2, param3 ... } The parameters are optional. If your procedure doesnt take any parameters, the call might look like this: {call myprocedure} If your stored procedure returns a value, ... |
3. return value in stored procedures... coderanch.comhi, I have a stored function named HasAccess(UserID_in IN CHAR) return boolean, which is compiled and tested properly in SQLPlus. I am attempting to call the stored function in a java program as follows: class xyz { public boolean isUpdatable(String userID){ Connection con; CallableStatement cs; boolean zzz; try{ con = getDBConnection(); try{ cs = con.prepareCall( "{? = call HasAccess('Vinman')}"); cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.OTHER); ... |
4. output parameter returned by the stored procedure coderanch.comI do not have answer to above question directly. as I am not using Oracle But i recommed you to prefer 1st approach as the code is more portable. I don't think there will be a lot of performance issue between the statements you mentioned. But there are few ways you can improve performance 1. Use connection pooling, 2. If a ... |
5. Stored procedure which returns array coderanch.comHi do anyone know how to get result set in an array from a stored procedure I have the following stroed procedure which returns an array PROCEDURE getModels (p_Year_Code IN VARCHAR2, p_Make_Code IN VARCHAR2, P_Model_Id OUT t_Model_Id, p_Model_Name OUT t_Model_Name) IS v_count NUMBER := 0; CURSOR c_Models IS SELECT dm.model_code, mv.value_name FROM EVDB.DCT_MODEL dm, EVDB.MDB_VALUE mv WHERE dm.model_code = mv.value_code AND ... |
6. Return Value from Stored Procedure coderanch.com |
7. Executing a stored procedure returns false coderanch.comHello all, I'm using the following code to call a stored procedure and use the multiple result sets returned by the procedure. cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{ call "+ "< |
8. Help on how to use my return TRUE value from an Stored Procedure coderanch.comHi all! Really don't know if I should post it here...but I am a beginner, but my boss seems to think that I am good in java... So, here is my problem. I use a package to fetch a value from the database (Oracle). It returns Y(true) or N(false). If it returns Y/TRUE I would like to create a SELECT statement ... |